HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-11-19 (2)l-ega1 Description Cwne r COMBI APPL I RMIT - 3753 Job Address lirL -3 J l-'lea t E1-L l.later Heater Ranoe Val rk:oc Access._ 0ther . l'lain !q. Ftg Sq. Fto Addres s Phone sidF t In o scribe l^lo h Attac .e., Build Sinqle Construction Lender Addres s Phone a rx I Primary l'lechani ca l Structura l El ectr"i ca I nica1 PLUIlB i iIG MEC HAN ICAL 4(r lil era I unbi I FFF I cuqpcr x0. I i rrr CHARGFiach single fixture Res idence of SQ. FI furnace/burner to BTU' S al ) Reiocateo bui ldinc (new fix. addition,New ci rcui ts al tsor extensions Floor furnace and vent S. F. P.es i dence(l batn)SERV I C ES Recessed wal I SDace heater and vpnfDuolex (l bath) each Additional bath Temoorary Constructi on Apol iance vent Sepa ra tel.iater service Change in existing res i cience Stationary evip coo.ler Sewer multifamily, corm. or -Industri a I Vent fan with sinole duct Storm Sewer 0f -amps.apart from .L. Vent systern heati4g or A COI{I.1,/IND. FEEDERS Itlechanical exhaust hood and ductInstal I /al ter/rel ocatedistrlb. feeders l,Jood stove/heater 0f amp s. ISSIJAI,ICF OF PFRIlIT CHARGETOTAL S ATOT,L CHARGES TOTAL CHARG ES 5Tl.JHERE LlNATE I ESR hatREQU tt re 'I ectri 1a rkr.J0 be do ne na IE ctreby ConI tractor the j Ietr l rti 00n Lf shiIshanoltr-)o rmr tbeIIItunipeIItheIabesbeenhas'|angnedby EI t ri Ica Su soI andrr-)e rv rneoretu to t he B ,iul di i 1s n0ng l.lAl.lE ( pi ease pri nt )5 iGi{ATURE TE US fy Cj ty made 0req the B of any Board YL rt LU L comohe e iI tca onted fo r ti aapPDerm donC ec lrt th ab.y t Ia iI fo rrnanfy 1t no nhereo ,|conda s trueandtrrecIfurrthertceILhaadIaIanvworkoe rfo rmed hs Ia beI do ne nl CCa orCance +th 0rdhe nan1 s fforSo1f thIanddngthewsLaofthetaSfoteon0eartnjItotherkwoedr.lngcs bed I nhere nd ath t ilc PAI,0ccu wt,rcYS I1 beurectwithourhtessIj,]upermonof dI n-I 'I s'I .II on fu rt rIhe cert i ha t i sfym.y tr t,a 0i vlin Lthsinreg Buhe 1'I derIfuIftrceondaefecta5uredreq07RS10055byha1texfttbathefrempIs0rsInotedononhereonandSntubcorexemp t tha tiyacantorsdemDIeso-,ve who rea nI IcoItD an'i ce 0t?sth i7o 505 It/t beI onused Ith s oro.ject Uni ts s terisP Res I Fee X: val 0c c.y an X lue L57, an Co f opment TOTAL VALUATI Val ueLoaci INITET;!o- + Demo Fence 3 Zone Fire Zone -.-. Bedrooms Flood Pjain Stories BUILDING PERI'IIT Charges and Surcharges PLUI4BING PERI,tIT Charges and Surc ha rges . Ftg. Access . Ftg. 0ther o. Ftg. llain SidewalkELECTRICAL PERIlIT Charges and Surcha rges o,2 r) -Jz-\?/ A/C Paving Total Comb. Permit Curb Cut I,lECHAIIiCAL PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges iOTAL 3131+ NAdd ()- L/L /) -t/ \: ELECiRiCAL _Z COI'TBINATION APPLICATiOII/PERMTT (cAP) I. Applicant to furnish A. Job Address B. Legal Description 1. examole- fax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference,:: 1/ UJ +i ?. examole- Lot l. Block 3, Znd, r/''' |.fTYSEFiiEiield Estares ru | ' C. llame. etc. of owner and constructi (i. D. Energy Sources 1. exarcle- heat./electricai ceiii.z. e&!.rlE r.raterh-eEEilETEEIiIE-, . _E. SguaiE-i66-tage or vaiuation-LE- i, - 1. elajrole- 13!9 sq. foot house. 5,2. a,rfiE: Ji-i-er.r oroject, check-r checK aoii. etc -F. 3ui)dir'1 pernit int"ormarion:1. exancie - aonstruct single famil3 ait.:cneo dsrege2. exanoie - remooel existing garage3- lryq -.onverr singie iariity-re resiaurant (change of use)G. Value of rvork as cieiined in Sect.ion 30. Struccura i Soecia l ty CodeH. DESiGi.J I:;i.,I AiJD COIITRACTCRS To avcii dssign or construct.ion dela-vs,Division SEafr- nusr be able to contact apersons reqardtno desfgn informai.ton or correctt ons . etc.II. Abbre.,,1ared Plunbing, ilechan.ical, & Electr,icaA- i.tcepc r.rnere blank spaces occulin the delcrri on o,' :ne :.,lechan i ca i and El ectri cal I;he appricanr neecj fj.l l_in oniy rhe i,ro. gc :o rne alDrorriare.item(s) to be installedB. iui l Plul:oing, iiecnanical, and Electrjcal are ava:lable at che Euilding Division oF gPRTNGFIELD CirY Hoil PERI'IIT VALI DATION Oregon Pubti cw ofks REC EIPT Soringiieid ' 't'Jl,tl;L tto. .-,- n 4 ;1B j34r*D 9 1er d C \ t-P IJ i. io ccnserve soace on the permit form th ch have been abbre'/iated2- If the item(s) to be installed are not cthe aDbre.rrared schedules you should conful I scneoulesC. SUILDIi,ic CiYiSiON STAFT WiLL FILL OUT ALL FEE .HARGES Oii iHE SCHEDULES0. As noied on the CAP, rhe label must be deliverelecirical contractor for signature by his eiesuoervisor. The generai contractor is not. autto srgn ine eiectricai label. Applicant to siqn dnd date l.Jhenever possibie, the initial 6ppiication rvill bea worksneet oniy- l/here possibje, Build.ing D.i visiorwiii prepare a tyDe wrrtten cooy and return it to thapplicanc at the time the actual permit is .issueo fosignarure. Fees anci Charges g 'ic III iv ed A H t{ni ,,5 LLo luRg-atc*r o'--e,t rl IV V gHELI oi-l uRn 'ulL PIan check iees are cue and payable at the time of thapplication. anci no plans rvill be processec until ihe!fees are oaic. ill other fees and charges are due anopayable yrhen ihe permit is issued. FOR OFFiCE USE ONLY PLANS REVI EI.IED BY \-YJd e{,-l Permit Clerk PROJECT CO|,IDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI,ICY: i ! ? Permit appiicant exempt from regisiration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information t: name gnatu re date I { I Si