HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-11-24tcsPRtNGFreLo ert Of f ice: 726'-3759 ECTI0N LrNE;' 126-3769 Asses Ovner Addre Ci ty: VaIue Con t rac I Address: Ci ty: Job Location: sor-< Ha p i::t1 z- ss: State: of Uood S /PeIIet Stove/Insert: fee * slo'oo issuance ; s26'20 Type of InsPeccion Requested: O L OdL Zip Qode:c I Issued BY: q 'n/l Phone: S:a'1 1)7 g/./ zip code , q 7c/ 71 .oQ- , Phone fi:3 (/ Ta>: Lot fi: b - . --- - Prelirfiinary Inspection is S15'00. Uood .Stove/Pellet/f nsert Permi t i ipr co installation of,' insert) . . '.' .-'. - '"- - 15.00 * S-75 t."i. suicharge * S'45 administrative(pr", sS tal or: (, S ta te: ,Rbsi:srration fi, Olq3L04 ExPires: Cons truc tion Contractors By signing this permit/aPP Iication, I agree to call for insPec tion(s) as requl red Q26-3769). r state that a I1 the information o n this Pe rmi t/aPirl ication is corr ect and .that I vas provided vi th the Vood Stove SafetY' in formation for vood burn ing APPI iances and Prelim inary insPec tion standards'I (urthe r s tate.. that-the aPP liance Iam ins talling meets smoke .emiss ion standards 'as sei bY the Oregon DePartmen i. qt Environmental QuaI ity or the Federa I Environnrctt taL Pro t ection AgencY and I agree to P rovide the. testing a pproval number to the irlsPec tor a t the time of insPec tion-I also understand that if I am reques ting a Prc).iminarY inspec tion, the vall covering may Lle req uired to be removed' NOTIOE: ll"f!S pEftiviiT SHALL EXptRE lF u[e [D iJNDER THIS P e EEEB==E=E=============i=========FOR OFTICU USE LLET/INSDRT P RELIMINARY. REOUIRED INSPECTION(S) : Da(e of APPIication:Job {l: TotaI Amourrt CoIlected: t/t Ree'bipt |l:PJU3 -Cliecked for Deliquencies: /PE Clrccked [or' llistorisal Status: a- UOOD iT(IVEIINSERT rNS CITY OF SPRINGFEILD BUILDII'IG SAFETI DIVISIOI.I 225 Fifth Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 5