HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1988-07-28.. RESIDENTIAL.. z2s North rrt irrnff"'cA*r(^'PERI'I, SprLngfi.eld, )r,egon 97477 Building Ditsision 7 26-37 5s Job [acaticn: Aaseesons lrtap # I o 3 SPHINGFIELD Tcx lat #0 l(qsK o[( il q>t )'\ CC OL oo_s Subdiuision: Asner: Address: Citg: ldditicn Desertbe Hoy,k Value /5'f 4/l=-l Ra noCel Date of AppL,icaticn Genetal 2f -fg Date Phone: ; Constmction Lenden It ie the fran the,*EuiUing teeponaibility of the permit lulden to aee tlnt-all-inspections oe nad.e at the p?oF)e? tine, tLat each a,1,l-ees is vsadnhlp,triii:,ffi"33ffi,}L"HJx,*"i:E*,,r*?,"{l;i.%'y,,an*a:.--,.-.r."ye.wg'l9'4g.9 Pl?ocspupq Fo4 rNSpEilroN R1OWI?:CALL 7 "equested and uhen -gou uiLL be ready fot,tnl,Ll be tade the sane dcg, tequests-iade 26-376 9 ( z,ecotder ) state yout, City designated job ntmbez.,inspection, Conttacta?s ot a,mets nante cnd plnne numb*.aftet 7:00 on vLLL be nnde the nest :xrking da-g Iottr Ci,ty Desigtated Job l,lumber Is:tro as= i iob aCfuess, type P.equests z,eceixed of inspee'-icn befcte 7:00 d;t I SI?E TNSPEC?ION: lo be ,escaation, but prton tc JO?mg.W*wrk is cotseted. POPTING & FQUNDATICN: To be naCedft.et treflches a?e eccazsated and forms are ereeted, but p"io" to Wu/nry ccncrete. TNSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRIER TIIā‚¬PEC?ION :robenade@ requtred uapor borie?s @e in plaeebut before ory Lath, Wpan boatC ot t'nLL .coueting is applied, otd. beforeotg insulation is concealed. DRWALL LNSPE&r1N: lc be nadeaftet aLL eAuaLL is in place,but priot to c.n! ta?irrg. I,IASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, groulittg ot, tertieals in accordorce Lrith A.B.C. Section 241 5. I,IOODST1VE: After installation isarnpleted. CURB & APPROACH App,ON: 'After formsee etecteC but priot to pout"ing conc?ete. Sanitag seuet eapped at properq- lite Septic tank p.tped and filted tttth gtanel after set up of 't Final - h\ten abcve itens ee conple and uhen Cqtcl.ttion is eotpletetbt tuz,e nooed ord. pnarises cleaneC up. *ed st?uc- - aypsRGpoarp pLUtE!!!!rEEW!:_ !!!B'J .Lirg trenehee. I woFnruoqn pruJnrnc a tmcnmrcu,,'-t :t'o be ma4e p"io? to installation offloor insulation or deeking. I egsr yt-o apau: ?o be mad.e prio*, tot LlsllLLatlan of floor insulation ord,ecKlng. - 4!:!!_:1t=pLa.piltc. E1!.ECTRTCAL a r,tEcH:I ANICAL: No uork is to be coieFed-.w:t-il these inspee*.ions hate been_t maae and. appnoued. , I FLPEPLACE: Nor to plaeira faeina' I naterials and before franin| ir"p"L_. tion. I FRAilIIlc: ttust be requested. aftetI appro^t)al of tough plwnbing, eiectni_. @L & nechanical. nll ro-oying,' .bruct--ng E- chinmeys, etc. mtst" be! otnp,Leted. tto tirk ;s to ie- ii_-.