HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1986-01-096 3m!r.-Lane County Authori za,tton' for' SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYST INSPFCTTON FO RLN REV FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application/ Permit il / 0-t/ A]WN_SHIP/7 RANGEo2 SECTIONl?,/,/TAX LO? 23oa tr OUT OF FI\CI,OSED-USE OF PROPERTY ffi ia"nti^t f-l rndustrrar Cc,nunercial PubIic srBDrvrsroN/pARrrrroN ai f eFFlicaEld T i,OT//PA;l.('E!BLOCK ],,OCATIO}J ADDRESS STREET L- I:'Y ZIP 3835 Winslow Ave., Springfie1d 97478 STRUCTURES CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY SFD DIRECTIONS TO SITE DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - BE SPECITIC Septic inspect ion fq1 loan purposes on1y. DECI,ARED S VALUE = OF BEDROOMS f OF STORIES # OF E},IPLOYEES I^/A?ER SUPPLY Proposed Exis ti Oit'llER'S IIAME AND ADDRESS ZELL I CK same as above TELEPHONE NUMBER AFPE+SANT NAME AND osR * State Federal Savinq & Ln., P. 0. Box 1927, Eugene, 0r. 97440 TELEPHONE NWBER 686 2134 P'RIIIT TO BE MAILED TO (NAME AND ADDRXSS) State F ed. TELEPHONE NIJMBER I HAVE CAREEULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION !'OR PERMIT, arrd (lo ir.re))\,, certify that aII rpforaation hereon is true and correct, and that f have the following 1e9al interest in the propertyr[orn.. of record; []cr,ntra,,: purchaser;[f,]authorized agent I f:rther certify that any and aII work perforired shall be done in docoldair,r-- kith th,r ordrDance; ot Lane Couty and lhe Laws of the state of oregonpertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be- nade of an)'sirl'rlcture without the pcmissj-on of the Building Division. f fu!-ther certify that registration with the Builderrs Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exenpt the basis for exemptionis noted hereon, and that only subcontractors &d enployees who are in conpliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. I - 2-86 NAI,IE (please print)SIGNATURE DATE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION !{AS BEEN BASED ON THE EOLLOWING CONDITIONS: FOR LN. REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY. NO SPECIAL PLANNING ACTION REQUIRED. Date: l'laximum DepthInstall-ation sDecifications: Tank of Trenches Date: COM}IENTS: Date: re No calIon UseGroup-tr PLANS EXAMINATION I seuttetrou, s. r. #B. P. +Installation Record Issued? [ V"" ! I pr,atqurtlcrzzoNrNG: Minimrun Setbacks co!&\lENTS Lineal Eeet of frrainf-ield Partition *- Parcel *Parcel Size_ ar LANE COUNTY pEIARTMENT OF PUBLTC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DrVrv 12s EASTSTHAVENUE, EUGENE, oREGoN 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INT'ORMATION sloN, 687-4061, cr4-2s R* >- I CC"L. front "t , sidc i.nLerrc,r tr SETBNCKS AND OTIIER CONOITIO:IS OF APPROVAL !tUS? BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- C;?ION OF TIIIS ?EN}l]T, CITiTIO:J UND9R PROVISIONS OF LANE COUSTY'3 INPRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER RE,\EDIES ALLOiIED BY LAW. r,iHEN READY FOR TNSPECTION, CAL! 587-.1065. A MINIIIU)I OF AT LEAST 2'l IIOURS ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- @EN:--liaTE-EG--ro]'Io9in9infornationready:Fermitnumber,jobaddre33,tyPe of inspecrion, when it will, be ready, your name and phone nunber, and any special directions co site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED I\SPECTIONS: I. Foundation Inspecti.on: To be nade after trenches are excavated and forns erected and when all naterTeT- for the iloundation are delivered on the job. trhere concrete from a central mixing plant (comonly lerhed ntransit nixed') is to be used, naterials need not be on the job. 2. concrete slab or Lrnder-aloor Inspection! To be made after all, in-slab or under-floor building sEivl* equ-ipmei-e, mEdult.-pipfi{-E6EEssories, and other ancillary equipnent itens are inplace but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. 3. Framing & Insulation Inspections: To be made after the roof, all framlng, fire blocking, .nd Eaafi;5re-In-FTre afii-Ell-lT-pes, fireplaces, chj.inneys, and vencs are conplete and all rough electrical and plumbing are approved, AII uall insul_ation and vatDr barrier are i.n ptaca. 4. Lath and/or cypsum Board Inspectioni To be nade after all lathing and gypsun borrd, i.nterior antrextslor; Is In plaCe buu before any plastering is applied and before gypsu board Jointsand fasteners are taped and finj.shed. 5. Final Inspeclion: To be nade after the building is conplete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shaLl be done on any part of the bulLding or Structure beyond the polnt indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining lhe approval of fhe builatLng olficlal. such approval shall be given only after an inspection ahall have been nade of each sEce3sive 3tepin the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. NOTE3 All building permits require inspeclions for the work aulhorized, such .s but not llnitad to: A. Block wallr To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. ThisiiEp-etl5i'is reguired for each bonal beam pour. There rill be no approval, until the plunblng and electrical inspectlons have been made lnd approved. B. wood stover To be made after conpletion of nasonry (i! applicable) and uhen installati,on iscon-FIaE:- Installation shatl be in accordance with a4 approved, nationally recognlaed gesting agency and the nanufacturer's installation instructions. C. Mobirle Eg4g! An inspection ia required after the nobile hone is connected to an approvcdEEIa-oi-*ptic aysten for setbacli requirements, blocki,ng, footing connection, tiedons,skirtitrg, and plunbing connections. l. Footings and piers to comply with state foundation requiremcnts for mobite honos or arrecomended by the manufacturer. 2. Mobile home nininw finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a flood-plain management letier. 3. llobile hoEe tj.edouns, uhen requlred, and.skirting shall be install,ed and ready for lnrpcc-tion riehin at least 30 d.ys after occup.ncy. Tiedowns and skirting shrll ba in3t lladper enclosure. D. Swiming-Pgol: B€Iow grade when ste€l is ln plac€ and before concrele ia poured. Above grada when pml fs installed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB STTE AT ALL TIMES DURING WONI(ING HOURS. TIIIS PER}IIT WILL EXPIREIF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN I{ITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORX IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR IITORE TIIAN'I8O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION I.!AY OCCUR IF THIS PERI'IIT I{AS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORI,IATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR Oi{N RIST. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATM SEI{AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEUSs I. Pernits shall be effective for one year fron the date of issuance. 2. Upon compleLing the construction for uhich a permit has been issuea!, the permit holder shallnotify the Lane County Departsent of Plannlng and Comunity Developnent by Bubnitting theinstallation record form, The Departnent shall inspec! the conatruction to deternlne i! ltcomplies with the rules contained in fhis division. If the construction does comply with suchrulea, the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory conpletion to the perniti hol,der.If the construction does not comply uith such rules, the Departnent shall notify the pernitholder and shall reguire sati.sfactory conpletion before lasuing the certificat6. Failurg toneet lhe requiremencs for sallsfactory conpletion wilhin a reasonable time constitutes a vio-lation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. - subsurface ry @arrria ,u.* Drainfield Interior property lines Edge of road rrqht-of-way Buj,ldinq foundation l,lelIs, other wate! sources t0, 101 10 | 100 | IO IO 5 50 Fron: -.STATE-fEDEM.L SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ft,SVP MEMo,ft MESSAGE URGENT TO LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION L25 E. 8rh Abe. Eugene, OR,974OL DATE December 30, 1985 SUBJECT Septic Inspectlon '*'" ZELLICK tArten: CaroI Eocl.qsed please liad_$60'-0<l te cover the cost of a sgpt*ic tnspection on piop"rty iocated at 3835 Elnslow Ave. l Sprrngiriid, 6i,* 97478=. L7 -O2-t9-41-02300 SIGNED L REPLY fa SIONED hlsTnt'CNOITS TO SEI{DER-1, KEEP YELLOW COPY,J. SEND ORIGINAL AND PINK COPIES. NSTNUCT|oNS TO RECEIVER_ 1 . WRITE REPLY, 2. OETACH AND KEEP PiNK COPY. RETURN ORIGINAL TO SENDER. GB-101 DATE I-_l _J