HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1970-08-10CITY OF S INGFI ELD APPLICATI ON AND AGREEMENT TRUNK LINE SEWER HOOKUP Application is hereby made by the undersigned property owner for permission to connect to the follovling descrlbcd proparty to e trunk llne sewcr owned and maintained by the City of Springfield, and I agree to pay such a hookup charge of $3.40 per front of the property for the first 150 feet in depth to be served by such trunk line sewer in lieu of an assessment against the described property. An additional $0.02 per square foot will be charged for any additional ProPerty beyond the first l!0 feet. Property Description:Address:6022 Tburston Road Beginning at the point of intersection of the center lines of Thurston Road (Co. Rd 1t474) and 58th Street in Springfteld, Lane County, Oregon, said point bearing south 0o16115r' west 890,23 feet from a 2" x 1)" iron bar north 89'36r west 42.2 feet from the northwest corner of section 34, township 17 south, range 2 west of the Willamette l"leridian; thence south 89'38r15tteast along the center line of said Thurston Road 1L46,29 feet to a point, thence north 0o16r15'r east para1Le1 with the center line of said 58th Street 30.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod and the True Point of Beginning; thence North 0o16r15r'east L50.0 feet; thence South 89o38r15" East 70.0 feetI thence South 0oL6|n5r'west 150.0 feet; thence North 89o38t15" west 70.0 feet to the True Point of Beginning in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Sewer hookup charge: ($f.+O per front foot)s 70t x 150r x $3.40 - $238.00 PR t:E PROPERTY OWNERS: By This agreement has been computed as being one-hatf (*) of the equivalent cost of an eigfrl (8) inch lateral sanitary sewer at the rate of.,$3.40 per abutting front foot and does not include the cost of a house connection to said trunk sewer, sewer user charges, plumbing permits or othe!'such costs to be assumed by the pro- perty owner. STATE oF oREGoN )) ss County of Lane ) BE lT REMEMBERED, That on this4llday of , lg_zz, d State, before me, personal lythe unders i gned, a NotarY P in and for t Count yan appeared the within names to rfie to the identical individua described in a within instrument and acknowledged to me t vaiuntarily. _ frt y', - executed the same f reelY and,- who executed the WITI'iESS my hand and seal this day and year last above written. otary Publ ic -f-2?-22 My Conmi ss i on Exp i res I P-/o-20