HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6416 04/06/2020 CITYOFSPRINGFIELD,OREGON 7527 ORDINANCENO. AN ORDINANCEANNEXINGCERTAINTERRITORY(2167 LOMOND AVENUE)TOTHECITYOF SPRINGFIELDANDWILLAMALANEPARKANDRECREATIONDISTRICT;WITHDRAWINGTHE SAMETERRITORYFROM THERAINBOW WATERDISTRICT; ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS,theCityCouncil isauthorizedbySpringfieldDevelopmentCode(SDC) Article 5.7-100and Oregon Revised Statutes(ORS) Chapter222toaccept,process,andactuponannexationstotheCity; WHEREAS,a request to annex certain territory was submitted on January 13,2020, said territory being Township 17South, Range 03West, Section 25, Map 12, Tax Lot4500,whichis addressed as 2167Lomond Avenueand isgenerally depicted and more particularly described in Exhibit Ato this Ordinance; WHEREAS, in accordance with SDC 5.7-125.A and ORS 222.111, the property owner initiated the annexation action by submittal of the required application forms and petition for annexation attached hereto as Exhibit Bto this Ordinance; WHEREAS, this annexation has been initiated in accordance with SDC 5.7-125.A and ORS 222; WHEREAS,theterritoryproposedfor annexationiswithintheEugene-SpringfieldMetropolitan Area GeneralPlan(more commonlyknownastheMetroPlan)andtheSpringfieldComprehensivePlan Urban Growth Boundaryandiscontiguoustothecitylimits(SDC5.7-140.A); WHEREAS,theannexation isconsistentwiththe Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Urbanization Elementrequiringannexation totheCityofSpringfieldasthehighestpriorityfor receivingurban services; WHEREAS,in accordance with SDC 5.7-150.A, upon annexation the UrbanizableFringe Overlay District (UF-10) will cease to apply to the property and the underlying Low Density Residential zoning will be retained; WHEREAS,aStaff Report(Exhibit C)waspresentedtotheCityCouncilwiththeDirectors recommendation toconcurrentlyannexthe subjectterritorytothe WillamalaneParkandRecreation District,asthisspecialdistrictisaservice providerfor theCity(SDC5.7-140.B),andtowithdrawthe subjectterritoryfromtheRainbow WaterDistrict,asthe City of Springfield by and through the Springfield Utility Board will provide water service and the Citiesof Eugene and Springfield will provide emergency response servicesdirectlytotheareaafter itisannexedtotheCity; WHEREAS,thisaction isconsistentwiththe intergovernmentalagreementbetween LaneCountyand SpringfieldregardingboundarychangesdatedMay21,2008; WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Springfield has determined that the provision of City services to the subject area is necessary immediately for the health and safety of the public because the septic system on the property has failed; WHEREAS, the applicant and City have executed an Improvement Agreement and Application for Sewer Hookup (Exhibit D) that addresses the timing and responsibility for provision of sanitary sewer service to the property; Ordinance No. 6416 WHEREAS,the public street frontage of the subject property is fully developed and all required urban services are immediately available to serve the site, and therefore the City has determined that an Annexation Agreement that addresses the timing and financial responsibility for provision of public streets, sanitary sewer service,and other necessary utilitiesis not necessary for this property; and WHEREAS,onFebruary 18, 2020,theSpringfieldCommonCouncilconductedapublic hearingandis now readytotake actiononthisapplicationbasedonthe recommendation andfindingsin supportof approvingtheannexation requestassetforth intheaforementionedStaff ReporttotheCouncil, incorporatedherein byreference,andtheevidenceandtestimonypresentedatthispublic hearingheld in thematter ofadoptingthisOrdinance, NOW,THEREFORE,THECOMMON COUNCILOFTHECITYOFSPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section1.TheCommonCouncil oftheCityof Springfielddoesherebyapprove annexation of thefollowingdescribedterritorytotheCityofSpringfieldandWillamalaneParkandRecreation District, saidterritorybeingmore particularlydescribedinExhibitAtothisOrdinance. Section2. TheCommonCouncil of theCityofSpringfielddoesherebyapprovewithdrawal of thefollowingdescribedterritoryfromtheRainbow WaterDistrict,saidterritorybeingmore particularly describedin Exhibit AtothisOrdinance. Section 3.Thewithdrawal of territory described in Section 2 above from