HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2020-02-27OREGON Web Address: www.springfield-or. gov Building Permit Commercial Sign Permit Number: 81 1-2O-OOO2O9-SIGN IVR Number: 811000821490 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 Email Add ress : permitcenter@springfield-or.gov SPRINGFIELD nfi Permit Issued: February 27, 2020 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction : Commercial Submitted Job Value: $0.00 Description of Work: Sign (1) Albertsons Type of Work: None Specified JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite Address 5755 MAIN ST Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel L70233440080t Owner: Address: ABS OR-O LLC ATTN PROPERTY TAX PO BOX 990 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55440 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business Name RAMSAY SIGNS INC - Primary License ccB License Number 63422 Phone 503-777-4555 PENDING INSPECTIONS Inspection 5999 Final Sign 6940 Sign Attachment 6950 Electrical Service - Sign Inspection Group Signs Signs Signs Inspection Status Pending Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIOI{S Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work, Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Sched ule or track inspections at www. build ing permits.oregon. gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811000821490 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Permits expire if work is not started within 18O Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 18O Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified h€rein or not. Granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-OO1-OO10 through OAR 952-OO1-OO9O. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (503) 232-L947. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 7O1'O10 (Structural/Mechanical), oRS 479.54o (Electrical), and ORS 693.o10-O20 (Plumbing)' pnnted oni 2l27l2o page 1 of 2 C:\myReports/reports//prcduction/01 STANDARD Permit Number: 81 1-20-OO0209-SIGN Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Balance of minimum permit fees - electrical Sign or outline lighting Technology Fee Copies - > 5, up to 11x17, per each State of Oregon Surcharge - Elec (12olo of applicable fees) Permanent sign - 0 to 35 square feet, per sign Sign plan review, per sign Ptinled oni 2127l2O Quantity 11 1 1 Total Fees: Fee Amount $13.00 $89.00 $12.08 $s.s0 $L2.24 $88.00 $46.00 $26s.82 1 Page 2 of 2 C: \myReports/reports//prcduction/0 1 STANDARD PERMIT FEES CII'Y OF SPRINGFIELD, OR-I]GON 22SI.IFTHSTREET . SPRINGFII|LD,OP.9T4TT t PH:(541)726-3753 trAX:(541)726-3689 o -STbNo-'ffi* JolrCity Sitc Address:5755 S lUlnin St HI 0 r,p-{i tt+ di c ,,F{{ JItr- rl