HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1979-06-20,. POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDBESS: 81ol Tlru.to! CONSTBUCTION PERMIT # 1o-l,.2g7-79 TRS, TL: 17-02 36 I 205 Subdivision: 16 This permit for the referenced property is hereby rppmvrd. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must b€ strictly observed. Violation can resuli in revocation of this permit, citation undei provisions oi Gne County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Construction approved by this permit: SFD: Matn @ 3944 eq ft3 2nd @ 1892 sq ft; garage G 925 sq ft; and Lnstall SDS stnrcturea now on ProPerty: none + Bedrooms: Applicant/Address: Lsnce M{LlerOwner/Address: Dlverslfled Propertles, Inco r)ntractor/Address: same aa owner uontractor's OS + 885 Total Construction Value: $1801094.00 747-886L 747-886L I Water Su wel-1 + Plumbing Fixtures +Em ees PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION I Zoning: GR-10 Partitioning + na Parcel + lVlinimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: na ; interior property lines: 15r;rear property line: Special lnstructions: na For information call 687-4394, Site lnspection + 79-247 lnstallation specif ications: 1500 350 lineal feet of drainfield required; max' depth of trenchesi 24tt 20r Parcel Size: ne pf gal. min tank capacity; 20 Special lnstructions: Install an equal distributlon system in the approved area described on SI-79-247. Keep dralnfleld on high ground, out of swale. Keep well 100i away fro'n dralnfleld areao Resenre a replacement area for dralnflelSetbacks lnGiior property lines )ge of road right-of-way Building foundation 10' 10'100' For information call Septic Tank -T0'--10' 5', 50' Drainfield--16',- Wel other water sources between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification: SFD/cARAGEType of Construction: 5-N GrouP: R-3 lnstructions; See reverse for inepectlons" For p lans information call 687-3767 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION JLB 5:00 tamb p.m.For inspecti ons (see back of this rmit)call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and Go east on Thurston Road, approxo t nl1e past Thurston E1€m. School on right side of road acrosa fron 8056 Thuraton road Bv 06-20-79 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 lane county Directions to Site Date lssued: c55-1 3 Roger L. McGuckLalLY 6l!r--- hne cor-rrty COMPLETE THIS SECTION. iNCOI,IPLETE FO INFORMATtrL^.] SHEET d._r ffi RMS WILL BE REJECTED! li;; I PROPERTY OI,{IIER MAILING ADDRESS MA ILI NG ADDRESS CITY . ^ STATE ZIP CODI STATt:IIP CODEC ITY BUSINESS TELEPHONE #HOI,IE TELEPHOT'IE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IF DIFFERENT FRO 3 rvtAp & PAFIcEL NTJlvlBEFI (from tax maps in Departrnent of Assessmerrt and 'Taxatio or frcm tax statement)UIRED INFORMATION) RP ZON I NG TTINSHTF MME SEeilON TAX LOT(S) 0R PTRC.EI-T i,rl'ii I':G m[mETtr FriiEE sEer-ToN ffi ZON I NG TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAI,IE OWNERSHIP: 4 SUBDIVISI0N ( if appl icable) 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) BJ rL2 3 ACRTS LOT BLOCK ZONE /LAND USE: nnTr.ut'tlL. ** FOR !I4II !!! oi'tlY ** TII4E IN:.- OUI: NUI,IBER DATI - I l,>tr, f o+A Alrt- l-trnrrtr L r n rrrr ifllildfrFMrf,r-t. I lI l/ I (. , ,)t\j nn nrrnl co, /tni.7 -gffi HOEE_TTIEFFONtrT__ \ 6 DIRFCT1ONS TO SITE: *tI,,Lre- 6l,ot Job Address Appl ication for I Structures now on the Property If this app t.s.itSH*S.!,!.fl iE+n*ililication is for an agricultural building i Lane County Code Chapter l0 (zoning) and for no other of record;contract purchaser; DEPAR" IT OF ENVIRONHENTAL I,IANAGEMENT *JB, I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I iisilffii.Gup:-ru,,r)* t /-r s,,ffi Ht,1! ;xji /-7 t*#ffi$..