HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06 The Pump Cafe Liquor License AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 3/2/2020 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Robin Holman - DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-3662 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION FOR A CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP FOR HM PUMP CAFE CORPORATION, DBA: THE PUMP CAFE. ACTION REQUESTED: Endorsement of OLCC Liquor License Application for The Pump Cafe, located at 710 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477. ISSUE STATEMENT: The owner of HM Pump Cafe Corporation has requested the City Council to endorse its OLCC Liquor License Application. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: OLCC Liquor License Application. DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The license endorsement for HM Pump Cafe Corporation, DBA: The Pump Cafe is for a Change of Ownership with Limited On-Premises Sales. The license application has been reviewed and approved by the appropriate City Departments. ffi OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION 1. Application. Do not include any OLCC fees with your application packet (the license fee will be collected at a later time). Application is being madefor: Z. ldentifythe applicant(s) applyingforthe license(s). ENTITY (example: corporation or LLC)or INDIVIDUAL(S) applying for the license(s): Hi t\A iAwt Cr^&- &>v o vr>+iOr'\ (Applicant #1)(Applicant#2) License Applied For:ClW AND COUNTY USE ONLY Date application received andlor date stamp: Name of City or County: Recommends this license be: E Granted E Denied Date tr Brewery 1st Location ! Brewery 2nd Location tr B 3rd Location Brewery-Public House 1st Location tr Brewery-Public House 2nd Location n Brewery-Public House 3rd Location tr Distillery tr Full on-Premises, Commercial tr FullOn-Premises, Caterer tr Full On-Premises, Passenger Carrier n Full On-Premises, Other Public Location n Full On-Premises, For Profit Private Club n FullOn-Premises, Nonprofit Private Club n Grower Sales Privilege 1st Location n Grower Sales Privilege 2nd Location tr Grower Sales Privilege 3rd Location OLCC USE ONLY Date application rece € By Li ce Action(s) clo 4 cln{ \Z/Limiteo on-Premises ! off-Premises n Off-Premises with Fuel Pumps f] Warehouse E Wholesale Malt Beverage & Wine fl Winery Lst Location E Winery 2nd Location Wine 3rd Location Wine 4th Location Winery 5th Location (Applicant #3)(Applicant#4) 3. Trade Name of the Business (Name Customers Will See) Ttna Pw*Cc.{ e- 4. Business Address (Number and Street Address of the Location that \tO trft>in Sf will have the liquor license) rt\rtZip Code Lcrnre- CountyCity v\d\.€-t\ OLCC Liquor License Application (Rev. 1/20)Attachment 1, Page 1 of 4 ffi OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION LIOUOR LICENSE APPLI TION 5. Trade Name of the Business (Name Customers Will See) -Txe- ?,^r'^Q C-&E- 5. Does the business add r"F.,"r.rtly t^r" in ofcc liquor license?$rs 7. Does the business address currently have an OLCC marijuana license?YESM{o 8. Mailing Address/Po Box, Number, Street, Rural Route (where the OLCC will send your mail) ?\O OAc"rrn tk City \. \'n tri*.-\.) 9. Phor @u n N u mbe r th Business Location ^ OtaZZ)+tu State O-e Zip Code q 10.E mar ct fo r t his Ap pl icat to n 11. Contact Person for this Application /4oi { eAunt Phone Number fot f88 &il8 Contact Person's Mailing Address (if different) 4 ?lt- Ro4a-0- AVE City €ufert-P State OR Zip Code q) tluz Please note that liquor license applications are public records. A copy of the application will be posted on the OLCC website for a period of several weeks. I understand that marijuana (such as use, consumption, ingestion, inhalation, samples, give-away, sale, etc.) is prohibited on the licensed premises. I attest that all answers on all forms, documents, and information provided to the OLCC are true and complete. Applicant Signature(s) o Each individual person listed as an applicant must sign the application. o lf an applicant is an entity, such as a corporation or LLC, at least one person who is authorized to sign for the entity must sign the application. o A person with the authority to sign on behalf of the applicant (such as the applicant's attorney or a person with power of attorney) may sign the application. lf a person other than an applicant signs the application, please provide p ! of signature au t rn( q s '" (Applicant#1) D ilr /te (Applicant#3)(Applicant#4) OLCC Liquor [icense Application (Rev. 1/20)Attachment 1, Page 2 of 4 OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION CORPORATION QUESTIONNAI RE Please Print or Type Corporation Name Trade Name (dba) Business Location Address .r,1cl'ffo\6ar !nnnrnnrafar{7r :-f-tt) &rD (\a on <* City , A n-r- r nrFr e- \ cJ ZrP Code: 4+t++\f (name) List Corporate Officers: nrw s/fr (title)P Lftr M fRpa,sar List Board of Directors: l-br -r C-[rud€a("*") rwr.r-- s Leer--J List Stockholders: (Note: lf any stockholder is another legal entity, that entity may also need to complete another Corporation Questionnaire. See Liquor License Application Guide for more information.) Stockholders: Number of Shares Held: / /38 .4rr- 4Ab 5 Total Shares Authorized lssued: Unissued to lssue: t Number of Stock Shares: r/Server Education Desi t understand that if my Officer's Signature: \, AJ DOB (See Liquor License Application Guide for more information) answe are not true and complete, the OLCC may deny my license application. (title) 1.800-452-OLCC (65221 w$il.oregon,gov/olcc (name) Date (rev. 08/1 1) J ()h r Lep , Attachment 1, Page 3 of 4 OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION BUSINESS INFORIVATION Please Print or Type Applicant Name ft;t t PWvrtp CsfPCyc"t ro vr .Phone r /;o /;*t Trade Name (dba): Business Location Address: ?f O fl1a o rn 4U City 4e tnaFre \ C__:___r J- DAYS AND HOURS OF OPERATION Business Hours: Sunday B'-Cfla- to L'-d) ot* Monday {-gg2g,'^toZ,:rooTu* Tuesday n1-eeG$A to @:^^r- Wednesday11)Q4,aatoZ'.,xr--r,,,,,'- Thursday Ll2esgto L oop Friday :t!OX."-_toL'.@la5* saturday Bj,oog*",o -q^^ Outdoor Area Hours: Sunday 6 . , bA'.@g,$- Monday ?llqcr^- t" Z'..X'-e*- Tuesday l-ipqa*to Z'.CtlQw-, Wed nesday ft6pcr^. to L'. CD.dvt -Thursday tsla<toffiuFriday'tAeU=-toL'.,@b,r* Saturday ?/. grS--to7.'. &iv'* The outdoor area is used for: H rooo service Hours: f: oC-t'*to L'.cx-tl.t*- ffi Rtcofr ot service Hours : 9' CC.t, alo ?-' . ac -at,,.- y. Encrosed, no* Lr' milil fer@ The exterior area is adequately viewed andior supervised by Service Permittees. (lnvestigator's lnitials) tr tr tr tr tr Seasonal Variations: $ Yes tr No lf yes, explain D(* Live Music Recorded Music DJ Music Dancing Nude Entertainers Check all that apply: E Karaot<e E coin-operated Games E vio"o Lottery Machines E sociatGaming E PootTables E otn". Restaurant Lounge: Banquet: Outdoor: L?: Other (explain): Total Seating: _ I understand if my answers are not true and plete, 1-800 OLCC USE ONLY lnvestigator Verified Seating: (Y) _(N) lnvestigator lnitials:_ Date' ay deny my license Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday to to to to to to to n h) c ENTERTAINMENT DAYS & HOURS OF LIVE OR DJ MUSIC Applicant Signature wntw.oregon.gov/olcc 2',1 Date (rev. 12/07) ZtP Code: ot+r|++ SEATING COUNT Attachment 1, Page 4 of 4