Assessors ?02 .Tax Lot: Olvner Phone: oAddress: t3 nA tr\z,p 55Y ({ oCity Business Name, Firm, __.1r._____r_v Description of Proposed Sign(s): (Please oheok and completc all appropriate information) -X- wsll Freestanding Projeoting Roof -IMarquee X Single Face Double Face - Billboard - Other Square }-ootage:21.185 Total Height abovc Crade: Vcrtical Dimension of Sigp or I{orizontal Width of Sign or Enclosure:7.08', Dimcnsion frorn Grade to Bottom of Sign Enclosure 13,42',Eleclrical Installation: X Yes -No(f yes additional electrical pemrit required) Material Sign is Constructed of:Aluminum, Vinyl Value of Sign:3s00 ,, l E] (il; Br List ALL existing signage and nttlch a photogmph of each sip: (n) rYpe Wall Sq.Ftg. 157sqft G) Typ"Wall sq. rtg.56'7sqft (c)Wall Sq. Ftg.26.59sqfl- , (d) lype Wall Sq. Ftg. 34.5sgft contraotor'/Insta[er: Phone' 503-777-4555 9160 SE 74th AveAddress: City:Portland State:OR Construction Contraotors Registration Numb er 63422 Expires: 97206zip: ,,F{{ OFFICE USE Sign l)istict a=?Zonng: By signature, I state and agree, lhat I have carefully examined the oompleted application and do hercby certifu that all infornration herein is true and oonect, and I furtlrer certifr that any aod all work performed shall bc done in accordance with the Ordinnnces of thc City of Springfield and the Larvs of the State of Oregon pertaining to the nork described hcrcin. I further ccrti$ that only contractors and cmployces rvho are in corrplianoe with ORS 701.055 will be uscd on this project. I furthcr agreo to ensure that all requircd inspcotions are requested at the propcr time, that projeot address is readable from the street, that the permit oard is looated at front of the property, and thc approved set of plans will remain on the site at all Date \ W tinrs during the otdhc Shred Drive(T:)Buildlg FomrsiSign &mril Applietionl-02.doc CITY ()F SPRINGIIIIID, O.RI}GON 225 Ftftlr Strcc(oSprlngfield, OR 97{?7rPtI(34rI16J753 0 I.AX(541)126-3689 Electrical Permit A tion gFFIHOFIELt, .:. DEPARTMENTUSEONLY . Permitno,: b'O@ZOL Date:t\zl>, Tlris pcr.mit is issued undcl OAR 913-3094000. Permits arrc nontransferable. Permits cxpire lf rvolk is nol starterl rvlthln 180 days of icsuancc or lf ryork ls suspcndctl for 180 days. LE QJ.Y' lost , ca.'. Totali :cost:: Resldential, por unit, service inclrtded: 1,000 sq. ft. or less (4)$t51.00 $ Each additional 500 sq. ff, or portion thereof $ 28.00 $ Linritod cnergy (2)s s6.00 $ Each nrtnufecttrcd home or nrodtrlar drvelling senicc or fueder (2)$ 71.00 $ Services or fcctlers: inslallation, allerullott, rclocatlott 200 arnps or less (2)$ 9t.oo $ 201 to 400 amps (2)s{06.