the Rainbow Water District shall become effective July 1, 2020. Section4.TheCityManager ortheDevelopment&PublicWorksDirectoror their designee shall sendcopiesof thisOrdinancetoaffectedStateandlocalagenciesasrequiredbySDC5.7-155. Section5.SeverabilityClause. Ifanysection,subsection,sentence,clause,phrase or portion of thisOrdinance is,for anyreason,heldinvalidor unconstitutionalbyacourtof competent jurisdiction, suchportionshall be deemeda separate,distinctandindependentprovision andsuchholdingshallnot affectthe validityofthe remainingportionhereof. Section6.Effective Date of Ordinance.ThisOrdinance shall becomeeffective 30 daysfrom the date of itspassage bytheCityCouncilandapprovalbythe Mayor,upon the date of itsfiling withthe Secretaryof StateasprovidedbyORS 222.180,or on May 20, 2020 as provided in ORS 222.040, whicheverdateislatest. 7uiBqsjm ADOPTEDbytheCommonCouncil of theCityofSpringfieldthis dayof , 2020, byavote of for andagainst. APPROVEDbythe Mayor of theCityofSpringfieldthis dayof , 2020. Mayor ATTEST: 4/6/2020 CityRecorder Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT A, Page 1 of 2 Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT A, Page 2 of 2 ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 12, Block 3,LOCH LOMOND TERRACE FIRST ADDITION, asplatted and recorded in Book 46, Page 20, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; situated in Lane County, State of Oregon,in the Southwest quarter of Section 27, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, being furtherdescribed as follows: Commencingat the northeast corner of Block 3,LOCH LOMOND TERRACE FIRST ADDITION, asplatted and recorded in Book 46, Page 20, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence South89°58’ West 89.74feetto the northeast corner of Lot 12, Block 3 of said LOCH LOMOND TERRACE FIRST ADDITION, said point being the True Point of Beginning; Thence on boundaries of Lot 12, Block 3, of said LOCH LOMOND TERRACE FIRST ADDITIONthe following courses: 1.South 89°58’West 88.0feet; 2.South 120.00feet; 3.North 89°58’ East 88.0feet; 4.North 120.00 feet, to the Point of Beginning. Containing 10,560square feet. Page 1 of 1 Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT B, Page 1 of 10 Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT B, Page 2 of 10 Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT B, Page 3 of 10 Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT B, Page 4 of 10 Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT B, Page 5 of 10 Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT B, Page 6 of 10 Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT B, Page 7 of 10 Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT B, Page 8 of 10 Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT B, Page 9 of 10 Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT B, Page 10 of 10 Ordinance No. 6416 Exhibit C, Page 1 of 7 TYPEIVANNEXATION STAFFREPORTANDRECOMMENDATION City Limits Property Proposed for Annexation Firth Avenue FileName:Howard M. Woods Annexation Applicant:Karl D. Wieseke CaseNumber:811-20-000006-TYP4 Proposal Location:2167Lomond Avenue(Map 17-03-25-12, Tax Lot 4500) CurrentZoning& ComprehensivePlan Designation:LowDensity Residential (LDR) ApplicableComprehensivePlan:Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan ApplicationSubmittal Date: January 13, 2020 AssociatedApplications:811-19-000311-PRE (Pre-submittal Meeting) CITY OFSPRINGFIELDSDEVELOPMENTREVIEW COMMITTEE POSITIONREVIEW OFNAMEPHONE Project ManagerPlanningAndyLimbird541-726-3784 Transportation Planning EngineerTransportationMichaelLiebler541-736-1034 PublicWorksCivil EngineerStreetsand UtilitiesClayton McEachern541-736-1036 DeputyFireMarshalFireandLifeSafety Eric Phillips-Meadow 541-726-2293 AIC BuildingOfficialBuildingRobert Castile541-726-3666 Ordinance No. 6416 Exhibit C, Page 2 of 7 ReviewProcess (SDC5.7-115):The subjectannexationrequestis being reviewedunderTypeIVprocedures, withoutPlanningCommission consideration. DevelopmentIssues Meeting(SDC5.7-120):ADevelopmentIssuesMeeting(DIM)isrequiredofallpublic agencyand privatelandowner-initiatedannexation applications, unless waived by the Director. 