HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-07-12,{.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s ltrorth stt, it "ffPLrcArr,N/PERIatSprtngfteld, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPTAINGFIEL.D t-fuclc- Job Locaticn: 5765 Thurston Road Aesessore Map # 17-02-33-1,t ?cz tot # 00 115 Subdilision: HuberdC,mer: 5765 Thurston RoadAddzess Phone: 746-1,371 oL!. xx Val-ue f--t \,htc.r-Date of Applica ticn .Trrne 11, 1982 Additicn RentoCeL Descrtbe Flork: Garage d Roth l{arcol a 3057 4 933-General 77-16-8292252 llall ,9 l4echcr.)ccl Dtynr.Tafn^t nD I Sani!a2"1 seget ccpped .t Woper4- Lir:e Septic tank p:,qed drui iilled uith gz,atei !'tnaL - ;,{iten abcue zlens ate cctrcletei and uhen Cqpl:.tion is conplete br stytic-ttse noued ad. pteriaes cleazzed :,p. Hcnes tsLocking ord. Set-."tp Plunbing coanections -- sa!)er od. aaiet Electriccl Ccmtection - BTockirg, eet-u; and.- plunbing connections nr;st be apprcxZCbefote nequesting elec:rtcal inspebli,ot: Accessory 9uiklin4 Pirzal - Aftar pcrc4.es, siiz'ting, deeks,etc. @e ccnpleled. Consj.Frelicn_lelde" lottt City' Desigr.ated Job lbnber fs: 820653 rt ia "he respottsibi-Lity of-tle perwtt iuzdet-to see that-al!, intpectioaa or.a nad,e at !.he proper tine, that aech.-d,ineea is reaioTietyq-tly lt?eet' attd, titct the-pirmit cotd ia Located at the frot'of the orooertu.rEuildiq Diuiciov: qptou-eci plbt sitcll reaa-Jn o"-tto ail,lilrb"s:ii"-Lt-'ittti;:rz'":' ?:t'1o$DqPE, FoR, illsPg "CALL726-3769 (reeordet) state aou" city desigated. job nutber, job aiiress, tape of insoec=icnrequesxed arui uhen uou uiLL biieady for inspectton, contrdctoit oi a^rs"r-r."'ua pto7" r*rlcr.' 'p;a;;tr;)cei,:ed beJ-cre ?:c0 an''iLL be nade the sdte ticg, nequests'icl.e a1i* 7:0a at? tiLL be naCe the nest wtkini dag. SI?E IllSPlC?:CIt: ?o be nade after*cantation, but priot tc set up of forns. UNDERSLAB .DLU!,EIIIG, ZLEC?RIC;.L 1:acyt:!rcaL@ny uork is eoueyed. PC_CTI:IG 1 FAUNDA?IC\I: Io be naiea!'xer itench2s a?e eccauated and. forns. are erected, but prict topownr.g ccnc?eta. U_NDqRCR0A!!D pLL,M9IilG, SE|VR,'r.\!tR. DRII;|AGE: lo be ta.:.e prlor tb fil-Lir4 trenches. UIDEPILQCP ?'U:EflG 1 ,UECqANICAL: To be r,ac.e pnior co installction of floor insulctian or decking. P.9SI 4r!D tsEAlt: To be nad.e priot toinsxallaiicn of floor insulaiicn or deeking, ROLIG,! .DIAI4EIIIC. ILEC?RICAL ,1 I,IECH-AutcLt:W urtil these -l.nsoectio-ns haoe been made otd. ,.pp*ouLd. PITEPI.ACE: p)or r.o plceirq fcczngncterials and. befote frotting inspele_ FRA].!MG: ihtst be reou.esteti afier app-ro_ual of rough, ptutr.ittng, eiectp+_cal & necitanical. ALt rooJ-ittgbraing l. chinmeys, ete. rrust- beecilPLeted. ]!o .acrk is to be con_. cecled until this insoectian hae'beez nade anC apptoteZ rilsi.)LAIIAN /t/ApCR BARRIER IISpICTICi| : ?o be nnde aftet aLL insulati-cn ed, requ':.red uqor bawie?a @e in pla.cebtt befcre ory lath, Wpsutt bcari ortnli, coueting is applteci, cnti beforeary insulation is concealed. DRY\|ALL iilSP!trIOtt: Tcafter aLL arguall is in bat prioz' to cny ..aVin4 \IAS2NRI: Steel Location, boni beans, groutin4 or uerticcls in aceoyCozce ,,r"th U,B.C. Secticn 2415. 