HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-09-08t#.. RESID-\TIAL.." APPLICATT)N/PERMI? 225 North ith Street SprLrryfield, 2regon 97477 Bui.Ldi,ng Dtuision 726-37 53 SPFI]{GFTELD- t/kr ?{'' (rt- Date GeneraL ELeetrical Construction Lendet Reauired fnsoccticns aL I^t iE tlb rceponeibi-Lit-g of tb peorit holta to eee tlnt all inspectiotrs oe nade at tlrc p?o?et tine, th,at e,cch .arl4rees is teaCqhiefton tlze at?eet' atd tlat the pantrit catd. ie Laated at the froni of tlte orooerbt.*BuiUing Dioiciotz approu*ed plbt shcll remain on the sunlding site -at aLL' tiines.' PR1C9DUP\Fo\IySPEcfI1N.E\-9?EST:CALL726-3769(reeorder) state Aou? Citg Cesigrnted job ntonbez,, job aC.Ca,ess, type of inspeelicnnequested and uhen gou uiLL be ready for inspection, contractots oi O,mers ncme Lnd pTnne rwmbet.- Requests rcceix-ed befcri ?:00 cn'*iLL be nade the sane dag, "eqrcsta made aftet, 7:00 @n tttll be nade the nest uot'kirg'dag. Iout, City Desigr,ated Job Mttnber Is:9o€22 Job Iocaticn: Z^ae -eAeeeesots Map #?cz lot # A Subdioision: A.mer: Addtess:Phone:€ City:2 Zera576 u< r //',f /g' Q-7p7v;7/7vtv+y ,4V*<"zz p *z>z*- lGa7o.7ry> 12.76affi DescrLbe Honk:t-t Date of 8^4s^a> Additian RemoCel v"Ld{ / o4?. ?o SITE INSPEC?ION: e-xcatsation, but ?o be rrude afterprtor tc set up of forms ANDERSLAB PLAWTNG, ELECTRTCAL & WCHA\|ICAL: To be nade before anyuotk ts couered. UNDERCROUTID PLUMBTNG. SEWR. W,4TER. DRAIilAGE: To be tnde priot, to fil-Lir4 trenehee. ANDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MEC!]ANICAL: o7 floor ineulation or decking. POST AND BEAU To be made prLor to66iaTTWof floot insul)tion ot decking. ROUGH PLUIBIIIC. ELEC?RTCAL & IIECE: ANfCAL: No aork is to be co.-eyedffilTthese inspections hante been nade and. approtteC. EfREPLACE: PrLor to placir4 facingnaterials and. before froning inepee- tion. FITIAL PLUMBING FINAL ASCHANICAL ?ITIAL ELECTRICAL INSALATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPEC?ION :DEI.IOLITIOII OR !.:OWD BUILDI|IGSTo be nade after aLL insulaticn cnd required oapor baviera @e in place but befoz,e any Lath, Wpslltn baazC or tnLL cotseting i.s applied, and. befoneay insulation is concealed. Q roouaG & F)uNDATT)N: To be rmce I I Afier tr,ffi;-ar,;-ereaoated. and forns ate e*eeted, but prior to pots.inS ccncrete. DRYTIALL TNSPECTTON: To be made aftet, aLL dtyuall is in pl,ace, but prior to cny ta?tng. !!4E9!!!: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting ot oerticals in aceordor,ce tith U.B,C. Section 24L5. VOODS?OVE: e*pT;tA.After inetall,ation is Sanitoty saser capped et p"ope?tg- Lite Septic totk punped and. filled ttth gra;;el Final - l{hen obctse itens ate cctnpleted and uhen dqtoliti.on is corplete o? strae- ture mooed and. pnennses cleaneC up. Le Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plwnbi-ng eonnections -- aare? ord. uatet Electrical Connecti.on - Blocking, eet-up and plwnbing conneetions rrust be approt;ed before requesting eleelrical inspeetiol Aecessory BuilCing CURB & APPROACH APPDN:e,e;;;;t;AEi pAA After fonnsto pottring coflcrete. STDWALK & DRflUllAI: For all eon- crete paoing urithin et?eet right- of-tny, to be nade after aLL ecea- uating canplete & forn uotk & sttb- base materLal in place. ?ENCE: When complete -- Prouide gate6 o? nooable eections through P.U.E. PiruL - Aftey etc. ote contpt pcrehee, ekirting, decks, Leted. fa1 ynUmc: l,tust be requested after LA app"oD"L of rough plurbing, eiectri-q,L & meclnnical. ALt roofittg' bractng I chinmegs, etc. tntst be ; otnpleted. llo uork is to be edn- . .. cealed until this inspeetLon lae : been nwd.e anC apptooed. ALL project condLtiona, such as the installation of stt,eet trees, conpletion of the required Landseaping, etc., naat be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be tequested. fn PINAL BUTLDING: The Final Buitding fnepeetion nuat be requeated after the Finat Plunbing Y_J Eleetrtcal, od. Meehanical fnspectiona lmta been made ard approtted. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S IIU9? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTITEI,]I TO BE M4DE A? NO COST TO CNY Pege 1 of 2 ft' T u 11 ,rouorn ro^n contyactor,s z CESS REQ..SO LAR dJoU^ No.g),L-CO Bedtoqna: Soutces t P. L.House Lot Faeee - Lace toxe Z of Lot Cooeraga_ # of Storiee LOT ?WE _ fnter'iot _ Corqe? _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Total Eeight Iat Sq. Ptg Iopogqhy I?EM FTG x Value Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the etpress cond.ition tlat the said eonsttaction slnll-, in aLL rbepeets, confomn to the Ordi,nance adopted $iy the City of Springfield, lnchtding the Zoning Cvdinanee, regulating the ccnstracticn otd. use of buildings, and mag be suspend.ed ot reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Ta.tion of dtA prcoisions of said Otdinorces. 5Va o y'a TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 t Building Pe"trLt a6 State Surchoge -7 Date Paid: ?otal Clnrges ?S *Signed: ITEM NO.I LL CHARCE Fi.ctut es Plumbing P erm it Resid.enti.al (1 bath)No person sha|L eonstruet, ina+.all, alter ot cltange anA nea cr e*isting plwnbing or dtainage sAltal in ultole ot in patt, unlees euch person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plunber's Lieense, etcept tlat a person na7 doplmbing aork to p"ope?t! uhich is ottned, Leased or opetated by the 6ppli.-ent. Sani Seuep Pl*nbing Penrit State * Neu/Ectend Circuits Electricol Permit Vlev,e State Lan requires tlat the electrical uork be done bg an EleotrLcal Contractar, the eleetr-ical portion of this pernit shall not be ualil until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Cont?actor.Setoice State Iotal TLL CHARCE Mechonicol Permit llcodstooe Vent Fa bltanet HooC E?U I Permtt fesuanee l,leclwnical Pernrtt -- ETICROACTMENT -- Seatr.ttA Deposit Storage llaintenance Pernrit Cvtbcut Si"da,)dlk Fence Electz,ical la.bel Mobile Hatre Reeeipt #:6a ?otaL f HAW CAREFULLY EXA],fiNED tle cotnpleted appltcation for penit, and dolerebg eettifg tllat aLL infomation hereon is t?ue and. ebwect, cnd. f furtket, certify that any ard aLL uotk perfomed ahall be done in aeeot- dance tith the 1rdinances of the City of Spr.i.ngfield, and the Laas of the* State of )regon pertaining to the uot'k Cescribbd herbin, and tlat No ocCU- PANCY ?,yLlL be rrude of arlA stractuye tyLthout permiesion of the Buitding DL-oision. f fw,ther certify that only contractot s otd. enplcgees uho arZ in eanplianee dith ORS ?07.055 uiLL be used on this project tTOTAL ANOAN? DUE: *4 t7.zs Signed Date l'z ru .. REsIE.-NTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfield, 1regon 97477 Bui.LdLng DLuision 7 26-37 53 SPHINGFIEI.D U/FaA ?/'''(%.- llli q0l (,4t. Date: GeneraL MeclwrieaL c@- : It i, tE neapowibitity of tla penrit lolda to eee tlat all inapections oe nad.e at tle ptoper tine, that ezch,zddteas is renCeAi, flt tlu atteet, @d tlat the petmit ani is laated at the frctr,t of the Woperty.-*au;f,diytS Nuic';ai dpprov*ed ptbt slntl teaain on the tulUlrQ site'at aLL' tofnes.- PROC9DUPE FoR JNSPECUON RI1WST:CALL 726-3769 (reeorder) state your City Cesignated job nunber, job aCitess, tAp? of inspeclicn iequ@b;neadaforinspection'cant?actorsorolmelsnclnecndp?anenumbet,.P.equestsreeeixedbefcre7:00gt ;,vilI. be nade the aane dcgn ?equaste ra;de aftx ?:00 on uLLL be nade the nert:'nrkirrg day. Reoti-tai Tn *noofinn q Iour Ci,ty Deeigr,ated Job llunbez, fs:9oCZz ',x # Aaaesoore uap # / ?^O Z -? /^ I Z ra lat * eZAa Job Loeation: fribditision: ehone: 7y'6- 276€ Osnet: Addvess:1b<*-€ c;q: <%,/,%R/EC> AB.zip: 32/2E Descr'ibe Hov,k: Ze7757a u<r //'.f /8' z2*o' a ftaez7ry> /oDate of 7a ll ,- R ^*rruo,l1 ,n *", Lisc.eofrnacrots Address SITE INSPEC?I)N: To be nade aftez,*caufiion, but prior to set ip of forne. ?o anu pwfuwc a Io be rmCe a?e and FTNAL PLUASING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL f,orns ate erected, but prior toptring ccncreta. UND9RGROUIID PLUMEING, SIWER. W.A?ER, p84M4eE: Io be nade pt"toy to fil- @-6enchee. UIDERFLOOR PLU,IBING & MECIIANICAL : of: floor ineulation or decking. ?95!4!Q 9e4M: To be made pz'Lor to fi&itffii-of floor iwulation ot deckittg. ROUGH PLABIIIG. TLEC?RICAL & I.IECH- .ffiTthese inspectdons hzoe been nol.e and approued.. FIPEPLACE: PrLor to placirq facingmateriaLs and before froning inepec- tion] ,*.rkrt trtust be requested. aften approtnt of rough plttrbing, eiectti- a.L & nec?nnieal. ALL roofing btactng E chinmeys, ete. rrust be i antpleted. Ilo uork is to be eon- ,.cealed until this inspeetion lna:been rrude anC apptooed. INSWA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTION: To be made after aLL insulaticn dd required uapon bxrie?s @e in place but before ory lath, Wplurn boatC or rnLL coueting is appli-ed, and. before ay insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECII1N: Ia be made dfte"ZT@ffi-le in place, but prior to cny t"frr',.5. I4AS1NRI: Steel Location, bond. Effijgzouting ot ,terticals in accotdarce LtLth U.B.C, Section 2415. vo)DST)w: rcnrpleted. After installation'ie DEI.NLTTIA!] OR Scrdteg saser capped at properti; Line Septic totk p'at-^ped and filled rttn grorn. Final - lthten abcue itens are ccrnpleted and uhen datolition is conplete o? st!'tlc- ture mooed otd prewLses clearteC up Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbi,ng connectiana -- aaie? ad ualer Electrical Connection - Blocktng, eet-up and plunbing connections mtst be dPprca-ec before requeating eleelrtcal inspeetion Acceasory Building ' Final - After pcrehes, etc. ate cantpleted. skirting, decks, CURB & APPRCACH AP.D.ON:d..;"ectAn"t pni After fonnsto pouring concrete. SfD$HALK & DRf',E|\AY: For all eon-ct;r;nal@-n|ffin etreet risht- of-txy, to be made after al,L ezca- l)ating conplete & for,:;r wk & sub- base naterial in pLace. IENCE: When co,nplate -- Prooid.e gates o" mooable sections tfu'ough P,A.E. ALL projeet conditions, such as tle installation of etteet ttees, conpletion of tie teqtired Landsceping, etc., mtst be satisfi,ed before the BUfLDING FINAL ean be reqtested. $NAL BUfLDING: The Pinal BuiWing Inspeetion mnt be requeated dfter the Ei,nal Plwnbing ElectrLcal, ord lleclunieal fnspeetions lque been nade atd approoed. x IALL ILAIIHCLES AND CLEANOUTS T,IUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?I{EIII TO BE I,IADE AT NO COS? TO CI?Y PqeTofZ 1 tr u \ao v"L# / ECge it JOB NO. '"ot Sq. Ftg. Z of Lot C.fletWC_ ll of S',o::.:-t TotaL Eeighc Iopogaphy Building Pairit State ?otal Clwgea Plufiing Pernit State ?otal Permtt'fssuatce Meclwnical Perntt SOLAR P^CESS REQ.- Gt$F:: TNT T'YPE _ Intetlot _ Cormer _ Panltand,Le CUL-de-aac L-co d Bedtoans: Laee -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the esptaess condition tlwt the said constmtetion s-?wLL, in,a-ll -respects, gonfonn to the Oedinance adopted biy the City ofspryngfield' ilcLuding the ioning cydinanee, regulcting thZ ccnstrubticn otd .use o-f buildings,. otd may b.e- suspend.ed or rbuokec Lt ".g tine upon oic-la.tion of uLA prcoisione of said Otd.Lncnces- * yaLd: } Plumbing P erm it N9 person shall construct, instalT-, altet or elwnge ana neo cr esistin? 4L*4;"5 ot d,ainaqe sAglq in uhole or in patt, 'unleo"s such petson is- tleLegaL -posseslo, of a oalid plunber,s License, eseept thdt a pbtson nd! doph.anbing uork to p?opettg ihich is oaned, Leased or operated'ty ttn "bpli-cant. Electricq I Perm it wete state Lan re-quites that the electrtcal uotk be itone by an Eleetrtcalcontractor, the electz,tcal portion of this permit etull noi be oalil. untilthe Label las been signed ly the tleiA-tcal'Contractor. Mechonicol Permit * * * 7 r HAW 1AREFULLy ElAii!ryEq fie conpleted application for penrit, and ilohereby eertify_ that aLL infotnation heyeoi is true ahd clorrecti od. t-fut'tker .eettifg that any ard aLL uork perfonted stnll be done in oo.oo-dance tith the 0rdinane-e-s of the city of -sprLngfieid, irra tn" La,ts of ther s_?t_n ol -olgoon p-ertaining io the uoiox Z""zrraZh iniLii, *ri- tt-t No occa-Pl.ilcy ttill be nace of cny stmtctuve uvLthout permiseionb| tt" Buitd.ing DL-uisio,n. I fu,ther ce_ytiiil that only eonttactops ad, enplcgels uho ar-e ineanpliance aith ORS ZOt.OiS uiLL be-used on this poiin.'t v , Iat Faees - Setbacks P. L.HoLse Coraqe Aceesg North Rar, East Fi South lleet IIEM SQ. FTG Y Value Ivbin fuaoe Ceport /?8 sva /,a r'2.r'a Acoeesoru TOTAL VALAE aa S.D.C. 1.5 c -7f, Reeeipt #:648/7.2s -- CHARGENEMN0.FEE Fi.sttpee Resid,antial (1 bath) Saset NO.FEE Il a,t /Estetd. Cira.d ts Setoice CI]ARCEFEE Ezlwnat HooC Vent Fan llcodstotte -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seez,*ttlt Deposit !!g!os" lhintenance Penrit Cvtbeu! - Sida,ralk Hobile Hqre TOTAL ANOUN? DUE: *4 t7,zs Signed tute ru L/.2. Electriaal Label