@ $ 401 to 600 amps (2)st78.00 $ 601 to 1,000 aups (2)$230.00 $ Ovor 1,000 aups or rrolts (2)s627.00 $ Reconnect only (2)s 71.00 $ Temporar'.v scrrices or feedet's: ln sta I I a t i on, al t ero li or1, re loc s I i o tt 200 aurps or less (2)$ 7{.00 $ 201 to 400 arups (2)$ 98.00 $ 401 to 600 amps (2)$142.00 $ Ovor 600 amps or 1,000 volts, soo scrvioes or foeders section abovc Blanclr cit'cults: nav, altemliot , extawlon Per ptnel a. Fee for bralch circuits rvith purchase ofa service or feedor fsc: Eaoh brmoh circuit $ 7.oo $ b. Fee for branch circuits without prrchase of a ssrvico or feode.r fee: Fir'st branch circuit (2)$ 62.00 $ Each additional branch circuil s 7.00 $ Miscellanoous fecst xnice orleeder nol included Eaclr purnp or irrigetion circlc (2)$ 71.00 s Each sigr or oulline liglrting (2)(1)$ 71,00 $ Signal circuit or a lirnital-encrgy paucl, altcratiou, or extension (2)$ 82.00 $ liach ndditlonal lrxpection: (l)s82.00 $ (A) Brtersubtotal of abovefees (ll{inlmum Pe.rmit Fce $82,00)$ (B) Enter 12% surcharge (.12 x [A])$ (C) Teclurology Iee (5% of [A])$ (D) Corrtinuiug Education Fce 32.50 $2.50 TOTAL fees aud surchargcs (A thruugh D):$ Zoning approval verified? [ Ves I No fl Residential fl Government [] Commcroial )N AND: Job site address: s7S5 S Main St State:Qft ZIP:97478City: Springfield Taxlot.Relcrencc: lnstall (1) sign circuit Name :ffiffio city: 4f i {\ y'r ?a ool;e State:zw:€la1o uPhone;Fax: E-mail: This installation is being made on residential or farm propcrty orvned by me or B meniber of my immediate family. This property is not intended for sale, exohangc, lease, or rent. OAR 479.s40(l) and 479,560(l). Signature: ,CTQR.i ' 'coNTRn Btrsiness a4srs; RamsaY Slgns Address: 9160 SE 74th At/e Skrte: OR '1,1P: 97206Crty: Pottland Phone;503-777-4555 Fax 503-777-0220 E-mail: Cbrown@ramsaysigns.com CCB license \o.:63422 BCD lioense no. : 26-106 CLS Signing supervisor's license no. : 493SlG Print name of signing supervisor: Alll Stelger Signature of signing supervisor: 4 40. 258 4 - I $ U nn l 4/co\,r) VAL,,., .:', ta l:. :::l :.,ir.-i.; '.DES ,Ftrr: I lr other signs and toIIEMEXISTING DISPLAY trEM @ E ITE]UI iAD 4= -,5.024 -..i ' ' MCKENZ]E HIGI/14iAY (MAIN \ STREET) SIGN +- PAD C' J,390 S.F. EXISTINC TRAFF]C SIGNAL I 'E lJ L.J ; Od /1: Et--f-- =r = 1-f-: *l- too, t \ E---,-f --3l 11 b ------------.1 -_-14d----- I .*no= B d iP 2,4 5,000 5 I SHOPS -t-l rEM o 5[BI',]," @ B[BI'tf IrEM @ Bffil,l: -O CD Z w rO -^ V 10 aZ r-l Fx tI] Etr =i tt ( E so' ,/ = PARPEL r46',-8'. TITLE: SITE MAF LOO F"''l Q ANI ASTER STREET DATE: o r -oB-20 APPRO\/ED EiTENAt3E GoNa ULTINB pERMtrB / VARtaNcEs DEstGN...,..... PRoJEcT MANAGEMENT CS EiIGN EoRPoRATIoN zlls Nw 96TH STREET EIEATLE, WA 9Arr7 VotcE: (206) 949-ZOStr Fax: (206) 4S3-3O17 ALBE RT SONS f Xts rrrttC +S.S:e EXPANS1ON 9,744 lOTAL 55,282 S,F o E! r5J.34 .L_.5 i-. - T-.