HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-09-06I I Job Locaticn: Tat tot llAssesaors Map i Sttbditision: A,mer: 'l r/'/ I Address: City:zip fu-drtwrti cu/,- Desct ibe tt'ork ffr^*oroon Value Ned 7- AAlrfim Date of App Ltcaticn g 0o RenoCeL ilobiZe Home o0 lt..RESIDENTIAL.. SPFIINGFIELD APPLICATI 225 Nonth Sth Street Spr"ingfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision l726-37s3 hb1'+ !r ' /PERMIr tbrl ',\ t z'z t,ry6 $IL Date: Li General P lurnb ing Llechanica lilet:tr CA Strpervr1ri.n lilec t-r:c 1il rl DETTOLITIO!! OR Sanitary serter cappel at propertA line Septic totk punrped and filled tith gra;tel Final - hhen abctte itens ave ecrnpleted and uhen Cenolition is eomplete ot stt'ti:- tuye noued ard, prenises cleaneC up. l'lobile Hcmes X Blocking and Set-up Plunbing connections -- seoer. ard uater Electz,ical Ccmnection - Blocking, set-ut and plwnbing connections rntst be apprc"*ed before requeeting elec*.t ical inspee tion Aceescory BuilCing Pinal - After pcrchea, skitting, decks, etc. ate c.ctnpleted. Page 1 o! ! PNOCEDI]RE FOR INSPEC?ION R'QUEST..CALL 7 eadY fon'*'iLL be nade the eatne dcy, r,equests made 26-3769 (yeeordev) state your City Cesigrnted job nunber, job aCitees, type of inspee=icti inapection, Contractot,s cr Oumeys ncme cnd phone nunber,, Requests recei"*ed befcre 7:00 ctt aftet, 7:00 an aill be male the ncat rtorking day Iour Ci.ty Desi-gra,ted Job Nutnbet, Is: INSULAI'ION / VAPOR BARRII:R I IISPPCTION : ?o be made aftet' aLL insulation and required oapor baruiers are in place but before any Lath, gypsun boarC or rnLL couering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRYHALL INSPTCI,ION: Tc be nade altefiTT-fiynlTt.s in place, but prior to cny taptng. It4SQlll: Steel location, bond b-iffilgrouting or uerticals in accondance uith U.B.C. Section 2415 . WOODSI'OVE: cc,npTeted. After installation ts CURB & APPROACH APPON: After forrns ane erecteC but pt,iot' to pouz,ing conc?ete. SIDDIIALI< & DRI|'ELLY: Fot, all con- ct,ete pauing Ditlrin street night- of-teA, to be nade a!'ten all exca- oating cornplete & fonn wyk & sub- base nater'ial in place. IENCE: h4ten conplete -- ProuiCe gates or nouable sections through. P, U.E. B SI?E INSPECIION: To be nade after e\cauation, but pt iot tc set up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLaWlNe- ELEE|RTCIL &urCitlt@na ttork is eouet,ed. POOTINC e POUNDATICN: To be naCe aft;n-tnAfines ar cauated arld. forns at,e erected, but priot, to pourtng ccncrete. UND,RCR1UilD PLUMSINC. SIWR2 ilArER' DRAIIIACE: To be naCe ptiot to fil-Lirq trenches. 7-1 uaomptooR pt,ullBntc & MECHANTGAL:ttof flooz, insulation or decking. ffl posr nuo wu,t: To be nade pnior tol/\l mT;TT;TG;of floor insulation ot decking. ROucH +$st#{-tt€i. ELEg?nrcAL e wA*11AA No :,tot'k is to be couet,eduntil these inspections haue been made arul approued. FIPEPLACE: Pz.iot, to olceirn facino,c;;i;G antl. before f"orl."lg l"upnl-tion. !RA|,!INC: Ivtust be nequested after approoal of rough plwnbing, electri-cal & mectnnical. ALt roofing braeing E chinmeys, etc. mtst be cornpleted. !1o acrk is to be con- cealed until thia inspection lae been nade anC approoed, FIIIAL PLUMBIIIC FINAL MECIIAIIIICAL FINAL ELECT]?ICAL @ ALL g,oject conditi.ons, suc!', as the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion'of the required Landsccping, etc., tmtat be satisfied before the BUfLDINC FINAL can be requested. FfNAL BUILDINC: The Final Building fnspection mtet be requested ayten ihe iinal PlumbinSElectrical, anC Mechanic,zl fnspeetions hqtse been made ard appt,oueC *AT.T, I4ANI!CI,E.