HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-01-04)'z 22s North stlt streeAPPLicArr,N/PERMrr SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Buildtng Diuiston 726-37 53 " RESIDENTI.AL" Date: SPFIINGFIEl.D uj0od Jh,^{- Job Loecticn:? Assesso?c :'!dD #jc I I r;b1ra- Phona: C,me" ild&ess: Scnitel sesen cap?ed :t pz,cpettg Line Septic totk p'"cped nd. filied rtth graiei linal - i',4ten cbcue iiens ee ecnolecei arC xhen Tencl';ion is ecn=Le=e -ct stt-t:- tute noueC oti crer)ses clbanei'ut. iicnes Blockirq od.Set-ug Pkunbirr4 conneczions -- saie? a,l. ualet Electr.Jcal Ccntectt)on - Blceking, set-r, and pltnbing ccnreetions rr;st be apgrctzd before requesting e'l,ectrtcal inspee:io:t Accesso,y Buildirq linal - After Tcrekes, skrrting, dec|.s, etc. ee e;ncle;ed. ?::a 1 of 2 t-t :lq) j'"on the street, ani. that the '1uiUi:"4 Dioiciot ap?"w^ed p SIry i:15?'C::'T: ezcaUatian, but Desez,ibe l,lot k |NSALATIAN /VAPOR tsA.RRIIR iJ]SPlC!fi II : ?o be made after aLL insulcticn ed. req"dted uqot bav.Je?s @e in olace but before ory La.th, Wpsurn bcanC cz, tnLL eoztering is cpplied, cnd beloro- ay insulation is eoncealed. DRY\IALL iNSPZClfCl: To be nade after aLL aznlaalL is in place, but prtot to cay tapittq. llAS0!!,!: Steel. Location, ba.<i itffiFjgroutin4 or uertieals in accoilotee ,,)Lth U.ts.C. Section CAPB 8 A?PRCACII !.PP.2N:After fornsa,e e"ecr;A TpY:a to po"ring conc"ete. €IDgyLLiL i DRIIWAI: ?or aLL ecn- c"exeiAT"g utvltri street right- of-un!, tc be naCe aftar aL! erca- uating conolete & fotn wrk I eub- base nctepJal in place. 8 sooss ^ ))-' L: ^- RenoCeL t d .Scuq- UtAb*, t-4-83 OO Date of .4pp Lieaticn Vai.ue ccil ie Lccated at the fzont of the on the Buikiing Site at aLL ?to?en4 ) state your City Cesigt"tted iob rua;bet, iob aCiress, type of inscee=icn ticn, Contraetcz,s ot Antets rctne crC plane nunber'. P.equescs receiued befcre 7:0C an GeneraL Plunbin_o ELeetricaL Constvtcticn Leruier It ia lhe responsibilitg of tlc petmtt holler to see that eL! incpectiailr, @e natie at )he pyopev titne , thct each cdfuess is rea;e1l-e 'you :.iLL be nade the sone Ccy, requests naie after ?:00 on ttill be naCe the neet tnrkinS daE Iouz, Ctty'Desigr,ated Job ltunber !s: pernit l.crt sitc To be rrud.e after priaz, to aet up of rl illtata.r 'D at.treT\ta af a.aatati ) iECi!).iliCAL: io ce narie belate cng - |rb?K LS CCtefeA. PC)TflG 1 ?AU;DA?:C!I: ?o be taCe ;Fer '"rencA; ar"- escaated and forms ote etectei, but .D?'tcr to pour'ing c3nclete. U!]DIRG?CU:ID ?iLU3T:iC, S!'EP,'1,1?!R. DPAIIIAGE: lo be naie piar co jil- Lirg xrenchee. UTIDEPIiCA.A. ?'U:3 flG 1 :4!C!A!IICAL : @oifloor .i,neulc'"iaa or Cecking. ?1St .AND 3EA!,t: lo be r.ade priot to GiiTEliof floor insulalicn ot Ceckt ng, ROt.tc:l ?a'-ilPr:,tG. !:!f?r:1L I ;.ltc:]- Ailll).:: )io sork :-s ,c ie cotered. ffi|T-;hese lnscec!'lors )nue been nd.e a"d. qprcoed. FiPS?LACZ: Prtor '.o pi-c.crrq facl.ngmcceriai.s ard, before franrq insoec- tion. FR-a-]li)lC: !tust be recuested afier apotov,zl of rcugh plw-,bin4, electr")-cal ! neehanicai-. ALl- *ooiirq braetng 1 chitrmcys, etc. rnasc be conoleted. llo ,;crk is to be cor cecled until this insoecicn l"a.s been nade cnC aporcxeC. FIIIAL PLU\4BIIO FI;IAL :,IEC.|A:IICAL ?IIIAL ELiCIPICAI o, a a t^ ffi ir.ooos:o'ttt After installation is l*! awleted. ?!NCg: tlhen corolete -- Prcuid.e gates or notlable sectLans thnotql" DIIP I ,] ALL project ea.diiions, cuch cs the z.nstallactan cf siteec trees, :c:eletion cf che required T.andsccping, ctc., ruat be sattsiieC belore the ilILDI}E EI\IAL ecn be requested.. PIIIAL BUfLDI!'\C: The Fincl ?u'Jldrrq lnscection tast be recuestei.z.f!er the linal Plurbin3 llectrical, otl ltecilaiiecl Inspeetions hqve been naCe atxi ccproued. IALL I4AIIHCLES AIID CLEAIICUTS \IUS? 3E .qCCESjitsLi, ADJUST:!i::!:O 3E :.'.1'E.1I ."'O ::5] 7C CI:Y L 7 26-37 8-q I T 9--D ' r^+ e- l+-eo J.1. L 4. 7 cf lct Cat*age_ t of Stoies lota! 'JeiEht lopogryitg Penit Stcte Surci.atae Penvrtt fssu.ance Mecirzniccl Peo.:rit -- ilc,2.CAC::;.5:t! - - SOLAR--CESS REQ.. f n4 a.na _ Interion _ Cormet _ Pa:niurd.Le CUL-de-sac JOB NO.L -CO G+ tseitcons Tai7- Reeetpt #: Siqred Electricol Permit tlhere stcte La't requites tlnt the electrical uork be done bg an gleettical Contw.ctoz,, the eleetrical porlion of thia permit slull not be ualiC untilthe la,bel ita.s been signed by the ELecA"tcaL Contractot,. Mecho nicol Permit PL@t lEatlreP f HAW CAREIULLY ?X.LAINED ihe eoioLated coplication for petnit, cvd. dolereby certifg thdt aLL ilfotnatton h.ereon- is true cttC eartect-, cnC f fur+.het, cetliiy that any ard. aLL ,;ork perfozned shall be done il aceoz,- dance vLth the ardinences of the City of Springfield, ad. tha Laus oi theState of Cregcn pettaining to tke oo"k CeseibeC herein, crd. :itcc it2 1CCA- PLllc:t vtLL b^e _de of dr! sttwct.taa aithout, permissiott of the 3uiiding A--ttsion. f fuz,the'n =ertifu ti.a.t only ocn;raclons c.d. anp\cgees uba ct-z ineo:pliance Dith CRS 707-0SS aiLL be used ct +.his prcject |. Lot Faces - ilouae Access. TanSe ?ireo -- Fees -- it:.1,?ra VaLue TC!.7L "'T.LL'| S.D.C. 1.5 .r { Building Vqlue & Permit This petwJt is granted on the eqress eond.ition tlat the said,conetnLccionshall, in ti.L resoeets, :on!:rn-:o the )rdinat:ee zdoc:ed by the Ci!7 cjSpringfield, .)ncluiing =he Zonir.g Crdinar.ce, reaulctirtg th.e ccnaiz,ttct',cn qn<i use of butl,l.inqs, cnd nay be ;usoeruiei or reuckei at c.n! tine u2cn u.tc-laticn cf .my trcoi,sions of saiC Ar)irances. ?uilding ?erili ?o+;al Clarges Stdte F5Z L IIAIiUL !t2a;tes Reai.evtial (1 bcth) SeuenScni Plumbing Permit Ilo petecn slra.Ll constmtct, instalL, al,ter ot change Gn! rlea cr eeisttng gltonbinq cr drainage syste.n in uhole or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plwnber's License, e.cept tl"at a persoa na-g dopltnbing xork to p?ope?b! uhich is a,tned, Leased or operated bg the appli.- cant. Plunbing Petrtt :io. tl a,t / Ect etd, C incui t s Sentice :?!:.t .)t -t:1ca? bha/st i!oo,l. Vent ?ot 'rlcocisxole oo Sec,tr)tu Dercsit Curbea: :ATAL A,UOUI? DUE: I $ /gtCIc , lobiZe llcne eL lnarqu Soutcp,s Setbacks Cavace iJatoa !oa+ctyot'tn lasx South 'ioodsiote liest Storace llaintezaze ?enze