HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-05-08lct Lot #Aeeeeaore Map ll Subdiuieion: A-mer: Addteas:Phone: zip:ci DescrLbe h'ot li: 5':a&;ValueDate of Applicaticn tra or L]Neu /ye7zc 2P@Additicn RemoCeL ecEr ca Pege 1 of 3 .. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICAN 225 iorth |th Street Springfield' 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 Job Locaticn: General Plumblng l'lecha ca Superv Ln Eleccrir:larr hte: lour Citg Deaigr,ated Job llumbet fo:Q7o/f: OR t*g -*- fiqtloy aanelt" oqpd at ptope*y ltr:e Septio totk pwped oril fitlail vith gna;tet SPRINGFIELD,PERMIT 72'* It i8 ahe reaponaibi-Lity of-tle permit tplden to see that aLL inapaotlona ate radc at the pr41p6;r til,g, that eaoh aildr;,ee ie readabie ti#rlaY*"ii,ii:r,?,1rir\"!"r,!"rrll"T;ri**i"*"i"8 fiioib1*{*;:i".L'Hfy.,f:iy. PlocgDIlRErP1n rysPEcY2N !:=ayEsr;CALL726-3769 (tecorder) Btate you? Citg deaigruted lob mmbet, job aCdwae, type of inspeeltcn?equeeted and ahen uou,uiLL be ieady for ircpeotion,.contractora o:r a,ners-rlcneZrra pni"e "rn*"".' arq"iii ""l."tiiL'"tiiii-tb-o-oULLL be mrcle the aone dcy, requetts ncde aftet 7:00 @n viLL be nada the nert,:mtking day. SIYE INSPECTI1N: ?o be nnde after ezcauation, but prtar tc ae+- up of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUI,IBIIIC. ELECIRICAL 4wCtlWny tloyk ie aoueyed, POO?INC E FOU!'|Di|TICN: ?o be tadeafter trenchea a"e eacavated and f,ome ate erected, but prion to Wu".ing ccnctete. UNDIRCROI]]ID PLUMDINC. SgT./EP. 1,T.4?ER. 2i:aIilACE: To be nuCe pnior to fil-Ltr"q trenchee, UNDERPLOOR PLUI,EINC & MECqANICAL: To be nad,e priot to installation of floor tneula,tion ot decking, PPS? AND BEAM: ?o be made priot toinetallation of floot, inaulation ordeckittg. runtil theae inspectione have beennade atd approued,. FZPilPLACE: fuLot to pkcira faoinana,tertale and before inorrt"g ir"p"Z-tlon. FReUlnL:- ttust be requeated afterapptoval 9f rough phtribing, eiectrt_cal &. neclwnical, nlt rob|ingbructtq A- chinmcya, etc. r*.st- be . conpletcd. llo rlcrk ie to be con_ -cecled until thiB inspec?ton hao'been nnde anC approvei CURB E APPROACH APpil: After forns@,eit@tA@ ta poutttrg - aonorete. SIDEI.IALX & DRIW|IAy: Fo:. alL oon-cyete paoirg vithin atteat night-of-tey, to bo nade aften al,l, -*oa- oating canplete & forn ta:rnk 6 attb-bse tmterial in pbce. After ine tal,l,ation Le hhen conplate -- HoviCe oy nouable eeottona thnough INSULAUON/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECNOA : required vapot burteta @e in phoehtt befote oty Lath, *paun boai ot rnLL aouering ie applied, atd bef,oreag inaulation ia concealed. DRIHALL INSP1C!I2N: ?c be nude aftet, aLL dr.VLraLL ie in plaoe, but ptior to any taping. Final. - When above itens are conpletedqd uhen dawlition ie oonplete br atru:-ttre npued od, prarlaea oleaneC up. MASONR!: Steel beonc, gtouting accotdotce vLth 2415 , Bl,oaking od set-up Plunbing conneotione -- 8€1tev od uater Eleotrtoal Canneation - Blockittg, eet-up and plunbing oonneotbne mtet bb apprc"-'edbeforc tcqueethq clcatrioal inape'clion Aoooeeorg fuildittg ; Ntul. - ift* pctohee, ckl,rting, d,eeke, I.b. @e oatpletcd. - I Location, bortd or uerticala in U.B.C. Sectlion I,I0ODSTOVE:enpTm, ?ENCE: gatee P. U. E. PNIAL PLUMBITIO PINAL MECHAIIICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL proj required IALL I,IANIICLES AND CIEANOI)?S NUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUilT'IEIE rO 88 W1DE A? NO CO51" rO ect oonditions, auch aa.the i.netal_lation of etteet treee, ettplatton of the .' landsccpirq, etc,, twet be aatiefiod befiie the BaiIDiNb riait, io" be' requested. FrllAL BurLDrttc: The Pinat Building. rnepeation nuot be requeated alten the Fitall plmbing\_/ Electrical, ad uectaniii lii,Zii*i h;;;-;;;;;"';"t;p;;,rd.-' "* "' cPv ll n r tr T 7 l1 ,rourrn ,o^o JOB NO.SOLAN ACCESS REQ.. CtL L-CO G+ BeCroons: fi I IIAW CAREFULL| EXAI'IINED tte conpleted application for pertnit.' and' do n"'iitA iirtifV that'"a-Ll-iriirr*7;2" hereoi is true atd conrect, anC I ioinli L"rt'iiy that- any ari aLL aglk pelforned ahall be do:te in accot - a"iLi,i-atn th'e'ord;;;;;'n"-of iin ctty bf 'spfinsfield, .and, the .La';a of tha * State of ,regcn p";:;;;i;;;s-io- tie w"nk1ea'criA-ed herein, cnd tltat N0 ,ccu- pANCr uitl be rmde ;7-;;;;" ";;";iiie wtiilout permiasion of. the Buitding N' vieion. I further L',n"till; that only eon-tioc'tors at;d .atp'Lcyeee uko are in G$i"""i'ritt, ons |il,b-ss wiLL be-ueed on thie proiect 5-3 lleat ae Lace Iat Faeea - P. L, Lot Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lot Couenage_ TIT TWE Interior' _ Cornet Panlatd,te Cvl-de-eac Total Height I of Stortee Topographg -- Faea -- Building Volue & Permit Thie pernrtt ia granted on the enp"eal condttion that the said.constmtcL;ionalall', in all i'eepeetc, conform'to the Ordinar,co adopte.l tiy the Ctty of Springfield, inelud'tng the Zoning Cnditance, reg1ulcLing the ccnstntcticn and uae of buildings, and nay ba euapended or reuokeC at aty time upon oic- lation of altA pncoiaione of eaid'2rdinaneee. Value nOTAL VALUE S. D, C, Date Paid: Signed: F?C * { I?EM t'lain 1.5 x ?otal, Clargea Building Perntt State Plumbing Permit No pereon olull construct, inetall, alter or chango -cn! ned ^cr ecisting pttkting or drainage \ystel in uhol3 or in part, wzleas sueh pereon is the iijot p"otnnrro, of o oiolid plwrber'e Lic-ens-b, ercept that a pe"son nay 1optfit{"g ootk to property ihioh ia ouned, Leased or openated by the apL'Li.- eant. FEE Pertrit * Fisturea Reaidentia.L (1 bath) Sa,ten Electricol Permit llhete state La nequires th.at the electrical uork be done by.an Electrical Citio"tor, the electtieaL portion of thh permit slnll not be taliC wttil the Label ltne been aigned by the Electrical contractot" 4 !otal tlau/Edtetd Cireuita Sentice +\ -ar G NC.FgE CIIARCEI?9M FWnace BTU'S Eshanat llood Vent Far llcodstote { Mechqnicql Permit State Swelurqe ?otal Cla"oea Permit fsgudnee Meehanieal Per'nrtt .irirrF:-Secani Maintenance Pernit Cvrbcut Sida,talk lence Mobile Hone TOTAL AM)UW DUE:'frz-*9 , Date -k7 CHARCE llaf an State S:al,ch,atge llotal CTtaraee il Stordge I r.'' 'rul*i"'li , tlrlrt$ rlrl I'i'r 'i' r ?otal,Cltat aae .2a .+a€ DaLe