HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-12-23?cce:- Date tt.. RESIDE TIAL.. 22 s *orth stt, ito"ltPPLrcATr,N /PERI lrr Sprtngfteld" )regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 "rob Iocaticn: Aesessorc l,leo #-o SPFIINGFIELD t ?c.c lat # Phone: zip: Stbdioision: |rJfle? Aditess City: Renod.eL .ont!aa=cis jenetal rftrc Oh a> . tl),ri'' /*szz. H*psrcve ,/rro SrcY- h/aa5 'f u /67 Descr.be h'ork: VaLueDate of op?ri"rri", /?-2V86 //cZ\. ao Acttess L. 9Lectz,icaL '.!ec)tcl;iccl- Constrtetiott Lendet _t i8 the respotzs'ibi_Lity of the penrit hotder to aee that aL! inspections ee nad.e at the ptope" tine, tl.at "*7.irirsas is rsn;--^'"'Y.-tJy at?eet' and. tirat xhe-oet>trit-c-atd ia Loeated at the frctti of t\-,e orooertySuilditg Dluiciot approted pLan shcll remain on tie Builcitng site bt aLL' ines." \)'^?nttod t^) rttcD"nrcll RI?IEST:CALL726-3769(r,ecordet) state gout, City designated job nzo;ber,, job aiiress, type of inscec=icn @e*iyio"_i^'oection,contractcisoroumersncrnecnd.pionenunber.Pequesxsleceixedbefcre?:cg;.iLL be macie tirc aane dcg' veouests natie aftet ?:00 an vLLL be mad.e the ner,t:sorkinE dag. -l S-I:g J.'J-.::j:fO.'J: Io be na<ie after ) Ecala;l;;;fr pr.iar to set ip of - fiorms. -l tJrlDlRSLA9 pLUtSI:|c. ELSCT?ICAL &| ,".3Ci;.:;;:;:: To 'oe macie before enu --F liozlK Ls cove?ed.. l PC)TI:ic ,: F0UllD,7?fCN: ?o be tm.Ce af x er Yr ei|tid-dd-ezcau ated ard forms az,e erected, but prior topourtr,g ccncrete. l P)ST Ai:t ltA!.!: To be nadeinstallaxl.cn of floot, insu Iour City Desig:ated Job Numbey Is 8€a TilSULATIOII /VAPOR BARRIER I\]S?ICTIOiI : To be naae aitez, aLL insulaticn od reouired oapor borie?s Ge in place bat befare oty 'la.th, Wpsutn bcarC or rnLL couering is coplied, and. before otg ir*u|ation is concealed. DRYIIALL fNSPICTf)N: Ic be nade afxer aLL atytaLl is in place, but ptiot, to cny tapittg. I|AS1NRI: SteeL Location, bond beans, grouting ot, oerticals in accordorce Lllth U.B.C. Section 2415. ) U::DgRGpc,J::D p:,1:.pruc, slnE?, r^,.trtp.)Lirq trenchee. -l u:tnsnrrcsp ILU:pr::c E r4EclrAltrcAL:J To De nc..e prior to installation ftoot insulction or decking. ff, wooosroltt: I Al cctnpleted. b> After installation is of CUPB 8, APPRCACI] A.PPON:After fonnsoe etecteC but prior to pounirq conc?ete. SIDEI,IALK & DRflEll.A!: Fot aLL eon- e"ete paving uithin street night- of-txy, to be maCe aftez, aLL ezca- uating canplete & fotn uoyk & sub- base material in place. !!!!!E: Wen conplete -- ProuiCe gates or mooable sections through P.U.E. ALL pro,ject conditions, such as the i.nstallation of sareet trees, ccnolction of t;e required Lanl.sccping, ctc., iust be satisiied before the BUTLDII:C FIIIAL canbe requested- PIi,lAL BUILDLNC: The Final Building Insoection nrust be reauesteC cf;er the Firal PlunbingElectrical, atd tleclur.ical Inspections navc been made atri aoproueC. prior to Latiotz or decking, 1 R)!ti:l ?:'-??t::c, !:EC?!?ICAL I rlCH- lI A.,!LA-: hO ';o?K 1-s to oe coo*e?ed.unxil xhese insoectiors lanse been nad.e qra acoyou'ed.. 1 fniPucz: prior to olccira faeino) nc;;;l;i arxi before'froning ii"pn""-tion. 