'iCODSTOY?:anoLered. CURB 4 .APPRCACH LDPCN:oe eyeeyeC but prior Aftet fontsto poar,)ng co?1,a?ete. SfD!ilALK ,3 DRf,,Z|,/AY: For aLL eott-c"e@aliffi stteet z*ight-of-txy, to be naCe aftez- al! ezca-Datinq conplete & for-n utoz,k & eub- base :rc,terial in place. be nade pla.ce, I After installation ia al'tl^? .'tlhen eonplate -- ?roliCe or notable sections throuah P. U. E. Ir G lTilAL .OLAI,BI:IG FI;IAL I4E'AilICAL IINAL ELIC?PICAL ALL proiect conditions, suciz as che "j.nstallat:.on of orteet cz,ees, cc::p!ex;.on of ilerequired Landsecpir-g, etc. ' mtst be satisfied befot,e- tie tsuiliii'c FrltAL cen be z,equestec. 'ryNAL tsarLDrNc: lhe F').naL 3uikiitt4 Inspection r.ast be "eduested ciler the l,Jnal ?!.unbinzE L ee rrical, o'ti lleeharicc L ir-s o e c t-icns'i.cte A e "",Za-e' fi ;;;;;; r;. *ALL l'lAllHcLEs AtlD cLEAlicarc xus? BE A11ESSTBLE, .4DJUST:.laill ?o jE r.!^.rl !t? rlo c3s? ?c c2y ?4e1oi2 Date T, T ur u ?=de 2 JOB NO. 7 cf Lct Caterage # of Stories Total lleight lopogag,ty 1C% SOLAR,-oESS REQ.- L1T !W! {[fi lnaericr _ Corner _ ?znhcdle CuL-de-sac L-co c Seitoons t 1: 59165 Cindie iD. Sqaer Na,t/Zzterd Circuits TotaL PermLt issuanee Mecitanical Pernrt t, Electricol Permit Were Stale Las requires tl"at the electrtcal uo?k be done by an Electu'ieal cont"acto", the electr.iaal portion of this ger,nit si@LL rot be ualil until the Label lns beer,. sigzed by the Electrtcal Cantractot. Mecho nicql Permit Lot Faces -Etnerau Souvces 5e i!eat icuse Caraee ;.ccess.Vdte,? 4eat2? llo"th EdEt itreoLace l,/aocis;o"^e ',lesc -- ?ees -- I!Z:4 ;Q ' I: U X i,lain C.zacz :er:c?-- .ac3esso?,/ lOlAL IIA.LUE iuctue)S.D.C. L.5 c PLan Check ?ee:10.80 Date PaiC: June L1. 1982 Building Volue & Permit This penrit ie granted on the euFraess cotdition tlat the said.eonstntc2ion sitall', in all.:.escects, eonfcrn to the Crciinace edopteC 2ly the City 9iSpringfteiC, 'Jncluding lhe ion;-ttg Crdinance, regalcti.ng ;h.e ccnstraeticn cd. use ci buildinEs, anti ntg be suepenl.ed or reookei et cr! tane u?on uac- Lation of rzr.y prcuis:.or,s of aaiC CvCirances. &a'\ OO. ARpx(rfd ) dua Ld"-nc !z!':ltzt ?otal Chntgea State ud .qo Plurnbing Permit No pereon shall constr"tct, instalL, alte: ot change cny nel cr esis;ing pttirbirq cr drainage systen inahole or in patt, unless such petson ts the iegal pbssessor oi a ualid plunbet's License, eseept tizai a persof na! 49ptini:;iq aork to pro?erty uhich ie ot;ned, Leased ot opet'eted by the appli- cant. Plzmbing Penr[t !tbzz;tes Resid.enti.al (1 bath) .I:E:,t ,-! 