HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/24/2020 (2)ranch
March 24, 2020
Branch Engineering Inc. Project No. 19-453
The subject site is located at 6185 Main Street (Tax Map 17-02-34-34, Tax Lot 700). The
site is vacant and is bounded by residential properties. The proposed zoning map
amendment is to rezone the site from Low Density Residential to Medium Density
Residential in order to bring the zoning into conformance with the Metro Plan
designation The following is a response to the applicable Zoning Map Amendment
(a) Consistency with the Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan Diagram;
The Metro Plan Diagram designates the subject site for Medium Density Residential
zoning. The proposal to change the zoning from Low -Density Residential to Medium
Density Residential is consistent with the Metro Plan's designation The following are
Metro Plan policies that are relevant to the proposal:
Metro Plan Policy A.2, Page III -A-6: "Residentially designated land within the UGB
should be zoned consistent with the Metro Plan and applicable plans and policies.
however, existing agricultural zoning may be continued within the area between
the city limits and the UGB until rezoned for urban uses."
Metro Plan Policy A.3, Page III -A-6: "Provide an adequate supply of buildable
residential land within the UGB for the 20 -year planning period at the time of
Periodic Review."
Metro Plan Policy A.4, Page III -A-6: "Use annexation, provision of adequate public
facilities and services, rezoning, redevelopment, an infill to meet the 20 -year
projected housing demand."
Metro Plan Policy A.9, Page III -A-8: "Establish density ranges in local zoning and
development regulations that are consistent with the broad density categories of
this plan.
"[... ] Medium density Over 10 through 20 dwelling units per gross acre (could
translate to over 14.28 units per net acre through 28.56 units per net acre
310 5th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 1 p- 541.746.0637 1 w .branchengineenng.mm
Zoning Map Amendment
depending on each jurisdiction's implementation measures and land use and
development codes)."
Metro Plan Policy A. 10, Page III -A-8: "Promote higher residential density inside the
UGB that utilizes existing infrastructure, improves efficiency of public services
and facilities, and conserves rural resource lands outside of the UGB."
Metro Plan Policy A.11, Page III -A-8: "Generally locate higher density residential
development near employment or commercial services, in proximity to major
transportation systems or within transportation efficient nodes."
Metro Plan Policy A.12, Page III -A-8: "Coordinate higher density residential
development with the provision of adequate infrastructure and services, open
space, and other urban amenities."
Metro Plan Policy A.13, Page III -A-8: "Increase overall residential density in the
metropolitan area by creating more opportunities for effectively designed in -fill,
redevelopment, and mixed use while considering impacts of increased residential
density on historic, existing and future neighborhoods."
Consistent with the above policies, a change to Medium Density Residential zoning will
allow for improved, cohesive development of the property to suit the residential needs
of the site and the continuing growth of the surrounding area. The change from Low to
Medium Density Residential will facilitate the higher density infill needed to meet
future housing needs in the area as forecasted in the Metro Plan The availability of
existing utilities and transportation infrastructure allows for an easy transition to the
new zoning without causing undue stress on resources, increased traffic, or extensive
construction work on the street. In addition to existing utilities on both Main Street
and Aster Street, two LTD bus stops are within a block of the site on Main Street and
the site is within half a mile of commercial services.
(b) Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Conceptual
Development Plans and functional plans; and
The site is not located within any of the City's Refinement Plan areas. No additional
plans or maps apply to the site.
(c) The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and
transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and
transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the
development of the property.
Branch Engineering, Inc.
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Zoning Map Amendment
The site is currently vacant but formerly held a residential home. Existing water,
sewer, gas and electrical utility hookups are available for connection along Main Street
to the North and Aster Street to the Southeast. Additionally, sanitary sewer and storm
sewer lines cross the site between Aster Street and Main Street.
Main Street provides access to multiple bus stops, most notably Stop ID 00017 to the
Northeast of the site and Stop ID 00018 to the Northwest. Sidewalks and bike lanes
are available on both sides of Main Street as well as a sidewalk on the Northern side
of Aster Street. The site is less than half a mile to the East of commercial services.
Branch Engineering, Inc.
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