HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-05-03fl..RESIDtrNTIAL.. APPLICA,_,)N/PERMIT 225 Nov,th 5th StY'eet Springfield' )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFIELD- 8C)+s\nn Rc.c\tt-Job Loeaticn:\ Aesessore Map t \ I n3 ?J,g I'c,s Lot # Subdiviaion: Otmer: Addt,ess City: 3 { 'Rs-siclunng-- Describe h'orl<: ,qdditicn Date of Appltcation. W,", TI wValue RemoCeL !.'lobiLe ,t!ome Gener I'Iec n_Lca Pluinbing Pa!1e 1 of 2 \--_----r'" Date: ec tr ca Supe sin Eler: t r it iittt It ia the responsibility of the pernit holdet, to see that aLL inspeetions ate nade at the ptoper time, that ecch addresa i.s readab)e front the str.eeb, anC that the permtt cand is Located at the fpont of the property**uil-ding D"iuisior ap',roce,l plan s|u:LL remai.n on thc BuilJinll :-!t: at aLL times. PROCEDUPE FOR INSPECTIO\| REQUEST:CALL 726-3769(recordey,) state your City Cesigna_ted job nunber', job aCd.z'ess' tgpe- 9f -inepec:ictzeacyfot,inspection,Contractorso,,a,ner's-naneindphonenutber.Reque8ts"ecei."*edbefcre7:00cl'r:ill be nade the sane dcg, ?equests mcde aftet, 7:0a an uiLL be nade the ncxt'sot'king day, Iour City Desigrated Job Ntntber fs:// w '8 E SI?E fNSPEC?ION: To be nade after es"al;tion, but prior tc set up of forrne. ANDERSLAB PLUI4BTNC. ELECTRICAL & MECH|IIICAL: To be rutde befot.e ,:ny ffiF-l{7Zoev,ed. F)OTING & F)UNDATICN: To be maCe after trenches are and forns ore erected, but prior to pow,ing ccncrete. UNDERGROUTID PLUMSrNC, S|WER2 W,|TER' DRAII\AG\: Tc, be na;le prior bo fil-Tfr-ienehes. UI|DERFLOOR PLUI.IB IIVG,9 I,IECHAN ICAL : 10-6; mAari;Tol, to installat'Lon of floor insulation or decking, made aruT approueT, FfPXPLICE: Pnior to placirq facing ^ctAAG and before'franing |n"pn.- tion. FRAI'IINC: l,luet be requestecl after aWtouat of rough plutnbing, eiectri- cal & meclwnical. AL! t"oofing bz,acing & ehinmeys, etc. rrust be eonrpleted. lla ucrk is to be con- cecled until this inspection has'been nade anC approted. INSULA'TIOI\I / VAPCIR BARRIER I IIS?TCE9A :DEtfiLfiIoll ORWci-afr requined oapot, ba.tt,i.e?s ote in place -.but befoz.e any Lath, gypslon boarC or rnLL couev,ing is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. €anltaoy g?e" .?,W.ed-.3..t- property Lire Septic tank punped and filled uith graLel Final - I{hen abcue itens are ecnpleted and uhen Cemolition is complete or stvu3- ture mooed and. pt'emiaes cleaneC up, Ilcnes Blocking and Set-up Plunbing connections -- eaie? and uater Electrical Connection - Blocking, aet-u: and plutnbing connections m;st be apprcueC before requesting eleclrlcal inspeclion Accessory Buildlng MAS)NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or uerticals in accordance Lltth U,B,C, Secti.on 241.5 . DRYllAtt, INSPECTI)N: Tc be made aften aLL CryuaLL is in pLace, but pnior to ang taping. WOODSTO\,/E cc^pl;teA. After installation is CURB ,& APPROACH APP,ON:f71 posr AND BEAM: To be nadc prior toiA I T;"dTT;;t;;o! ftoor insullation or decking. r-71 ROI.IGH PL-U!lBI!