HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-09-15# /crpl tlso cloo) 6 atr) Date: GeneraL Constmotion Lend.er z2s North rr, urounAPPLrcATr,N /PERI,rr Spr.LngfieLd, 1regon 97477 Building nhsision 7 26-37 53 " RESILcNTIAL"SPFIINGFIEIII Job Iocatton: Aesessors Map #las lot # Subdioision: Phone:Address: Ca,v 6270 4f e k ?o' 527*'o op utc-at*e ,?alr*ez 7a Exrrn t?oBrza /fut>€ / ?Fa< Date of tppt+"otto, ?-//'8 2 Descz"ibe llork:t-t N"t) t-t value /d/,co Additian RenoCel Lisc. #Contractots Address I It ie the rcepo*ribility of tle permit loder to aee tlat all inspeetiotts ee nade at the propet tine, t?,at each addreas is reqeahi. flt tlu at?eet, and. that the p*mtt catd i,a located at the frcnt of the property.*Building D.httlci.ott appro,^ed plbt sTwLL reaain on the Auilding Site'at aLL' tikes." PRocgDapq F1R IflSpECru)N RtqwS?..CALL 726-3769 (z,ecotdet) etate gout Citg designated job manber,, job aCdress, type of inspeeticn reQuested and uhen gou trill be ready for inspection, conttdcto?s o! A,mets nctne and plnne runnber. P,equests receixed befcte 7:00 sttttll be nade the sane dag, "equests mc..de aftu ?:00 an viLL be nnde the nezt wtkiQ dag. Iout, City Desigzated Job Nwnber fs ,.32AV62 Ramtina,l lsanaa+i aoa SNE INSPEC?ION: ezcaoation, but ?o be nade aftet, pt'tor tc set up of fortne ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCHI-IIICAL: To be made before ang t'lotk ie cooered. ?0OTING & ?OUNDATICN: To be naCe @e! tyenctes ar,; escauated atd forms are etected, but priot to pouz"tng ccncrete. UNDzRGROUTID PLUMBING. SEWER, W,4TEI', DRAINAGE: To be maCe prior to fil- @-trenchee. AIIDERFL1)R PLUI\$ING & MECHANfCAL: , floot insuT,ation or decking.'( POST AND BEAM) ?o be made prior ffif,iTTitl-iof ftoot, insulation to ordecking. ,_.t \ Ro u cH P Lu E r t G (fLfu,> a uu c n - ,ffiiT-these irnpections hnoe been nade and approueC. FIPEPLA1E: Pz,tor to placirq faeingmatetials and before fz'aning inspee- tion. "tERA].'!ING: Ihtst be requested after appt,ooal of rough ptunbing, electri-cal & nechanieal. ALL roofiztg btacLng & chitmeys, etc. rrust be i cornpleted. Ilo acrk is to be con- ..cecled until this inspection lne:been made anC approoed. TNSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPECTTON : Io be made after aLL insulaticn altd requ:-red oapor bez,ie?s @e in place but before otg 'l.a.th, Wpslltt baarC or tnLL eouering is appli.ed, od. before otg insulati.on is concealed. DRY\|ALL INSPECIT)N: Ic be nade @er-m@Afls in p|.ace, but priot, to any tapi,ttg. I,\ASINRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting ot uerticals 'ln accot'dstce Lttth U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTO'/E: antpleted. After installation ie Sanilatg seaer capped et propertil Lir:e Septic totk V,t,'rped attd filled ttth gra;se'. Final - I{hen abcle itans ate canpleted arid uhen dq.noliti,on is contplete o? stluc- ture motsed od. prerLses cleaneC up. Mobi Hcmes Bloeking otd Set-:tp Plunbing connections -- aate? otd. ttatet Electtical Cc,nnection - Blocktng, set-uD ard plwnbing eonnections m;st be dpp?cxec before requesting eX eclrlcal inspeetiott I CURB & APPROACH APPON: After fonnsee erecteC but prion to pouz.Lng conc?ete. SfDEL\ALK & DRfVEWAI: For aLL con- c"ete parrfrAffi etreet fight- pf-tnA, to be made after all ecca- oating canplete & forn wk & sub- base matertal in place. IENCE: h4ten cotnplate -- ProttiCe gates or mooable sections tht'ough P,A.E. Einal - Aftet, etc. @e cofltp'. pcrekes, Leted. ekirting, decks, E FTPAL PLUUBINC PINAL MECHANTCAL L.r6 ?INAL ELECTRICAL ALL y,oject conditiona, such as tle installation of stteet trees, conpletion of tie required T.andsceping, etc., rmtet be satisfied befote the BUfLD|NG FilIAL can be requested. lul /q' ilNAL BUTLDTN|: The Final Buitd.ittg fnepection mtst be requested aftet the Final Plubing \ZJ Electrical, od Meclunical fnspeetiotts laue been nade atd approoed. Y *ALL TLANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJuSTttEilt rO BE ttADE AT N0 C1sT t0 cgy Pege 1 of 2 t') Asner: l tr tr JOB NO.r)soLAR A 'ESS REQ.-L-CO C Zone:Bedrooms: Building Volue & Permit This permit'is granted on the exptess eondition tlnt the said constructi.onslnll, in aLL rbspects, conform to the Ordinance adopted 6iy the City of SprLrqfield, incktding the Zoning CYdinance, regulating the ccnsttacticn otd. use of buildings, otd may be euspend.ed ot, reookeC at cnA tine upon oic- Lation of oly ptcuisions of said }r,ditwnces. !!eat Uate Paad.: Reeeipt. #: 3a tYara: ?#rvri ,*ss, Llgru ftzz 6' S'9?. fi .pn,.# .A68 3A F. "t4'y'.roory7.Pite **Lv /s C*+y Pzt\r 77etta1r. /q^,< 4.;4-4/24 fuYrsat> PryA. Building Permit State ?otal Clnrgee ?otaL Sa 8g ,t * Plumbing Pernrit No person slnll constraet, install,, alter ot eltange cny ned cr etisting plwnbi.ng\or dtainage sAste.n in;,thole or i.n patt, ztnless such person is ttle Legal poseessor of a ualid plunber's License, e.cee?t that a pe"son nay do pluonbing uork to p?ope?tA which is ormed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. I HAW CARIFALLY EXAMLNED t?e eornpleted application for permit, and do hereby ceftify that aLL infotrnation hereon is true and. cotrect, and. f furtket, eettify that any ard aLL work pez,forned sLnLL be done in aceot- dance trLth the Ordinances of the City of Spr"ingfield, and the Las of the* State of 1t,egon pertaining to the aotk Ces-crtbbd herein, ffid ttat nO OCCU- PANcy ?itll be rrud.e of qa stzaetu?e vtthout pennission of the Buizding Di,-oision-. I fut ther eet tif"- tlat otly cona,actors otd. anplcgees uho arZ ineazplianee uith ORS ?0L.055 uiLL be used on thie pz.oject ,/\o Lot Faces - Setbaeks DT House Ca/,aqe Aeeess. No?th Ran East F,, South lat Sq. Ftg. I of Lct Cooerage # of Stortee Iotal Hetght Iopogtaphg LO? TWE _ fnterior _ Cormet _ Panltandle CUL-de-sac SQ.F?G ValueY Irbin C,eaae Ceoort Aeeeaso"u 2e k222.-o ?OTAL VALUE (Dc.Lue)S.D.C. 7.5 r /9,3 g CEARGEfiEMN0.FEE Fi.ctutes Resil.zntial (1 bath) Sozitary Seuer tJater Pltorbing Pernit ITEM NO.FEE CIIAP,CE Res. So. ftq.