-:.cecled until thia i"sp.ction ii:bee,l nwd.e anC opprou"d. &For all eon- Pauuq styeet right-qf-tea,to be nod.e aftet aL I eaca-oating conplete & for*n uork & sub- place.base natey,ial in I'lobile Hcmes Blocking otd. Set-up I Plutrbing connectiotts -- aa)te? d. ualet I Elecfu,ical Ccmnection - Blocktng, set-up ard,- plumbing connections trust bL- apprcoLdbefote requesting electrical inapeition Accessot g Bui\Cing Pinal - Afteretc. ee conp pct ckes Leted. skirting, decl<s, gatA hrhen conplete -- prooiCe oy motsable seetians through P.U.E, ) rnnr pLUMBrrc ) etnet MEIHANTIAL ) rulm ELEc?RrcAL l - --- ALL projeet conditions' such as the installat-i9n of stteet trees, cortoletion of tietequited Tandscaping' etc.' nuet t" ""irilr.ua biio;.-;l;';uiriitc F1NAL ean be tequested., ErNAL BUTLDTNG: The Pinal Build,ing. rnepection n.'et be requested, aften the Firal plunbing\-,/ Elect,tcal, od, Mectnni.cil liipZ"i;r", j*;;-;;;;'ia""'",,a approued. Page 1 of 2 .ALL I4ANIICLES AND CLEAIIOWS MIIS? BE A q2ESSIBLE, ADJUSTltEilt ?o BE M4DE /t? NO CCST TO Cr?y o lll ryftr r JOB NO. Nal/Ectetd Circuits 3 :;ULAK AUUE)) KE,V.- Receipt #: L-CO G' Seat AeeessP.L House Iat Sq. Ftg. Z of Lct Cooeraga I of Stories Total Eeight TopogtaPhY rM 4W _ Intetion _ Cormer _ Panhand.Le _ Cul-de-sac Ipt Faces - BectoonsGr a.' -- Fzes -- .F?G Y ValueITTI'' ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 a Date Paid: Signed This permit is gratted ott the erptess eondition tlnt the sciid-constntctiott shall', in aLL iespeeti, con\or*'to the hrdinance adopted tiy the city 2f Springyietd., including- the Zoning CYdinance, regulating the ccnstrueticn ira "ZZ of Luildings,- utd may be suspended or reookeC dt c.nA tine upon oic- Lation of dty prctsisione of eaid 2rdittances. Building Pendt ?otal Clwges State Building Volue & Permit r LL CHARGE Figtutes Resilential (1 bath) Seuen Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, i-nstal!, alter- or ehonge _any neD-c? eristing il**li o, dtainage sastqt in uhole or in part, unle11 sueh petson is the Tegal p"osses"o, o1"o oLlid plr^ber's Lic-ens-|, eecept tlat a ???son na! qq ptinn;.:"g uork to proper\ ihi.h i" oaned, Leased or operated by the dpPli- cdtt. * Plwtbing Pern:Lt .ITEI.I FEE Sentice Electricol Permit Whete State Lat requires tttat the eleetrical uork be do_ne by _aa ElecttLcal contz,aetor,, the eleetr"Lcal portion of this permit sItaLL not be oalic util the l,obel lns been signed by the Elech'ical Contractor. * State Total NC F9E ttthDaFIT3!4 I bl@let HooC Vent Fot llcodsto;se Mechonicol Permit Permit fssuoee Meclnnicel Perrit -?. a -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Pertrrit TotaL Clzbcut Sid@dlk I Iabe Mobile Hane TdIAL A},IOUNT DUE:. PLan Eraniner udte ,( f HAW CAREFULU !XA\L0NED tte eompleted application fot perwtt' @ld do i"';;L; in liry tnot "i,i-i"iorr-libn h"n.ot ie true and ccrrect, dnc r fi"7lb- i"ott Ty tn"t Liv i"a aLL uo?k peyfot:ned stall be done in acco?- dance ,,yLth the ondina).cZr-if |in city of bp.ingfield, .atd th.e .Lass of the State of o"egcn p""t"i71ig-'to- tie w?t< Ces'crLb-ed herein' crLd. thdt NO qCCU- pl.Ncy tLtL be nsde .f-';;'";;;i,oz itto"t penrission of the Building DL- tsi-sion. I finthen certif'1 that otly contraitons a'd' enployees uko are in ;;;1i;";'rttt, oas ?u.o:ss ui-LL be- used on this proiect \)-t) ,-t- /a.e5 t Date