HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-09-21tt..RESIDEFITIAL.. APPLICATION, . NRMIT 225 ilov,th Sth StY'eet Springfieltl, )regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 726-3?53 5e SPNINGFTELD 'ob lacaticn: lBBesoots I'lap fl n0a o\ ivbdivision: )-mer:N€I iddress: ?ct t-ot ll zip o)1:i 1 ,,oo.tr" ,,o^"?*^/-8a Deacribe h'orl<: Value Neo ldditicn Renoi!el Data: Date of App Licaticn l-res lenera I ) Iutnb lng ,lecha ruicaL ccCf c;r luDerv 1n tilecrricirtrr I.t io lhe reoponaibi_Lity of tlu permit hold,en to Eae that aLL inopeotionl are nada at the ptoper time, that ocoh ailreao ia readabie l'notn the atreet, anC thac the pcmrit oard ie Lccated at the front of the property,;8uilding Nvici.ot: up;roved plan slatl renain on tlp Duilding Sit. At all' dhea,' 'l?OcsDuPE Fon lNsPtelrcil !!!!ES!:CALL 726-3769 (tccorden) atate your City deaignated job nunben, job aCdrcaa, typa of intpeclicn @eacly|orinapcct"!on,Cotttractoraoio,,",,.,,*,uLipt,o7"nwtbct..hiquiotereLeii,edb|epre,?:00cl:iLL be nnde the aane dcy, tequesto ncde aftet T:00 on tiLL be nlu<la the ncrt wrking'day, 940 fu"tIout' Ciby Deaigr,ated Job Nwnber fo ?om,t'no,l f -enoali--J SIi't .l'rvSl'SC':It)N: 'l'o be nude a!'ter ) et"aurffi;Ti pricr tc ce! up of - fotme, -1 UNDERSLAD PLL'I,IBINC. TLEC"TNICAL AlnyJ-DorR LB ooDcred. l FOOTINC 1 FOU\IDATIC\I: To be trnCe af t e r -t re rrc h ii-diiircava t ed arrd forns ate erected, but prior to pouring ccncreCc. l 1 !!qslc!?ou!!D p!.uLE tNc, ssvlp). H.1TEI.)@rcjr{Lir4 trenches. .l uilDERFLooR pr,u:rJr:,tc ,, uECllANrcAL:J@-t"Eonof floor inaulction or decking. 1 Posr luo atau: To be nade prior to) 7;;tall;;i;;-of ftoon insutation on decking, ROltClt ?r,ulBtlc, tIt:ernlcA!. .t Nqcil-iiic i i, :- tto utoiI7;T;-t;'"o aA. eTuntiL thcee inspeclions ltaue been manle arul approve:!. Ff.?EPqiqE: Ppior to plcciruj facingnc.teyials arul bcfore franing inop"i-tion- 2nYv!lt,t, INSPE|MN: To bo nnda a!'tet, ell dryunll io in pl.ace, but prior to any taping. ttAg-ON ItY : S beel locq.tion , bontl be<unc, grouling on vertiaala in accor<lance vith U,8.C, Section 2415 , t/00DST)|/t: ocnryileted. After inttallation ia Sanitary aerter capped, at pnoperty Line Septic tork ptoqed atd. filled uith gratel Final - l{hen above itens are ccnpleted and uhen tlenplttion io oanplete or sttLtr- turo moved and pretri,oeo oleanell up. Lrobi e llcmaE Blooking atd sat-up Plwnbi.ng connectiono -- oa/)et anC uaten Elaotrioal Connsotion - Blookittg, Bet-ui and plunbing oonneotione truat be apprc,-ed befolc requeettng eleolrtoal inapec)ion Aoceaooriy Duildirq Pinal - Aftor pcrohea, okirt.Jng, decke,eto. ane oanpleted. MILL! {9ry1 v4!'9R BA|U1 r t:R ! ilspgc'troN :D$IOLITIOII OR !.IOVED BUt; i; ,,;atne qfter uLL-i;aut.ttion aA rcquirecl uapor booriera ote in plaoe but bet'one any Lath, 7yplwn boar<l or tuLL ooveying io applied, cnd, beforeay intulation ia concealed. l CURB & APPIICACII APNI'I: After fornoaxe cP*teC 6;fptn;; to pouriig conct,e te, SID!:l,lAl,K ,C DnfVL:l,tAY: For aLL con- ct;ete pieu:ittg ;7chii streat night-of-w:y, to be nade after aLL etoa- Datirlg canplete & forra t:onk E cub- base mtertal in plase. -1 Fn4t:f Nc: I'tust l,e requcatetl after.I approual of rough plwr,bing, electni_cal I nccJanical. AL! roofingbracirq C chinmcya, etc. m.tst