HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1983-08-15..RE5IDENTIAL.. APPLICATI0N/PER\,LIT 225 North ith Street Sprtngfield, )regon 97477 But)Lding Diuision 7 26- 37 5s ?.cce;-it r SPFIINGF'ELI> CL /o.q0 ,t'/u e- k) 9 r*tJob Locaticn: \rn33q\Ll ls\nlAssesso]"e :,!q #?cz Lot # gOsnet: Addtess Dcte ofappZ;*t;r, t- \S-8j Describe h'ork: fA* VaLue RetnoCeL tian X-qr..^r-.-irr- dt^^t-"5"- ErtiresLtsc. tConiraciatsAciiress GeneraL PLtnbin4 lleclun:icaL CR Sani:atg saser cqVed ct properQi Line Septic totk y"irpeC and filled uith gz'arel linal - i{hett abcue itans are cc:;a1-eted a.ti ',then Lertclltiot ts eomplete br s*.rt- ttse nouo-d anc pre,nttses cleaneC up. tlcnes tsLocking otd. let-up Plumbirq connections -- aa)e? d. uater Electrical Ccmtecx:Jon - Blocking, se-,-1,t ard plunbing eonnections mist be apprct;ai b efor a reques =ing el.eclrJcal inso ec;ion Aceesso?i Builtlng Pinal - !,fter pcrel'.es, skirtir,.g, deci,s, etc. @e ccmpi.eled. ?1:2 : Or Z C o n s r ?", c ! i cn_ ! ende!_ mac.e tiott. FF-4.t,!MC: ?o be nade afterpricr tc se! up of lt ia the responsibility of the permtt holder to see !ha+. aL7. inspectdonst @e nad.e at lhe proper tine, thdt acch cddtess is realnb'>e ;iq _t1e street, ct1,C that the pattn,t eod ie loeated at the izyatt of the oropertu.,3uidir4 V):ti:ior- ctcrou-ed pi.bt shc.Ll yenain on thz tsuiiciing :t;e 'at eLL' dkes.' PP)CIDUPE, ?Aq INSPEtrICI| .?1?UEST:CALL726'3769(reeorder) state you? City desigttated job ntor,ber, job aC,fuess, type of inspee2icnrequested and' u::en 9ou tiLL be reariy lor inspection, Cont"aeicrs cz, A*ters- nare -and plane nznbez,. .Pequesxs receixbd befcre- 7:CC ,z:t'-iLL be nanie the sane dcy, l'equests naie cftet 7:00 ott v[LL be naCe the neet wrkinq'd.a:;. -1 SiT! MS?!C!1!I: | | eseauax:-on, but - 1'ams. UNDEF,SLAS ?!L'1,I3I\IG, ELEC??IC,IL 1 WCHI)IICAL: 7o be na<ie beioz,e cngwrk ;-s eoueyeC. your Citg Desigra.ted Job llwrber Is:33 ) ?ss- IIISL'LA:TON /VAPCP 9A.?RI!R I:]S?!C?!OII : To be nlad.e after aLL insulatLcn ei required uapot baw.Je?s @e in place tat befcre ozy lath, Wpslltl bcarC or vnLL couering is aolied, cnl. befare ozy insula',icn is concealed. Afte"-r;enc;;; .t ;-e.caated atd fcnts ore e?ecxed, but ptior to paurirq ccncreta. -1 UlDnc?lJ:tD p Lt'M3:! -L_E,ig:)_,t.trt&J Lirq trenches. 71 uactppaccR pu:t:.BEtG I :,!!cg.tlrrCAL:ttffici PCO?filG 1 !0U:tDA?ICit: To be r,pCe f7.oor insukxion or decking, PaS? AND 3ZL:4: ?o be naie otlor to diitffiioi J-:oor insul,a.=ion cr deckinE DRYIALL illSPlCtl)ll: lc be nade -., ay'ter aLL cr.luall [s in place, but prior to cny tapt-ng. I,IASONPY: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting or oertieals in aceordozce ,nLth U.E,C. Sectinn 2475. 'l00DST0'/t: After irwtalLation ia attoleted. . CURB 4 APPRCAC\] ,4PP9N: se erecveC but prioz, After farmsto pcurr-ng L th.ese inspeciiar.s h;ue beer. ,tnl. zcprc,,t'el. conctete. STDE'IA.L;{ J )RITiA!: Por aLL can-a,A;nalr$C;ffi stteet risht- of-t"cy, to be maCe after a77, erea- oating eanolete t ian tnrk & aub- base n1c'ue/4:al in ptace.Pr|or to pkeir4 lacing and, beiore fratrtng inspee- ttust be reo.aested afler ?ENCE: 9{hen eo,tglate -- ?rooiCe gates o? nottable sections through Dltnapprouai- cf ra,qh pLur,bing, alectri-cal I necitanieal. ALl. toofing brar)ng 3 chiwtcys, ete. mtst be corrcLeted. !1o .,tcrk is to be con- - cealed until this inspecticn )ra.s'been made axC apptooed. ,la :l of \lA r Df trttuf trF FI:IAL ,\EiHAilTCAL PI1IAL 'L|C?PICAL ALL oroiect corai;ions, such as the ").nseallaticn of street tTees, eo::plexice c;' tie required. i.ard.sccgirg, etc., ntust be satisJ'ied be7-ore the tsAiLDfNC FIIIAL een be req4ested.