1)-: Pes- Sa. fto Ianpcrcy Ser'siee :ic.i?z:,! cia.!ces bhanst HooC Vent ?ol "lcocistotse -- ENCR,CACA\EIT -- Lorne Pleger June 15, 1982 TTeL-iranir'e"Uata I HAW CARTFULL'. g:\LUI:\ED the concleted ryplieatian fo-t permit, cnd dc ininfg certil'y ,ha,t aLL infotnacion heveon- is true and' cor, ect, a"C r f"otkLr ceni'fy thai: azy erd aLi uork periorneti slull be Cote i;t accor'-'ince vLth 1:he- 7rdincneLs of tie CitA bf Sprtngfteld, and th9 Lc;a of t'ne iite of 0regon pertainino'ro the uo?k Cesqn|bed herein, al. :han lO 1CCA- ilncy iti, be ,a.Ze of atty" sx::ucxure uithout petrntssi-o-' oi- the 3u;ld''n' Di- tiaion. I i't*ti^,er certify tlat otly conttactors e-d. eftDLcye€s ";ho..7a2'-neomoliance',sii;h CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this pz'oject SttieuaLk L 7 -la- E' z- Stotcoe |,ldintevzrce 73TAL Ai,lOUiI? DUi: A \olu0@ ; Mobile ilcne 0cancncu Cteti:ltpe/Cctcst: Lot sq. F+4. try- t/,5/ d\,q) 8 State Sur=haqe ?otal (ndrces Date: -{ ...RESIDENTIALAPPLICATTON/PERIUT 225 llorth Sth Street Sprlngfield, )regon 97477 BuiLdtng Diuision 7 26-37 5s aa SPFIINGFIEI..D Job Locaticn:A. Aasessote ),!ap #tc,s Lot # Subdi;tision: C*ten Addtess:Phone City:47 4ffiDescrtbe h'ork: Date of U*\\t) Value Additicn GeneraL Plwnbin-a ELectn'icaL SanilotC ea.tet capped ct propattg Lite Septic totk p'.oped cti filled u-ith gratzL Fiaal - tthen abcue itens a?e cctaletei ard xhen Cqtclt tion is coralete bt "troc-tuye noueC od ptennees clZaned up. Hcnes PLmbinX cotmections -- sarte! otd. uatet Eleetrtcal Ccmnection - Blockirg, set-uo and plmbing connections East be q?"cted befote requesting eZeclrical inspeb:io;,: Accessory- SuiLC:.ng Fizal - After, pcrehes, skirt.Jng, decks,etc. @e cctryleled. Bloeking od. Set-:tg !c:2 : ol J Conatruetiott Lendet QTae Til<-aud-^^t. eacaation, but forne. ?o be nade after pt ion to eet up of I-t ia lhe respons'ibi-Lity of-ths permtt ioll,er-to see_tltat aL! inopectiofla are nad.e at lhe ptoper tirne, tl,dt 234fi -/,*sss is ren:aZiei,1on..tJy8t?ee.t'.and,tl1dtthe.pennit-c@dial.ccated,at.|h.efrcaioft|tepropertyt9uildiq Diuicion qpror:ed plbt shz.Ll temain on tha aul,lalr&- s.tic at aLL tines. ?.I?)1EDUPT Po4 lysPlc?rcn,W|/EST;CALL726-3769 (reeorCet) state gour City desiqa1ed, job nttnber, job ai&ess, type of inspeclicn :-1tr"i11-Y-?1"1 -vo" uiLL be ieady fo1 inspection, contraetcrs ir anez,s'nan. ""rd ih";" r,wtber.' ptA;;; ;;;e;iLa tL1cre' ?:c0 an''\LL be nade the sane dcg, "equests nade aft* ?:00 @n tiLL be na.de tke nest wrking'day. r AilDERSLAB PLU,ETIG, ELEflRICAL "WCH{\IICAL: lo be nade beJ'ore anyffiE-6oered. F'CjTI$G ! |1UNDATICN: ?o be tmd,e - after t"ench2s a?e ezeauated dnd, forns ue ereeted, but prar topourirq ccncreta. UFDEACP1UIID ?LL'uelilc. SyteP, ttA?lR. DRAfilACE: lo be naie prior to fil-Litq trenchee. wDEPlLccp p!.urtsEtc I 14ECqANICAL : ?o be naz.e prior to installatioi of floor insulatia- or decking. POST AND BEA!4: ?o be nade p?to? toinstallaticn of floor insuTation or decking, 80uci! PLA,!EI1|C. ELEC?9ICAL e MgCg-nfieiL:@w:til these iwoecticns hae beer ndd.e @d. dooroue!. FIPEPLTAC-J: PrLor to pleczrg facingncterials atd. before frofting inspec- x1-O2. FWlIllC: I,tust be reo.uesxed. afler app-roual of rougi.t plwnbing, electrt_a.L & neci.anical. ALI rcofing btaeJng 3 ehinmeys, ete. ftrast baanpLeted. }lo ,aork is to be eon- cealed until this inspecttan has beett nade