be . conpletcd. llo acpk is to be con-. cecle<l unLil thio intpection lae'been nade anC approved. IENCE: l{hcn conplete -- ProviCe gutee or nooable sootiona thrwgh P, U. E. lll :l FTilAL PLU|:DIIIC FINAL I'IE'IIA\IICAI, FIilAL ELECTI?ICAL AIL pnc;iccb aonclttions, euch ao tlrc iqatallation of attoot treeo, co:rplation of tirere.quired Landsccping, cto., mtrt be aatiafiod bofone the BUILOINb FIdA\o.anbe requeatetl. FINAL DUILDINC: '|'hrt F'inal B-uitding fnopaotion mtat be requeated altet tha Final plwabingElcct,ical, anC tleclnr.ical Inepeotlono hqva been wdi ara'opproved, Page 2 of !IA\,L |IANIICLTS AIID CLI:AIIOU'T':: ITUST DF: ACCES|IDLE, ADJUSNEI,II TO BE TI4DE AT IlO COST TO CI?Y r tr JOB NO SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-coGt' (BeCroons -- Feea -- A Building Volue & Permit Thia permit i.a lTranLad on the aepreao corulition t,lnL the t,tid.cott:;trttcLtlon alnll', irt alL r:ttultccLs, confotm'l:o the ordi.tvn;r:a :uloptn ! liy dta Ctiy ol Sprirylficld, includinn Lhe ?,oning Crdinanca, ragul,:Litti1 Lln ccttcLracLictt airl uca ol builrltngc, atxl may bo aucpendctl or rcuokcC aL c,i!! t'-nc upot; rtic' l<tLiott of atty ytrcuiaiono of naid Ordit'ntrtcee . Ratvla I LIC Lac,, tove Plan Check Fcc Datc Paid: Receipt ll Sigt'ted: 'Building Permit State Total Clnrgee Plumbing Pernit State Stcta Total Pertt feeuooe Iteclanioal Pefidt lotal I Plumbing Permit No pencotr olnll conattttct, inalal!,, alter. or clutngc -cny nad-cr c:istittg ptunbtng ot draitragc ayaLen in tthole or in part, w:Lcss such persotr ts the 'Legal p"oaacsnot'oi'o u-olid plr bot'; Licc,lse' aaccpt; bl:at a ltctsort na;' lo.ptinbtrg dork to properLy uhich io or,nrcd, Leocc,:l or opet'ated by thc app'Li- cant. Electricol Permit Mere St;ata [ml requiro:t tlnt, tha olactnical uork be dono by .art Slec!;rical corrtractor., l;ha alecLrical porLiort of !;his 1)cmttt cluall not be ualic untit the Label hao been aigned by the Electrical 3o,th'actor. Mechqnicql Permit I IIAVE CAREFULLy EXAMINED Lhe conpleLed appltcation fo-r permit' and do ioi.:nti certi.fy t;,hat aLL ixfonntion hereoii ie true and co*ect, aruC I'1\.,rth"en cert"tiy tlnL any ard aLL uo.rk pcrf-ornad alnt! be done in acoor' 'i)nce aith th'e" ordint)i"oo'oy iha City'of -Springf_icLd, .anC thc tars of tho Sta'c of ^rog,t pcrtaiitiirg'to tho w-rk Ceobribcd hereln' cnd ilnt li1 ocCU- 1ANCI uitl be mtle o1'airy" atruotura uithout permiaaion of the guilding Di- oioton. I furttrcr "orli"1;; thet otly cott-t..ac'tot'8 ar'd ezplc'leee ul:.o are in "ipll"""o iitl, cns 701.T'ss uiLL bc- uoed on thio proiect PLan Etamt.trcr a [,ot Facaa - Sathacka P. L.Ilouaa CaraqP-Accc:tl . Nort,h Eaat South l,/o nt 7 of lot Corteragc WT TYPE Intenioi"'.', _ coiner "'; Panhandle Cut-de-aao rTEN FTG x ! of Stortea Total ltaight Topography lktin Gcroae Cornot,t Accesoorll rOTAL VAT,UE s, D.c. 1. S d CIIARCDNO,FP:E Firtweo ReaidenLial (1 tuth) Sanitary Seuer l,lcter CIIARGF:NO,E I'L' Rcn. So. fto ae,50Nau/Extend Circuito Tenporary Serttice *,ab /. 1,, NC,FNF 9,7,& clhncE Ftlu.tr.zce EIll'S Lblwnot llooC Vent Fa1 l,lcodetoile -. ENCROACIIMENT -. ,, ' !..#|,rr 1;,,,/' ..1, 1 I :,,rSectri .9 I l*aifitendnce Pcrmit atbcut sida,taLk Fcnae ELectrical Label Mobite llone TOTAL ANOUMI DUE:.4v,&3 Signsd D,zttt Tdfe-