HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1980-06-04DEPAF-'qNT OF ENVIRONMENTAL I'IANAGEMENT .-- ,SB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Job Address 8lO I THu L\ ?o SPEI IJ6FIEI-Dt1-oz -3G -z oq lifotii,i :[IliiiitiiK: tr lilrp$H*rrfffi,' /_/i8ffiffi.]sffii rli*rrs$Bisn#ii: /_/iliiiihllii{i:liri hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. Appl ication for Structures now on the property Affidavit: I, If this applica Lane County Cod tion is for an agr e Chapter l0 (zoning) and for no o ngi ther pu rp0s cu ura 'ldi t wilI owner of record;con trac t pu rc ha ser; owed by t legal in of an exc 0n.---duly autho Si gnature/Address rized to a or the Te l ephone , who be used for Pue, I have the rposes a1 1 following lessee;I der ble sa p1 i cat he State Building Code and terest in the property: lusive option to purchase; z1corDate Hhen permit is readY notifY:Ap Owner Con trac tor 4 Contractor's 0SR# If Commercial Residential: SI test holes ready !:t#sii fi&s-Se$sriiliriitt hr!:l cant l-l Owner /:/Contractor lyr mail z1 z1 /-/ phone Ph;, a 47a7 n() Phone Plumbing by # of employees I,.*....0t..,,.. totl!ie$i - ..ff',,:,Ut,,,:,bCId ,. - :#i#,,, ;rr iii ii$$tiiiii /_/ Existins, BP #/ /!./4roposed, Sl # ,$uxf,riFt.ii.'iulri m,*#, :.#,i,i[,f.:.:i$.ittit:.r i : Val uati on Fee Total Va.l uati on : $ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy $- each $- each Subtota l TOTAL $ $ $ :i#liffi iti$iiii:tlXifislfr,,f $il i|. - {+,1."#.]sil.tEi1:i i sottutlr,, at at/_/ Rece i ved l,Jater Supply Propos ed Year Instal led Exi sti ng PERM]T PROCESSING Comments To be typed on permit Part. #Parcel #_ Parcel Size. intMinimum setbacks:, frontt aL, side rea r By Da te Group Fire Zone Use Classification To be typed on permit By Da te For plans information G (area inspecn tor Di ions to site ans to e /_t stro r / CPbY- ra4r,_/ / Planning l-/ Public h/orks /_ / El evati on /-/ Address /-/ Facil i ty Permi t ,/l Environmental Health FOR INF0RI'IATi0N about progress of your application call c74-L7L CP& I hIPC set set Da te Requ i red Ho)d Slipto PCC Da te Compl eted Date to PCC n/a permit Control Center 687_HELP gB7_4357) ,tJ tu-rz- $ CP&l Type_ I 2.* 3 4 rr!II ts\ t E frLr 5.--- 6 ( t l6 Jq 20 ., 22 8- l0 t2 t4- 36 3E __. 40 2{ 26 .*. 28 39 t4 I 5{r 1 fi0 llfi'Ii:. ,}ci$ qfi(} AFF'l-i:tAi.iT nM.hiSl:FI[:n FftnFr'l,1Il-.t..F-h: AI]f]ft ;J1]li$ Hr\Il'{ Sl'" St''F:l:i'J$lrIE:i-0, ilft TL* 1'70;136:l{-}S0:10:5 SLJL{I}M-{IT I{l-H NHLI fri-.$G T''f PE USH R Nfi Fnf{H,l 0(:1 l,lll tjl,lI'l'i; 001 NII ,:il't}ft I HS Nt} til-Sfii; i},i} ii:nDll {rF'F't._ l\{u ACTIt}N r}[:Sfit{It}]'l:trt'{ rrq rl' LJt'lI1'{:lt}ii1'vALtiA'rIt}Fr F'F_E:: $fiyr.' Ft-' fiF' rJF' rt F' fJ l-' T' F. 32 .._ 42_ !4,._.. 