HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-02-07" RESIDENTIAL" z2s ttorth rrr rrr"nAPPLicATr)N /PERl4rr Springfield, 1regan 97477 EULLdlna DLuLgLon 7 26- 37 53 tp-o-."( fitu^r- P"-r^;! /5 oo t7' '6o t{.Go Jd SPFIINGFIELD Job Locaticn, (o L{RO Aesessore ]!a # Subd.!.uistcn j-:ner: ;ddtess:Phone: 7 /6- 67 7" /z(77 Desez.ibe i,!ork: Additicn L-r]o o -TbQrru; - Value o-o it L a ).tt a-u^t Date of .tpprl,coticr-fi-82 - ne Cenetal !,!eclror:iccL DZ|IOLITiOI! AR Sani:ey seser eqped :t prcperoy- Lire Septic totk p;,i::ped ad, fiLLeC *rith gra:;ei. Ptnal - l.,4zen abcue itens ue eqnplecei aaC uhen la-:clittor: i; :cnclele by s:t-;:-tute r.oueC oi =t,;:::ises elZanei tt. 2- tcn?s PlunbinX ccnnecticns -- sane? d. aa:er Electr"Jccl Ccnnection - Blcckirq, set-ut and. pltonbing connections mist be aprcued be;'ore request)ng elec=rtcal inscec=ior, Acces:c,y tsuildir,4 ?inal - !,fter:crckes, skttting, decl-s, etc. de ccnple:td, Elocking ad 1ec-u.o !1:2 I Ot '-) ultDgRsLi.z plulBI:tG, TLECTRrUa I;.ttcx;.Wnu wrk is ecuet,ei, PC)TIIG t IAU;IDATIC\I: To be rnaCei,=!i6fr ttii-6i-ez c a at e d and fotms oze erectei, but prtar io pouz.ir,g ccnc:ete. UIIDERCSCT\D PLU-|{EIl;C, SlW?,,/,|TtR. D?AillAGE: lo be naae pr)at co fil-Lirg crenchee. UTIDEP,FLCAR ?L|JI9 IIG 2T :'ECqA\T CAL : lo be meie pricr to installat:-on of floor insulctian or Cecking. ?0ST AilD 3EA!4: lo be nade piot to insrallation of floor irsulatiar ot deeking. F.ALICE ?'4,!Ei:l1, !'ZCIPICAL 1 )!ECH-Ailii).L: );o )cr1 i; =c Ze couereG utztil ;kese ly.sceelior:s 'acoe been maie cr.d. c_oprc:t'e d. FIPTPLAC!: Pm)or to pZccirq lectngmcterials ard before franitlg insoec-tion. ,oRAlaI:lC: ltust be recuested af-.er cporou,;L cf r*igh plwbirg, electr.i-cal d neci,anieaL. AL! rcoilr4 bracirq 3 chitmeys, etc. rtsc be cornple:ed. llo .;ctk is to be con- . cecled until this insoecian iias'l6pn nod.e cni aporc"^ed. -1 Sf! ::15?ic::itt: To be rrude after L__J e4caufion, TC pricr tc aet up o7 ?^froJ vL.tte. Iout, City Desigra,ted Job llwtbet is: iiisuLAr r0 N /vApgl? r-4RRJg R ntsplc!fi i,t : To be nade after aLL insulcticn e.ti req,tired uqor boz,.)e?s @e in olace but before ag La.th, gypsun bcazC cr unLL couering is cpplied, ad, before arA ,:nsulation ts concealed. DRI|IALL illSPlC?ICll: Tc be raCe efter eLL ct-guall is ")n plaee, bux priar to cny tapin4, :,L450!1ff: Stee!. Location, bond idilg?outing orue?ticd,Ls in,'Lth a.ts.C, Secticn After installatton,Js CAP.B & APPRCACIT A.PFCN:Aftet, fornsce erecteC but pr.or to pcuz-Jr,g concrete. jl)ltilLK t )RIiT#.!: Foz, a1.L can- erete pauitq uixhrn street right- oi'-,,ic!, tc be naCe after aL! ezee- oatina canolete t fom ,":oz,k & sub- base ncter)al in piace. I-t ia lhe tesponsibi-Lity of -the petmit hotler to see that aLZ tnspec'tiaflB @e nad.e at lhe propet tLne, that ecch ad,lress is rendabl.eilon-tly st?ee.t, arul, thax the-penit.qatd ie Lccated at the rirca7t of the -gopercg. '3uilCirq }luicio- aDp"ou-ed cr-ctt sitc.Ll reaain on t7E Bunldnng Sltc et aLL'times." P1?C!DUP\FoR- Il-tSPanI1N,ll-3tiES?.'CALL 726-3769 (recorier) state loux City desigz^ated job nwnber, job aiiress, type of insoec=icnrequested at:d ahen gcu -uiLL be teaiy fo-r inspecxion, cont?actcrs ol, A-zets-ror,.'ord