( il el,t /Eat erd. Ciz,cuits I t.? oa Iaryoroy Sewice -1 /*n .6o Electricol Permit Wete State La tequires that the electyical uoz,k be done by an Electrieal Contractor, the electtical pottion of thts permit slnll rot be oalil wttilthe Label has been eigzed by the Electrical Contractor. Stdte NC ILL , 4 Mechqnicol Permit 60 itl A DvD bhanat HooC Ilcodstooe Vettt P@t Permlt fssuance Mechanical Permit Secarit! Deposit Stotage I4aintenance Pennit Cvtbeut -- ?etee Eleety'tcal Ia.bel Nobile Eane /8 TOTAL ATTOUN? DT]E: *20 Signed Date ,/s- - 1?atal Charaes State Surcl^ange I?gM State Swcha.ae Iotal Claraes Sil,a,talk ..RESIDtNTIAL.. 22s North sth s;treeaPPLrcArr,N/PERMrr Spz,ingfield, 2z,egon 97477 Building Diuision 726-s7 53 dJ-oKj 0c LP # SPFTINGFTELD Job Loeaticn: NeD Additicn b RemoCeL Date of GeneraL M -"2n4",*za*) a>J {na. f Value QL )t) 2-g).>l g ooAesessors Mao #Tas lot # 2 .dSubdioision: lof Addtess:Ph.one:7c/ <//" - +'City: Plwnbing ELecX?1-caL ldeclunicaL i Construetlon_Lpndgn r-t ie the tespons'ibility of the pertrtt holdet' to see tlut alt inspections ee nade at the ptope" tine, that eaeh addtess is readacie ty-_tll" stteet, anC that the_peztrtt_eatd is Located at the fuvni of the propet,tg.*Building Ditticion approu'ed pl,an shall remain on t?p Buildinq Site'at aLL' tihes," PRocEDUPqF04 II|SPEC?I)N =E-!-8yEST.'CALL726-3769(recotden) state your Citg designated job nrmber, job aCiress, type of inspee=icnrequested a_nci uhen gou uiLL be ready fo-t'inspection, Conttaetcrs o1' asneys nane ""nd pnore ntonber. p.equests receiled b'eflcre'?:00 anLiLL be made the sane day, requests mcde aftx 7:00 on aLLL be made the nest,,:oz,ki$ d.ay. Iour City Desigr,ated Job Numbet Is:9 zo=€zReouired Tnsn SITE fNSPqC?I)N: To be nade aftez, etcaoation, but prioz, tc set up of forme. lnnmsrna pruamc, L!ECHA-\.|ICAL: To be made before any .uotk is eotsered. PjOTING & E0!!:I!4TICN: ?o be tnaCe INSALATION/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPICTTON : To be maCe after aLL insulaticn and requ'ired oapor beriers ee in pl.a.ee but before ory 'la.th, Wpsltrn baatC ot, unLL couez,ing is opplied, cnd. before otg insul.a.tion is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPEC?f)N: ?c be nade -. after aLL dtyuall is in plaee, but pnior to any taping. MASONR!: Steel Loeation, bond beons, grouting ot, oerticals in aceordorce dth U,B.C. Section 24L5. WOODSTOI,/E: ccrnpLeted. After installation is qA?B LAPPR1ACH APP.)N: After fonns @,e e;;;t;76iV;lot, to pout*Liq con'eyete. SfDEilALK & DRf',EllAY: For aLL eon- crete parsing uithin street right- ef-txA, to be nade after aLL ecca- oatinq conplete & forn uork & sub- base naterial in place. IENCE: hrhen conplete -- PtouiCe gates or mooable sections thtough P.U.E. U1 T.JVLJ DJILU),"JJ Sanitaty seser capped at properfu Lire Septic totk p;^t-,,2ed onn filled trtth gra;;el linal - I{hen abcue itens are eanoleted and uhen Cq.plition is eomplete Zt sfiuc- tute motsed cnC pterntses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing connections -- aane! od ualer Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, aet-ua and plwnbing eonneetions nr;st be apptcxed before