HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1981-12-16-- RESIDENTIA"L -- COI,IBINATION / 4.PPLICATION PERMIT Authorized Cit! Agent SPRINGFIETD CEI '? S?RI||GEIZLD o 4 < .tafru <12 aa?tlr SI}RT::CFTELD, ORECO:' 97477 tsutldirq Divisio:z ? 26-37 53 Cov.tructo"s lldtte lleetp|u.7. I.reciwnical Constnteti.ott Lctder ?$!'{ scl { 7a 3.Itri (> 1/Y-,bg fr lr t I Job Locetion: Subdiui sioa: le Lot #!.sses8o"a lla? t Ailter Addtess t*&tr s"#*ffiili&e.F AClition ,r. 4q Saaodeln Phcne 4 GeneraZ' Page 1 of 2 REQUIRED INSPECTIOIIS !t is the responsibil5ty of the permit hclder to see that arl iespectious are made at the PlroPer ti'ne' that each address is readable fr€n the "t""ii,-.rrJ thi: the permi.t card is located at the front of the Property' * .a.l,t nanholes and cfeanouts ar€ t3 be adJusteC at no cost to the clty HOODSToVES: Afte, installation ,ffi6-xrcaFIREPLACE:-G;G:=SITE IIISPEC|ICN: To be made after ffi;;ffi prior to ser uP of forns. T'}IDE*E.SLAB PLUI{BI}LG, ELSCTP{C.qL E MECHA.tCAL: To be made before anY 6r-.,ered. FOOTIIIG t ECUI{DATICN: To be nrade aeter trencfres are e:lcavated a:rd forrns are erected, but Pricr to pouring conerete. Prior to placing facl'ng and beforc f:raning tioa. FR{HI}IG: !fust be requested after ffi"-ar of rough plumbing, cal 6 mechanical. A]'l roofing, bracing 6 chinneys, etc. nust be coElpleted. No work is to be con- cealed until this insPection has been ilade and aPProved. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER II{SPECTION : ffia;ter ai.i. insuiation an<i required vapon ba:riers ale in place or CURB 6 APPROAC!{ APPON are erected btlt Prior conclete. SIDEWALK E DR.IVE'Y|AY: Fon aIL con' crete pavlns r.rith:n street riSht- of-way, te be naCe after aLl exca'" vating ccnplete 6 forra work 6 sub- base naterie1 in Place. OTHER INSPECTIONS: may be requireciirriilffiffih Builcing coce, to be indicateC in ;lans or bY no- tice frora Building fnsPecto::. : After foros'to gouring i but bef,ore any la' wa}I coveriug is MIDERFLOOR PLIJI.IBING t MECHANTCAL:@or any insulation is concealed. floor insul:ticn or deckinS. or Cecking .-\JUv; aswrrt- Gffithese inspectJ.cns have been nrade and approved. POST 6 BEAH:Iiffin FIIIAL PLUMBING E:NAL ELECTR,IC.{L rtNAL I{ECHAUICI.L To be nade prior to of floor insr:lation DRYIIALL INSPECTION: To be medemffis ia glace, but prior to any taPing i.r,Jv.rB:. )-LUcJ r:,-e,:urrr Lv..s Effi'gro"ting cr verti.cals in accordance with U.8.C. Secti.on 2lrt5. A11 project conditions, such as the installation of striet trees, coEPletion of the nequired landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING EfNAL can be requested. EtltAL BUILDIIIG: The Final Building Inspection must be lrequested after the linal Plumbing Electrical, and !'lechanj.cal Inspections have been made and apprcved. llo occupancy of the premises crn be made until the final Bu.i,lding Inspection has been nrade and approved, and a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS EEE:\| ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIIG DM- SICN AND PCSTSD O}I THE PRE},IISES. pRocEDURE iOR INSPECTIO : Call 726-376-c (reccrder)state your City designated job ectionrequestedandwhenyouwi}lbcreadyforinspec. ticn, Contracto.s or Ouners nane and phone nunbers. Requests received before 7300 a.m. nill be Fade Ehe sane day, requests made aften 7:OO a.n. rill be made the next working cay.YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUUBER IS: I,JNDERGROUND PLUI{BI}IG. SEI{ER, HATER' I-J I I DRATIIF.GE: To 5e rnade prior to fil- I I I:ng rrencnes. T I P:ee 2 JOB IITI}IEER,REFERENCE I'III,IBERS L-COG ,-, ZCNE OCCL1PANCY GROUP EEDROO!!S ;;oc; S;rue;;4,te" Lot laces:or Eouse So"tth ilee t Setbacks 0ther - Lot Souate !tg. :', cI' Lot Couered # of Stories ?ctal Heigh! icpogrqhy Lot type fnaaa Sq- Ftg. Gotage Ftg. Ca4ort Sq- itg. Accecsoq IUIAL Li'.q.HIJL5 Otartee t/al:o Th.!.s pernot is grotted on the es??€ss cadi:aon .,11c! the said constmtcti,on ehaZl, inbli ?es=ecx;, eonfcnto tlze tudinu.ces adopted by the Ci=7 oi Spr-n4;'ieLd,,including the Zontng'Otdir&"e, nnqr2o-l):r*' =j,te ecn.stl,llctaon ,zrd. uae of btildings, oi -q bZ ;ts;e-rd.edot rasoked a!_ ory_}ine u?on Lriolaticn c;' ot:; ??cri-aio?t8 of said Ctdinances. BATLDING VALW/PERUIT Plor. 1teek ?ee Date Paid ! PLU4BIffC PSMII Sa)e? No itetson ehalZ cottstmtc.t, lnstall, aLlcp cy chbtgb a".y -neu or eczseing plurlbing or dtzitage sgszan ii.tuhcLe o" in p@t, ryZors such pe:tscl, ie :he )egalpoaseaaol of a ualid pl,wnber.,s Ltcerae, eze..t ihata pe!:T naA -@ plt*tbing uotk to p"c"eza!) a?):ch isolinad., Lea:tgt ot opetdted bg the aTLtee*. State Sutehange 0 IOIAL CHARGES ELEC"EICAL PERTIIT o7 llhete Stat€ Lat req'uiyes tl@t the elec*tcai uork be done by ot Elzctrtcal Cjnt"actot, tha elce=-)cai pot-tioa cf thie pernit sllall not be vai,id tnti'u the \a-bel hae been signed bg the Jlecttic:L Ccnt";rlor. The Eleetmlcal, Safety Ia,t does not require 2 ze?sotlto obtain a License as at elect?List arl,lct elec-Lrica! cottrectc" tc makd sr electrical ins::Llettcn o1 p"qerfl ohich is ot/med bU hinseii or a zatbe: oflris i,tmedicxe farrily ulrich ie not i*enied jtn sale, Lease ct rant- Co-s SUSTAIAL ?UTAL CIIARGES WCEAilTC.4L P*MI? Ezhagt Hood Vant F@t llood _g!!_cnigqEg.* __ Seeur)at \lectrteat Labei Al,!0UltT DUE E:.tcRcAclii.tEil? ao !.!aincnanee !0?.41 A!t)u!]T DltE Perwit Ctvbaft Sida,talk I EAW CAREFUIZy EXAMIN4D the contpleted qplication for pernrit, od. dohereby certify that all infoznation heteon is ttue otd, eorreet, old, I furthet, certifV that ory anrT aLL tnrk performed shaLl be done in accor- danee atih tle rbdirtorces of the City of Sprtngfield, and the Lasa of i:he State of )negon pertaining tc the uotk described hetrin, crld tha.t NO OC- OEANCA dLL be rmde of eq stnrcture titltout pemrissicn of tle SuildttrgDi,tision. I f,.ethet eertifg that onlg cont?acto"s od, enployees Dho a"ain conpliance vLth ORS 701.055 LIaLL be uaed on lhis ptoiect. o- Dioision cpp?o.red p slu.L|, retein on the BuiZCing at aLL ttines ' -- . _.,: .. 'i -. _.a. ':_._ ":..:.-:. :.r..t r:-.--{ TYPE/ CONSTRIICTIO}I ;io-CHAPGE/!"::Aees .9, OO !,later Seruiee I ,Effi*a,to" I