2019. Because the property is already developed and the annexation was necessary to address a health hazard abatement issue, the requirement for a DIM was waivedby the Director. A pre-submittal meeting for the annexation request was held on January 10, 2020 (Case 811-19-000311-PRE). Conclusion:Therequirementin SDC5.7-120ismet. AnnexationInitiationandApplicationSubmittal(SDC5.7-125):InaccordancewithSDC5.7-125.B.2.b.i andORS222.170(1),anannexationapplicationmaybeinitiatedby morethan halftheownersof landinthe territory,whoalso ownmorethanhalfthelandinthecontiguousterritory andofrealpropertytherein representingmorethanhalftheassessedvalueofallrealpropertyinthecontiguousterritoryconsentinwriting totheannexation oftheirland. Finding: Thepropertyownerwhoownsallofthelandandrealproperty,andfullassessedvalueofreal propertyinthecontiguous territory,has filedan applicationandpetitionrequesting annexationtotheCity of Springfield(Attachment2, Exhibit B). Conclusion:TheapplicationrequirementsinSDC5.7-125 havebeenmet. SiteInformation:The subject annexation area consists of arectangular residential lotthat is approximately 0.24 acres in size and contains an existing single detacheddwelling. The propertyis located on the southside of rd Lomond Avenue between the intersectionswith Loch Drive and 23Street. The subject site is inside the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and is contiguous to the Springfield city limits along the southern boundary.The property is also acrossthe street from a segment of the city limits line on the north side of Lomond Avenue. Properties that are separated from the city limits line by a public right-of-way are still considered contiguous in accordancewith SDC 5.7-140.A.2. ZoningforthepropertyisLowDensityResidential(LDR)withanUrbanizableFringeOverlay(UF-10)applied. Accordingtotheapplicanssubmittal, the primary purpose of the annexation request is to facilitate connection of the existing house to City sanitary sewer due to a failed septic system on the property. The Lomond Avenue frontage of the property is considered improved to urban standards and all required public utilities, including sanitary sewer, are available to serve the site. For this reason, an Annexation Agreement that outlines the streets, utilities, and servicesto the property is not warranted for this request. Existing publicservices areprovidedtothe annexationareaasfollows: police(LaneCounty Sheriff,), schools(SpringfieldSchoolDistrict),roads(Lane County and City ofSpringfield),andFire(Eugene-Springfield FireundercontractwiththeRainbow WaterDistrict).Springfield UtilityBoard(SUB)operatesthe existing electric infrastructurealong the site frontage. Unincorporated properties in the vicinity are served by Rainbow Water District. Upon annexation,theCityofSpringfieldwillberesponsibleforallurbanservices, including sewer,water(through SUB), electricity(through SUB),andpolice/fireresponsetothesubjectarea. NoticeRequirements(SDC5.7-130):Consistentwith SDC5.7-130, noticewasprovidedasfollows: MailedNotice. NoticeoftheannexationapplicationwasmailedJanuary 27, 2020,whichisatleast14 daysprior tothepublichearing date,totheaffectedproperty owner(s);ownersandoccupantsof propertieslocatedwithin 300feetoftheperimeteroftheproposedannexationterritory;affected specialdistrictsandallotherpublicutility providers;andtheLaneCounty Land ManagementDivision, LaneCountyElections,and theLaneCountyBoard ofCommissioners.The list of recipients of the mailed notice is included with the Affidavit of Mailing for this Ordinance No. 6416 Exhibit C, Page 3 of 7 annexation application and is retained as part of the public record for Planning Case 811-19-000311-TYP4. NewspaperNotice. NoticeoftheFebruary 18, 2020publichearingwaspublishedinTheRegister-Guardon February 4 & 11, 2020. PostedNotice.NoticeoftheFebruary 18, 2020publichearing waspostedinthreepublicplacesinthe City: along the Lomond Avenuefrontageof the property;at SpringfieldCityHall;and on the electronic display in the foyer of the Development andPublic Works office. Notice was also provided ontheCity ofSpringfield website. Finding:UponannexationofthesubjectterritorytotheCity,theunderlying LowDensity Residential zoningwill beretained,buttheUrbanizableFringeOverlayDistrict(UF-10)willnolongerapply.Duetothischange,the OregonDepartmentofLandConservationandDevelopment(DLCD)was notifiedinwriting oftheannexation proceedingspriortothepublichearing.NotificationtoDLCDregardingtheproposedannexationwassenton January 13, 2020. Conclusion:Noticeofthepublichearingwasprovided consistentwith SDC5.7-130. RecommendationtoCityCouncil(SDC5.7-135):TheDirectorshallforwardawrittenrecommendationon theannexationapplicationtotheCityCouncilbasedontheapprovalcriteriaspecifiedinSection5.7-140,which areprovidedasfollowswiththeSDCrequirements,findings,andconclusions. TheDirectorsrecommendation followsSDC5.7-140,Criteria. Criteria(SDC 5.7-140):TheapplicationmaybeapprovedonlyiftheCityCouncilfindsthattheproposal conformstothefollowingcriteria: A.Theaffectedterritory proposedto beannexediswithintheCitysurban growth boundary;andis 1.Contiguoustothecitylimits;or 2.SeparatedfromtheCityonlybyapublicrightofwayorastream,lakeorotherbodyofwater. Finding:Thesubjectannexationterritoryislocatedwithintheacknowledgedurbangrowthboundary(UGB)of theEugene-SpringfieldMetropolitanAreaGeneralPlan(MetroPlan)and as more specifically detailed in the adopted Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Urbanization Element.Thepropertyrequestedforannexationabuts theSpringfieldcitylimitsalong the southern boundary and the northern boundary is separated from the city limits by the Lomond Avenue right-of-way.Therefore,thisannexation applicationmeetsthe statutorydefinitionof contiguityasfoundinORS 222.111(1). Conclusion:Theproposalmeetsand complieswith criterionA(1), Subsection 5.7-140. B.The proposed annexationisconsistent withapplicablepolicies intheMetroPlanand inany applicablerefinementplansorPlanDistricts; Finding:TheMetroPlanwasacknowledgedby theLandConservationandDevelopmentCommission(LCDC)in August,1982andhasbeensubsequently amended. TheannexationareaislocatedwithintheacknowledgedUGB oftheMetroPlanand as more specifically delineated by the Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan.Territorywithin thedelineatedUGBultimatelywillbewithintheCityofSpringfield. Finding:The territoryrequestedforannexationisentirelywithintheCitysacknowledgedUGB. Finding:In December 2016, Springfield adopted the Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan -Urbanization Element as The Urbanization Elementexplicitly retainsthe Metro Planlong-standing urbanization policy criteria for approving annexations. TheUrbanization Elementhas been acknowledged by LCDC. Ordinance No. 6416 Exhibit C, Page 4 of 7 Finding:Theterritoryrequestedforannexationiswithin an areathat iszonedanddesignatedfor LowDensity Residential (LDR) use. The adopted elements of the Springfield 2030 Refinement Planapply to areas within the Springfield UGB, particularly the Urbanization Element adopted byOrdinance 6361. At present, thereare noproposed changestothezoningorplandesignationfor the property, althoughthe Urbanizable Fringe(UF-10) overlay will be effectively removed upon annexation. Finding:ThecontinuedannexationofpropertiestotheCityofSpringfieldis consistentwithPolicies27and 29 of the Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Urbanization Element,whichwillresultintheeliminationofspecial districtswithintheurbanizable area. TheSpringfield 2030 Refinement Plan Urbanization Elementrecognize thatasannexationstotheCityoccur,thespecialdistrictserviceareaswill diminishincrementallyand eventuallywillbedissolved. Finding:Theterritoryrequestedforannexationis currently within the service area ofRainbow WaterDistrict. The rural waterdistricthasaservicearrangementwithEugene/Springfieldforprovisionoffireresponseto unincorporated areasofnorthSpringfield. Afterthe public hearing and uponCounciladoption ofthe annexation Ordinance,theannexationareawillbewithdrawnfromtheRainbow Water DistrictconsistentwithORS 222.520and 222.524andthecombined fire and life safety departments of the CitiesofEugene&Springfieldwill providefireprotectionservicedirectlytotheannexation area. Finding: In accordance with Policy 33 of the Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Urbanization Element, SUB is the exclusive water service provider within the Springfield city limits. Finding: In accordance with Policy 34 of the Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Urbanization Element,when unincorporated territory within the UGB is provided with any new urban service, thatservice shall be provided by one of the following methods in this priority order:a)Annexation to City; orb)Contractual annexation agreements with City. Finding: In accordance with Policy 35 