anC appro,-e\. TNSILA?IAN/VApCR EARRTER lrSpgCTr?il : ?o be tru.de after aLL insulaticn cZ. required uqot berie?s @e in pla.ee but before otg la.i:h, Wpslun bcarC ortnLL coueying is qplied, a.nd beforeary ir*ulatton is concealed. YotE CitA Desigrated Job ltunber Is DRYIALL |NSPIQIC\I: lc be nadeafter aLL &,gudll is in pla,ce, but prror to cng taVing. MASANR!: Steel Location, boni beans, gzvuting or uerticals in aceordorce ,nLth U,B,C. gection 241 5. UOODSTO'tE: ampLeted. After installation is co?1c?ete. SIDEIIALK & DRTIEIIAI: Fot aLL can-crete pauing uithin street right-of-txy, r-o be na,Ce after'ali- ezea- uating eonolete & font utork & eub- base nateyJal in place. CURB 4 APPRCACE AP.oCN: Afte: fornse,e ez,ecteCTut eA to pourzng PTilAL PLAI,BI\|G PIIIAL I4ECAilICAL FINAL ELEC?PICAL lENClt hrllen co,rylate -- PtoliCegaxel o? nouable aections tlwo'ugh P. U, E. *ALL \4AI\HCLES AltD CLEAI\OUTS vUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJaST:Eit lo 3E Ar9 !.? lto:3si lc cyy ALL p.roiect condit::ons, suc,l as cje installation oi alreet c7ees, :c-ci,ecion of .bhe required Lartdsccpizg, ctc., ttust be satisJaied bei'ore the ilILDIitG 1IAL can be req-uesceC. ?IIIAL BUILDINC: Th.e Fi-nal_ 3uildtng Inspection mtst be req"tested cfler the !,i.ru,L ?l-unbin-zELeetrtcaL,olcMeciccrlccLinspeet1ct1s.i.avcbeenncd,L-ii";;;;;";. t, D T jl T T T 2 JOB Lot Sq. Ft4. 1 cf Lct Cooerage it of Stozies lotal leight logograghg Pet'nrtt issttcrce Meciuniccl Penit -- ENCR,CACE|4E:IT -. SOLAR A ESS REQ.-L-CO G* Intericr Cornet Penhanzle CuL-de-sac {. Sig*ed Mechqnicql Permit Total I HAW CAA$ULL:{ 9;LWI:|ED tie eornpleted aopllcaiion fot petmit, crd. da hereby certify titat aLL ittfo:nctibn het'eon is tzae and' cortect, a"l' f futthbr cettifg thai any ar-C aLL aork periomed slal! be Cone in acecr- Cance Lr[th the- 1rdinsrces of the C')ty of Sprtngfle'!-d, and' the Lc;s of t'r-e State of Aregon pertainino to the aork Ces*n)bcd herein, ql that !10 1CCA- PANCI dLL bZ ,,aZe oy' ang situeiuve uiihout penrtssiot of ihe 3uiliing A.' uision. I fut,ther cettiig :hat otly cont?acto"s ati atplcyees ui"o ate id comzllance,nath CRS ?01.05s uiLL be used on thie projeci PTdt ha,trf,rAi la, Sidan!.k !enee ^tv//.t )/ Zone:Ccat:a,cu Crout !'1pe/Cctst Beitoons: Lot ?aces -iterou So'arces ?.1 !^..-^Access Vater !!eate! I'lo"tn Rar,€e los t Fiz,eoLace Soutit 'iaocis;ote ,lesx -- lees Building Vqlue & Permit This pertnrt is granted on the er?"ess eondition tr@t the said-consttwc2ion sita1.L, in a!7. v,esoects, eonfcrm to the Crdinstce adopteC b'g the aitl of Spr.-r,.gftetC, :,nclud.ing the Soning Cz.diaance, regalcti.ng ;he ecnstrtetlcn ctd use cJ burldinEs, at".d. nay be susperuied or re'ockei et ,:r.! tine upon uic- Lation cf ay prcoisions of saiC Cvi*.ances. VaLue De'-e yaad: i!3:4 FTC X !nnr(- TOIAL VA.LUE i, t'c t'*e Building ?ernLt Iotal Changea Plumbing Permit No peteon sha.ll constmtct, instal!., altet or citange an! reu cr ecisting plwnblng cr drainage systatt inlhole or in part, unless such person