'f fpLl:r::c: ltuct be nequested aften ) qp"ourZ of rougn plwrbing, electni-eal E neci,nnieal. AL! noofing braeirg A chiltmeys, ete. nast be . cotryLetei. !1o ucrk is to be con- - ceclei uttil this inspection las'been made ani aporove'd. ] FiltAL pLt)t.Eriic A ,*, tlz.ttA:trcAL ] FritAL Eiz:.ircAL o l DEi.icLrrr)ll 0R Sqli.:or! seser captped ct ptoparty Lire Septic tank p;,i.:ped od fiLLeC vtth gratei Blocking od. Set-ttp r Pltntbiflg connecticns -- sate? otl. ucten Eleetriccl Ccnneetion - Blockirq, Bet-u. anC plunbing cotneetions m:st be apprcxei before requesting el-ectrical inspeclio- Fitnl - Aftcr tcrekes, skirting, declcs,etc. are conpieled. Aecessory- Building Page 7 of 2.ALL l.rArltcLas AUD cLEAi:1uTS ilt:sT EE ACCESSIBLE, ADJL'ST:2:]! ?O 9' t.!4Di /.? t:O C:S? TO CI?y Pinal - l{hen abcue itens ate ec:aleted. and uhen Cencl:.tion is eotr>Lete or st:-i-.- xure mooei otc otetrLses clZanei up. SOLAR ACT SS REQ.-L-CO G+ ?onc lat Sq. Fg. i of Lct CatercSe_ t of Stortes ?otal leight Topogrcphy UICI=: _ Intericr _ Co?ner _ Panhandle CUL-<ie-sac Oecu -- Fees -- Lot ['aces -ln?rtt So:trcos S et-nc,- i::teaa Df iiouse Caraoc Wct,.t" !cai.-rlloPtilharu:,: Soutil iloozJaou e hte st Building Vqlue & Permit This penntt is gnanted on the erpress condition that the said.constntetion shall-, in all rbsoects, conform to tite Ordinance edopted b9 the City ofSpringfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulctittg the ccnstraeticn and. use of build.i.ngs, and may be susoen-ded or reuokeC at c.ry t':-ne upor: oic- Lation of anA prcuisions of said Ord.ir,ances. ?OTAL, VALU! UCS.D.C. 1.5 s Iolcl Ci".atgea ,^^-' : *t: -1 f 1 r--L t.co tuattt out , J UavIL/ t cr.i Set-'ev D1.,-i-'-^ D---.'+ 4^+-1 a?,-n^-o Fec Date Patd: Reeeiot fl: P iurnb ing Pe rm it No person slall consttuet, instal!, a7.xer or eitanae cng neu cr e=istinc plw,r,binE or tirainage systen in uhole or in part, unless sueh .cerson LJ thc Legal possessor of a oaltd olunber's Lieense, erceet ti:ai a pelson Eat co plunbing uotk to pyope?tu uhich is otsned, Leased cr oDeracea by the c=pii- cant. x C^ .atDc?@! Set'x;-ce TotaZ Cnctces Eleciricol Permit Were State Lan reauites tint the eleetrieal uork be d.one by an Slee:ric:i Contractcr, the electtical cortion of this permit sitcll nct be vcli w::;.i the Label ius been signeC by the Electrical Contrcexo". t:: ,a I\{echcr n i cq I Pe r!'n it 'hanst HooC ent Fan codsto;le )tz Pertr:tt Issudtca Mec-r:"rictZ Petmit :e 1 //s* /9, oa 6a /t.€D -- E;,tch'cAcHl!i:;i -- Dero3at :t-it t^+^1 f6-6-^- ESCJ: .iesaZk ee bile liane I HAW CARSFULLy IXNIINED the eonpleted aoplication for pernit, c.nd do hereby eettify tltat aLL infotr,ation heneon is true arL ccrrect, cr,.C. I fut,ther certify that any ard aLL uork perforned siall be done in accon- dance trtth the Ordtntnees of the City of Soringfield, anC thc La.;s of the State of )regcn pcrtainino to the uork CeseribeC hcrein, cnd tia.t iio OCCU- PAIICI uill be nnde of an11 st?ueture uithout pennission of the 3uilding Di.-vision. f further certifl; thet only eont?actors ct;d enplcyees xho are in eazpliance urth 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project M-zs,nfu -.? ,tratt}a /f 60 JOB NO. t: