HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-04-29..RESlDEt. ilAL 225 North stt, streffPLrcATr,N /PERI,fi SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SP'IINGFIELD ?3G {,zrrt.n,t' l4/oc0-Job facation: ratatt */Z-O3-34-,Aesessors lilap i 7t. C ves 1- ful J, U'r i.Subdiuision: Drnt R, f ,oo J*')sner:1e 7=A {<tn-2,-r-zrf 4Jl4fer'o""' 7y'7 b7o2Address Citg: -S 7c/? 7 Date t# 5,zaoy 7-P €'oo /%,2a f*4..fu'/a"/ Date of Applioaticn_ Desq,Lbe Hork:l--l Neu q){adValue L Addition Lisc- i PlarleAC.dtess Esait:es : cetetal i Plunbing ELectrtcal 14eclnnieaL ,EI,IOLI?IOT! AR Bi,/ILDliiCS Sod:ey seser cqped, ct Wopert! Lit:e Septic tank p;itped anti fnlled uri.th gra;sel ?inal - llrhen abcve ltens ote cawleteC ad ahen Cemclt tion is cornplete o! sttae- ture noueC otd. prenrises cleaneC up. Hcmes BLockitq ozd Set-up PLutabing connections -- saiev ad, uatet Electr)cal Ccmnectiott - Bloeking, set-uc at'd. plmbing conneetions nrtst be apprcreC befote requesting el.ec*.rical inspecliot: Aeeessory* Bui4irg Pinal - After pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. @e ecmple:ed. Pqelof2 Corslmrgliort_Iede!_ P!?OCgD!]?g FoR IitSPEfrIQU tlgWpE;CALL 726-376I (tecordez,) state It ie the responeibility oi tle petnit hoder to see that aL! inspeetiona are nad,e at lhe propet tine, that a.cch addtess '[,s p2a;ar7.2 fran the atreet, anC tlat the penrtt catd ia Located at the frottt of tle property.*Buildinq Nuiciot approu'ed plot sltcll remain on tha Building Site at aLL- tines.- or Anters nane md. plone runbet. Pequests yottt City Lesigtated job morber, iob ol,&e receit;ed of inspec=icn befcre 7:00,2nteqtested arti ahen pu uiLL be readg fot inspection, Contracta"s '"vi,LL be made the sane fug, "equests mcde aftee 7:00 an ttLL be tade the nezt :,torking your CitA'Deeigr,ated Job Nutrber fs: SIYE INSPEC?I1N: ?o be rmde after eceauation, but prtot tc se! up of fotns. UNDERSLAB PLAMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCHA.ilfCAL: lo be made before any unrk is ecoeted. FA)tmG 1 F)UNDATICN: ?o be naCe @E; a";-*cauated atd forns ate erected, but pr"ior to pottt'ing cczctete. dnu.{loqo{ Ir r UND1RGPCUIID P'UMETNG, SIWP, II.4TER. DRAfilAGE: To be nad,e priot, to fil-Lirq trenehee. AIIDERELOAR,DLUI,E ING & IIECqANICAL : @o1floor insulction oy decking. P0$! 4{D 3EAll: To be nol.e prLor to -^- install,zticn of i'Loor itaulation or deckinq, ROUGH PLAEII'IG, ELECTRTCAL & IIECH: ffii'these inspec'tiotts it;ue beer, nade and cppz,otseC, futor to pLacirq facingard before frantng inspec- PIIIAL PLUMBIIIG EIIIAL MECHAIIICAL FINAL ELECIRICAL INSULAITAN/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPECTIAN : ?o be nade after aLL inaulaticn e.d reqaired uqor ba*te?s de in place bat before oty La.th, Wp&tn boatC or uaLL covering is applied, ard before otg insulation is conceaLeC. DRWALL LISPECII)N: Tc be nade @ZT@ts in place, but ptior to any taping. !4L59!-B.Y: Steel Loeatiotz, borui Wgvouting or uerticals in aceord^orce vtth U,B,C. Section 2475, Aftet ittstallation is CURB & SP8AASE 4!3sN: Aftet fonnsa.e;ffiW@ tu bouz-irq conc?ete. SLDWALK & DRT',E\,\AY: For aLL cotr- arete pa,rfrE;ffi st?eet mght- of-ucy, to be naCe after aLL esea- oating aqnplete & forn wrk & sub- base naterial in place. ,ICODSTOTIE: &npTetea. FIPEPLACE: naterials tior. lP-qjlIIlC: l'tust be z.eqaested after approoaL of rough plurbing, alectri-cal & mecluntical. ALt noofin4 bz,actng t ehitmcga, etc, nt"tst be . conpLeted. llo acrk is to be con- , cealed until this ineoectian haa'been nlade atd. approoeZ. YEN!: gates rtlhen cottplate -- ?z.ouiie or nouable sections through ALL pz,oj, required P. A, E, ect conditions, such aa the installation of stteet tz,ees, ccrpLexion of tie Lastdsecpir-7, etc., nwst be satisfied before the ilf LDLNG ?illAL can be reqrcsted, /A ELNAL BUTLDTNG: The Einal Build.iry Inspection rntet be requested after the linal Ptwnbi.rtg \< EleetricaL, and ttechanical fnspectiona hate been nade ard. aoprooed.. *,4LL I4AIIHCLES AND CLEANOU?S !,\UST 3E ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTltEtlt TO BE t.L4Dt 1,? !10 C3ST TC CIty r Pege 2 Z' JOB NO.soLAP \CCESS REQ.-L-co c Bedtoons Lot Faces -_Ena?oA Sourees Tuoe Setbacks lieat Df House Caraqe Aceesg.l,later qeater North East FirepLaee South iloodsto,ie LC? ?W8 _ fntetior _ Conte? _ Pcnhand.Le CUL-de-aac l,/est I -- lees -- VaLue Building Volue & Permit This pennt is granted on the ez?ress condition tlut the sail. consiruction s-lu.L.L, -in_a-ll.respe,cts, confcrm to the Crdinance adocte,i. i2iy the C:-t1 cfSpryngfneld, including the Zoning C,r'Cinance, regulatrr"g th.b ccnstra"ctiZn an-d..use of buildings, and nty be suspend.ed or tbuokeC -ot .r.y tine upon uic-Lation of any orcuisions of said Crdi.runces, TCIAL VALUE cnn ? (- Euilding PermLt s"Check State o Iotal Clntgea NO FEE Plumbing Permit No- pgrson shall.cottsttact, instal1-, altet' or clcn4e dnV rleu cr ezisting qlwb-ing cr dtainage systql in uhole ot in pant, unleei sueh person is the Le_gal.possessor of a ualici plunbet's Licensb, escept that a pb:son nay dopltmbing aork to propevty uhich is owted, Leaaed or operated bg ttze qpli- @rtt. Frb"Ees Resid.entlal (1 bath) Sarlet Pluabing PenrLt State Electricql Permit We"e State Lan requiree tlat the electr.ical uork be done by qn glectrical cont"dcto", the electrical rortion of thie permit sha.Ll not- be oalil untilthe Label las been eigned by the Electrtcal- Contra,cto?. ?otal NO. Nat/Ecterd Cirqits Sensice i?!t4 ,?98 CEA,ICE hnlace g?U I S khanat Hood. Vent Ea llcodstotte Storaae i@interunce Pe"nit - hubcu! Si.dandLk !enee TOTAL A],IOUII? DUE: *./^ zo5,- Signed Mechqnicql Permit 72 /'tr-- Pemtrit fssuotce Mechanical Pernrit -- ENCR2ACSNEII? -- TotaZ 1 L f - t L * Nobile Eqne Signed bt Sq. Etg. X of Lot Covetaga_ il of Stories ?otal leight lopogwphy iletet Totol- Charaos Jotal Cltmoes State