HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-01-20Job Locaticn:SZ Assessore Map fl -a Subdirision: Amer City Tct Lot ll Phone Describe h'ork s>Address: Dru >r$) Lro l-u.( lIr P^r f -rAdditicn RenoCeL Le Data of AppL icatian -2-o- General ELectri.cal ConstmrQipn_lende! Va!.ue DRYl,tALt, INSPECTION: Tc be made After an dtgaall-is in place, but prior to any taPing. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond Gfrilgrouling or oerticals in aeeordorce tLth U,B.C. Seati.on 24L5. IIoOD:;TpvF;: After installation is cctttpleted. CURB & APPRQI|CE I|PPO!: After forns fepa- f+t q{3 sc.ll It ie the ?esponaibility of the permit holder to see that aLL inspections are nade at the ?'oper Line, that eceh cddress is readab'.e fron the at?eet, and that the permit eard ia Loeated at the front of the -ptoperty.rouilding Nuiciot appto,^ed pLan shall remain on tle Building Site at aLL tines. PROCEDU1E FOR INSqECTION RqQWST;CALL726-3769(yecordet,) state your City Cesigna-berl .iob nunber', iob aCiress, typ.of inspec=.i^cti eadyforinspaction'Cotttt,actcl,s,,nasnn,".,,o,eLndphonenu.'lbct,.Peques;sreceii;edbefcle7:cCc:i uiLL be nade the sane dag, tequeets made aftet, T:00 on utill be rnaCe the ncrt:nrkin'g dae. Ioun City Des'i.gratted Job Nunbet fs:#ea 1? INSULA?ION / VAIOR B!I?A!R II\SPECTTON :SI?E INSPECTION; ercau;ilon, b"b To be nnde afterprior tc set up of forns, UNDERSLAB PLUUB|Nq, qE!!!llAL- n !,\EC|LIUCAL: ?o be nade befoz,e any 6iE7{iooeted. FCOTINC & F)UNDATICN: ?o be nade after trenches are and forms are erected, but prior to pow,ing ccncrete. FIIIAL PLUIIBING FIIIAL MECHANICAT, ?o-6;-raA;Aft*" aL.L insulattcn anl required tsapor bam'ie?s are in plaee but before any Labh, gAPsun bcaYC or tnLL aoueringt is rrpplied, and before oty insulation is concealed. I il UNDIRGPOUIID PLUMEING. SEIIEP,. I,],|TER, NALLUSE: -T; be naCe prior to fil-Tfr trenehes. UIIDEI?FLOOR PT,UIIBING & MECIIANICAL: roE mAA;nioz, to installation of floor insulction or decking. POS! AND BEAM: To be nade Prior to TGlaTTitlc'Vof floor insul,ation or deckittg, ROI]CH PLUIBIIIC. ELECTNICAL & IiECH-ifrrtfthese inspections hauo- been mad.e and approoed.. FIPEPLACE: Prior to plccirg faeingnaterials and before franing inspec- tion. 7A pnn:rnc: ltust be nequested aften LA "ppr.rr"L of rough plilr,bing, e'Lectri- cal & neclnnieal. ALL roofing braeittg E ehinmeye, etc. rrust be eontpleted. llo wtk ie to be con- eealed until this inspection lae'been nade anC approtsed. ate ere-ctei tut ptioi to pouring concrete. SIDE\IA\,K !, DRI"!EWAy: Eor aLL con' cyete pa"fra-;ltiln street right- of-rxA, to be maCe after aLL etca- oating aonpleLe & j'orn ttork & sub' base mcterial in Place. ?ENCE: ta4ten eonPlete -- Pt'otsiCe ifrii or nortable sections through P. U, E. ALL projecb cond.ttions, suc!'; ae the installaLt-on of sr'eet trees,, ccnplciion-of Lie ,"qiinn|- Lirdscaping, Ltc., ,rust