requesting eleclrlcal inspection Aecessory BuilCing Final - After pctekes, skirting, decks, ete. are eompleted. K aftet trencltes-at,eiccatsated and forms at,e erected, but ptior to pour*Lng ccnc?ete. 7 utoficpou :t D zLUME rr!9,_Er^/E!2_ ri!!ER)J Lirry trenches. X UIIDERFLAAR PLUI.EING & IiECHANICAL: o1 flooz, insul,ation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installatian of floor insuLation or decking. RO ttct! P LU: lB r r 1 {tri erladDr,* cH - ANIL:AL: No Do?k Ls to bc cot-eredffiiTthese inspections haoe been nade and aoproteC. FfPEPLIACE: Prior to placirg facingmaterials and. before franing inspee- tion. FRA].'!ING: l4ust be requested after approual of rough plutnbing, electni-cal & necLnnical. ALL roofizq btacing & ehinmegs, ete. mtst be . cotnpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con-. eealed until this inspeetion has'been made anC approoed. K. l l X---] J FTilAL PLUI4BII|C FINAL I,TTCHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL - --- ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conoletion of the required Landscaping" etc. t rntst be satisfied befote the BUfLDING FINAL ean be requested. )}, FINAL BUTLDIN7: The Final Build.ing rnspection mtst be requested aftet the Fi.nal Plmbing K>( Eleetrical, anC tleclnnical fnspections lqzte been made atd apptoueC. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEATIOATS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE I,!4DE r'T ilO CCST TO CI?Y Pege 7 of 2 7 ,rouorn ro^" r T Zone d3,JOB NO SOLAR AC^ESS REQ.-L-CO Bedvoons: Lot Faees - 4a47>4 Enerou Sout,ces Setbacks Ileat DT House Caraae Watel, !|e.ate" North Range East FirepLace South 3/rYlts-Woocictoxe West # of Stortes ?otal Height Topographg fntet icz. Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sae6.?22 *ut4/62 zLCT TWELot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cotserage I?EI,I FTG x Va Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the erpress eond.ition tlnt. the said_eonsttaction stnll, in all z,espects, conform to the Ordirwnce adopted fiiy the City of SpringfieLd, ineluding the Zoning CYdinance, regulctittg the ccnstr,tcticn and. use of buildtngs, otd may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of dnA prcoisions of said 1rdir,ances. Main 5a, TOTAL VALUE cn^1E-* Eu1-Ld-Lno Pe?nn-t 26.#PLan State /. a4 i-+^ D^;S + 2 56 Receipt #:?otal Clnrges *Sigrred: NO FEE LTIAtiUL Plumbing Perrnit No person shall consty,uet, install, alter oz, ehange any ne?n cr eristing plurnbing or drainage sAsta-n in uhole or in patt, unless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a ualid pltunber,'s License, escept that a pelson mag do pltnbing uork to prope"ty uhich is ourned, Leased or operated by the appli- eant. Fistuz,es Resil.ential (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Perrit * !,to FEE CiIARGE //s.'o /s oo -/a lio ITEM Na,t/Ectend Circaits Sezoice iril4 Echanst Hood. Vent Fot llcodstoue PermLt fssuanee Meclnnical Pernrit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Pe mit TotaL Cutbcut Sideualk lenee