$,fi$,,lriit r-rii*il$ilr.fffi , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate t will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and ' purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property:'lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; lnowTElgeable of-TnII appl icat ion. & PhoneAppl i cant owner--Fnuiy au thor i S i gna tu relAddres s act Tel z1 or Da te tJhen permit is ready notifY Owner Con tractor Contractor's OSR# If Conrnercial Residential: SI test holes /_/ Wner 17 Contractor ry-mai l z1 Ox z1 Phone Plumbing by # of employees 7/ Existing /d/Proposed :j r::::... ,,h,fQ,:.\( :ffiiiifit'iiiu.: ,':tffit ',#:1$fii::Silrtg$:. ,'$0*t,, 6 /_t Received by Water Supply b}..r* Va l uati on t Tota'l Valuati on : $,JA, -.ct- at at $ $ eac h each $ $ Su btota'l TOTAL $ 4% State surcharge Pians check fee Change of 0ccupancy $ $ Exi\q\*t *;Z $Proposed _ Year Insta'l led $ PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks Parcel # t,front , side int rea r Comments To be typed on permit CP&I Type To be typed on permit Group By Da te By Date PhoneFor plans information call (area inspector) -; Directions to si te Pl ans to : CP& I I,IPC Da te ul Date to PCC# /7 Planning FoR INF0RI'IATI0N about progress of your application call c74-t7l Hold Slipto PCC Da f.-e llompl eted /_/ euOlic Works /-/ Elc;*nl-ion t6oo""r,5//8.n/a /-/)aci I i ty Permi t /rt*iron*ental Health Permit control center 687-HELP (687-4357) c-r/ Fee set(s) set(s) f,fr^w DEpA' ,ENT 0F ENV I RONI4Ei.tTAL tu\NAGEiIENT ..--,PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE TUGEIiE, OREGON 9740I Appl ication # Assigned NumbersJob Address Township, Range, Section, Subdivision Structures now on the property Proposed use of property: // Residential ! Commercial Affidavit: I, p1 ease ri nt /_7 Industrial /_/ Public hereby certify that this information is true and accurate t vrill be used for purposes allowed by the State Bui'lding Code and purpose. I have the fol.lowing 1ega1 interest in the property: l essee; hol der of an excl us i ve opti on to purchase; knowledgeable of this application. (zip) City Tax Lot Lot 81 ock --Appl ication fo. If this appl ication is for an agricultural building i Lane County Code Chapter l0 (zoning) and for no other owner of record; contract purchaser;---du1y authori zed to -dct-Tor the owner, who i s Si gnature/Address Owner Telephone _ or When permit is ready notify: /-7 Applicant /-/ Owner /-/ Contractor !y: /-/ nail l7 phone Da te z1 Phone PhoneContractor (ziP) Contractor's OSR# Plumbing bY DO NOT WRITE BE LOW THIS LINE If Commercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms SI test holes ready # of employees ---- # of units SDS: / / Existing, BP # /_/ Proposed, Si # Fee Code Descri pti on Sq. Ft. or # of Sitg:Valuation $ $ $ $ Total Val uati on : P1 umbing fixtures at Sewer/water conn. at each $--- each $__ $ $ $ /-l Cash /_/ Check # Received by $ Water Supply 4ii State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy Su btotal TOTAL $ $ $ $Proposed --Year Instal I ed Existing _ PERMIT PROCESSING Zone Minimum setbacks Part. #Parcel #Parcel Si ze t , front t, side ; int rea r Comments To be typed on permit By _,.Da te I^IATER POLLUTION CONTROL Instal I ation speci fications 6t t. tank; 3SOJ*,To be typed on rmi t Te1 ephone By Directions to site . of drainfielci; max deplh of trenches Da te _ Dr.-" to: cP&l// srF] nr-t 1-/ CP&I /-/ lyiPc // Planning /-/ Publjc !