<; AND CLI"'ANOI]'I!: IIII:]T DI} ACCI:SSTB|,Ii, AD,ILTST!fi:TIT TO IiE T,I,4I.\E IT NO (!ST TO CI?Y ^ x t It is t&e reeponsibility of the petmit holdet' to aee that alt inspections are nade at the pvoper tine, that ecch addrees is neadabie J'nont the Btreet, ard that the permit catd ia Located at the frcnt of the propet'ty.tBuilding Nuicion approted plan afu:Ll pemain on the tsuilding S'LLc at aLL times. tl Zone: G+SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO BedroomsL JOB NO. I-ot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cottetage # of Stories Total Height Topogrcphy LCT TYPE fntertor Lot Faces - lteat P. L.House Access Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac t I?EM FTG x Building Volue & Permit Thi.s permit is granted. on the etpress eondi.tion tlat the said eonettwction slnll, in all respects,-;.;;,i;;i;- the ordittattce edopte'7 bv the citv of ip"i"g1i.nti, inclludtng'the'zoning Crdinanc-e' regulati.rtg .tltrz cllstru:li-":..^ *rd "in of buildings, and mag be euspend'ed or reookec at cnV ti'me upon uLc- lation of dny pnctsiaione of satd 0rdinancee'f ?7 TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 e Bui..Lding Permit tu Date Paid: State Receipt # Total Chargea L NO.CHARGE Plumbing Permit No peraon shall constract, install,- alter or cltange -any ned.cl' existing';Lr;t;A .; itainagn syetat in ahole or. in patt, unlees euch person is the iegol p"oeeee"o, o7" o "illta pt rtnt's LicensZ' ezroept tlut.a !?1r,1n nay d9. ptfit1|g uork to propnitg uhi"h i" ooned, Leaaed ot' operated by the appLi'- eant. Fi.ott*ee Resid.ential (1 bath) Sani Seuet, Plunbing Pernit NO.CHARGE Electricol Permit e{here state La,t requires ttat the eleetrical uork be done by -an Electrical Ci*o*tor, the eictr|e"l plriio" of thie _permit slall not be ualil unti-L the Label -has been signed bg the Electrical Contractor'(zarft Wrze Wz""- ff-- furrefzt-a767ror. Nas/Efiend Ctrcuits Sentice L Permi State Total IT9M FEE CIIARCE Mechonicql Permit /f f?mr---'.4rf :Z4r,E fret fu 7e7r7r€>./f7?rz1hrrrft ?.-4 ft a-4ry7r, q.* r>an r'z z a. D Eahanat Hood Vent For PermLt Issuance Mechanicel Perwtt * -- ENCROACHMENT -. Sec"u,itg Deposit Storage !"bintenance Permit Cvrbcut Sida'talk Fence Electrical Ia.bel Mobile llotne 4 ?-Se. Date IHAwIAREEULLysxA}'llNEDtlecottryLetedapplicationfo-rpermit'anddo hereby certify tnoi"at'f- lniorr-tibn heneot ia tuue and correet, amC f i;'ol\""n- initli?a tnat" "iv ii "1t uqrk perfo*ned atull be done in aeeor- danee tith *" orain"),."n""if 7hn city bf 'Springfield, -artd the .La;e of the * State of ,rescn p";;,;;;;;;s-'to-tie wi* aea:c"itba henein, cnd. tlat N0 ,ccu- pANcy uyLtl be rmde ;?-;;;;" ";;";i"rr- *iilil pernieaion of the Buitdins N' oieion. I further certifg that only oon-tioito'" od -enplcgeee uko are in Zipl,l."""n'rl.tt cns |il.b"ss uiLL be- used on thie proiect TotaL ? TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * State Charoeg /b