HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-02-14!.. RESIDT ,TIAL.. APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North Sth Street Spri.ngfield, )r,egon 97477 Building Diuision / zo-o / bo Subdiul.sion: Address: Nea Descrtbe lv'orlc: Add.ition RenoCeL Date of App Lication VaLue 4*/,/-o* SPFlII\IGFTELD Ouner (c Date GeneraL ELectricaL i trechatical I Constntetion Lendet It ie the responsibiLity fron the s*Building forme. the ftont of the Lding Sitc at aL .prqpertl the permit ho?d.et to see that aLL inspections ate nade at the p?ope? tine, that each addrese is readqb'-e Dittision approxed p treet, anC that pennt-t Lan shc.L catd is Located at L yenain on the Bui the PI?ocsDUPE Fot? rNsPEcrroV -qq,SLttEs?TCALL 726-3769 (tecorder) state yout, city cesigna-ted. iob ntmbet,, job acitess, type of inspec:ictitequested anci uhen uou uill be-eadg fot'inspeetior" coiio"t;;;- o" oxmez,s ttctneLnd piane numbet,. Requests r.eceit:ed. befcre z:00 cttiLL be nade the sdte d.cg, ""q"nili'rl"a, iltrno z,oo'on "ilz-t;-r"e. ti;,;;;r;;;ri;r,s"'d.b. SI?E TNSPICIION: escauation, but Io be nade aftez, pt"iot, tc set up of Iout, City Desigt"ated Job Nunber fs 9Aoo?o made after a Laticn ,,uotk ie cooet,ed. tequire4 ucpor bmrie?s @e in place but -befoz,e any Lath, Wpslon baatC or LnLL .coue,?ing is applied, and beforeay insulatlon is concealed. FC-OTING 1 FQU)\DATICN: ?o be naCeaJDer t?enches a?e escauated and forns. are ereeted, but ptiot, topour*tng ccncrete. be nade pLaee, DRYWALL TilSPICTTON: ?cifier an@uiT-ts inbut pnior to anA taping ITIAS)NR!: Steel location, bond beons, grouting or uerticals in accotd.otce Dith A.B.C. Section 2415. -1 Wgg!!r-.zL!!!!fw, svwtp, wl,r*,' t 4I1INAGE: ro be nal;@o" toTLLLrq t?encnee. ; I UIIDEPFLOAR ?LU\ELNG & I|ECITANICAL:.l-! ;, -aeo,or;ffiof floor insulction or deeking. I posr 4l!o silu: ?o be nade priqt, to| LnstaLLattcn of floor insulation ordecklnE. -1 8.Q.:!ic-:]t ;p La l!.p r t 3. E rE cr R r c A L e ilE c H:', I ANICA.L: No uork is to be cotez.eV-unt-il these irapeetions ha.ue been_ mad.e and. caproued. I FIPEPL.ACI: prior to plaeir4 faeinq' I materlals and befot:e froning inspele_tion. -l pAlttnc, Iiust be nequested afterI app?ooal of rough plutrbing, e-Lectrl_cat a mectnnieal. ALI roofingbraei_rg E ehinmeys, ete. ti"tst" beeotnp_Le,ted. lo uZlk ;.s to in- "li_.cealed unti.L this inspection ii'been made anC approoeid WOODSTOVE:;@;T;A.After installation is CURB & APPRpACI| AppON: After foz.rnsare erecteC but ptiot, to pouring conct ete. SfDEWALK & DRfVEWAY: Foy, aLL eon_cr^ete paoirq uithin street right_of-DcA, to be maCe aftez, aL|, -esea_ Dating conplete & forn uork & cub- base ncter.i.al in place. l PLUI4BIIIC FINAL MECHAIIICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL !!!!E: h4ten conplate -- pyouiCe gates ot, nooable sectians through P.A.E, - -:- ALL W,oject conditions, such as the i.nstallatign of stteet tz,ees, eonpletion of therequired Landseaping, ctc., rmtst be sat'tig.ea b"f;;"-;i;-;unblnc FrNAL can be nequested. !nNAL BL:TLDTNG: The FinaL Building. rnspeation mult be requested. after the Final ptunbingL-/ Electz,ical, a,a uechat:tiii