16 F'L HECH SUH PI]H ,.! I., -\ Il. t0: 9to ui'. _ , -_l = = N0. Fl.XTL,HES: Nfi. [UNtlEC]'t]ftS: I'tECl{fTNICAI* FEE STATIi .TURCI.IARGE PI..AH [HE:{:K F EIi r-c 150180 snsx RENEb, 1?q77? d !.* d .L :: u0Ht-'LIT].t]N ]ATri 5 ^ {:i,} E.A[]t'l :: tlL tlTFr Iss '7 J TOTAL FEE*X 1! ri ,:\ l|l /J ?5"0s cH 48 50. - 52 56.. 62. {::AT6: Af}F'SEQU: I TAKEN }JY CH _!1 58 60 64 lrw t lq11 lane county DATE: /.J /. TT RE /rt1 ADDRESS .I^INER zo f /?-oz-34.22-* MAP AND TAX LOT NI]MBER ACCOTTNT NI]I{BER IF AVAILABLE ************************************************************** The above pa rcel is zoned /'r< ./ o The defl-nltion of this zoning is as follows z 73 ,ftE7a o h(B Z 2-a )? -.rc-2,€ ? -,'t - ^-,1:Z*tCzzCal. .zert€ ,e4/A-44A4 u/E a(B ptof c7Q/ GR/ t AND MANAGEN4FN r DIV/PUB[ l(l WOI]KS DEPT I 125 EASI8rH AVENTJE / EUGENE, OREGON 97401 / (503) 687_4061 Q ,r,a4Z (,/r/o r//, rZEz,z4^/rt/- lane countyHOI.L STSP ffi!' - APPLICATION # LOCATION F NAME ADDRESS The Lane County Water Pol'lution Control Division cannot proceed withprocessing your appl ication because: Incomplete application (items deficient). l-l naaress and/or directions to appl ication site. f]ProRosed number of bedrooms in dweliing. Approvable p'lot plan (see attachment). 2 2 4 J-l noUfication of date test holes will be ready. Verification of existing system required (memorandum explaining this proceduie attached). Two test holes (2'X4'X5' deep) required for expansionor repair of existing sewage disposal system in the area of the proposed drainfields. Other: SIGNA DATE If the necessary corrections are not made within days, the application will be denied. -- WATER PoLLUTI0N CoNTBoL DIVlstON / I25 EAST 8th AVENUE I PUBLIC SERVICE I]UILDING ENViRONI4ENIAL MANAGEMENT DEP / EUGENE, OREGON 9740I tElI[U[, rhlt 't. ,. t l)4r')(L0 0 0 n l/'l /D m \ne Q(Jut '.' t ssLr! slew APPLICATiON # LOCATION NAME ADDRESS /IP COD E The Lane County Water Pol'lution Control Division cannot proceed withprocessing your appl ication because: Incomplete application (items deficient). l-l nAAress and/or directions to appl ication sf te. [*l Proposed number of bedrooms in dwel'ling. ['I Approvab]e plot plan (see attachment). lJ ruot'ification of date test holes will be ready. Verification of existing system required (memorandumexplaining this procedu.e-atiict.Ji. -- \'r'|v"rvr q ]y !es! holes (2,)(4,X5, deep) required for expansionor repair of existing sewage'iispdsat ,yri.*-i[-il,.area of the proposed-drainii.iai. t. ?. 3. 4.Other:-..---ZlO/ ) Lb If the nece ssa ry correcti ied.ons are not made withincation wfl I be den E tf days, the ' r2s EAsr uilEfrE^?filrr,r] ,o*rF8u,,-?d,jidflirr Burro(Ne f il y r Ro i\ rA4 E NJI.