HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1995-10-26SP'IINGFIELO (% I'IiNCIi PIIITHI'T API'LICA'TION CITY OI' SI'IIINGT'II"I.D nuTLDING'Shrrrly DrvrsroN 225 Norrh Flfth Srreet Sprlngfleld, Oregon 97477 0fflcc: INSPI]CTION LINE: 726-3759 726-37 69 Job Locatlon: Assessors t{ap llr Owncr: Address: Cl ty: Valuc of Fencc: Tax Lot ll: Phonc ll: Stare:ZlpI &qq00 I,'cnce Pcrmit is $5.00 FOR OTFICB USD Phonc l[: b 9q -Sett zip: q1455 ' ./ \eCon t rac Add rcss Cl ty: tor/Ins taIIcr: 'Q Constructlon Contractors Reglstratlon l[ !Expires, tqq6 Dy slgnlng thls pernrlt/appllcatlon, I agrcc to caII for an lnspcctlon once my fcncc.ltas been constructcd (726-3769). I also stated that aII informatlon ontlris appllcatlon/pcrtnlt 1s correct and that I vas provlded vith tlre Sprlngftcld Dcvclopnrent codc rcqulrcmcnts for fcncc standards turc te State: Datc of Appllcatlon: TotaI lunount CoIIcctcd: JOri tt: .1 Issucd By:Reccipr * \q4\5 hCI ', 1,) 'l ,O-l 2/ ,/qzr t Chccltcd for Dcllnqucncle.s!_ Chcck.cd for llistorical Status: