HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-10-22.. RESID- ITIAL.. APPLICATION/PERILIT 225 North 5th Street Sptingfield, )z,egon 97477 Building Ditsision 726-37 53 Reeei SPHI1{GFIEL.D ,fu CL L Constmtctiott Lendey Signed: S 26-3769 (r,ecorder ) state your City desigrnted job nrntber, job aCiz,ess,type of inspee;i,cninspection,Contraetars or Asnei's rntne artd phone nunber Requests yeceixed befcre 7:00 c:tafter 7:00 an uyLLL be nade the ncst :,totking ) ^.. rt ie the rcsponsibililu of-tne pernrLt holder to see tlwt att inspectione oe nade at the p?ope" tine, that eceh .d,inees is rendabieIry.-W at?eet, and that the pezmtt eard is Located. at the frcnt' of tlze propettg.*9ui!.ding D,iticion app'o"*ed pl'an shcll remain on thi Billil"ig' iil; at aLL times. PNOCSDUPE. FO4 INSPECTIOI] RISUEST..CALL 7?equested and, ahen liou uiLL be ready fot,riLL be nade the s&e dcy, requests"made Iou? Cifu Desigra.ted Job Nunber fs 85tot1Reati.rorl Tn.sneett'-anc /a?: s t"re-ffi-mJob Loeaticn: /1 0a 35 ae rpt # o 4loooAgsessore Map # Subdittision: ODnet: Phone:Addtess (0 -22- E5 Value g*d ?ZO o-Date of Applicaticn- l.lobi Addition RenoCel DescrLbe llotk: Stra--p /e'x7i' Genet aL UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL &wcyttrycnr,:@ny uotk is coueyed. @ pcormc * younnltrcu: To be tace I l\ I after tyeiehii-dii-eeatsated and forns ate erected, but prioz, topouring ecncrete. UNDERGROU!]D PLUMEING. SSWR. W.A?ER. D..14II|AGE: To be maCe pt"tor to fil-'Lirq trenches. 71 ulptrrnooR pLUnBrtG & MECTTANTGAL:t t Io be nad.e p,rior to instalLation of floor insulation or decking. PpS? AND BEAI|: To be nade prtot, toinstallation of floor iraulation or deeking. RiO.U-C_H PLU|BIryG. ELEC?RTCAL & MECH-ANICAL: No aork is to be couere{util these inspections haue been nade and approoeC. FfPEPLACE: PrLor to placirq facingnate"Ar; and. before **nl"S';irp,.Z-ti.on. FRA-I.IING: l,lust be requested aft.en app-roual of rough plttr,bing, eiectz"t-cal & mecTnnical. - ,llt robying bractng €,- ehhtmeys, etc. trust beconlpLeted. llo ucrk is to be con-cealed unttl this inspection has been nade anC apprcted. SnE INSPECTI)N: To be made afterercantation, but pt"iar tc set up of fotns. TNSULA?ION/VAPOR BARRTER ITISPECTION: To be naCe after aLL insulaticn a.d z,equired uapor bavie?e @e in place but before ory lath, gApsu:m boayC ortnLL cooering is opplied, and beforeoty insulation is concealed. DEI.IOLTTIOII OR :.:OVE' BUTLDT;JCS Scnitary setset, capped ct ptopetfiy Line Septic tutk gt::ped and. filled trtth gz,a"-el Final - t{hen abcoe itens are ecrnoleted and ahen Cq.olition is eomplete br stuue- tuye noued and. ptemLees cLeanei up. I'!obi Hcmes Blocking otd. Set-up Plumbirry connections -- sa)e? otd aater DRYWALL LNSPECIf)N: Ic be made fiterAT@n-is in pl.aee, but priot, to any tapirq. MAS1NRL: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or uerticals in accordance dth U.B.C. Section WOODSTOI,IE: ccnaT;i7. After installation is CURB & APPR)ACH APP.ON: After fonnsaye erected but prion to pouz,ing cott^lrete. SLDEIIALK & DRft'EtlAI: Eor aLL con-c";r;nau@ ulffi st?eet right-of-teA, to be maCe after aLL e*ca- uating complete & forn wrk & sttb- base natertal in place. Electrical Conneetton - Bloeking, set-ua and plwnbing connections rnist be apprcxed before requeeting eleclr"ical inspection Aceessory BuilCnng Piral - After pcrehes, skir.ting, decks,etc. are ecmpleled. IENCE: gates hrhen conplete -- PtouiCe oy nooable sections through FTNAL PLUPIBIIIG FTNAL I4ECHANICAL FTNAL ELECTRICAL P.A.E, ALL proiect conditions, such as the i.nstaltation of stt,eet tyees, co:pletion of tierequired Landsceping, etc., tmtst be satisfied befot e the BUILDI|C FIIiAL can be requested.. PINAL BUTLDINC: ?he Ei,nal Buildirq- fnspection rntst be requested cfter the .oinal Plunbing E L ec trical, otd. Meclnrical fnspe ctions'haue b e en nad.L and' appt ou ed. Page 1 of 2r*ALL T4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTIIETII TO BE I,I4DE !.T I]O CCST TO CNY u tr tn JOB NO soLAR r\':cEsS REQ'-OO L-co d Bedt oons Lot Faees -Enerau Soupees Setbacks DT House Caraqe Access lleat Water lleafpr Nouth East Fireplace South ,/ood.stote Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooerage LOT ?WE _ Intericr Cor.net# of Stortes Total Height Iopography Panlnn-d.Le CuL-de-sac llest -- Fees -- ruEM I;U x Value Building Volue & Permit This pentrtt is granted on the ezpt,ess condition tlnt the said_constrwction slwll, in a-Ll respects, confortn to the Crdinance adopted b;y the City of Spz,ingfield, i.neluding the Zoning Crdinance, regulctirtg the ccnsttueticn and use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of anA prcuisions of said 1vdinances.4 TOTAL VA.LUE cn^1<- Euilding Pev,mLt &PLan State ,60 Date Paid: ?otal Clwrges & I?EM N0.FEE CHARGE Plumbing Perrnit No person slnll consh."uct, instaL'!-, alter ot eharrye cnA neu ct' esisting phtnbirry or d.rainage sAsten in tshole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possesson of a oalid plunbett's License, escept that a pe"son nay do pltnbing aork to property uhich is oltned, Leased or operated bg the appli- cant. Firtta,es Resil.enti.al (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Pern:tt State * Electricol Permit l,lhez,e State La.t requites tlwt the eTecLrical uark be done by an Electtieal Cont"a.ctor', the electrLcal portion of this permit slnll not be ualil until the Label Las been signed by the Elecfical Cont?actor. L Permii ?otaL Nas/Eatend Citcttits Set uiee ITEM NC.?EE U;lMCL httntce PTU'S Ealtanst Hood Vent Fan Ilcodstote -- ENCROACHMENT -- SeeurLtlq Deposit Storage l,laintenance Pezmit Cutbcut Sida,talk !ence ELeCt"LeaL LabeL Mobile Hone PermLt fssuanee Mee?nnicel Permit Iatal Receipt #: Signed: Mechonicql Permit Ti;T;1/-7^9, /o-er -8S TO?AL A]4OUN? DUE: *27, /o Date Total Charqes State Suvchayqe I HAW CAREEALLY EXAI,IINED t?e contpleted application fon pennit' and. dc hereby certifg ttnt aLL infonnation hereon i.s true and. cot'r'ect, cnC f further eertify that any ar"d aLL uork perforrned slnll be done in accot'- dance wLth the Oydinances of the City of Spz"LngfieLd, and the Las of the* State of Oregcn pe?taining to the aork Cescribed herein, cnd tlnt N0 1CCU- PANCY ?niLL be nwde of any stntcture uithout permission of the Building Di- oision. f further certify that only eontractors ci'rd enplcgees uho are in eonpLiance aith oRS 701.055 ui-LL be used on this project