HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-11-19L j\#t COMBI APPL I CAT I IT I ^g 726-3753 s rx Prima Structura I El ectri ca I r':chani c ,'t 41-L Leqal Description Job Address EilERGYJi0USCES tteat \-" ttlut.@ Ranoe tr - . ltain \157_. Ftg. Access._ So Sq Sq . Ftq ,l ter P.ep. _Change/Use . Ftq. 0ther Owner "lh &i I oo .e., Build Singlect'i n CEden Ili thFarni I liork lrd Descri be AttachedAddres s Phone 'F.,Ml41 Constructi on Lender Addre s s Phone 'I ics. no.exol res I (ohone no.DES I Gii TEAiI na n:e l''lechanical add res s exDl res ( nhonp nnCCr'.lTRA.CT0RS naEe Cenera l Pl umbi 2LUI1B I iIG ELECiR I CAL MECIiANICAL .t i :iE i CHARGE NO FFF CHAPG F i FFF I CHARGF iach single fixture Residence of FTSQ furnace/burner to BTU' S Floor furnace and vent Reiocareo rlui lding (new fix'. additionai ) New circuits alts or extensions SERV I CES Recessed wal I Soace heater and veni S . F. P.es i rience ( I bath) Duplex (l bath) each Temporary Constructi on Apol iance venr seoa rateAdditional bath Change in existing rp< i denrc Stat'i onar,v evap. cool er[,later serv ice Vent fan with sino'le drrctSewerI ndu stri a i multifamily, conrn. or 0f amps.Vent systen apart from heatino or A.C.Storrn Sewer COI4I.,!. /iND. FEEDERS Mechanical exhaust hood and duct l,lood stove/heaterInstal I /al ter/re.locatedistrib- feeders 0f ISSIJANCE OF PFRI1IT TOTAL CHARGESTOTAL CHARGESTOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE Lr\t'J REQUIRES that the Slectrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the eiectrical portion of this permit shall not be valil until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned lo the Building Division llAl.lE(pIease print)IGiIATURE o DATE Oreqon the 3ui tonany rd 1I tica foon r ti and hedo ce rti tha t.'Ii tforma on'I hereon 5 truerJermreb-y fycom0pap nd 1a workI shaoerformed I'I n nceaccorda thwl heL 10rd cesnan theof Ci'IdonbendcorrecaIndrthefucerrtitthaaa tyfy.ny ofi1rIadndofLawsSthetaf rta n thto worke beddescri ihere n thatand OCCUPAI,ICYilc I II madebeSprtheteng0esftUstrucwitthI'I of0n I di '|Is on hefurt certr .l +tha t Lra +y|t theh u I1 der sIrethouepermS5Difyreg imy ba is fos r It Ion nos hereonted and tthatheU55tha'I fs'I n,l Ifu I nda e a 'i 0Rs5 texBoa ng 701 exempforceffectredreqby I emp tri beI edUS on sI t7oIonrIii'I th05510t?sthsubcontactorserxrJandwhosarenwlance Dro.jecvoyeecomD Y Group . 