HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1988-08-08.. RESIDENTIAL.. 2zs Nonth stl, itnnff'LrcAT -- "t/PERttr? SprLngfield, 2r,egon 97422 Building Diuision aiA -^-Ft'4O-O / b5 Job Lacaticn: Aasessors Map # SPFINGFIEL.D fr-- t^L ut@@Lt svbdioision: A,met: Address: n Desez,ibe hlotk: S-u-r;<-L 2 g^- nlo4g-, etLI AUitian RenoCel Date of App Licatian t-8-K Date: Value GenetaL ELectyicaL PV,one:- e ? r -*-? 71.{ ( 14ech.o:ical Corylruetion_Ienden_ * r^t ia the responaibililu of -tte penrit holdet to see tlat aLL inspections oe nad,e at tlp pto?er tine, that 2s.sl1 c;,ltsss is ten;qbie{ffi,h"H?,:rir*#"'!"r**r:r*^zi,*"i#*,r,*:*[3;i""L,yrr\ffi*:- -- l"* W2EDUPEI Fon, rySPEcrI1N .Wy4STTCALL 726-3769 (tecot'den) state aou? City designated job ntmbet,, job aCdtess, tgpe of inspee=icn::*"i:"1-1y _ll": to-" uiLL be readg fot' inspection, contraetars oir at ers- ,orrn ""ra pu). numbet.' biq"i""1 rcLeii'ed tLlcie' z : oo- an'*'LLL be nude the sone dcy, ?equests ncde aftet ?:00 qn vLLL be nade the neat aorking'd.ay. i ?raUffiYou? CitA Desigr.ated Job Number fs: Page 1 of 2 7 unosncpoultD pLItMDrNc. stwp. II.ITER.,J .Lir4 trenchee. f uao*rtolR pLUr.ErNG & t,rEcHANrcAL:lo7 floor insuT,ation or decking. I P1ST AIID BEAM: To be nade prior toI Gililldl|ilof fioot, insui)tion oy decking. -A ROUCH PLABIIIG. ELECTRICA' E MECH-I ANICAL: No uork is to be couered - .unt1;L these inspectiors ltaue been nade ard. approued. I rrpw|aqi efion to plaeirg facingI materials atld. before frani,ng inspee-tlon. 1 pniluct ttust be requested. aftet, ) approoal of rough plwrbing, electri- .cal & neclwnical. ALL roofing .' btactng E chinmeys, etc. rntst bei completed. lto uotk is to be con- -...u.cealed until this inspeetion lae:bee,? mad.e anC approoed. SIIE INSPEC?ION: ?o be nade aftereocatation, but pr"ioz, tc set up of forms. (IIqERSLAB PLUMBIN}. ELECTRTCAL & IECHA.|IICAL: To be made befor;e angwrk ie cooet,ed. F0OTIllc & F)UNDATICN: ?o be npCe AfteriA-tt encn;;- scaated and forms ote erected, but ptior to pouz.tng ccnetete. TNSULATTONIVAPOR BARRTER ilISPEC?IOII :roo@ required uapor borie?s @e in plaee but befote ntg Lath, Wpswn boarC or tnLL eouering is applied, otd beforeay insul,ation is concealed. DEMOLTTTA!] OR' Hcmes Bloeking ord Set-up Plunbing connections -- sar)et ud. uatet I Electrical Ccnneetion - Blocking, set-up and plwnbing conneetions tn;st be apprcoed befote requesting electrLcal inspeclion Aecessory BuilCing ' ; Sanitanl saset capped et ptoperfu Lir:e l', Septic totk Va;rped ad. filled tith gra;tel i IFinal - fillten abcue itms ee ecrnpleted and uhen Cqolition is cattpletei ot stllac- tut,e nooed od. prer,rLses claztei up. {'-/ DRWALL INSPEtrTON: Tc be made -. after aLL dtyuall is in plaee, but ptior to ang taping. MASONR!: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oerticals in accordotce Ltith U.B.C. Section 241 s. WOODSTOI,/E: empT;T;A. After installation is CURB & APPROACH APPON: After formsee erecteC but prioz, to pouring conc?ete. SIDEWALK 8, DRfIEWAY: Fot, all con- crete pq-oing uithin stteet right-gf-rxA, to be made after aLL