HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2020-02-24OREGON web Address: www.springfield-or. gov Building Permit Commercial Structural Permit Number: 81 1-19-OO2245-STR IVR Number: 811010068047 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 Email Address: permitcenter@springfield-or.9ov SPRINGFIELD th Permat Issued: February 24,2020 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Commercial Type of Work: New Calculated Job Value: $8,495,632.50 Description of Work: 70 unit multi-family project Homes for Good- 5 SFD's demo'd. JOB SITE INFORITIATION Worksite Address 1975 5TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel t703262404700 Owner: Address: CMC DEVELOPMENT LLC PO BOX 117 WALTERVILLE, OR 97489 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business Name MEILI CONSTRUCTION CO - Primary License ccB License Number 6377L Phone 54t-485-t4t7 PENDING INSPECTIONS Permits expire if work is not started within 180 Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. crantlng of a permit does not pnesume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or lo@l law regulating construction or the performance of construction. ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth ln OAR 952-OO1-OO1O through OAR 952-001-OO9O. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (503) 232-1947. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 7O1.O1O (Structural/Mechanical), ORS 479'540 (Electrical), and oRS 693.o1o-o20 (Plumbing). p(inted on: Z/Z412O page 1 of 3 C:\myReports/reports//prcduction/01 STANDARD ^/ Permit Number: 81 1-19-0O2245-STR Inspectaon 1999 Final Building 1260 Framing 1110 Footing 1120 Foundation 1520 Interior Shearwall 1530 Exterior Shearwall 1550 Firewall/Fire Resistance Rated Wall 8999 Final Fire 1410 Underfloor Insulation 1430 Insulation Wall 1440 Insulation Ceiling 6300 On-site Stormwater Facility 6301 On-site Stormwater Facility-Dig Out/Piping 6302 On-Site Stormwater Facility-Soil and Pla ntings 6303 Final On-Site Stormwater Facility 9507 Driveway Approach 9512 Encroachment Page 2 of 3 Inspection Status Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Inspection Group Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Fire Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Pending Pending Pending Ptinted oil 2/24/20 Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811010068047 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search 'tepermitting" in the app store Page 2 of 3 C:\myReports/reports//production/01 STANDARD SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Permit Number: 81 1-19-OO2245-STR Page 3 of 3 Fee Description Technology Fee Address assignment - each new or change requested externally, per each SDC: Total Transportation Administration Fee SDC: Total MWMC Administration Fee - Local SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: Compliance Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC: Administrative Fee - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC: Improvement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: Reimbursement - Transportation SDC SDC: Improvement - Transportation SDC SDC: Reimbursement Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC: Improvement Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC Fire SDC - New Com Construction Sq Ft fee - enter sq ftg Fire life safety plan review Structural building permit fee Structural plan review fee Willamalane fees - Multi Family Dwelling, per unit State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12% of applicable fees) Encroachment permit Quantity 1 3584.5 2530.56 t4849.49 198973.5 648.86 10 98016.33 3583.96 68106.03 3864.99 46087.25 75800 65 1 Tota! Feesr Fee Amount $5,404.07 $54.00 $3,584.50 $2,530.56 $t4,849.49 $ 198,973.50 $648.86 $10.00 $98,016.33 $3,s83.96 $68,106.03 $3,864.99 $46,087.25 $8,338.00 $30,432.00 $46,818.46 $30,432.00 $217,555.00 $5,618.22 $34s.00 $785,252.22 Construction Type Prinled oni 2/24/20 Occupancy Type R-2 multiple family A-3 general,com halls,lib,msm Unit Amount 71,865.00 3,045.00 Page 3 of 3 VB VB Unit Sq Ft Sq Ft Unit Cost $112,76 $t2B.7B Total Job Value: Job Value $8,103,497.40 $392,135.10 $8,495,632.50 C: \myReports/reports//production/0 1 STAN DARD PERMIT FEES VALUATION Transaction