is ihe iegal pbssessor of a valid plunber's License, ereeot ti:a'b a pevson,*l 40ptunbiig aork to p"o?ert'! uhieh ie ouzed, Leased ot operated by the aPplt- cant. NO .PEJ fun 2c7 Residetztial (1 bath) Seuer Plunbitg Petn:tt lctal Electricol Permit l'lhere Stdte La requiz,es tl"at the electrtcal utork be done bg an Eleetrteal Contraetor, the eleetrieal poz'tion of this petmit slall tot be oalil. until the Label ltds been signed by the Elecfi"ical Contrecto". ., Ilau/Estend Cireuits Ser.,tice ?otal 1:)4 i9t CIIA.R,CE Flttttzce 3?U I S *hanst HooC Vent ?@t tJcotisto;te Stotcge i,!d.ir..tena?rc e Pemri,t ICTAL A,:,!AU]]T DUZ:' i tlobi|e tcme )Lqn?A A 3e=hoeks T!!t,! ic!ev v i CITY OF SPRINGFIELD--BUILDING DIVISION 346 MAIN ST. 726-3753 (BUSINESS) 726-3769 (INSPECTIONS) APPLICATION FOR ELECTRTCAL I,ABEL(S) BY A BUILDING OWNER The Electrical Safety Law of the State of Oregon does not require a person to obtain a license as an electrician and,/or electrical contractor to make an electrician in- stallation on property which is owned by hi-rnself or a meniber of his immediate family whj-ch is not intended for sale, lease, or rent. (PLEASE PRINT) APPLICANT'S NAME /l IJt./l +/ ADDRESS 4/h )JsZ1 PHONE 74/ -i5 ' / ADDRESS FOR PROPOSED WORK *;/1ti it BUILDING OWNER (IF OTHER THAN APPLICANT) annDFQq PHONE f certify that all of the above information is true and correct, and that no portion of any wiring system reguiring a labeI as applied for herein and intended to be con- cealed by any permanent portion of the building or structure shall be concealed until inspected and approved. When the installation of the system is eomplete, an additional and final inspection shall be made. Inspections are generally required for at least the following conditions and or stages of construction: 4 5 6 I 2 3 Temporary Service Underground Service Service Rough Electric Cab1e Heat New Circuits or Extensions 7 8 9 Mobile Home Connections Signs Swirmning Pools I further certify that I will notify the euifaing Division when any of the above ELEC- TRICAI INSPECTIONS are ready, that all work will be done in accordance with the Electri- cal Safety Law of the State of Oregon, and that if not the building owner, I am a member of his or her family. Signature /t Date r/zct'R) INSPECTION REQUESTS SHOULD BE MADE ON THE BUILDING DIVISIONIS 24 HOUR A DAY INSPECTION LINE. THE INSPECTION NUMBER IS 726-3769. INSPECTION REQUESTS ViHICH ARE CAILED IN BE- FOR 7 A.M. WILL BE MADE ON THE SA]VIE DAY. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY LABEL NUMBERS LABEL I R.ECEIVED BY DATE I.UI- 60 fr ..RESIDENTIAL.. SPFIINGFIEL.D 22s,orth stt, itnnffPLrcATrol't /PERttrr Sprtngfield" )regorl 97477 Buildin4 Diuision 7 26-37 53 Cons+-rtctiot Lan<ier It ia the respoasjbility of ttte perrit ioldet to see '"hat aL! inspectio?1s dre r,ade at the propet' tine, that each cldress is z'ea:a7'>e lion the st"eet, arui tirct the per*rtt cavd is l-ocated at the izont of th.e ,ro?ertYt?uildtng D"iuiciot: atloo'€C pl-ot sh:-ll renain