-, l,fA'd,f ,xrulJ, DE rd g II[u [, \ It ,fifl r'N , ^4, al \q 4t (/ z htn, v als VY vVr h ?t r V 'l 4 o u rlL DT. ^RTIlENT OF ENV I RONI4Ei,iTAL IlANAGEI'1ENT PSB, 'I 25 EAST BTH AVEI'1UE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Ci ty }Pe-r P6,FI&LD 'i cati on si gned Numbers #ff) Job Address I tO I -frrua Irx\ Rn Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot t1-oz Subdiv ision Application Structures now on the proPertY Proposed use of property: /-/ Residential /-/ Commercial Affidavit: I, ease pr nt Lane County If this app lication is for an agricultural bu Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no ing i other pu rpos td t w'i ll owner of record;con trac t pu rcha ser;---duly authori zed to act Tor the own , who S i g na ture/Add res s Te1 ephone When permit is ready notifY: l-l A /_/ Industrial /_/ Publtc hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and e. I have the following iegal interest in the property: lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; le of-TrrJs app I i cati on ?1 - 1G *z *zo4 for Lot _ Block p ( or Date : " icant /-/ Owner /-/ Corttractor !y: /-/ nail /_/ pnone Phone Phone 0wner Con trac tor R Contractor's 0SR# If Commercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms SI test holes ready Code Descri pti on # of employees -- # of units z1 z1 )P1 umb ing by SDS: /-/ Existing, BP # l-Lffioposed, SI # Fee 5q. Ft. or # of Sites Valuation Fee Total Valuation: $ Plumbing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ $ each $ each $/_/ Casn /-/ Chec Rece i ved Proposed _ Year Instal I ed k#Su btota I 4ii State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy TOTAL PERMIT PR0CESSING Lon Minimum setbacks G Part. #Parcel #-=-.---Parcel Si ze Da te front ; t, side int rea r Comments To be typed on permit By I^IATER P0LLUTI0N CONTR0L Instal lation specifications ga1. tank ft. of drainfield; max.th of trenches: It . Tobe Di ct'ions to s ?1 / / SIFO Pl ans to CP&l set( s ) t^iPC - set(s) Hold Slip to PCC Da te Conpl eted Da te Requ i red Date toDtr / / cP&l' {4 wpc /7 Planning /-/ Publjc Works / / Llevatron /_ / Address n/a /*/ Faci ) i t1' Permi t /-/ Enuironmental Heal th Te1 epho FOR INFORII,ATI0N about progress of your appiication ca)1 Perm1t Control Center 687-HELP rc87-4357) </ /5AEN I 74L J tii( ) /\2,r) Pt /f-l t Unit Cos t --6- \-+.r'1- s liater Supply Existing i*.' a $ $ 5 ( $ I -'r- l I '. -;rl. :'l-('--rN r:[]r\c lLnacwplabb" I L'n! r:^r rD'- t: , - ZoO ZE?LrcE*ME,JT Azr-* (tr, !' f i"t-12- I)-N 5t \ s,F qk + i 6er.t-Ll!. = ee?T,c T*DIL + Z-OO. p4z4tDFt ErnJ 3 Lpz=@ 7) w)1, !fr.)!' 6rst L fj,/-D .ttC) ) jl ) \,i .: 7 N\\trU I //4 iia,'. -tfl'- |. sV)Pe Dl , I a v i, DI :t ,]ta4- - -.- --/R.t irc -S-+ r\.i 'r t';=1 1a9 4, ),.( Ls.aa. ta u "t ;:, L.r-,'-r..-.