- ffi'*m,'ff*ff#*tfrtm' IN 2@ SCALE:I-IAO' oeov,tro €rl € -fN rC,:tt E,odJ UJ lJ-(, =E,o- art CITYOF OREGON 3m .r ---) 4\:=-==--r-#ffir-rl l T lil rrrunr crnrrd-]- PYLON SIGN I ALt' 7L DFT (.""'r'rr", l-t\a .'1 /' ./ l/ . x 21 nEM@r-' ii DO-* r--6- .: i!:i t ''l .1-. ! v = zo7-{I v o :Ei mam D-{6z oo m o, 6\ lt a; =m =@ zon-{- IAt-m DIoz oo m ziU' 1_ l l=E+o l- I 14- :ll 13:5'6l2o 9 oc9 8e m =o mI Izo I r a ) ,t=m =o I -6 _tzo =l.lt =@ omiixaot- -{>;<6 115 , 4',4' Aw i;.;-- -L - i. . +...,. iIIlr +. .i,...:.- l=1. ti t;++ . i.. qlu :1lo U =tn =@ I !- fi'15',-1'l i:i:li 'i ii:i:l :iilli ,,' .l rl I --.1 =trt =o o{ mlIJ {h oz o tro ,-{Om9" N o !!i o FI(, oo 9eq;!olE z o <!o!bamEioat fiqP;3': -? rf tz o TI o :1 <ONni;q;; f;l;ii :;:il;tr.{ .l -{ I Jz6 ,r * \- l(r\Nberrsons SPRINGFIELD, OR. #574 tls'\i: '','l|l ,1:: .' "{ ..1 t.{ri ti tl l: lEl :C il. t D Eo4ao7e t' I I ITEM @) 5i$11"" ++*t;_Itttttatat.r...r.r.rr' g',-2' --:---i-.1-------- r,:l -'- -:'-F - - - ' - - - l.ji---J...-...... '.......il......! 38',-4' ,'''''''t''' tttttttttttaaa t'... ',.. ' tratttrtttttrr i( +l-L- rj rl : .' :iii: ;j:*+t*t4;; .;........Ii.+ffi*:- rLOOR '_-_---_---trjl.+jJ{ : : : : : : :i.- : :.- : PARTIAL NORTH (LEFT) ELEVATION - SCALE 3132" =1'4" EXISTING DISPLAY rEM@ rEMo 5i$UlP 'tlf{tltttttrrtt)t 'l ' ........... tttattttl :'.. --.':--';.-. ttta,aaaara,,,aaa.... -::..+::-. TITLE: ELEVATI tr NS DATE: tr 1 -O6-2D APPFIOVED .." c 1ro\Albeffisonss Ebank :wl 5 rG NABE C oN su LTtN B PARTIAL NORTH (CENTER) ELEVATION - SCALE 3132" =1'4" PERMITa / VARIANcEB OEstGN......... PRoJ Ecr MANA6EMENT IIITIIIT EM I a a 'o s -ioI lftoo -b8€ldrlJ (E Cgi EiI6N CoRPtrRATIoN ZII5 NW 96TH EiTREET EIEATLE, \,vA 9E'll7 VofcE: (206) 949-?O5O FAx: (206l zt53-30I 7 11- :r.::1 11',,6' ITEM @ 7',.1', 3',-0' 3',-9" o ,#rlururnEE lol pE,Atr _ ilPt04t 1 wooD OR EIFS 3 rilve GH s! IrcTE ME ELECNrcA F|LE "DUG STOREFRONT S|GN HOR|ZoNTAT 21 ..1 85SF LI'TET ;ICll: nlm@R ilrc Etf,6 llilf@@mm,uff IEt ltGBt: G *]ruswmsmrffitrnmx :ttc?nlcl:mffieDwe A :/-.- 1y:r N:,.t]G6tu rn Bacr of L.rsr. Non-cotrosrv. " il:ffiii'"Hl:f#?rj::.r:'noun' ry Htrdwa,. L ursconn6ct Sebh.t TEnsrormcr c.nD 1/4"Drarh Hot6!asR.dored E 20sfrp120V CrcursRcouraa : lI3 :i*:;fi:i * w'js'nd conn'c'iorc **, :g :il.i":L"_l"li,?r L ru8 r B E c ox H Rr Eo TlTLE: SIGN SPEtrS DATE: o 1 -O6-2tr APFRO\/ED S IB NAGE CoNsULTtNB PERMITg / vaRtaNtrEs DEs I G N......... PPoJ EcT MANAG EMENT CS StgN CoRpoRATtoN 2II5 Nw 96TH SITREET!lEAELE, WA 9Att7VorcE! (ZO6) g49-7rJSO Faxr (2O6, 4S3-3O t z GTER HEGflTTO WDN MNO$ Brand Colors &Vinyls Paintcd Finishes (D DrtrGrrmlmrffi Vihyl Face Cotors O 3r'wruffo-#@s oeov,!UL CD€tIi € t+l\ro+t Eo dJut u-(, =E,o- aD Ilm@FnttrEoMr5.EtP mil&thdarffi t Gx3: 36' 48" 36'4s',22.5 3.75. 