on the Buil<itng Sitc at aLL tlnes. ?nOcSDUPl IOR MsPtfrull RISU\ST;CALL 726-3769 (tecoyCet ) state yottz, Citg designated job ntmber, iob aidr.ess, lVPe- of inspec=i-cn atiy|orinspection,Contractcr,scra^mersnaneindplnnenunbcr.P.eq-uestsrece.L,:edbei.cre7:c0a:z 'viLL be r,cde the sane dcg, "equests ncd.e aft* 7:00 on ttill be nc.d,e the ncst torking day. your Citl'Desigr,ated Job ilutnbe! Is:820653 sri! MS?!C?tc)!: ezcauatlc4:but ?o be na.d.e after pricr. tc sei up of forms. ililnt.cf to Df tttnrtt. =t,EC?P.IC,1.L I;$!!!ACA!t ?o be nacie before cny uork ;.s eouet,ed. WD!P?L'C? PLU:gflG 1 !,1!C9AI;TCAL : @stalktion of floor insul,ciian or decking. POST 4!.1L tsEA:.!: To be naCe prior to TGGlGlilof 11oor insularicn ot decking. R)!tGi! ?aa,!?I:tc. ILEC?PTCAL ,1 :tvcg- A|IIC;.L: :lo ,o?z is ;o be coueveci Gt'iT-these iiapec;lct:s ixue b een nace at"d .zplroueT. FI?EPLACE: Prn)or to pl.ecirg fcc.lngncterials an4. beione iratritg inspec- tion. EP-d.llIllC: l,fist be rec.aesxed af'-er appt'oual of rougiz plurbing, electri- cal I necianieal. ALl- wofing brairq t ch,)nmcAs, etc. rntst be ccmpLete<i. ilo acrk is to be cc-n- . cecled until this insoecttcn has'been nade anC aopror:ed. eT.lA r =r ttrm f tta ! I ;I; L,"IE Ci!.4:I I CA L .ry:tAL liic?Pic;t NISULA?IAN /VAPCR BA.RRIER IJISPICTICII : ?o be naCe ailez, aLL insulactcn ed. required uapo" bdryie?s @e in p7a.ce but before oty l,al;h, Wpsltnl boarC or tnll coxez'ing ")s cpplt ed, arui before oty insula,tion is concealed. DRY'IALL IilS?lCtlCN: 7c be nade -., aiter cLL aryuall is in plcce' btt pri.or to cny tapirg, la.SONi?Y: Steel Location, boni ffi{S"aoti',tg or uerticals in accotCozce'nith U.B. C. Secticn 241 5. ,ICODSTOI,TE: err?D;fi. After install.ation n)s CURB & .IPPSCACH T.PPCN: 11 vcc:::tc ?, ?cttJD,1!ic:t: lo be taie YrX I ;V -- er -w"]tci;;-1;e- e.ceuated cnti fc*ns ate erecteti, but pr:c" to pouzn|rg ccncreta. 11 u vctpcpcu:t D ?LL:v2 r!!t_jEE?,_jl!!Bil-t. I Dns::ts.Gi: lo be r.a:e pr.or co ftl-Lir4 :renchee. ee ereeteC but prior conc"ete. Aftet formsto potring SLDEHA.LK & DRfIZilAY: ?or aLL con- ct"-te ?dofr-;lrG; stz'eet right- of-uey, to be maCe efter aL7- etca- oatina eqrolete & forn uvrk & sub- base -nateial in place. !!tlC|: ;r4terz conPlete -- *o:siCejGG ar nottable'sections thrc,tgh P. U. E. I G ALL aro;eet condi;iona, s:rc.i as che i.nstallccicn of atreeD trees, cc:pi.e;;.on c;'i:ne required LanCsccpitcg, ctc., nust be satisT'ieC cefcre the tsUiLDI:iC F|IAL ccn be requested. lIilAL NILDIL\C: Tne Pincl 3uildir'4 Insoection mtst be reotestei ziler lhe !"!.nel ?knbir4 ElectnicaL, qra ;4echcr-iccl insoeet:.cns |'avc been ncCe arri apprcuei Job Loecticn: 5765 Thurston Road .lssessore lldD # 77 -A2- 33- 11 rat Lot # 00115 5t/Dd..