be satisfi.cri befote the BUILDTNC FIIIAL can be requesterl' ilNAL BUILDINC: The Fi,nal Building IneT'tcetiort must be requesteC c.fter th': Final Plwnbin3 Electrieal, and Meclu.nical Inspeetictns lnntc been nade and approocl' .. REslDr --lAL" =PF,HGFTELDAPPLICATI0NT PERIIIT 225 North |th StY'eet Springfield, Oregon 97477 BuildLng Diltision 7 26- 37 s3 qZip: fr \7ob CL Date: Flccc,i tll 14echat;ieaL iEr4^r -4Tnlt nD ttnllt' ai'),tL, ll 'La a llt;, Vtl r-v v L J Ltu Sanilary seser eapped ct pt'operty Line Septic tank p""i:Ved and filled urith gratel Final - hlten cbcue itens are canpleted and uhen Cenclltion is eomplete ot' st"uJ- ture notte<l anl prenises cleaneC up. Hcme,s Blocking and Set-uP Plunbing connecti.ons -- aat)e? anC uater Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking' set-ui and pluntbing ccnnections rn;st be apprcteti before requestittg eleclrical inspeclio:z Aeeessory BuiLC:.ng Final - After pcrckes' skirting, decks, etc. ate ccmpleled. Pt1,.' 1 of i:tl FINAL ELECTRICAL *AT,L I4ANIrcT,ES AND CLDANOUTS MI.IST BE ACCESSTBLE, AD,IUS'T\!:\II TO BE,':4 T': y'.T I]O I-1ST TO CI?Y \ t--t tr tl rege . JOB NO. Lot Faces' !!eat IIouseP, L. Fi th cSOLAR A ESS REQ.- TopograPhY L-CO BeCroons LO'I TYPE Interict' Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac Lot Sq. Ftg. ,1, cf Lct Ccoerage- 4 of Stories Total lleight -- Fees -- VaLueXI!EM TOTAL VALUE s.D.C. 7,5 c Fee:.a *Date Paid: /^?- Receipt #: SLgnea:a Building Volue & Permit This perrnit is granted on the express cond'ition tlnt the said'consttuction sLnLL, in all respects,"';";;';;;i;- tin o"i'':'*"ce adop.ted bv the citv of springfieLd, inc\uding't\Z''zoif"g cr:<linanc.e' r'egulctlirq :hb cc:\stt'u:r!-":-,^ Zla-,"u'" oi Luildings'- aiLd may bi susp.ended ot: reuokec at cny time upon utc- loito" oi ony ptcu-isions of said 1ndinances' BuiLding PerrtrLt Total Clnrges CIIAIICtiFT,'E Firtures Residential (1 bath) Sani Plumbing Perrnit No tlet.con sha-ll constnct, instal!,' alter or elnnge CnlJ neD.cr existing ';L;;Z:i;"';2"";""i" "'i"tL"'';;-;i'1" o.r in pan't' -unlesi sueh person is the Leqal possessor of ";:"1;;"pi';b'ilo-'i t'1"n""'n' eicept that a pe:'son na'7 do plwnbins aork to p"rp'"iiv*"ini;i";'';;;e; LL"na ot' operated bv the appli- eant. Pllmbing Pernit 1 State I LtII'EM Na,s/Estend Citcuits Seruice Electricql Permit Whet'e State l,att t'equires tlut the electt'ieaL uork be done by an Electtical contracton, the electrlZol'iootLon of this -pen'dt stnll not be oaliC until ;;-1';L;1 1,o" been signed av *e Electt'ical contt'actor' *?otal ELec r aL cilAllc:ENC. Erharct HooC Vent Fcn Ilcodstoise Mechqnicol Permit Pernrit Issuance Mec?nnicel Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- tSecari Main Permit htrbcttt Sida,:alk L tabel Mobile Hone taL ,TOTAL AMOIJNT DUD: *Qa4 Date -20- E Seuer ,/*=a-b Tate - ll.. RESIDENITIAL.. APPLICATIT- 