of the Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Urbanization Element,the City shall not extend water or wastewater service outside city limits to serve aresidence or businesswithout first obtaining a valid annexation petition, a consent to annexagreement, or when a health hazard abatement annexation is required. Finding: The requested annexation is to facilitate connection of the existing house to City sanitary sewer due to a failed septic system on the property. Therefore, the subject annexation is a health hazard abatement action. Public sanitary sewer service is available along the Lomond Avenuefrontage of the site. Finding: The applicant hassubmitted an application for annexation to the City (Attachment 2, Exhibit B), and has executed an Improvement Agreement for future Lomond Avenue improvements and an Applicationfor Sewer Hookup(Attachment 2, Exhibit D). Further, the applicant has paid the applicable sewer assessment fees and obtained necessary permits for connecting the house to the public sanitary sewer system. Because all required public utilities, including sanitary sewer,are available to serve the property and the public street frontage has been improved, staff advises that anAnnexationAgreement is not warranted for this request. Conclusion:Theproposalmeetsand complies with criterionB, Subsection 5.7-140. C.Theproposedannexationwillresultinaboundaryinwhichtheminimumlevelofkeyurbanfacilities andservicesasdefined intheMetro Plancan beprovidedin anorderlyefficientand timelymanner; and Finding:In accordance with Policy 29 of theSpringfield 2030 Refinement Plan Urbanization Element, annexation shall continue to be a prerequisite for urban development and the delivery ofCity services in accordance with the Springfield Comprehensive Plan and SpringfieldDevelopment Code. Finding: In accordance with Policy 31 of the Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Urbanization Element, key urban facilities and services are defined as wastewater service; stormwater service; transportation; solid waste Ordinance No. 6416 Exhibit C, Page 5 of 7 management; water service; fire and emergency medical services; police protection; citywide park and recreation programs; electric service; land use controls; communication facilities; and public schools on a districtwide basis. Finding: In accordance with Policy 32 of the Springfield 2030Refinement Plan Urbanization Element,urban services provided by the City upon annexation to Springfield include storm andsanitary sewer; water; transportation systems; police and fire protection; planning, building,code enforcement and library services; and public infrastructure maintenance of Cityownedor operated facilities. Finding:Theterritoryrequestedforannexation is contiguous with the City limits line along the southern boundary, and the northern boundary is separated from the City limits line by the Lomond Avenue right-of-way. Urban utilities have been extended along adjacent public streetsand are availableto serve the subject property, adjacent properties,and areas beyond the annexation territory. Therefore, theurbanservicedeliverysystemsare already available and inplaceor can be logically extended from points in the vicinity to serve the subject property. Inadditiontourbanutilities,thefollowing facilitiesandservicesareeitheravailableorcanbeextendedtothis annexationarea: WaterThe SpringfieldUtilityBoardoperates the public water utility system within incorporated areas of north Springfield. As noted above, SUB is the exclusive water service provider for properties within the City limits. Uponannexation, the property will be transferred from Rainbow Water District to SUB Water billing on or before July 1, 2021. ElectricitySUBElectricprovidesservicetothe neighborhoodsin northSpringfield. SUB owns and maintains electrical system infrastructure along the Lomond Avenuefrontage of the property. Existingelectricalsystem infrastructurewithinthepublicrights-of-way willcontinue to be maintained bytheaffected utilityprovider. PoliceServicesSpringfieldPoliceDepartmentcurrentlyprovidesservicetoareasofnorthSpringfieldthatare alreadyinsidetheCitylimits.TheannexationterritoryiscurrentlywithinthejurisdictionoftheLaneCounty SheriffsDepartment.Uponannexation,thisareawillreceiveSpringfieldPoliceservicesonan equalbasiswith otherproperties insidetheCity. FireandEmergency ServicesFireprotectioniscurrentlyprovidedtotheannexationareabyEugene/Springfield FireDepartmentundercontractwithRainbow WaterDistrict.Uponannexation,theEugene/SpringfieldFire Department willcontinuetoprovidefire and emergency servicestothe subjectterritory. Emergencymedicaltransport(ambulance)servicesareprovidedonaregionalbasisbytheEugene/Springfield Fire Department,andLaneRuralFire/RescuetocentralLaneCounty.Theannexationareawillcontinuetoreceive thisserviceconsistentwiththeadoptedambulanceservicearea(ASA)plan. Mutualaidagreements have been adoptedby thethree regionalASA providerstoprovidebackupcoveragefor each others jurisdictions. ParksandRecreationParkandrecreationservicesareprovidedtotheCityofSpringfieldbytheWillamalane Park&RecreationDistrict. The park districtoperates severalindoorrecreationfacilities, suchastheWillamalane Park SwimCenter,Lively Park SwimCenter,Bob Keefer Centerfor Sports and Recreation, and Willamalane AdultActivity Center. Theparkdistrictoffersvariousafter-schooland otherprogramsfor childrenatschools and parksthroughoutthecommunity.Also availableare pathwaysandseveralcategoriesof parks,including communityparks, sportsparks, specialuseparks, and naturalareaparks. ConcurrentwithannexationtotheCity ofSpringfield,thesubjectpropertywillbeannexedtotheWillamalane Park&RecreationDistrictconsistentwithCitypolicy, an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Springfield and Lane County,andtheadoptedWillamalaneComprehensivePlan. Library ServicesUponannexation totheCity ofSpringfield, thesubjectareawillbeserved bytheSpringfield PublicLibrary. SchoolsTheSpringfieldSchoolDistrictservesthis areaof northSpringfield. Basedontheexisting use Ordinance No. 6416 Exhibit C, Page 6 of 7 of the subject propertyas a single detached dwelling,it is expected that the annexation territory could generate permanent residents andaschool-age population in the future.The Springfield School District has capacity to serve the annexation areain its current configuration, and in the event the property redevelops in the future. SanitarySewerTheannexationterritoryhas an existing public sanitary sewer linealong the Lomond Avenuefrontage.The applicant will be responsible for obtaining necessary permits to connect the existing house to the public sanitary sewer system. City records indicate that a service lateral has been stubbed into the subject property frontage which facilitates connection of the existing house on the site. StormwaterThesubjectannexationterritoryis servedby the public stormwatermanagement system located in Lomond Avenue.Should further development or redevelopment of the site occur in the future, extension and expansion of public and private stormwater facilities necessary to serve the property willbe doneconcurrently with construction of other site improvements and utilities. StreetsThenorthern edge of the subjectannexationareaabutsLomond Avenue, which hasbeen developed with curb, gutter,paving, sanitary sewer, and piped stormwater facilities.Lomond Avenue is currently a Lane County facility and it lacks sidewalks, street lights, planter strips, and street trees.Concurrent with the request for annexation, the applicant has executed an Improvement Agreement for future improvements to Lomond Avenue, including installation of sidewalk, street lighting, planter strip and street trees. SolidWasteManagementTheCityandSanipachaveanexclusivefranchisearrangementforgarbageservice insidetheCitylimits.Upon annexation,solidwastedisposalservicewouldbeprovided bySanipac. CommunicationFacilitiesVariousprovidersofferbothwiredandwirelesscommunicationservicesinthe Eugene-Springfieldmetropolitanarea. Existingprovidersandthoseenteringthemarkethavethecapabilityto provideservicetothisarea. LandUseControlsTheannexationareaiswithinSpringfieldsurbangrowthboundary. Throughan intergovernmentalagreementbetweenLaneCountyandtheCityofSpringfield,theCityalreadyhasplanning andbuilding jurisdictionforunincorporatedareasofSpringfield.TheCitywillcontinuetoadministerlanduse controlsafterannexation. Finding:Theminimumlevelofkeyurbanfacilitiesandservices,asoutlinedintheadoptedMetroPlanand the Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Urbanization Elementareimmediatelyavailableto the site. Conclusion:Theproposalmeetsand complies withcriterionC, Subsection 5.7-140. D.Whereapplicable,fiscalimpactstotheCity havebeen mitigatedthrough anAnnexationAgreementor othermechanismapproved by theCityCouncil. Finding:The area proposed for annexation is a residential lotcontaining an existing single detacheddwelling. Because the required public utilities and services are immediately available to the site,and the public street frontage on Lomond Ferry Road has been improved to urban standards, anAnnexation Agreement is not warranted. However, the applicant has executed an Improvement Agreement for future Lomond Avenue improvements (as noted above), and has submitted an Application for Sewer Hookup (Attachment 2, Exhibit D). Conclusion:Theproposalmeetsand complies with criterionD, Subsection 5.7-140. CityCouncilDecision(SDC5.7-145): CityCouncilapprovaloftheannexationapplicationshallbeby Ordinance. Finding:OnFebruary 18, 2020,theCityCouncilheldaPublicHearing forthesubjectannexationrequest and gavefirstreadingtotheAnnexationOrdinance.Basedonthestaffanalysisandrecommendations,andon testimonyprovidedatthePublicHearing,theCityCouncilmaynow takeactiontoapprove,modify,ordeny Ordinance No. 6416 Exhibit C, Page 7 of 7 theAnnexationOrdinance. Zoning(SDC5.7-150):Thearearequestedforannexationiszonedanddesignated Low Density Residential (LDR) in accordancewiththeSpringfieldZoningMapandtheadoptedMetroPlandiagram.Propertiesthatare outsidetheCitylimitshavetheUrbanizableFringeOverlay District(UF-10)appliedtothezoning.Uponthe effective dateoftheannexation,theUF-10overlaywillbeautomaticallyremoved and the property will retain the LDRzoning. EffectiveDateand NoticeofApproved Annexation(SDC5.7-155):The subject annexation request is being presented to the City Council for consideration within 90 days of the May 19, 2020 primary election.In accordance th with ORS 222.040(1),annexations cannot become effective during the period beginning after the 90day before a primary election or general election and ending on the day after the election. Therefore, iftheannexationisadopted after a second readingonApril 6, 2020,theOrdinancewillbecome effectiveon May 20, 2020, orupon acknowledgementoffilingwiththeSecretaryofStatewhicheverdateislater. Withdrawal fromSpecialServiceDistricts(SDC 5.7-160):Withdrawalfrom specialdistrictsmayoccur concurrentlywiththeapprovedannexationOrdinance orafterthe effective date ofthe annexation ofterritorytothe City.TheDirectorshallrecommendtotheCityCouncilforconsiderationofthewithdrawalofthe annexed territoryfromspecialdistrictsasspecifiedinORS222.Indeterminingwhethertowithdrawtheterritory,the CityCouncilshalldeterminewhetherthewithdrawalisinthebestinterestoftheCity.Noticeofthewithdrawal shallbeprovidedinthesamemannerastheannexation noticein Section 5.7-150. Finding:TheannexationareaiswithinthedelineatedserviceterritoryofSUB(electric) and Rainbow Water District (waterandcontracted fireresponse).TheCitiesofEugene/Springfieldwillprovidefire andemergency servicesafterannexation,andtheCityofSpringfieldbyandthroughtheSpringfieldUtilityBoardwillprovide waterserviceafterannexation.ConsistentwithSDC 5.7-160,noticewasprovidedfor the public hearing on February 18, 2020. WithdrawalfromtheRainbow WaterDistrictconcurrently with annexation of the territory to the City of Springfield isinthebestinterestoftheCity. The withdrawal from the Rainbow WaterDistrict is necessary to implement Policies 31 and 32 of the Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Urbanization Element wherebyannexation is prioritized for the City of Springfield to provide urban services to its incorporated territory, and existing special service districts within the UGBare to be dissolved over time. DIRECTORSRECOMMENDATION:Theproposalcomplieswiththeannexationcriteriaofapproval listedinSDC5.7-140,andCounciliswithinitsauthoritytoapproveannexationofthesubjectterritoryto theCityofSpringfieldandWillamalaneParkandRecreationDistrictandwithdrawalofthesubject territoryfromtheRainbow WaterDistrict. Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT D, Page 1 of 6 Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT D, Page 2 of 6 Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT D, Page 3 of 6 Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT D, Page 4 of 6 Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT D, Page 5 of 6 Ordinance No. 6416 EXHIBIT D, Page 6 of 6 Ordinance No. 6416