ploie ntmber,.' -p.equests receii;'ed bLicTe'Z:00 an*iLL be rade the sante dcy, "equests nade af{er 7:00 an viLL be naCe the nectuorkinE'd.ay. s3tlca I ,I I I ll gates D II ? ilnen conplate -- Prouiie or nouable' aeccions through eet eor.d..iions, such as the 'tnsxallaxian cf Etleet ctees, :c-tlexlon cf tie' LanCsccpir.g, ctc., tast be satisfieC be;'ore tl,.a SUILDII|G !!!lAL :cn be reqaesteC.FIIIAL PLU:/,BIXC FTruL :,IECIIA:IICAL ?I}IAL ZLiC!?ICA' ALL pro.j require<i n il_]tAL ilriDMC: lhe Final Buildrng fnsoecticn rust be reqttested. aftet, the ?ir'-zl ?Lunbitq \_/ Slectrical, al llechariccl insoecticns itaue been nade ard appt oued. *ALL t4AtlHcLgS AttD CLEtttcurs !'tUS? BE IC:ES;ItsLE, .4DJt)57:!i::t ?o 3E i.ADx '1? llo::sT Tc ai:! Constu glic-nJgrtk!_ T r r T ,--- t JOB NO.j 3 soLAR>,zcEss REe.-L-CO G+ Sei.rcons: f ^1 c- l+-&o !q. . u9. 1! cf Lca la.teraEe ! of Stor)es ?ot"al lleighc ?apogrqny Zuilding Pernrt State !otal Penmt fssu.ance Mechanicel ?ezfiit Ccc?2ancr Cro"ti: LCr Tv?g _ fntetior _ Cormer _ Pcnitanile _ CUl-de-sac Building Vcllue & Permit This penn.t is granted on the enp?ess eoruiition ttat the said-consttwction shall, in ail respects, eonfcra to the Srdirwnce edocted. oy the CitT ci Springfleld, tncl-uiitng ;he ioning Crdinat.ee, regulctlng the ccnstr,Lcticn otd use oi bur.Ld.ings, and nay be suspend.eC or reltckei at cr.y tlne u?cn oLc- Lat'tan of tny prcuisions cf saiC Criir,cnees. Signed: Electricol Permif l{here State Lan requiz,es tlnt the electr;"cal uork be done by an Elactz*ical Contraetor, the electrLcal portion of thia pezmit shall not be ualiC until the label ias bem signed by the Electrtcal Contracto?. Mechq nicql Permit Lot Fx.ces -lnerau Sourees lieet a^., -^Ceta1e Access ,/ate" !ea!e/ Range Fnst iireoLace South Ilood.atau-e ',lest -- Fzes -- I!Z:.1 :(VaLue )fcin al:ca, :ar:.tt .iCaeSSa!, ?OIAL I,ry.LU' PLan Check Plumbing Permit llo pereon slall consk."uct, instali-, alter or change cflA nea cr eristing plurnbitq cr drainage sAstelt in uhole or in pott, unless euch person is the Legal possessot of a uaLid planbet'ts License, o-.cept that a petson nay do plrmbing aork to pyope?t! uhich is ouned, Leased on operated by the a?pLi- cailt. I:::4 FZZ LllA!<UL lbttes Resi-dential (1 bath) Seuer Plunbtng Perrit :10.ciilj,GE Pes- Sa, fte. ilau/Ezted. Cireuits lamcroy Set'uice CIi/.iCE;tc llcrzaee 2?U'S Esh.anst HooC Vent F@l Vcodstore I /r. o0 )t"o o bo t{, 1o O -- ,:1C?.CAC!:ir:!! -- c-i,*'t., n^n^^.'. Storage ilaintercr;:e Pentrtt SiCa;alk -a4a7 ltt^tt\1fr atli. I /{.(!0 PLqt ircniner L'Ate f HAW CAREFULLY gX.LAfilED tl"z eowoleted aoplicai;ion for permit, crui d.a hereby cefiify tTnt ali infornatibn heteon' is tmte atC ebrtect', dnd I fur,+.h.er celtliA that any crd. aLL xor:k teriorned shall be done in ac=or,- dance aith the Ordinences of the City cf SprLngfield, anl. the Lc;s of the State of 0reacn pez,tainina to the uork CescribeC herein, ct"L iincc NO ICCU- P/.!lCy trill be rrud.e of dn! at?uctt/r'e uith.out pennissiot", of the 3uilding Di- uision. i fuyther eertif'g thet only eontz,actors a.d e:tqlcgees ,i'4o ar2 tn conplianee urth CRS 701.055 r,till be used. on thie prcjeex 77-L3 llobile llcne 'vo: .i el:hn tit s ?otal Ch,aryes {.