LabeL lfobile Hoote Electricql Permit hrytere State La,t requiz,es tkat the eleetrical woz,k be done by an ELeettical Contractop, the eleetz,ical pottion of this permit shall not be oalid until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechonicol Permit 6=:f ^8? I HAVE CAREEULLY ExAlLrNED tle eompleted applieation for petmit, and da hereby eertify that aLL information hereon is true artd. eorrect, anC f fut,tket, certify that any ard aLL aork petfoztned slwll be done in accor- dance tLth the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, and the Lc;s of the* State of 1regcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, end tlnt NO OCCU- PANCY uiLL be naCe of any stTuctur,e uithout permission of the Building DL-oision. f fw,ther certifE thet otly eontractots at;d enpLcyees dho are tn eonpliance dith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project IO?AL AI,IOU]IT DUE:'/ Go,z? i c*A-s-s1 Res. Sa. fto- a --'t['ilft8$Li* 3:ti.;l tJFrL..LIY l'iEi]IrUl{* i:1' [rHti[:H I trilusLH tJIfi[: Fl#tr]:t..I t.lLit.iE: *Utli'{Hf{* rJILtt_A HE$jri .;I47.-I4&I l. *fJ:t ilLHAFtt^lFtl'ER Li:l''lE $tilr:ti.{SF IlLLI.r r fi},;taGijt{ S.74?e} riffi:L.IrIH{.i trl:ulsILlil *l0trd' t}40.744 -r-EGAt_- LNT $L[IL:I{ uALt..ttY tlE:AnilLJ$ *il.,tERGi',* HH'11'L *l"E: 'r-- HIC,-' E $tAi!iit:*t: f: I HFrt- -UfrLLlH- ':rA I ttl tl"1 f. ii L 1l i' Li5*5?3 -sr1'fi1'$*BL.TIS INNE i'IH$ LiT$HIE::i F L-fifiItF LfrIl.{ l.lHrtitrEl'{ uf,[ tiftti itx Uill TS tifi F EHTrtlNril' TYr-'H l. 1.'t 1 Flf::lil' t-lAT' + * I HFrr].- NHhl ri:tiii I IIEN'l'I SrL. :[ ].5I] ii0 1-{i:i::-LiYS t'L:U IHfiftGE: 3t.1 . ?:i *{}:.i-'fi;1*i.1 H F Luf,lttIl.{fi 1$, t,tl ii{i3*f.},i:ll*'i'l H il-[:f]'RI{iAL L{i n[r+ iJii4*0l7-i"i H $ti]' uF 35"0() 0(,5*t)3,1'"ELIi[:1'RICfiL l-fittF-l- i]":l{) -ufii,lTF{*f,TtlFrS-. tiEr.il_-JERRYS {:t}}.lTRACl' Uft F'H':1ruri.* F t.i.t tr -. -lE: tt lt Y !i Ei_E:[:]'*nL,li{Hrt l,iItH- IrE$tiN* 3;',0s -1./Ull .3 -/ L':, Jt./ r"a -/ ./ /' ti I I - I tl I lt.dtt U + 41., tJ a U\.t L! | LlL, r],t 1 /i 1 s4 10L rt4 1 ir 1. s4 101 i]41{iL It tt tt .rjl b a. {l I I'i d. L! r'l Cl riH:fi-.f{.[NIHUI{ It'{SF,[:tj]'IUN$ {' EEf:lUIftH:}"1i.-N'rij- --*-ll.iiF ttrll'H-.--AU'l' ttAl'E-' {}* 1-ti:ifi--i'luE r L.H HfiHE: IiE.'rU ir{}?--rJ$i::.-HLIS I LE Ht}i.lg ELHt.; #o3-.o:j:5--i'jIl[r I [..H Hnl{E t]L.Ul'i *0 1 -'#s::--l.1ti$ r LE Htll,lE: Iit..E[ {}03*053-t{t}srLI Hi]i.iE F'l-ilri *03*0s'f--i'ifirrrLE H0t{E ELEC il04-'05:--l4t}$ILE t.l0l.tH [iLE:f, ilt^lHfRs LAt{EL,I777F *0li-.iirt4-[LHf,TftI[ $ErruIcE F Al'IlIClitji E:L.trf,TR]U LAttEl- ,8.1?rt[ OfiC!*O:i3--i'ttlBILE HSI'1f, tiL.Ui'l $HIJEH tll'll-.Y i)t)7-.ti53-.HUt{ r L.E: }.ltrl.1E F Lt.Jl't {}0rt*.+50--HilFILE Hill'lE S[1'U t]*?-O55*FINrIL $ET-'UF S41(,31 r!41. *31 ri41 L(r1 s41 l.0I s4t t 0: ri4 L L0r [14 ]. 1 {i7 $:io5r._{ s505?3 It_t1r-t-r-l ct -4 I 1 ,!'-lLra I -L'V-* nn1 1 ft? N0Ttllt 05 Nt'TnH 05 Nill'uti o$fili o5 rllr 05F'{lli :0 tll.i " :Ofirr 0:iili 05 /o/24/*{s 3o l€ M7u Td Qffiwdt'& bm, A€t{d,O} 6*f,a.rae N&. sc/$mtr/h'*i { wwq Pm'*/rryre tun Nou t to7t1b6