HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-10-14.. RESIDEN.-,AL.. APPLICAruON/PERTTfi 225 Nonth ith Stz'eet Spri.ngfield, )regon 97477 Bui.Ldirtg Di-ui,ston 7 26-37 53 SPR'NGFIELI) Job [-oeaticn: Aesessore MaP ll /'oa 3? svbdiuision: Otmer: Adfuess:7 ,; City: Additicn 1 -"tfjc'6[f .-ts, i,te- &o=,tM -(s vatue {ff; //h el ?cz lot # 2-,4--- Phone: 0 - 0 /z-- la 1 ,,ouurn ,^u Date: Date of GeneraL lLee Consln et'Lon f,ende!-- -.=- it ia the tesponsibility o! the permit lzo'Ldet to see ',hat aLL inspec^tLotts ee nade at the F)?o?e! tine, that ecch ailtees 'ts teahb'-e :ron the sttiet, atta tUt the permit catd is Located at -!h-e. front of the--prqpe*y-ibiiiL"s- N;i;i"; approted plbz shc.Ll remain on the Building Site at aLL times. ?pCCEpUpt FO\ IttSpECNON,E:81EST:CALL726-3769 (z,eeorder) state Aou? Ci.ty desigrzted iob ntr,ber, iob aCiress, type-of inspgc)i.cn @u7'Lce?ea'4!jo.rLtsFacEion'CoIL,r,d.ctcl,so-ralnez,s-tlaneLncip-tnnenunbcl'.Requestsz,eceixedbefcre7:a0a -iLL be made the aane day, ?equests mcde aftx ?:00 an vLLL be nad.e the aest:^mtking dag. Iout Cifu Desigr,ated Job Nutnbet Is:t5 c?11 L 7-/q C --1 SITE INSP!:?NN: I escaation, but ronns. -1 UTDERSLAB PLU|4BING, ELECTRICAL & I I.5CHI.;IICAL: To be nade before any DO?k LS CADated. 1 rcorntc 1 E)UNDATT1N: lo be naCe) Afi;xten;n;; at; etcauated and fonns ate eteeted, but priot to poux,Lr,g ccalerete. - UND\RGPOUTD PLW?IN?. SEWP. W.4TER. ) DRAIIIAGE: Io be na,Ce prior to fil-Lirq trench.es. 1 uno*rtooR pLUr.ErNG & riEcHANrcAL:)of floor insulattlon ot decking. 1 posr nto au,pt: Io be nade prLor to) lnfiiidlon oi iioor insulaxion or deckittg. -1. FO|IGH PLU|7I!TC. ET,Etr]?ICAL & !/ECP- I AIIICA.L: l'lo uork is to be eo,-ered - uziil these inspeetions iuue beq, nad.e and. apptoued. I rtprernct, pt-ior to plceir4 fceingI ma_tet ials and. before fratti.ng inepel-tioz- - FRA.!:IN}: ltust be teauected aftet ) appr.olral of rough plir,bing, eiectrt- cal 8 neclwnical. - AU, toofing' braeing C ehinmeys, etc. nrast be . cottpleted. !!o ucrk is to be con-. cecled unttl this inspection t:a,e'been mad.e anC apprcoed. To be nade after prtor tc se! up of INSULA?IOII/VAPOR BARRI2R IIISPEC?TON : Io be nade after aLL insulaticn e.d. required oqor barLets @e in pla.ce but befote ory Lath, Wpsutn boatC or uaLL eotset Lng is applied, atd before oty insulation ie concealed. DRWALL IilSPTCTTON: ?c be nade -. after aLL az,yualL is in plaee, but prior to cny tapin4. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or uerti.cals i.n aceotdotce tLth U.B.C. Secti.on ,2415. V)2DST)VE: After irstallation is atnpleted. CURB & APPRCACE APPON: ee erecteC but prior After fornsb pourtng concrete. SIDI\\ALK 3 DRf',T:,:Ai: For a'11. con- erete pattirq tithin etreet right- of-r,tcy, to be maCe after. aLL e.rca- vating canplete & forn tsotk & sttb- base nwtertal in pla,ce. ?ENCE: I{hen eonplete -- Protide gates o" mouable sectians thz,ough P.U.E. lll I PI]I]AL PLUIIBITIC PTilAL I,{ECHAIIICAL EINAL ELEE?RICAL ALL proieet eondi,tions, such as the i.nstallation of street ttees, ccn-oleiion of tierequired Landseqit4, ete., tmtat be satisficd befote the BUILDINb FI!iAL can be requested, L B_uilditq. fnspection mtst be re-quested cftet the Final plwbitq L fnspections late been nade ard'approttei. |INAL BUILDINC: The FinaElecttical, otC Nechanica OR Sani:ey saset eapped at propetti Lit:e Septi,e to* g.nped aad filled vith grasel Final - l{hen obcrse itans aye ecnpleteC alid uhen Cenclitior:. is cottrplete o? at-,;r. hse moued otd. prerrtses cleaneC up. e Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Plwtbi.ng connections -- Ea/te! otC ualer Electtical Ccnnection - Bloeking, se+-u, and plunbing connect,tone m;st be apptcxbC befote requesting eleclrLcal inspecliot Accessory- BuilCing Pinal - After pctches, skirting, declcs, etc. oe eonpleted. PaEe 7 of 2 .ALL I,'ANHCLES AND CLEANOLryS ruS? BE ACCESSTBL|, ADJAS?IIEII? TO 9E l.ttDE t1.? l:0 C!S? T0 el?y r tr tr T n-7 0 .) Lot Faces - Df House /;CeeSS Lot Sq. Ftg. z of Lct Ccue?age # of Stortes Total P.eight. Topography _ Intericr _ Corner - _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac I!EH VaLue TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 r Fee: FEZ aua=-: Fi.zttges Resid.anti-a.L (1 bath) Sani Seuer Serwiee tlc FSE CILA.RCE I bha$t HooC Vent Fot llcodsto;se ,OO ko Mechqnicol Permit Permit Issucnce Mech"tnicel Perrtrit -. EIJCROACHME!]T -- tSec"*i Permit 1t L-co *JOB NO. Butldina Pezwit State lotal Clnpaes I?i:.: Pllnbing Pen;:tt Stcte ?otaL i7ri,: Total Chanoes Ctsbcu.! Sidasalk L La.bel Mobile Hane SOLAR -CESS REQ.- Building Vcrlue & Permit This pertn-t is granted on the ecpress cond.ition tlat the sai.d. constrztetion shall, in all respeets, conform to the Ordiranee adopted 6iy the City ofSpringfield, ineLuding the \oning CYdinance, regulcting the ccnsttaeticn and use of buildings, ozd may be suspend.ed or revokeC at a:A time upon vic- Lation of dry prcoisions of sai,d Otdir,ances. Bectoons: eat Date Paid: Receipt #: Signed Plumbing Permit No pereon shall consb..uet, install, alter on elnn4e cny nea cr eaisting pltonbing or drainage systan in;,thole or in pat,t, unless sueh person is th.e Legal possessor of a ualid plumber,'s License, eseept t|"a.t a pe"son na.7 do plunbing uork to ptope?tA uhieh is otsned, Leased or operated by the appli- eant. Electricol Permit ifrze?e Sitd.te Lan requires tl^rzt the electrtcal uovk be done by d7t SLeatftcal Contraetor,, the electrLcal pottion of this permit sitall rot be ualiC untiZ the Tabel itas been aigned ba the Eleetz,ieal Contrccto". PLdn Ezonlner DACe * * * I HAW CAREFULLy EXA\|INED tle eotnpleted application for pernit' azd' do herebu certifu that all-informatibn hereoi is ttae anC eorreet, ad I 'i7"77""r- i"itlL"1y tiit ""y i"a oU uork perfor'ned stnll be dote in accor- 'f,or"n uith th'e" ord.inancln" of lt n City 'of -SpringfieLd' .and the Lcas of thc State of 1regon p""t"ii;ig- to the uo-tk Cescribbd herein, sd that NO OCCU- pl.Ncy vLtL be nade o\'i,y" "trol,ture uithout permissio:t of the BuiTding Di- tsision. f funthet ""rl,i"n thet otly con-trac'tot's o'd' ettplcyees uho are in 7*,i1;L"i'r":tt cas ?01.-o5s uiLL be- used on this ptoiect (a- l+-Lg a?O?AL AECIJ!]? DUE:.l5.t o Date Nau/Ezterd. Circuiti \ llain ?tnocp Cartorf Accessc't'u llcter Res. So. fl:c- Storage Md;-nfmEe