-t'.51.04: Larry HuberdC;ter: 5765 Thurston Road Phone: 746-7371Ad.dtess: \-ptr"ox- g(_ Date: ed: Date of Applicatian@ Descr[be l,lork: Garage t Raymond Roth 92252 Xrlalling, l4arcola 30s7 4 L 1- 16- 82 933-2619Genez'aL Pluqbina 2LectricaL l.!eeiuriccL cP, Sarilczy se.,ter cc;sped =t p-,-oper4 Lir:a Septic lank p''rped c:"ti filled ";'ith gzatei iinal - ithen abcue iteas ore ccncLecei. and xhen dencl:.tian is complete bt s!:uc- tute rotei ei pre,:riees eleaned uc. tsLocking atd Sat-ug Plunbing conneciians -- aaner od ucter Electriccl Ccnt.ect,Jar. - Bloekirq, set-uo arui planbir,.g conr"ectians rn;st Le c!!reo^ed. before reque s ting electrical insp ec'- io:': Aecessory Suiliir,4 ?*uL - Aftzr pcrckes, skirting, decka, etc. @e ccnpleled. ?c:e 1 oi 2 il *ALL i4AitHCLZs AilD CLEAilCU?S:tUS? eE ACC|SS|SLE, .4D;L'S::r:t! lo 3E t!4.r! !.!:t0::Sr lC Cry EtsLre't---J lron2Actbess LLac. ll l KX :lll I l I l JOB NO soLAR,_CESS REQ.- 'jrat L-CO G+ Date PaiC: Jun 11 198 2 Receipt l: 59l-65 Pl,,'"nb*rg Perit Plumbing permit No, person shall eonshntct, instal!, altet or change any /.ea cv e*istincqlyr,ry c-r_Creinarge "y2l? i-n uhole oz,. in p;az,t, -unles"s ,""a p"""o-"'ri"tnnLegaL.?ossessot, of a,tal-i.d plwtber,s Licensb, ezceeu tiut a pZtson nag dopltnbing aork to ptoperty ahich is ouzed, Leased or operet)iiy-"n" "pplt-cont. Electricol Permit tlhere state Lan re-quires tlnt the eleetrteal aork be done bg an ElectrtcalContmctor, the eleclriaal;ottion of this pezrnit siull rat'bi uaii^C. untilthe Label Las been signed bg fie Elecdcal' Cant?ectot. Mechonicql Permit 7 * Stcte Pentn t issu.dtce !,!e c ilanie t L PerrrJ t LCT !Y?! XXXX rnae:ricn _ Corr.er _ ?rnicnile CuL-de-sac -- lees --.t:t J x aax ?aces - .1eac 3o'arcesbt so. F:g. 12638 l, cf lcc C*"rrg" 1i- ! of Stod.es ?otal leiEht !ogograhy i.lain fa^.!r 'r3rt'?.1,5[d\,q) , ''^:: 80Lan Building Volue & Permit This _oerz'dt is granted on the et?ress eordition tlut the said. constrtc-.ionsiu.Ll, in all:,escects, confcrm to the 0rditnnce ed.oate,C.5:y the Citll ofSpr,"-t^.gl'Jail, irc-luding th_e Zoning Crri.Jnanee, regulcting ;h"e ccnstrecir-cnsd..use tJ' tuild.inEs,. anci na,1 be suspendei or reuckei it ,:ny tine uton uic_Latacn ci cr:E tt'cuidiors of saiC 3r4irances. E,H@ .'A u qo W^aoAVpcLrd Suild"Jng ?e?,rit !o'"cl Chetges eC1 f ^=\.t i5s Resil.antial (1 bath) JC:nLCe:nr seDeF 'iciet, :otal orc?ces ,:io, ?.es. So. ftc. Ilau/Eztetd, cirstits tawcrary Sez.,tice :?att ,tL ia, L ,te- ^^ Oort , d i-laa,a+ u^^) Vent ?ct llco<istate -- iilcRcAcii)li:tT -- Lorne Pl er Penn"Jt 7 I UAW CARI?ULLI E:G.luttD the corntleted coolication fot permit, cttci Caherebg certify cizat aLL it:fol,t:lation iteyeon- is tttte arrl, clcrtect,, crd. I fuz,tket, _eer--if,; thax ang ard aLL aork oeriormed. siu.Ll be Cote 1, a".cr-Cance'tith ihe OrCincnces of tite CitV bf Sorzngfreld, anC the La:s of tZeState of Crzgon pettalnino co the uork Cesq,.Jbed herein, erd. ihat :lO 1CCU- ?/JlC.! aill b_e ra.ie of anr- sx1-dcxure withc;,Lt cernissiol of the 3uildtnE t)-ul-aion, I fiz,tker eerti1"1 :hs.t otlg conttaeiots oi atrolcuees aho arZ --n conol'Jance ut;h CRS 701-bSS uiLL be used on this pz,oject June 15, 1982 Dace 7 -/a'€ z- ,, tQL t,vslqgs - ry -^Trr ttrntt\t4 ^rt=.a UO ,Vobrla ilcne ,4C2eSSC?') ,.UC\,Lt0t/i Storcqe i,!ain=ercrce