0ther xr Val . Ftg . Access l'la i nUni tsI---to. Ftg Iu\oel Cons t Ftg TOTAL VALUATION lone Val ueFire Zone Bedroom ftooA nlu,ln--------- Stories S v s teris Charqe Deve(i.52 opment "9? t+Pl an Ck. Comm/ Ind 551'/B1do Per Fee BUILDING PERI'IIT Charges and Surcha rge s Plan Ck. Res 30%/Bldq Per Fee Fence Demo PLUI4BING PERI'IIT Charqes and Surcha rges OC Sidewal k Total Comb. Permit ELECTRICAL PERI,:IT Char,oes and Surcha rges _zQe_Q__ A/C Paving Curb Cut IOTAL 3131+I{ECHATIICAL PERI.IIT Charges and Surcharges -4+ 1t bL t1 Z q,- coMBINATI0N AppLICATIoN/PERMIT (CAp) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Descriptionl. examole- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference I7-Ttr+-3 OF SPRTNGFIELDCITY \\6 PER}4IT VALIDATION ?, exgrnqle- Lot 1. BIock 3, 2114 1't'' ' S[TingTietd EstatesC. Name. etc. of owner and constructi (1. D. Energy Sources 1. examole- heat,/electrical ceili,2. exarirciE r.raterhEare-ry-:-TEET?iti-, , _E. squaFE-ioi-t,age or va tuationlGlEl- i -1. examole- 1250 sq. foot house, 5,?. .-nr@ TT-new'project, irr.ir.=, EIEcr: a-cid, etc.F. 8ui1din1 permit information: {. 1. exancie - construct single familldttrEied oarage2. exar':ole - r ernodel existing garage3. g4,xoiE - converr sing le iarii ly-.e ("" - restauFant (change of-use)G. Value of lvork as ciefined .in Section 30.Structural Specia jty CodeH. DESIGI1 TEA,1l Ai{D CONTRACT0RS CitY SPringtield'*tl[,":lil '-'t*"'C-;5521 1 ( To avcid design or construction deiays,Oiv'ision Sraff must be abie to contait apersons regarding design information orcorrectjons,.etc. Abbreviated Plumbing. iiechanical, & ElectricaA. :,(cept r.rhere blank spaces occur in the delor!ion of rhe i",lechanical and Electrical Ilhe applicanc need fill-in only the No. gc _ to the aDDroDriate item(s) to be installedB. Ful'l Plunbing, l',lecnanical, and Electrical Iare available at ihe guilding Divisionl. fo conserve space on the permit form th. have been abbreviated?. If the item(s) to be installed are not cthe abbreviated schedules you shouid conful i schedulesC. BUILDIIIG DIYISION STAFF I^,ILL FILL OUT ALL FEE CHARGES OI{ THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAp, rhe label must be de.livetelectrical contractor for signature by his elesupervisor. The general contractor ii not autto sign the eiectrical labelApplicant to sign and date l,Jhenever possibje, the initiai appiication will bea.worksheet only. l.Jhere possible, Building Divisiorwiil.prepare a type wr.itten copy and .eturn .it to thapplicanc at the time the actual permit is issuerj fo s i gnature. Fees and Charoes P'lan check fees are due and payable at the time of thapplication. and no plans will be processed until the!lees are oaio. ill other fees and charges are due ano Ipayable wnen the permit is issued. - i ("II. III. IV ,t. lch. a! 