48'6y 30"5"37.66SF60'60'75',"58.85SF Horizontal St.nda.d RemoteA Non.lllum d Atuminum Leners/LEO mum,d Logo B CHANNEL LETTERS 1/8"= 1 '-0" Note: Linear layout preferred. Shcked layout to be used as necessary. ExrsflNG ITEM ri)DISPLAY Y 7'-11 1n, 8'-2' |TEM (a ExtsflNGV DISPLAY {m|.@lw 10[[rt wml&u0rtmtMo &l'm0[xurtrIflttr uq wr. * unr$)13"[ SA\ON LETTERS: $'ft 3',^t*Tffi#ltrsH&5J,ttrlitr" ,063 BACI(S Pf,E4AIIIIED AHIIT GEL@RE 8EonEo $up Lo tuuu. - nrmrr ruls PHARMACY LET]ERS: rm*tffi#l;ffiesrrffiffi'* .063 BAC|(S PRE.PAtt{Eo r,$m GELCof,E ffio/nED SUp LED [-]-UM. - REiOTE TRAI{S. 11'-6" Ebank one sel tnmcap channel letters illuminaed Itushmount to building fascra 8PEOflGlltO[r: @f #'JHiH_ffi ,ff#yffi H[Tffi *tr,fls#0l*t-pdyj-rs0mno. Fac6s b be 3/t6.s_r Acrytte ot+Ze-i it *, il*"imfrcap $th squas lEaO scms rurAtner oOgtrig o sff ['rr$Tfr:rp; il',',Xff il:X,,g1",nr scor,rd vrryr- Hdry "ffi,effitrxfllHffi iffi :ffi :flilH#t*ffiImu.Lsoosuc cowrod in wffio vtnylttn. F;stm b #,.il.;d#,.,, #frtrffikffi*, 0(r{t 0t.D)u6ffi6Dr{(1!r){6@ U0r 0(0[ [[rsr5l[tont0{il6imr ?0N trw((u[0)ftot[Dpa[Ddm6Ttri S€CIlot{ OETALsc[] il.Ts. ITEM@ s$illP 3"lo' o SlEmh 3 V4'oqmr OC. $rp. TITLE: SIGN SPEtrS DATE: o I -O6-2tr APPRctVED slTBNABE CoNs ULTINB PERMITa / \/ARIANcET DEStGN......... PRoJ EcT MANAGEMENT CS SIBN EoRPoRATIoN 2115 Nw 96TH EITREET ElEATTLE, WA 9Blr7VorcEs (206) g4g-"rrjSO F^x! (206, 4SB-gOt 7 '| 1/4'mrty0. oF--jk e*Hr'-Iffi] ogffi*-O#,r=r"r"- "@_ @ .@ :i:,:;: "o eov,tEL CD€tIT € tl\ u'i,:lt Eo dJ IJ.I lJ-(, z,Eo- aD Dbt tEh tf lludltlra lt'flxh)12.5!1.11 t20 Sq.FtSize sq.M. volls I =m =(-){N@ {m =o q CN(6' f E(D !. ==(D mx @-{zo 5'-0' 09{ Fr EoIao7atl d}' Bm . P{op T i{ {o{-,m o 9){op Tii q q Ia!DF @ @m4 @ @ D @ , +O' am b @Il 09 I No9 d, (n\ U)s- o6i EEEEEEEEEEEEgf3:if:5siir?1i;i$13ii$$E*[Eg.6eli!5lrgs-11t {Fi :;il!$a Fi'li*i 5i.le9- Ei$!iritl ;oo !9. zIa ofni LJ4o"! FIoo tr0 ,{trm9" No !!n o FI o o(0 9E9; =6ln 2 o STOIbtrEt!iOnn iql;3'i -il;i z<riP' ',tzo n o I6[:3 ^Hiurn!:Iz6 6 BI ! : $iitiP99oIu-r--{ {rE"flt o,o,,!. tt !! o 3o a (AAtbensons SPRINGFIELD, OR. #574 trEM @ 10'-8' 4,-9" :{ + ffi;#+ =r\r.):lt E,o oJ EIu-(, z, E,o-(r, oeov,tL CD€lII € .!tt -{::-FLOOR PARTIAL RIGHT SIDE (EAST) ELEVATION - SCALE SIDE (EAST) ELEVATION . SCALE. NTS rrru @ -rrrna @ TITLE: ELEVATI ON S DATE: o l -86-2tr APPRovEo STBNABE CoNs U LTING PERMITB / \/ARIANCEB D Es t8N,..,..... PRoJEcT MANAGEMENT CS EiIEN trORPORATION 2.II5 Nw 96TH SYREET EEAELE, WA gAltz VorcEr (ZO6) 9-4g-.rrJscJ FAx: {206, 453-2(11"1 RrcHT StDE (EAST) ELEVATION - pHoTO NTS a t a a ra r rtl a r r I r t I r.t rt a a!..t t. ar a a a a r r r I r a r I t';a I I t a I t. a a rt r a r rt, #}, I --l