date 2t24t20 Units 1.00 Ea 1.00 Ea 65.00 Oty SPRINGFIELD $ OREGON www. sprin gf ield-or. gov Worksite address: 1975 STH ST, Springfiel d, OR 97471 Parcel: 1703262404700 Transaction Receipt 81 1-19-002245-STR IVR Number: 8t l0r0068047 Receipt Number: 4Z3gO2 Receipt Date:2t24t20 Fees Paid Account code 224-00000 -425602-.1 030 City of Springfield Development and public Works 22S Fifth Street Springfield. OR 97477 54t_726_3753 permitcenter@spri ngfl eld-or. gov Paid amount $46,818.46 $s,618.22 $217,555.00 $8,338.00 $30,432.00 $s4.00 $198,973.s0 $98,016.33 $3,583.96 $68,106.03 $3,864.99 $46,087.25 $648.86 $10.00 2t24t20 2t24t20 2124120 75,800.00 SqFt 2t24t20 1.00 Ea 2t24t20 1.00 Ea 2t24t20 2t24t20 2t24t20 2t24t20 2t24t20 2t24t20 2t24120 648.86 Amount 2t24t20 10.00 Amount Description Structural building permit fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12o/o ot applicable fees) Willamalane fees - Multi Family Dwelling, per unit Fire SDC - New Com Construction Sq Ft fee - enter sq fig Fire life safety plan review SDC: Administrative Fee - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC 82 1 -00000-2 1 5004-0000 82 1 -00000-2 1 5023-0000 1 00-00000-424005-1 091 224 -00000-425602- 1 030 224 - 0 0 000 - 42 5602-0000 61 1 -00000-448024-8800 61 1 -00000-448025-8800 434-00000-448026-8800 434-00000-448027-8800 433-00000-448024-881 0 433-00000-448025-88 1 0 433-00000-426607-88'l 0 61'1 -00000-426604-8800 Fee amount $46,818.46 $5,618.22 $217,555.00 $8,338.00 $30,432.00 $54.00 $198,973.50 $98,016.33 $3,s83.96 $68,106.03 $3,864.99 $46,087.25 $648.86 $10.00 Address assignment - each new or change requested externally, per each 198,973.50 Amo SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater 98,016.33 Amou SDC: lmprovement Cost - Local Wastewater 3,583.96 Amoun SDC: Reimbursement - Transportation SDC 68,'l06.03 Amou SDC: lmprovement - Transportalion SDC 3,864.99 Amoun SDC: Reimbursement Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC 46,087.25 Amou SDC: lmprovement Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC: Compliance Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC Pinled 2124120'l :16 pm Page 1 ol 2 Fl N_Tra nsaction Receipt_pr ru. :l Transaction ReceiPt 8t 1 -1 9-002245-sTR ReceiPt number: 473902 Units DescriPtion Fees Paid Account code Fee amount Transaction date 2t24120 14,849.49 Amou SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee 719-00000-426604-8800 $14'849 49 2t24120 3,584.50 Amoun SDC: Total TransPortation Administration Fee 71 9-OOO00-426604-8800 $3,584.50 2t24120 2,530.56 Amoun SDC: Total MWMC Administration Fee - Local 71 9-00000-426604-8800 $2,530.56 Encroachment Permit 201 -ooo00-428060-1 069 $345.00 2t24120 1.00 Ea 1.OO Automatic TechnologY Fee 204-00000-425605-0000 $5,404.07 2t24t20 Paid amount $14,849.49 $3,584.50 $2,s30.56 $345.00 $s,404.07 Payment Amount: $754,820'22 $754,820.22 Payment Method: Check number: 045731 I Transaction Cashier: Katrina Anderson Payer: Cascade Escrow RAD 2 Ltc Comment: RAD 2 LLC listed on check Receipt Total: Pinted:2t24120 1:16pm Page 2 of ?Fl N_Tra nsactionReceipt_pr Structural Permit Applicatlon DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Pemrit"''1q-u>i'-t 180 dayc of lcsuanbe or if work is ffirffi225 Fiflh Strc€r. Springriclc OR 97477 o PH(541)726-3753 0 FAX(s{l)?26-36s9 TNs permil ie icsued under OAR 91E-460-0030. Permlts explre lf work is not started wlthin suspended for lEO dtys. LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Mechsnlcrl This project has final land-use Signature: This project has DEQ aJrproval. N/ A Zoning appmval veritied: Elnes Propcrty is within flood plain: I Yes Iap,proval. ,)^M zeor*evs TEP FEE SCTIEDULE Date:l. Vrluation informatlou Eno d"; (a) Job description: Occupancy ?- 7 Consur,rctionqy1,et ^VB Square feot: +5 t 80O Cost per square foot: -.{CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION Govcrnment JOB S]TE INFORMANON ANO LOCATION Job site address:t175 57rFET state: OR ZIP. Subdivision: NA Lot no.: t(JA Taxlot: lt t1*t"?1 e-majl: 6.*RY@ usiciCorusrxrcri 94. ed;v CCB license no.:?lr Print name:r. Elc.trlcrl CCB Llcense # Pbonc TbP TAD Othcr information: i--lvr.dY3!l bual €.!=ecr I EDGrg/ frlbi I tff." Ealtcration E additionRefercncc: OWNER Name: Address:?? