HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-05-28Rceei tt: .. RESIDT ,TIAL.. 'APPLICATION/PERIIIY 225 North Sth Stx,eet Sprtngfield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision / zo-o / Do Job Iocaticn:t uqnl( C+ -Aaceasors uao * l-) O> .X- q} SPHINGFIELE) ?c2, Iot #6L;4 svbdivision: Q,tner: Addtess: LL /ln *,{ oL t-t Descr4be Hork:Nes RenoCel Date of Apc 5->t--?;b Val-ue Vllowtflat- :f,":-# Ua<-c,-i[ }v.t^ *- "T Additicn \<a,1 Date A irL3C. t GenercL Phone: PLwtb lLectrieaL l.!eciur.ic.zl Consiructicn Leruier leauine.-1 I-! is the resconsibility of tlle pemrtt hold,er to see that aL! inspeetions ate nade at --he p?ope? tine, thcrt 23411 .rlitsss is vsn:-;'-";'ron xhe at?eet, anc ihct xhe.pernrtt.catd is Loeated at the front of the orooerty 'Zuilcir4 Diuiciot dl-!?ou^€d. plan sicll venain on th; Eunlciing :Ltr c: eL[times.' fDn.^an.,Dr a^D -:er=F-1-i,i],,fi?l2f,!;:z:xz?""::x:",i,h:::,*2,n"Z'3LxZo,m:::',,ZLZx.""Z;"i:,ZZZi;iZ,i",Z,'"2:til be naie dze sone dcy, reqtiests-manie cftat ?:00 on tiLL be naie x,1e-nc|;r;"k;;'er. Icur Ci,ty Desiar.ated iob Nunber fs: ec:1, c71s . I s-;:'J -4.';-r-;:;:_-:.'J: To ce ncrie after i I escauat'-cn, Jut pricr tc set uD of - fcrme . -,, b. Ls.':.:',.i / V !. : ? n F.1 7 P _t! R I IS ?! 3?I I ll : Io be nade a|'ter aLL insulaxicn atd. rcouired oaoor boriers @e in place bat befcre ory Lath, ggpsum bcari or tnLL eouering is aoplied, cnd. beforeoty irtsulation is concealed. t-r.1r 717arr ,^ I 't?^-DTatr I t;tc.io be maoe a rocr.r:;c , FCt-t::D,1TrcIl: To be rm.Ce _J alte:" xyencnes are ezcauated and forms ore erected, but p"iop topour|r,g ccncrete. a urDslcgct,::: p:unilic, syr,ttp. n,.q,rtn. I IJ r-l Lir4 crenches. 7 ulpo.rrLocp !,LU:ErNG s rlrclrA!:rcAL.| .l'o be naae pricr to insxallation floor insuktion or deeking. FIIIAL PLUI.BIIIG PIIIAL MECHA\IICAL FINAL ELTtr?ICAL DRY\|ALL IilSPIC?I)tt: ?c be made after aLL atyuall is in place, but prior to cny taping. \IASONRY: Steel Location, bond beons, otouting or uerticals in accord"orce Lrith U.B.C. Seetion 2475. UOODSTOYE: ccmpt;;A. After installation is IENCE: Wen eonplete -- tuooiCegates or mooable sections through P.U.E. ALL pnoject conditions, such aa the i.nstallation of street t7ees, c4zoletion of therequired LanCseqirg, etc.' ttust be satisfied. before the BUILDIN1 FIiAL can be requested. FINAL BUTLDTNG: the Pinal Building- Inspeetion nust be tequested cfter the pinal plunbitqElectrical, otC Meclanical fnspections'h4oc been nad.e- ard' ippnoord. cna of I p.osr 4t!o 4ttt.:: To be nade pz*tot, to _J LnstaLLattcn of floon insulation or decking. --l R)t-tcil ?rLi:9r::c, ELETzrcAL .t HICH_l:-:--.---+I A;:ICAL: ;,;o aork-TiE-6d-i6iiiZi- - ut:til these inspeetiot:s haue been and. copnoued. I FL-..EPLACE: Prton to plceir.q faclnoI mctericls and befone'ironini ir"p"L_tiot. 1 paxrnc: ttust be requesteil aftenI apptoval of rough plwnbing, elect"i_a.Z 8 nechanieal. ALI roofing braci_ng E- ehinmcys, etc. nt"tst' be . compLeted. !1o ucrk is to be con_ - . cedled until this inspection las-' 'been nad.e anC apptvued. lxl l Sani.:ar1 sa,set cq?ei .t p"o?e?4 Zir.e Septic totk prped en fnlleC trith gza"-e. Final - tthen abctse itens are ccr,clecei cna uhen iatclition is eot==Lete o:' s;-:- xuye nouei otc pterises c|eanei u>. Le licnes Blocking ozd Set-:tp Plunbing connectiotts -- Ba!)e? od. uatet Eleetrical Cotneetion - Blocking, aet-u. and plwnbing eonnections nr;st be ap2ycx-ei befoie tequbsting e!.ecirleal inspe'c';iot Aeeessory* BuilCing Piral - After pct'ckes, ekinting, decks,etc. ee eompleled. Pa-ce 1 of 2 .ALL I4ANNCLES AND CTEANOU?S UUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJAST\1E|I? TO BE I.IADE AT IIO rcSr IO ENY CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After formsare erecteC but prLor to pourtng concrete. SfDEWALK & DRI',EIILI: Fot, aLL con-erete paoing uithin street right-of-txA, to be naCe aftet aLL esea- oating canplete & forn uork & sub- base naterial in place. l tLo7ry";SOLAR AC'ESS REQ.-r--cocl Eed-"oons Lot Sq. ltg. Z cf lot Caterage I of Stories lotal Height ?opography :TEiI TOTAL VALUE LC? TWE _ Inte"io? _ Cormer _ Panlnnd.Le CUL-de-sac -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the etT"ess condition tlut the said eonstmtctionshall, i.n all yesoeets, eonforn to the Ordittance adopted. biy the City ofSpringfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, negulating tl-te ccnstmtctibnotd use of buildings, otd nay be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cny tine upon uic-Lation of qnA pncuisions of said Ondirnnces. 3.D.C. 7.5 s Euilding Petmit State ?otal Clanges Reeeipt #: Sigted: Lot Faces -Enerqu Soulees !!teSetbaekslleat Df House Cayaae Aecess l,late? lleate?No"th East Firb South toxe Ilest x VaLuc PLan Cheek Fee CiARGE sesid.ential (1 bath) Seuer State Suycl"a.roe Plumbing Permit No person shall constr.uct, instaL'!., alter or elnnge anA /.eL) cr e:isting plwnbing ot, d?ainaae systen in uhole or in pa.rt, unless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plumber's Lieense, e-rcepi t|^.at a De"son nay dcpltnbing uork to p"ope?t! uhich is otmed, Leased or operate<i by the appli- cant, Electricol Permit tr?tere State Lan reouiz,es tiut the eleetrical uork be done by an Eleetrieal Contrd.ctor, tite electti-caL cortion of this permit siull rox be oalii untilthe Label l,ns been atgned. by tize ELectrical Cotltrcctor. e.:,1-i j j las,/Z:teti Circuits Setttice Stste TotaZ Permit I f ;:C;]ECL ,5-6()/-c t5- .9 =ha$t HooC .'ent Fot 'codsto;le iouaoe iCetsalk :biZe Hane Mechcr nicql Permit PenrLt IssueYlee Meclwnical Pernrit -- ENCRAACHUEIIT -- TotaL 7, tabel PLafl Et@nlner I ILAW CAREFULLy EXAILINED the conpleted aoplication for permit, cnd do hereby certify that aLL infotmation het'eon is true anC eorrecx, cnC I furthet, eertify that any ar.d aLL uot'k perfotned slall be do:;- in aceo?- danee rrLth the 2zdinenees of the city of Springfield, aruil thc Lor":s of the State of oregcn pertaining to the uotk Ceseribcd herein, cnd that N0 oCcU- PI.NCY tvill be rrude of any sttuctu?e tLthout permission of the 3uilding Di- uision. I funther eertif'r1 that otly contractors and etplcyees uho are in eotpliance Dith ORS 707.055 ui.LL be used on this project 6 lsu 4)TAL AI^OUIIT DUE:.t5.L6 Signed JOB NO.