|C, ET.EIT!?ICA:. ,t LIECH-t^t - until thcse tnspectiors haoe bect; are erecteJ buTpvlo; to concf,ete. SIDEI,IALK & DRTYEHAy: Fot, a'1..! con- crete paoLnsni-rtl ii street right- of-MA, to be made after aLL erca- oating conplete & forn umrk & sub- base material in place. After forns ' pour,'ing Final - After etc. ate conp, pctckes, skirting, decks, Leted. ,y w w IENCE: ra4ten conPlate -- PtouiCe gates or mooable sections through P, U. E. rt fu;YZ*7 6<ts7 ?p\ S.tzzrrz/ry ,tuB FITIAL PLUI4BIIIG FINAL MECITANICAT, FTNAL ELECTRTCAL Wab*o.furcs ,/e ALL pro.jecL aonditions, such as tle i.nstallation of s+-r,eet trees, conple.tion of the requined Land.sccping, etc., mtst be satisfied before the BUILDING FfNAL ean be requested. ?1NAL BUII,DLNC: The I'inai Building fnspection mtst be t,equested a.fter the ,Final Plwnbing Electrical, anC Meehnnical Inspectrons llaua been nade and approueC.@ / *ALL I,|ANHCLES AND CLTANOUTS t'tuSr BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST\IEI\! ?0 BE I'tt1DE /.T N0 C1Sr T0 cl?y Phone: zip: ( tr L-co dSOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO. Lot Faces - lieatks House AccessP. L. th ::one Bedrooms Topography Lot Sq, Ftg.TfrT TYPE _ rnterior Corner Panlwnrlle CuL-de-sac % cf Lct Corserage # of Stories Total Height -- Fees -- x ValueI?EII FTG llain TOTAL VALUT OcS.D.C. 1.5 c fe-e:@ Date Patd Receipt tt: \7 51-gled Building Vqlue & Permit This permit is g?anted on the erpress conrli.tion ttnt the said.constraction sLnLL', in all r,"espects, confomn-to tlrc 7rdinance edop.te,l itiy the City 2f ipil-"g1l.nta, tnctuding- the Zoning C,dtnanc_e, regulctittg the cc.nstt'Lleticn . and use of buildings, and ney be suspended or reuokeC at cny t"ne upon olc- lation of attt1 prcuiaions of said }rdinances. Euildingl Pemrtt Total Clnrges State NO.FEEITEM Fittut'es '2 seResidential Qbath) 2O.*Sani Seuer a4> + Sa'78 a Plumbing Permit No person slnll constntet, inetall, all;et ot'cltange,cnlJ neo-cr ectsti.ng fi,;ti| or drainage systen in ahole ot'. in part, inless s.uch person is the ieial p"osses"o, oT"o rltid ptu bnr's LicensZ, e^t9ept tkat a P?'"?" nag fo. ptiitlirg uork to propnitg ,lhi,.h it otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. * Pltonbing Petnit State NA. Neu/Extend Circuits tCe> Seruiee e' --z' 5o Electricql Permit Whet'e Sl;ate Lar,t requit'es t wt the electt:ical aork be done by an Electt'ical Contractor, thn el)ctil'iaL portion of thla,permit shall not be ualiC until the Label -lns been aigned by the Electt'ical Contxactor' Total CIIARCENC.ITXM -?t,e Ezha.4st Hood I v &Vent Fatz Hcodstozte 3-*a zz-se * Mechqnicql Permit PetnrLt Issuance Meehanical Perrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec'ari Main Permib 6v,rbcu! Sidatalk .20LL ,a ,IOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*7rL /6 */-az. TotaL I HAnE CAREFI)LLy EnAMINSD sfil esmpleted application fo1 permit' and do i"inUy iirtify tnat aLL- ittfotTnatiZn het'eoi is l:rue and' earrect' artC r frntL"., inrtiiy that ony o'd aLL uo.t'k pe^rf-otned aLnLL be done in aceo?- 'iin e uith th'e" oy,dinamc"es of the ci,ty 'of -springficld, .and th-e La;s of the. State of Oregon p"ot"iitis-'to tie aoiX Cesbribid hcreitt, ctzd tlwt No ,CCU- PANC| uiLL be mace of i",a'ttr"Liui ui'thout pertnisaion of the Suilding Di- oieion. f fut'ther certify t'hat o:zly con-trac'tors a;;d enplcyees uho at'e in ;;;pli"""; ritt ons zot.b"ss uiLL be-used on this proiecL Mobile Hone Y4t Signed Date 5- /24.4.A Carnaa r'fr.e> Aeec,ssot u /yZ . ot26l CHARCE - llctet, 7G*wn Zfrqtrra. Tatal- Chrzroee Storaoe - !?t72e s 66./e I I