HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-01-13Receipt # I q,.. RESIDENTIAL.." APPLIT I)N/PERIIIIT 225 North |th Street SprirryfieLd, )r'egon 97477 BuiLding Ditsision 7 26-s7 53 SPIIINGFIELD tt ?, lrr o c2 -r It i8 the rcspottoibi-Lity of-tle pezwtt hotdet tn eee that atl inspections oe nad,e at the ptope! tine, th.at each addrees .[,s vsaCah1giffi ,!e?*";:,i:"L?n!ry,:"'#m*1.#*i,*"i#fri0'rY*[yi""[r'N.r*x?: PP:)j!D:U;P4 FoR, IISPETI) TCALL 726-3769(reeord.er) state your City designated jobte.quested' ar.d .uhen ilou uiLL be neady for inspection, Contraetoo" olo affiers" nctne Lra pn ".'L'LLL be nade the sone dcy, ?equests ncde aftet, 7:00 on viLL be made the nert uotking'd.ay. ntmber, job aC.dress, type of inspecticn nunbet,. P.equests receiu'ed befcre 7:00 an Wrcz1 Conelnuct!oa_Lendet SITE INSPEC?ION: escansation, but forme. FTilAL PLUMBING FTNAL MECHANTCAL FINAL ELECTRICAL You? City Desigr,ated Job Nunber fa: Io be nade aftet pz"ior tc set up of TNSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRIER ilISPEC?ION :Io be made after aLL insulaticn erd tequired oapor ba'rie?a @e in p\ace but before ory Lath, Wpsun baatC orULL cooeting is qpli.ed, and before or.y iraulation is concealed. DRYIIALL INSPECTION: ?c be made;Oaat@ffts in ptace, but prior to any tapinS. DEI.DLTTIO!!BUILDTilCS Sanitaty saser cappsed et p?ope?Lg- Lit e Septic tank p;,nped ad fi.Lled uith gza;sel UNDE]SLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL &wcyniiitl@ny uotk ie eooeted. P)OTING & F)UNDATICN: ?o be maCealter trenehes are escaated and fortns ote erected, but ptiot to pouz"Lng ccnerete. IINDERqROU\D ?LaMBING, SlttER, W.AIER, D.!!INAGE: To be naCe priot to fil-lirq trenehee. AIDERFLQOR PLUI,EING & I4ECI]ANICAL: To be mad,e prior to installation offloor ineulation or decking. PpS? A,ND BEAM: To be nade prLor toinstallatian of floor ineulation ot decking. ROUGH PLANBIIIG. ELECTRICAL E LETCH-ANfCAL: N@until these inspections haue been nad.e and approtted.. FfPEPLACE: prLot to placira factnamaterials and. before franin| 1r"pnl-tion. fA.AWnC: Ltust be teq4ested aftet,approoal of rough phtnbing, eiectri_eal & neclwnical. ALL roofingbtacing E- chinmeys, ete. rrust- be : eompleted, Ilo ucyk ie to be eon_ .. ..,cealed unti.L this inspeetton lssrbeen made anC approtseZ Final - l{hen abctse t)tens are eonpleted and uhen dq.tolition i,s cotnplete by st?uc-ture nooed otd pnetrLaes eleaneC up.( WSONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gz,outing or uerticals in accotdotee Dith U.B.C. Section 24L5. VOODS?OVE: @tttpl-;tA. After installation is 5 CURB & APPROACH A2P)N: After fonns,ee erecteC but prior to pour"Lng l eonc?ete. SfDEilALK & DRf,,EHAI: Fot aLL con-crete paoing uithin et?eet right- ef-txA, to be made after aLL erca- uating carplete e fom uork & sub-. ,base natertal in pla,ce. b\ A!!l: h4ten conplete -- ptouiCe gates or mouable sections through P.A.E. ALL pnojeet conditione, such ae the i.nstallation of sh,eet trees, eonpletion of tierequined Lattdscaping, etc., rmtst be eatisfied before the BUfLDfNG FLNAL can be requested. ?INAL BaTLDING: The Final B:dldirq rnapection mtBt be requested aftet the Firnl plunb1ngElectrical, od l,tecltanical fnspectioro 'taun been naie- otd'ipp"oind.N\$\(-.r.\\-^*- Job Iocaticn: Aesessote Map #Tabt# Subdioision: A,mer: Addyess: City:zip: R Deecribe Hotk:\ , \ilo,, b-aL_-\\cle\\e H<> VaLue t--t Neu 4 Se-'UL Additicn k): dj, Date of App l.lobi General Hcmes connectione -- aane? otd. uater - After pcrckes, skitting, decks, Loeking,Connection D aet-up and mtstconnections bepLtnnbing apprcrsed Leetricae L inspectiol otd. Set-up etc. ue cornpleted. before requeating Aecessory Buildirq Page 1 of 2 *ALL MANHzLES AND cLEANours MUS? BE AccEssrBLE, ADJUSTTzENT ro BE MADE AT lto cos? To cily CI l ) U JoB No.r 003 SOLAR ACCESS REQ..L-co d tor ?wE \v' _ fnterior _ Cor.ne? _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac BeC'toans Ileat th Lot P. L.House Iat Sq. Ftg Iopography % cf Lct Cooeraga # of Stories Total Height -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This penrLt is granted on the erp"ess cortdition that the said-consttuction slnll-, in atl ispeets, confomio the ordinance adopted by the city of Springfield, inc?-uding the Soni.ng Cvdinance, tegulcting the ccnstmtcticn od use of buildings, utd may be suspended or retsokeC at c*y time upon oic- lation of dtA prcu'tsione of said )rdi.nances. ?OTAL VALUE. - Ss ttu x Value I Signed: # S.D.C. 7.5 c Date Paid: Building Pemrit Iotal Changes State Plumbing Permit No pe?son slull construct, install,, alter ot elunge,any neL)-cr er:tsting pltidbing or drainage sAsta-n in uhole oz' 'Ln pott' unless sueh person is the iegal pbssessor of a oalid plw,ber's L'Lcense, escept tlat a pe?sort nag Qo-plimAfng uork to property uhich is ottned' Leased or opetated by the qppli- eant. 3l UEM N0.FEE CHARGE ef> * Resiletttia.L (1 bath) Saser Planbing Perwtt State Electricol Permit Whet,e State La reqnitee tlnt the electt'ical uoz'k be ilone by im Eleetrieal Contractor, the eleetrical porti,on of this pernit elnll not be oaliC until the Label \ns been sigted by the ElectrLeal Contt'actor. 3) CHARGE Iotal Na,t/Ecterd. Cireuits Sensiee NC.FEE CIIARCEI?gM h,unace ETUTS bhanet llood Vent Fan llcodstotte * Mechq nicol Permit PermLt rssuotce Meclwni.cal PetTntt -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Seeuritu Deposit Storage Maintenaree Permit Cvtbcut Sida'talk Pence ,ZOB.\15Mobile Home I HAW CAREEaLLr EXA.I,fiNED tlte contpleted application for pernit, a"1d. da-iiety iirti.fy tlat aLL infortnation hereoi is true att'd' correet' a,C r futtter eerti'fy that ang ira aU uotk pe,fonled s.lnl-L be done in accor- iinee- vLth the- ordinancLs of the city of SprLngfield' artd the Lc,ts of tha * state of oregon pertaining to the uot'k cescribed het'ein' and that N0 occu- zuicy ,itt tZ ,raZe of any" stzucture titlaut pernission ol the Buildi.ng DL- ii"lon. f further ierti,fy that only cont?actors ad e:ttplcyeee uho ee in canpliance bith oas 701.05s uiLL be used on this proieet / *tv-?4_ w ffie- -\4 '1 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*/o a 2tr \ CITY OF SPRINGFI JoBADDRES'.Q4S U RESIDENTIAL PLANfu^l** C ^f CHECK /CORRECTION LIST ?tuo sVLE a CITY 4 Ol,JNER Ut ea tc t, arioO PHONE: CONTRACTOR PHONE: Items checked below indicate corrections or clarifications of that item is required. Additional information may be found onthe reverse side of this form. A corresponding number will be marked on your'plans. Your signature on this form is.an agreement that, all items checked hereon will be corrected, and that all work on this projectwill comply with applicable codes. Si gned 52 53 3 5 UI RED 2905 a - Table 00r oor Ta es Crawl Bracin 25lB 6 vent at on 2517 CORRECTIONS REQUIRED - PLUMBING & MECHANICAL- ti on on l4SC 704 Fi ure c earance t work MSC Ch. l0 d stove locati 59 Gas meter -ocation MSC 2203 PSC Ch. 4 6 ESC 21 0-7 0 ation ESC II0 9 tl 't4 6 21 c ten 2 63 64 lls 25lB 69 7 6 71 B4 86 87 e 3 ?8 32 Gl ass35 I in oist Tabl ac Ra fte -i-14 az n ch. 54 Exit Facilit es 39 Ch e in floor levels 3303 17 4',|Attic ventilation 3205 Attic access 47 6 termination 37-B Hea 3707 Combu 0na r Reinforcement 3704 oor insulation 3 tion 5303 i lin Hea t oss ca cu ations Req _ MASONRY - t 241 Fence Zonin 6. 09 Pool C i 93 o( ineered Retainin Wal I 2308E ine setbacksP City Zonins Code Footi r Foundation I Exhaust fans l2(er size & s n a 3707acetn 0 chor Its tr Wood foundatlon 2907 a 2 Undert ln Ground cover Cross-connection PSC .l003(i Crat"ll space access 25.l 7l Seweraqe pumps ESC 500-4(a 9 Fo t onc _ FIRE PLAC Beams 25 Tabl e'I Li t a on a - ENERGY CONSE n an ra s [,Jater heater i nsul ati on 5308 Fire resistive const. l2' - GENERI 96 Tree n ci Code 2-8-5 Ltl )NS REI Soec i a Tnsnertion ? Fi reo rMSCC a 5 Bearino for beams & ioists 2518[c Li ohts E Z2 3 (frrd c n Srdln 7 Sta i rs o Decks # - CORRECTION/ALTERATIONS REOUIR,ED - \/ \J The corrections/alterations Iisted by nur,bers below wil-1 corresrrond with the nunbers listed on the reverse side an<i. the same nuinber will apnear in the proper location, marked in red, on your p1ans. Any changes or alterations made after <late below nust be approveC bv the Building Official PLANS EXIJ{INE DATE: tYo F,I zgYLl€ rftyu'-r^-,furf*l. r[ flOr^e OOof) So (,N \ i f t I t(t# \ 73o{\, R h''x Idf\\r/^lrrS1v t' t i I 1 l 1 I,: , a r'5I)o\,, €v i'd<**y v-;,I A)o 9co-\<- gfr P)c,-.'..@ t/ I ,l a r( ?E,i > 1 sYrei"$ Vt'*"fr5;a \> )?&( I I I I 2 i / l I \ f Lrl .t'Dt :s (' t7 x45 EX/STNG Coatef26T, 'LAS { : i I I i l i I I : I I CP. -..> .tI tu : V dq fi e+ -\-o ( ',{1 \_: F5o e s i / II 1o *r,,rola"rar J\o t' G 6--' 'ir R $ <-@ o\s\loi;YI ,ti r*1._._.-_-.. I zo (-l o _> r'' /n .I)ro -{ !r '7 I : .I I I : i l i I I I I I I l tJ1^@_-_- IA*/ ztr I I I I , I _v --! i i