'ic q i.. B € graor t65s 6 ,a- Y--a,lt vV. FOR OFFiCE USE ONLY Perm'i t Cl erk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI{CY: Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additionai Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: datenameSignature Holl ( ( { ( 4.._tf. /nAfrAfAfifAfrhy0 COn )Alyf .IIOBILE HO.VIES POST OFFICE BOX 365 t 2238 YEW STREET FOREST GROVE, OREGON 97 116 . (5031 357-3tZl 1L7 32 I 'olo t-D^TE 06-23-80 oBt 072398 & O8B 072399 IO'crf rttAncrAl SBBVTCEST ItlC. L197 lalrfleld Avemre P. O. Bor 2590 Eugene, Oregoa 97402 E'CEUT N,ECTBATIOT 8ALB3 151,5 Ery 99 trorth trhrgcnc, 0rcgoa 97402 Lr L SHIP TO s-3t25 Ilertlna cl.on .O.B. SOISSf,-CBiOfrI TOTAL s20r345.00 55.00 205.00 260.00 295.00 25.00 8{+0.00 $21r185.00 229,50 1,936_.64 $19,476.86 ANUFACTURING CO.. INC. See CrerG 18121 flf OB 854Y11 E.U.D. InrtSoleEtrr Lryrr l14 Cclllng lr11 Lep ttdtng Sltdtng Clerr Door lauLlY loon Etalnleu ltcol fltcheo 81nlr t rr= Lerg lsh u7 t clore out allosance "lL- Ca.aFolG. c^a :. .rwrr{ o^d j. ralra. u,l,r4 lho? rhtl'lla ra lha 6?D, a ha6t aakt.cad hcra'.oDova thorl .For. Monqloarw.,^C C.-6 1 !^'tt Cv.<hort In'ta ^ol caan F'd o'd 9rt.'or.r o6d,?7 "ltrae o^d ot 6re oCrG )t 16-. .,,- r, -,rh.vr pr ,, "r. ., or 't 6.r Co'a ri. - rh,n ' rc i! pu o'cd od ro F, o^r o^d or, r i6 t:r a. a<tt'^ :. .aa..at al 6'^? tat\'^oE c lt a lsrtia' da'i'la3 .rc. a., r)-rAlt)<.9o.g'c..i,^a ! rr'.r ^ o<<:e6'tt.t t-: ' tea ttcr!,-^ -r rcora '!rd6oo'raF-t6 !^ar :a rc'o.a: di aFS t-,r 1-lorad ic,-'r'..r a' tra '0t ^ "l ta"'' -Fn Je'c!'r :t c" t'^cla Fr66l lha rco r.a €.:.a -aon<a I n lha gr<nota gr'<e'^c'aal Peta'ota. a^{ :. .6tea o^O/ar tetraa c;raat ' .rd<r'€ o '.rrr ,.:€ r' ',r rha la at ee^ dato'd F'etaat lrirt t^orr re6o,^ 'n ta'a 6^d aet' Cfcla. r.o ia.,-i,aa,-! ro3 -aC,G rha'C.ir :l tca r.!11 te<C?t gnlri tha a^t'rc fr(hoaa p.<a r<.t,ad F.rc ^ tio'. :a E d ') tet,.. I'n. ,r ' rh. 6F(a tt rh't o9tt'661 All (,orar 3l cny t..d 6erl Oa hOae 'i .t,t,,,a ''rh'i tht* aorr Jl tCalrol a' 6ar<hod'la . -XlF.lvl \J';1?,,,, , , EHIP VIA Xor IIEE xo. UNIT PRICEDEACRIPT!ON DUPI.!CATE II.IVCIC= :;:ii:aTIC:: P?.CC:]i.3.:S iC.? T:i: Cii'i^0F s,ri:::3FiiLi)* tsuiL9i;:G liYisic:i 3.:a :",ii STi.iIr i;rs'J:cr:c:rs 7zo-37a9 IiiFC.-.,;^'i:c;l i25-3ia3 The fol ic:,rin tc 'red ins ec ti ons re requir r or your ccnstruction att is the responsibil ity ho i der t,o -ldL ctl nspectron are maCe at the prcper tine,oi che pe Lthat each adCress is reaCable from the street, and that the pernft card is ioc:teci at the frcni of the proper"y. 1. SITE IiISPECTION: To be made after 11. FRAillriG IllSPECTI0rl: llust be requested c prior to setup o I arter apProva i of roug h plumbinq, eiec- 3. F'llTIllGS 3 F0iilllA.TiCll: To- be r':rade !2. DRYI'IA.LL Ii\lS?5CTICil: To be made afte:^ :i-5r- :t'cn.^"Jc f,r5 5\,-:1/a teC anci al l diy'xal I any taping. i:.-to place,bur pr':'or to e.\ca va i r on , forms 2. UIIDE!?SLAB PLU:'IBII.IG. ELECTRICAL & iiiEC:ii.ilt c.iL To be niade before any l./orK 1 s c araA The Final Buildin l,'lechanical Inpse be nrade unti I th CATI OF OCCUPAIIC trical & mechanical. All roofinq, bracinq & chimneys, etc. nlust be con:- pieted. tlo rvork is tc be concealed until th'is inspection has been made and approvq,5... i:. sEi.rER I,IAT!R & DR,I.IIIACE LIi\ITS: r1 0r to rt Erencnes. 