eeca- oating eonplete & forn rnrk & sub- base naterLal in pl.ate.skirting, decl<,s, !E!!l: hrhen eonplete -- ProuiCe gates ot motsable sections through P.U.E. ALL 4'ojeet eonditions, sueh as the installation of stteet trees, conoletion of the required landscaping, etc., rmtst be eatisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be teques ted. Firal - After ete. ate cotnp pcrekes, Leted. _l l PTilAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL A*HANTCAL FINAL ELEC?RTCAL --l I 'ALL MANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJASTltEtry TO BE I,L4DE nT NO COST TO el?y zo57 ) n Fr-NAL B-urLDrNG:- The Ninal Build.ittg rnepection mtet be requested, after the Fi.nal Plmbing \J Electrical, od Meclanieal fnspectiona 'lwe been made ard'apptoued. JOB NO. -- ENCROACHMENT -- S(JLAr( AUUE)D KtrV.- ? L-CO G- Receipt # PLan Esanlnet uate f HAW CAREFULLy EXAI4INED tle cornpleted qplieation for pentrit, atrd. do hereby certify tlnt aLL information hez,eon is ttue and. cornect, anC I fut'thet, cettify that any ard aLL aork perfozned stall be done in accor- dance l,rLth the Ordincnces of the Ctty of Spr.ingfield, atd. the Las of the State of }regon pez,taining to the uork Cescribed het,ein, cnd. tlwt NO OCCU- PLNCy vLLL be rmCe of anA st?ucture uithout pennlssion of the Building DL-oision. I futther certify that otly cont"actors ad. etplcyees dho are in cottpliance dith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this projeet \ -( -vv Secar[ Pertrit Cvrbeut Sida,talk Mobile Horne TOTAL Al'l1UNT DUE:.t Z cf Lct Cooerage ! of Stories Total Eeight Topogra:PhY rM 4W?WI JJLP J _ Interiot _ Corne? _ Panlundle CUL-de-sae Aceess. Bectoot:tsZone: !!eat Lace Df House Iot Sq. Ptg. GPou- fnt Faces - -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permit is gnanted on the eup"ess condition tlnt the sciid-consttaction slull', in all rZspeets, eonform to the ordinance edopted 6:y the Ci,ty of Springfield, includ.ing the Zoning Cvdinance, regulating the ccnsttacticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or teuokeC at c:nA tine upon uic- l,ation of @ty prcoisione of aaid 1rdinances. ?OTAL VALUE FTG x VdI?ETI ,t *Sigted: S.D.C. 1.5 c Building Petwit ?otal Charges Stdte PLan Check Fee: Plumbing Permit No pereon slwll construct, instal'!., alter ot change anA neD cr es:tsting pl,utnbing or drainage systan in ulnle or in part, unless sueh person is tle legal possessor of a oalid plutnber's Li,eense, eccept that a Pe?son na'g do plu;bing uork to prope?t! uhich is oumed, Leased on operated by the apPli- cant. NO.FEE LTlATIUL * Etbattes ResiLzntial (1 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Pernit State Suz,change TctaL 3 SO L Y Neu/Estend Circttits Serice Stdte Total I?il4 !trn t Mechonicql Permit Echanet llooC llcodsto;te Vent ?a Pendt fssudtce Meclanicel Permit ab rzo a- tute Electricol Permit Wlere State Las requites th,a.t the eleetrLcal uotk be done bf dtt Electrtcal Cont?deto?, the electrLcal portion of this permit slnll rat be palil until the Label ltas been signed bg the E1,ectri,cal Contracto". Ftnntce P?11'S 5t