liip""i't "" iA;;-;;;;r;a"u'orra aoprouec. Job Locaticn:€ !:::::y"uap# /7 op J 4 = a ocJ0Tc,t Lot # Phone DEilOLTTTOI] 0R :.:ow) B Sutiluy aasex capped at propettg Lize Septie tank p.:mped and filted trith gta;sel Final - trrlten abctse itens aye eaoletedqtid uhen Cenolition is eornplete Zr sfiac-tuye noued and. prenrLses cleareC up. t!obi e Hcmes Blocking cnd. Set-up PLunbing connections -- sel)e? s,l. uater Electrical Connection - Bloeking, aet_u:and plurnbing connections m;st bL- apprcu'ei be foz,e ?equestang electrieal inspeL':io.t Aecessor,y BuilCing Firal - After pcrckes, skirting, decks,etc. a?e completed. Page 1 of 2 I _l *ALL I4ANH1LES AND cLEANourg Mas? BE AI)ESSTBLE, ADJUSTI{Eil\ ro BE ItL4DE /1.r ilo CCST TO CIIY Me Dsato,e JOB NO.00 SOLAR , )ESS REQ.- Gtouo: L-CO G+ Beiz,oons: Iat Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Caoerage I of StorLes Total Height Topography /lL[: Sani Seuez' D^^ Nau/Estend Circuits 'tlcotistote Pernrlt Issuance Meeh,anicel PerTtrit State LCT TWE _ Interior _ Corner _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac Date Paad.: Receipt # Signed: Mecho nicql Permit Lot Faces -Sourees Ileat P, L.House Lace Acces -- Fees -- I?Z!,1 SQ. F?G x Value ,'.lai,n TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 r PLan Check Fee Building Vqlue & Permit This pemrut is granted on the erpress eondition tlnt the said-eonstmtctionsltall, in al.L respects, confcrm to the Ordinance adopted 6iy the City oi Springfield, including the Zoning CTdinance, regulating the ccnsttucticn and use of buiLdtngs, and may be suspended or reuokeC at cny tine upon uic- T,ation of anA prcoisions of said Ordinances. * Au1,Ld1,nd Pe?tm,t Iotal Clwrges ntn FEE CHAP,GE Resilential (1 bath) Plumbing Permit No per,son shall constmtet, install, altet or etnnge-any ned-ct' eristing ptti*lna or d.z,ainage s|ste-n in uhole oz. in part" unless sueh peyson is the iegaL pLsse""oo oT"o rtiotid pl*,bnr"s Lic-ensb, eccept that d pe"son nay loptintlhg uork to propetta ihich is ottned' Leased o, ope,ated by the appli- cant. Plwnbing Pernit State Sut'cl"at ge ua.Electricql Permit whey,e state Lau requires th.at the eleettical uork be done by an Electrieal conttaetor, the eLeetrical portion of this permit sLnLL not be oalic until the Label'lws been signed OA ttte Electri'cal Cont?actor' Stcte TotaL atl A DauNC.FEE k7@.4st HooC Vent Fs't oa -- ENCRCACHME!]T -- Plant Erontner uaxe \ Permit TotaL Cutbc'ut Si.da,:alk Mobile Hone r HAW CAREFULLy EXAI,IINED the completed application fo_t',permit' c'nd do t "'ilt" inrtt.f, that aLL informati'on hereoi is tnte ani ccrrect, an'd r i|-rtLL"- "nrtiiy that ony ird aLL uo.rk perfor.ned etnll be done i;t aecor- iiili,irili thLotdinane"es of the city of -Springfi-eld, anC th-e La:;s of the state of 0regcn pertainino to the wik ceseribbd herein, cnd tlnt No occu- TiUaCy ,itt b"e ,mde of any" structure uithout permissi-on of the Building Di'- oision. I further eertifu that only cont"actols aiid enpLcyees DEo are Ln co;npliance iltt, ons ?0L.0-55 uiLL be used on this projeet -)"-/) \TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:^/5.bO Date 32,