-, : ._,-.. al I:{V'- Ftt-€- \iQ ,nr'b;-:-> It './ :="':-- LA NE CO UNT Y B UI LDI NG -f E R }IIT POsT IHIS PERMIT t)N MAIN BUILDING AT,sITE bre courty JOB ADDRESS: fRS, TL: ll-02-36.2, ZOs SUBDIVISi0N: N/n PERMITTEE: Lance Mi I Ier DATE ISSUED: July 17, 1980 DIRECTIONS TO SITi::right side. tllP 28305- 5E-2 BY: Kathi t./eiderhold/Candi Hart 0ne-fourth mile past Thurston Elernentary School on CONSTRUCTION PIRMIT # LC ]5OI-80 8101 Thurston Road, Springfield, 0negon i:x|]iY:li3l,^i:HYl',3J0]Xtidilyl]: Renewar or subsurrace sewase disposal C0NDITI0NS 0F AppR0VAL: Subsu.Lace^lgwqge dispgsat gyslem instailationspecifications: 1'000-garioi"ilnk; zoo iEet'of"arainfiera; *iri*rm depth oftrenches; ?4 inches,- [;il";.;inri.io-u;-i;.;i io reet rro* ai'i"foundations andproperty rines, qnd t00 flei i"* ar.water-iour..r. Keep septic tank atteast five feet from buii;i;s'rounoatr;;;'io"iult frcrn ari p.Siurty rinesand 50 feet from ur;;i;;'rJri..r, 10 i..i-r.r, ed.se of rightbrway.Install d.ainfield and reserve'eplacement area as shown on the attachedpl ot pt an stamn"o apfro;;";il lurua Juiv"16, -igeo, . use. equir distribution ; ff I l, :r'i:H:,':r,ff. ;'fuikl,I,:$,i$:, .j*::r8x,rilr e ma i nta i n i ;s - ***************** **** SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PNOVTSTOTIS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLObIED BY LAI^I. bIHEN READY FOR INSPECTI0N (see attached) call 687-4065. Have the followins iniormation ready: permit number, iob address, type_of.inspection, when it w'ir1 be ready, your ni*e unA phone numnei, and any special directions to site' OTHER QUESTIONS? Cal1 687-4394' \ t..NVII.IOI'iMIN I AL MANA(;I MENI DEPARTMENI 125 EAST t]tFI AVENUE / EUGENE, OREGON 974Oi C0i{sTRttCTI$}i ptRl,lIT f LC 1501_80 ,, JOB As0*ESS: El0r Thurston Rord, sprrngfrard, Oregon TRS, TL: l7-CI2-36.2. eOS SUBDIYI5I0H: 14/e C0FISTRUCII0H APm0ytB BY THIS PTRHIT: Rcnmal of subsurflss scrngs rusBosalinstal lat,lon, pemnlt nu$ber tZSi-lg. ' 'rf,"Ytsr * c0llDlTIOt{s 0F AppR.cylr: -gubrtrface^seragc drsposal system rnstarlatlonspeclflcations; 1,000 9rilon-iinri aoo iiet-,ii'aiiinii;U #iilwr depth ortrenchesi 24 lnches.--[*gp drolnfielc at-ieaii io r"ut rr&r iii founda6ons andproporty llnes, and 100 feet frm all reater sorr.*s. Keep sep6c tank rtleast flYe feet froa building foundatlo^,-io-i"i,t frsn a1 property linrs.nd 50 fect frara al r uater riurces, r0 fiat frori ccge of rrghtofway. Install dralnfleld rnd reserve replacwent area as shown on the attrched?lot-plan stamped approvao rnd aatea Juii-fS,-iS60.-'rt| 6uii-of strtbuttonlf all trenches ctn-be lnstalled at the ime-rievailon *iie-*aintotnlng:peclfled trench depth. 0ttrendse use serlal distrlbuilon. PERI,{lfTtE: Lance ill I Ier PO$I THIS PERHIT fi;li I'AIfl ItLIILOIiI$ AI SIrE DATE ISSUED: July 17, 1980 By: Xatht t{ctderhold/Candt }tart $ISrcTl0Hs T0 SITEr 0nrfourth slle part Thurston El€Bentary School onrlght glde. h,p u8305-5E-2 / )l . t'i .', t; .,t' tul.{fr 11 i' ,.i+ I { siq i I I-..\6) ;\If-tL ;uz*ru,t; i t, l ,1+ I I'I Il ,78 -{q ! I I I I It ( t t 37,8 r!a ) t i I+- I - t.'l f . ,1: 1'\ r.\i , E ,\f-l 'i I I t.t F )i I