^lorks //Eievation //n/a-/_ / Address l-l Facilit1'Permit / / Enu i ronmen ta I Hea I th set(s) set(s) Da te Requ i red Hcld Slip to P0C D.l te Cotrp leted Da t,e to PCC FOR INF0Ri!ATI0N about progress of your appiication call Permit Control Cente" 687-HELP G87-4357) Unit Cost Fee ) I I I I ! I l I I o \ IrP EP LC l?,?779 NEtdR sDs l :1 E .; o at (r t 1 o CI o o 0 o f) 47.SUR pcK NCI. C0Nl{E[T{1f{$: 3 },ISCHANIfAL FTE STATS SUEf,HAfTSE, PLAH CHSCK F'HE SDSI t t10094 4 ^ O0 EAfit'l * 50x ENVH TOTAL FEgfiT 40s.30 96.SS to.oo 20.58 !$?. xl5 33.0S SIFO CFI tdFC PLAN 1 Bl ?.31t ct( 1 SLEV ADDR COHPLE'TED 8Y FP LANE COUNTY DEPT TNV T{GT RECEIPT * t f?,,t,?? AppLrsANT DIVHftSTTTED pnor'gnrrms DATfl 0$08ll9 TAXLoT t ?S336S$$S?05 SUS$IVISION LOT ELK Nfll,, FLp6 TyFE sru usE R N0 FDRU$ o? No UNITs oOt Ho srCIRrEs ltlo BLllGs oOt CODE APFL NO ACTICIN NESSRIPTICIN $& FT I"J}IIT STIST VfrLUA ICIN FEg SAYS BP sF DI{AIN 3944 32.IS I 3?{ 94 sF ?ND LSVEL {s?2 ?4'SO 4540S BF GAHAGE 9?5 S'I$ ?4?? BF BF \ laneccunty APPLICATION # Name Address Z'ip Co de The above application js being held by the Permit Processing Section for the following reasons: Div ion: Si gnat Date HOLT' SLIP -/9 Division: Si gnature I ? I f the 'i n formati on Th'is aPP lication wi ll be held until te yo ur app lCa tion will be cance lled. requ'ired above has not been furn'ishe r!at Fees Pai d for waste disPosa 1 systems el d) are (s'ite i nsP e cti ons and/or aPP I i cati ons to i ns tal 1 the sePt'ic ta nk and drainfi n on re fun dab le. Some refund m a.y be made on the bu"il di ng and p1 umbi ng Port'ion of You r apPl i cati on if cancellation 'is necessarY. sts over wh'ich Yo u have In the even o control we t a Planning or will hold the Pe some other lon rm'it unti I gt-term he pro p ,b roblem ex'i lem 'is res o1v ed and we rece i ve word n suance or proce is u can.ellation' iom you as t Date f C7 t+'L39 o whether to Proce ed with P ermit is PERMIT PROCESSING SECTION 687-4394 J dqo CANCE \TION/REFUND AUTHORIZATION Permit # Name (please print) Address Applicant() 0wner() Reason for cancelling permit Contractor ( ) Si gnature Date Fees paid for waste disposal systems (site inspections and/or applications to install the septit tant and drainfield) are ordinarily nonrefundable. Some refund may be made on the Uuitaing and plumbing portions according to the amount of the permit processed. ( 0FFrcE usE oNLY) CONS TRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS Authorization for possible refund:Building permit fee Mobile home fee Plumbing permit fee Plan check fee State surcharge fee TOTAL AMOUNT o/$ $ $ ol a/ la lo ol lo $ $ $4 Si gnature Date hJATER POLLUTION CONTROL Authorization for possible refund:Sept'ic di sposal sYstem Site inspection fee TOTAL AMOUNT Date ol lo lo $ $ $ S'ignature TO DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Bu'i1d'ing permit refund $ State surcharge refund $- Septic disp. sY st. refund $ S'ite 'inspecti on refund TOTAL TO BE REFUNDED $ $ PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: Name 24-08-24/Acct 46960/Prog 021 24-08-24/Acct 46960/Prog 02.| 24-08-25/Acct 42133/Prog 0ll 24-08-25/Acct 42134/Prog 012 Receipt # Receipt # Recei pt # Receipt # Date DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE/PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING I 25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740I c7 4-l-79 TRS, TI'Job Locatlon (Addr aec\ Subdivision Lot r) ) EAar Block For For For THURSTON ROAD Pernlt /l For Permlt lf For Permit /l For 6,cA\teue$D >1 + eflral$b NE.lJ. Pernlt ,iPlcrt Plan Permlt il Permi tll ,l: ) _) { 0o .z- l-o lJl m , llo .6<r=ltrJ(c QeA\rtur<oLv 3oO + ^t)ao f, E o 7. ) {-+ 8,056b 19 o c F o 7 ko@seD Hou:e- c74-150 Viclnlty Map N E^X \\31.8'\r # 00 \q{