225 North 51;h St;r'eet Springfield' )regon 97477 Butlding Ditsision 7 26-37 53 ,lob [oaatictt 5 SPFIINGF'ELD )ERMIT Ta.x tnt ll Phone Describe l,lorl:.: DnYIrNi INSPICII)N: Tc be made inet, itl drymll i,s i.n place, but prtor to rttty t:aPing. MAS1NUI: Steetl Location, bond 6ffiil-grou'"ittg or oerticcls i-n aceordanc,z ui l;h Il . B . C. Sec ti-on 2415, y992!!!!!: Afler htstallabion is ccnp LeLed. \7cb Aesessorc lulap fl c2 Subdioision: )tmen Addt,ess:s, Ci Neu lao ( tnl t ./1 r-L7 r I RcmoCeL ilobiLe Date of Applicat LAn -Ao- 89 Val.uc General Elect caL Construction Lender fepa-rg To be nude afterprior tc set up of forns. UNDEITSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTNICAL & MECI|I\\|ICAL: To ba made before angnGiF-iii6u*ed. 'L FCOTING ! FOUNDATICN: To be r-C. 3 After-i;encQa are ercauated and forns are erected, but priot to pouning ccncrete. i'1 UNDgRG!?oultD zLUMDING. sswEll, It.4TEn,'J-Ling trenchec. 7-1 unnmrLooR rr,nlBrNG & MECIIANr:AL:ll"f floon insulction or decking. w POST AND BEAt"l: To be rmde Pniot' to TiiiiTTitla-Vof floor insulation or decking, ROIlCil PLUIIBIIIG. ELECTNICAL & I'IECA. AnIUr,: uo '"toii is to bc cou-et'ed GrtTthese inspections hatte been nnde aru7 approoeC. FIPEPLACE: Prior to Plccirq facing mcterials and before fi'oning inspee- tion. FRAIIINC: Ittust be requeated aftet, appnoual of rough plwnbing, electti- cal E neclnnical. ALL roolittg I -braeirul E ehinmeya, etc. mast be l[l completed, llo aork is to be con- eealed until this tnspection hae been nude anC approted. Lro l-,\,.€P^ I r sr INSI.]LA'TTON/VAPO3 TIARRIER TIl{;PECTII)N : fo t:e ,ntgc ai'ter aLL insuleLi.cn a:,1 rcqui'ed uapor ba.r'riers Qre in plaee bui l:e1'ore any l.at;lt, glJPsutn baan'C or Ddl.L coDerinll is cpplied, aru| bef<>te at11 ittsttl,ztion is concealed, +Date: A iesS yout, Citll Desi.gtttted Job Nwnbcr Is:#aa 1? ,lddiLicn w oo It is the responsibility oi the permit holder to see that alf,. i.nspec_tions at'e nade at llE pt'op)t' ttnc, that acch cddress is readab"a Jnon the street, and that the permit eard is located at -t_h-e. fron-t of Lhe-propenty.-t\uilding Nuicior appnoxed plan slall remzin on the Buildingt !it; .tt aLL tines. px\cgDupE FoR INSpECrrcn nsQutsr:cALL726-3769 (recordet) state your City ,lesi-gtnted ,job nunber, iob acitess' ti1pe. of irtspec=icri eadajori.nspcctlon,Cottttaat",""ialnersm;neLn.dphonen;nbcl,.Pequestsyeceii:edbefcre7:00el ';iLL be nnde the sone dcy, ?equests nade after 7:00 on uiLL be nwCe the ncat ttorktng da'x. SI?E INSPECTION: etcat aii'on, but FIIIAT, PLUIIBING rINAL I4ECIIAIIICAT, eW--g-_4!AU9!