HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-10-312 2 s North stlt streeaPPLrcA\ t,N /PERMrr Spr"Lngfield, 2r,egon 97427 Butl&tng Diuision 7 26-37 53 .. RESIT.tNTIAL.. SPFIINGFTEL.D Job Loeaticn:u ?c,z lot #OZoAssessote Map # Subdittision: tseAsnet: Addz,ess:Pl",one: fl city:clt /72 fuzzzao.*z Desct"ibe Hoy,k: Additian /2^7f5A Value GeneraL Date of App Licaticn Le CZ>- -a Page 1 of 2 Reee"Jpt # /20q7 It tt @t \tr Siqned: Date io- ,. Conefuuction_Lerder._ t4L rt i8 the teaponeibi'-Lilv .of -tne permit holden to aee that alt inspections oe nade at tlp prope" tine, that s4.sft .=d;ress is yeaCabief,:ol-W at?ee-t' and that the-pamtt-e,atd ie Loeated at the fro"i of the propetty =vr?' v't'v' v"*v *Building Diuici.ovt cppro"*ed p?.an shz.Ll yemain on ti ah\ai"lg'i'ile at aLL t[nes. PRocEDUPg. FoR rNSPEcTroN.!I;QyES?;CALL726-3769 (reeot'd.et) stdte aour City Cesignated. job rurnbet,, job aCd.z,ess, type of inspeelicn |3fr"i:"!-fd-lin:r1 -uiLL biieadv for inspection, conttactoi" i, arners"naneL"e evr;n nunbir.' iA;;t7-"""eixed befcre ?:00 ce''YLL be nade the sane dag, "equests nade after ?:00 an uLLL be nad.e the nert aotiirg';;y. K@ ?qxIouz, Cifu Desigr"ated Job Nunber fs SITE INSPECTION: ?o be nade aftez,eccauation, but prtcr tc set up of lorng. UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELq??RICAL &wcytrliC[@ns ttOtk ie eOOeted. ?O)fINc & F)UNDATICN: To be naCe@;F 6en;6a"e escaoated. attd. forms are ereeted, but prioz, to pout"ing ccncrete. UNDERGROUIID PLLIMBING. SE|EP, W,{TER, DRAfilAGE: ?o be made pnior to fil-Lirg trenches. UNoqRFLOOR pLur,pfitc & MEctrANrcAL : To be mad.e prior to installat[oi of floon insulction or decking. P1ST AND BEAIi: To be made priot'toinstallatian of floot insulation ordecking. : I .-.,I ROUGH PLU'tBIIlc. ELECIRICAL & l,tECH- ANfCAL: No uork is to be co"-ered wttil these inspections haue been nade and approued. INSULA?LON/VA?OR BARRTER ItlSpEClr)N : To be nade after aLL insulaticn andtequired uapor burie?s @e in place but befoz,e ury Lath, Wpslln boayd orrnLL cooering is applied, cnd. beforeoty irtsulati,on is concealed. 0R t!)vEt Sanitatg saser cappted at p"ope?Lg- Li7:e Septic tutk purryed and. filled uith g-r,a;sel Final - hh,en abctse items aye ccnroleted and uhen Cernolition is cotnplete br s*ac-tute nooed and. prenrLses cleaneC up. Llobile Hcnes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- aeoe? otd. uater Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking, set-uo and plutnbing conneetions rntst be apprcr;ed befoz.e requeeting eleelr,tcal inspection Aeeessory- Building Piral - After pcrckes, skirting, decks, ete. are conpleted. firl DRIVALL INSPECTI?N: Tc be made l,r\l after aLL d^tyuall is in place, - but pz,ior to any taping.- MAS)NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oerticals in accord.qtce tith U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOI/E: cctrpT;t;A. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APP.ON: After formsee erecteC but prior to pouring EIPEPLACE:;at;;l;G f.acing LnSpec- Pz.Loz, to plaeirq and before franing conc?ete. STDEIiALK & DRIT,EWAY: For aLL eon-c"A; pA@Aiffi street right- of-tnaA, to be naCe after aLL erca- oating canplete & forn uoy,k & sub- base nate 'ial in place. IENCE: h4ten conplete -- ProuiCe gates oz, motsable sectians through P.U.E. tion. h PRAt'lIllC: ttust be requested aftez, appro,tal of rough plwr,bing, electr.i-eal & neelwnical. ALL roofing btacittg & ehinmeys, etc. rrust be . cotnpleted. lto ucrk is to be eon-. cecled until this inspeetton lws'been made anC approoed. FTNAL PLUMBIIIG pinet utcnwrcar, FINAL ELECTRICAL t4 ALL p.t'oiect conditions, such as the installation of st?eet tz,ees, conoletion of therequired Landsceping, etc. " rmtst be satisfied befote the BUfLDfNc FIfAL ean be requested. !fNAL BUTLDLNG: The Final Building. Inspection must be requested after the Final PlwnbingEleetrical, and Mecharical fnspections haue been made ard'appz,oued.w *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTIQEIII TO BE IT4DE AT NO CCST TO CITY & n soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co c Zone Building PeTinLt State Iotal Charges Plumbing Penrit State TotaL TotaL Bedroorns: zo^'72*3* - /o-sr D-^^ * Building Volue & Permit Ihis pernn t is granted on the ecpress cond.ition tlnt the said eonsttuctionslnll, in all respects, conform to the CrdLnance adopted by the City ofSpringfield, inc|uding the Zoning Crdinatrce, r,egulating the ccnstroettcnqnl use of buildirqs, urd may be suspended oz, reuokeC at o1A time upon oic- Ta.tion of d/1A prctsisions of said Oz,dirances. lleat Check Date Paid: # Signed: ,( Plumbing Perrnit No pereon stnll construct, instal?-, alter or cttange anA nev cr existingplwnbirq or drainage systan in uhole or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plumber's License, e.ceept tlnt a pbrson nag do plunbing uork to p?opert! uhich i.s ottned, Leased or opetated bg the appli- cant. 5 * f HAW CAREFULLy EXAMfNED the cornpleted application for perrnit, atd do hereby certifg that aLL information hereon is true ard cortect, and I fuz,ther cettify that any ard aLL aork pez,fotrned slnll be done in accor,- dance uyith the Ordinenees of the City of Springfield, and the La:,;s of thex State of 1regon pertaining to the work Cescribbd herein, end. tlnt NO OCCU- PANCY t'liLl be mad.e of any stauctu?e uithout permission of the Building DL-oision. I further eertifs- that only contraciors and enplcyees uho arb in eonpLiance Dith oRS 207.05s uiLL be used on this projeeT JOB NO Aceess t Df ilouse Lot Faces -Iat Sq. !tg. % of Lct Cooet'age # of Stortes Total Height ?opography SQ. FTCITEI4 x LOT ?WE fntericr Conner Panhan-d.Le CUL-de-sac ttuin Geaqe Ca?Dott Aceessoru k-zoure rz z@ TOTAL VALUE <4? S.D.C. L.5 c /52' CHARGEN0.FEE Fiztutes i 2fu ' *522 Resil.ential (1 bath) Sani Seue" 72-52 ,/- 13 7V-63 CHARGEN0.FEE Res. Sa. fto. Neu/Ectend. Cincuits lanpcrey Setoice Electrico I Perm it Where State Lau requiz,es tlnt the electrical uork be done by an Eleetn)cal Contraetor, the eleetrLeal portion of this perrnit sLnLL not be ualiC untiLthe Label has been signed bg the Electu.Lcal Contyactor. ,( State ?otal -- ENCROACHMENT -- FEE CIlARCE z>?U Mechqnicol Permit Echagt Hood llcodstotse Vent Fot PetmLt fssuanee Meclnnicel Permtt SecarLtA Deposit Storage I,lainten4nce Petwit - Cutbcut Si.deualk lenee Electtical Label Mobile llorne TO?AL A],IOUN? DUE: *5s, 13 Date €g ') u/' ITEM Ilaten