HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-01-25I #.. RESIDENTIAL.. ,,ERILIT SPTINGFTELD. APPLT- T. 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, 2regon 97477 Butlding Diuision 726-37 53 -0 lc o ttl I4)7, t2Y C// co@ Date:- 75- 26-3769 (z,ecot den) state yout, City designated job nunber, job aCltess,tgpe of ittspeeticnitrspection,Cottttactars ot 0mers nctne and plane nunbet. Requests recei.xed befcre 7:00 attafter 7:00 an tyill be nade the nest wtkirq dag. I-t ia the reeponeibi-LilC of -tle petwit hotd.* to aee that alt inspecttotts ee nade at the p"opet tine, th,at e4,eft :d,hsss i,s reniahieftan the stpeet, and, tlat the p*trit card, i,e Leated at the fzpni of the oroo*ht.*Buiuing b1uicion a.prw*ed plbt shatl remain on the eu;iaing stl"-At-"1l'l{^;;:"- : PRocgDUPE F)R INSPEC?I)N REQUESITCALL 7 nequested ard ahen gou uiLL be ready fot,'*iLL be rade the edte dcg, r,eqtests iade yolt" cita Desigr,ated. Job ltwber ,r, &90 0 b A -Remi.rarl Job Locaticn: Slbdioision: 0tmer: C,Address:7-tPhone1 ci Descr'ibe lfork: / tE-88 VdLUE 5n0Date of AJuo Additian RenoCeL Mobile Hcnes Bloeking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- aaie? old. ualet i Electrical Connection - Bloeking, eet-up and plunbing eonnectione mtst be apprcued before z.equesting electrical inspeetion Accessory Auilding pcrehes, skirting, decks, leted. Pinal - After etc. ue comp, Page 1 of 2 SI?E INSZECTION: eccanlation, but ?o be rrude afterpttor tc set up of INSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPEC?ION:Io be nade after aLL insulaticn ed. required oapor borie?a ee in place but before ory Lath, Wpswn boarC or tmLL eooering is applied, and beforeoty insulation is conceaLed. DEI,IOLITTOT OR IIOWD Sanitat y seuer capped at p,operQl 7.ine Septic tank yronped and. filled ttth gra;tel stteet ttees, conpletion of the the BafLDfNG FLNAL can be tequeeted. INDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & MECHA-IIICAL: To be nade before angffit7{iaseted, P))?ING & FOUNDATICN: ?o be ntade;fi;ffiG;-are escaoated and forns are etected, but prior to pou?tng ccncrete. UNDERCPOA\|D PLIJMEING. SEWR, W,ATER, DRAillAGE: ?o be nade pr.ior to fil-Li.rq trenches. ailplRFLO1R PLUiETN? & MECHANICAL:Io be made prioz, to instalT.ation of floor ineuT,ation or decking. P1S? AND BEAM: ?o be made orioz' toGtaIffin of lZoon irauT)tion ot decking. ROAGH PLUYBilIG, ELEC?RICAL & MECE-ANICAL: @.mtil these inspeetions lntse bear mad,e ard. approueC. FIPEPL.!,CE: Prlot to plceir4 fasinSmater-ials and befote fz,aning inspee-tion. t*lrr: tttust be requested after app-tooal of rough plut*lng, eiectz"t-a,L & neclnnical. ALL toofirq btacLng & chhtmeys, etc. nast- becotnpleted. No uoz,k is to be con-cealed until thia inspection lne been rrude anC approtted. forms. FTUAL PLUABING PINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL DRYWALL TNSPEOTON: Tc be nadeafter aLL dnyuall is in p'Lace, but prior to ang taping. IIASONRI: Steel location, bond beons, gtouting ot oerti.cals i,n aceord@tee tLth U,B.C. Section 2475. p wooos_ro,tt=t V) anpLeted.. After irntallation is 1\JJ CURB & AITPR1ACH APPON: 