--l!P,o!: A ftez" .forms at,e Zrr:ct,tC but prior to pouring conerete. SIDqIIAL]< 8 DRTYDIIAII: FOT ALL COIT- cret. w,rfr1nii;l; stneet right- of-tYy, to be maCe aften alL exca- t)atina aonplete & ,i'ora utot'k & cuh- base nrzterial in Place. IENCE: hrhen conplate -- ProntCejdlii or nooable sectians tht'ough P. U. E. ALL proje.cb conditions, such as the installation of sdr-'eet tree-s., ac-7lcL"Jon-of tie requ'ini| Lantlsecping,'Lte,., ,mtst be satir;fi-ed bafona the BUILDINC FI\\AL ean be requested' FINAL DUILDINC: The ['i,.nal Buitding InsVct:l:iott nust bc requested c.t'Lcr th': I'inal PlwnlitnS Alectrical,- anC tlechanical InttpecLictns ltauc bet:n nade aul approutJ'I T ,il lq ne a ileclnri.eaL DEitoLTrIoll oR ;.:c Sanilat'y seset :apped ct pt'opertg Lir.e Septic tank pa'rcd and filled uith gratei ltncl - l{hen cbcue itc:ns are ccnpleted antl ulrcn Cenclition is cotnplete or stluJ- ture nooeC anl. prenises cleaned up. llcme.:: Blocking antl {;et-uP Phonbing conneations '- saiel' and' ualer Electriccl Ccnnection' Blocking, set-up and plwnbing cow;ections rrust .be apprcve,i befoic requesting eleclrical inspeelio;: Aecescor'; Bui.LCing pcrckes, skirting, decks,Final - r',fter etc. are ccrnp FTNAL ELT:CTRICAL tAt,r, uANlrcr,E:; AllD Cl,llANOUI':: trtlsT nli Accl:{;srfir,t, AD,tl):i'r:ii:it'l 7'0 3Ii:''i\'t''|'ry.rio r''-'.1ii'Tc (!'iY CL rt n @ L-CO C /^=a-6ry._Td€T- I Lot So. Ftq, x cf Lct Ccueraqe ll of Sbortes I'otal lleight TopograPhY L Permi Stcte Total IotaL SOLAR AC'ESS REQ.- Crot, T,OT TYPE _ Inteticr Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac t Bedi'oons Zonc Lot Faces - Reeeipt lt Signed Electricol Permit Where State [,a requires th.at the electrical uonk be done by ,an Eleetrical Contractop, the electtlZot pi,LLo" "f thts -pe,nit slnll not be tsaliC until the Label -tns been aigned by the Electrical Cont"acto?' !leat:;e Aar:c:;:;Crtt\tr7r:P,I,Ilouse Not,tlr lll.la s t It[]outh ltllest x VttSQ, F?CITEM iTccess ?OTAL VALUE 0c-s.r.c. 1.5 x B -aFDate Paicl: /^, a Building V<llue & Permif ?his permit is gt'anted on the exp"ess condition ttnt the said'consttaction slall, in all respects,- ioilor.'to the- or4inance adopteJ! liy Lhe c;ty of lirn,inrtf teld, inclutlinQ t;he 2onirtg Crtlinance, regulaLing tltc ccttslttt;:bicn . Z'ra u'in of Luilrtings'" and nty be- suspended or reuokec at cr'!J tLne uPon ulc- lation o7 ony prcoisions of said ordinances' I Euilding PertrrLt Total Clntges State Swcharge t'1..:E cilAltcli.11'EM Firturcs ResidentiaL (1 bath) SeuerSani Plumbing Perrnit No Denson shall constnct, 'tnstal!, alter or clange -cny nel.c" e:isting iirjr\r'ti"""'7ritiZ.i.- -i"tln" t" itoi." o-r in part, -unless :"'h-ln-::o" is the Legal poseesson of ";:"1;; pl*,bni'i Litn'"L, eccept that a -person na's do plu*bing uork to pnopn"ly-"i|ii-i" o*nd, Leased o'r openated by the appli- cant. Pltnbing ?en;it State llut, Na,t/Estend Circuits Set uice f9E CI!ARCI,: Eshanst llooC Vent Fan Hcodstorle State Mechqnicol Permit Petmtt Issuanee Mechanical Permtt -- ENCROACIII'|EN'I -- tSecari Main Permit Curbcat Sideualk Elec: tnicaL Mobile Hane ,I'O'I'AL AI,IOUNT DUE: ^Qn4 Date -zo- i7 JOB NO. /- Z---a,4