- a\ IIilAL ilILDINC: The Ftnal Buildr.n4 Insoection r,ust be "equested aiier ;he linal Ptunbing \_/ ileccrical, otC llechartccl insoections itaue been nade and. aoprooed. *ALL,',!AIII!CLES A,\ID CLEANCUTS ltUS? 3E.1.CCIS3|3L?, .LDJL'S?:!:J! iO 98,'.!LDi I.?::O::3T ?C CITY 10 00 ,yoD,, Subdiu')sian: Ci.ty: 1 ,o r>t b Zip:W 71 ,,ouorn ,o,, Enone )-aa 9 JOB NO i.ot Sq. F'4. i tf Lct Ccltercga ! of Stor)es a^^^#;, i. r i43ess lotal Cl,atges ?Ltnbinq Petrit State lctal CVr.t.es -T:V ?eor"t lssttctce lecirnicel ?eni'" S( soLAR ...-.cEss REe.- _ ln:erict _ Ccme? ?anhcnile CUL-,ie-sac L-CO G+ 3eitcons Building Vqlue & Permit lhis gern*t is cranted on the eq"els eondition tlnt the said eonstntctian sha.!i, ln;.!L :zs=ects, conf:rn -.o the Crd.iznnce tCoc:ec'c,g the ,:it| of Spr)r.giielC, ')r.c1-uciing :he Zoning Czdina"ce, regulc;*:g ;he ccnstrtet'Jcn trd. use ci outiiings, oid nzy be susoeruied oy reuckei at cry tine u?cn uic- ictl-cn ,ci any ptc,tis"-cns of sa"i.C )rCirances. St-gxed ! Plumbing Perrnit i'lo pereon siull. ccnsi;z"tct, instell., a?.ter ot cltange anA rea cr esisting plunbing or tfu,ainage systal in alole or in patt, uLess sueh person is th,e Legal possessor of a ualid plunberts License, eucept tl.at a ce"son r,ay do plrnbing uork to p"opertJ ahich is otnted, Leased or operated by the dppli- c@tt. Electricql Permit llhete State Lan reqtiz,es tl.a.t the electr.ical uork be dcne bg an Eleetrical Contz,actor, the electrical porlion of this pernit eTwLL not be ualii untilthe Label has beett aigned by the Electu-ieal Contyactor. Mechqnicol Permit Lat ia.ces -ln-efqu Sout,ces ?ucz iea+.)r iicuse aevdoe A.ecess.'ic+-e? !!2at2?llo!xh I Easf iireoLcce 'rlaocia ior;e llest -- Fees --::i:4 i- =4a :4 i.bin C,:tcz 1.A.f .lr?r,a s.D.c. i.5 ; Cheek s .at: L'C !i.*t*es Resd.znt':.a.L (1 bcth) Sozitrt Seuer ';cte? -: aa::;4. ?es. So. fta :las/Ested. Cira,its latocta'a Senliag , Xr^^ ,.^ - ( -l**t-lo.o o (a.oD ,t'o i zo,vu .ij|=.?;ic F,trtc=ee 3!iJ t S *I@,tat iiooC Vent la Vcod.stcre -- i:icECA::i:.:r:t? -- ?ctal Chctoes :)/ffi --n.r^n f HAW CAREFULLY 2X44fnED t|"e eontoT.eted aoplication fot peynit, cttri do hereby certifg thet alt i;tfc:nation het,eon is irue anC ecz,teet, cnd f f"ethet ee"tlii lhat any arl. a1-L wrk perfozmed shalL be done in accor,- d.ance ltith tha Ctdinstces of tke City of Spr)ngfield., and, the Lc;s of theState of )regcn -tertaintng vo the wrk Cescribed hereln, cnd ;i"a.c :t0 CCCI- P.4ICI lrtll be ru,le of ary stracture aithcut permission cy' the 3u"-iding Dt -oision. f jl:.rther czttif'g tha.t o:tly eontraetots and e:clagees u|"-c arb tt conoLtance Dlth 2RS 701.055 aiLL be used on this project €u 8-rs - I Stor:.ce ,'lc.)ntencr:c- Si.Ce,taLk !3TAL A,}.!CUJIT DUE:'l0..lo : ttobiie dxe t1 q n--^> State Surchace ?c)=L Aarzes -