'After fonnsee evecteC but prtor to pow"ing conctete. SLDEIIALK & DRfIEWAI: For aLL con-erete paoitq tithin et?eet z'ight-pf-rxA, to be made after aLL esea- oating conplete & forn wz,k & aub- base nwtertal in pZace. IEICE: h4ten conplete -- PyotstCe gatee or nooable seetians through P.A.E. ALL projeet conditions, sueh as the installation ofrequired Landscaping, etc., rmtst be satisfied befote a) IIyr::tlrrDrVc,- m? Final Build.ins. rnipection mtet be requested a-ften the Final plunbing\--l Electr'[cal, otd Meclnnical rnspectiona -tqoe been mad.e atd'approoed. *ALL MANH2LES AND cLEANotJ?s MUS? BE A11ESSTBLE, ADJUSTI1EN? ?o BE MADE A? No cos? To cr?! /otr3v "ffir,a( r tr u T A tq 1 Jl^elo>? A Aeaeasors Mapt # I t|o lz4 a I ?c,stat# ccg0o {)/i/ ELeettical ) "-l JOB NO. Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cotserage # of Stortes lotal Height Iopography soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co c BeCtoans LOI TWE v Interior Cormer Panlnndle CUL-de-sac Ipt Faees - lleat P. L.House Catage Access. North East tt Fireplaee South ll Iloodctou"e llest l -- Feee -- This permit is granted on the e$press eorditi,on tlat the sciid-eonstnaction shall-, in all iespeets, confonnio the Ordinance adopted Liy the City of Springfield, inchtding the Zoning CYdinance, regulating the ccnstmtcticn otd, use of buildings, ord may be suapended or retsokeC at cnA tine upon oic- lation of dly p?ooisions of sai,d 1tdirnncee. TOTAL VALUE IIEM F?G Y ,+ Building Vqlue & Permit S.D.C. 1.5 t Building Penrtt ?otal Clarges State Receipt #: i-+- D--'). y Lan Signed: Plumbing Permit No pe"son slnll constmtct, inetall, altet or clwnge anA neo cr etisting plunbing or drai.nage aystan in uhole ot in patt, wtlese such petson is tle Legal possessor of a oalid plunbetts L'Lcense, eseept tlnt a pe?son nay do pltmbing uork to prope"ty uhich is oaned, Leased or operated by the dPpli-- cant. Fi.sturee Residenti-a.L (1 bath) Sa,tet Plwnbing Penrit 1 Electricol Permit Vltere State La,t requires tlnt the eleetrLcal uork be done by im sleeh'ical Contractor,, the eleetrLcal portion of thts pernit sllall rat be oalil. until the Label tas been signed by the Electrical conttactor. L L Neu/Ectend Circuits Seroiee -)b FEE CHARCE , C€) * Mecho nicql Permit 5 bhanst HooC Ilcodstotte Vent Pot PermLt fssuarce Meclnnical Pemrit I HAW CAREEULLy EXA)4INED the completed application for pernit' and' do hereby certify tlnt aLL infonnatibn hereon i-e ttue and eorrect, attd f furtkZr eertify that any ard aLL uotk perforned slwll be fune in accot-'dnnce ,^rLth th-e- 2rdinanc-es of the City of Spr"Lngfield' and. the La,te of the State of 1regon pertaining to the wrk Ceseribed hetein, and that N0 )CCU- pANCy till a"e rrad.e of any strueture ty|thout pernission of the BuiLding DL- oision. r further .in"tLiy tlnt only cont?acto"s and enployees uho ee in conpliance iith ons 701.055 uill be ueed on thie proiect lQ5- TO?AL AMOUNT DUE: * Seenri Date Pefirit ?otaL Ddte * Cutbcu! Sideualk Electtical Label Mobile Hone rTEM NO.FEE CHARGE 'llatet State Suz'change , Storaqe Maintmn.-e Penep- /<,?,r- O^*,A/ u lA sisned / J F[an Eirad.ner