1.4. SiDiilAl-K E DRiYEiiAY: Reauireci for al I CCliCfe-Le,Oa'.''l ;l(.1 irl in street right- h::-: ^ts^r,-.-,'Cf Vef;-iCalS in aC-JE-,,1i t Yt vJ e ilru co: i:nca '..ri;li U.3. C. Sec;i an 241-5. 5. Ull!Iii-:lCi Pl-'r;:3li.G i l,l:i-,:.lllil'-: o t: fia:3 pr of f I coi' insul at'icn or decilinc. 5. PCSi i 35.:ll: To be r:ace prior to nS;" I acrcii of floor insulaticn or rJecl:ing. 7 . R0iiG;{ PLU;:3 i;'lc. ELSCTP.ICAL & i.lFEj'Tiit+: rllo 'rrcrk js -uo oe coYereo uncil these insceciions have been mice and aporoved. g. Fi9[PLACI: Prior to piacing facing rnacerials. 9. FIRe & SiPir2riTIOil IiALL: Locatsd & ccnsiruciec acccrcing to plans. O" IiJSULATIO;i / \./APOI? BAR:?I ER II'ISPTCTi OiI: To be maJe a;ter all insulatton and fc:'ns are erected, but prior to , pcuring ccnc:3!e.' ' 1. l'!AS0il.q'/ !lrLLS: Steel I oc:tion, bond WZ H,\6D r_-,1 T Name of pe:-nit holCer SiEnature t> BUiLDI;lG DITJiSIC:i A.PPP.0';1:, PLiiilS Sl-ir.LL Rt:':AI:l 0iJ I.JC.i( i;iJSI 8i CC;;PLII iD iii P.CCCROA;iC: i.JiiH IHOS: of-"ra-v; to :e maie af'"er- aI I et:c3'.'at- ing ccmclet: & fcri:: t',crll & sub-case ma:::'ial in piace. --\li I i5. IJCC!STCti ES: After instal lat'ion is coirlp I ereu - i5. SPECIAL IiISPICTiCIIS: l'lhen raqtrireC blz the ilui l dinE CcCe, sPecia I inspec:or tc be present r'ihen r'tork is in proqress. A copjz of the spec-ial testinq report to be furn;sheC tc tne Buildjnq Division. Struc'"ural Concrete: In excess of 3C00 P.S.I. Structural l,lel ds : Performed on the icc Glu-Larn 8eai",ls : Inspection cer"tificate (by apprcved agency) supplied to BtrilC- ing Division before beams are placed. Fj re RetarCant Roofi ng : Before i ns ia I - I ation-. Pho n Da t-,ILM E SUiLDI;IG SiT: Ai ALL iIi.!ES ' AIID ALL 9.O"IED PL;.;IS -- requi red lrapor barriers are in pl ace a--.) /- but beicre any latii, gypsum bcarC or I iti. OTHER It'lsP:CTI0:i:: Malu be requiied in wall cc,rer-ing is apii:iib, and berore acrcrciarrce t'riln 3uildinq Code, to be an;z insuraiiSn is ccr:cea jed. ;Xii;?ffi,,;:r3:il;.or bv notjce from FIIIAL PLui'itsI}IG FIIIP.L iLECTRI CAL iII{AL i'lECHANI CAL FI|'{AL FIRE DTPT. All projectccncjiticns, such as the installation of street trees, completion of the requireO lanoscacing, etc., must be staisfiec before the SUILDi:lG'\Fil,lAL can be requested- FiIIAL BUiLDiiJG g Inspecticn must be requestec after the Final PlLrmbing, Electr ical and itioni have been maCe and approved. I'lo occupancl/. of the premi ses can i,tinul Builciing inscection has been made anC aDoro'red, and a-CERTiFi- y t-tAS BIr;l ISSUaD B'i THE f,UIltiic Di'/I5iOil AliD POSreD Oii TI-it PR[:\!iSE5. l'lOTE : /il I manr':c I es and cl e:nou ls are to be arjjusiei at no cos t io the Ci ty-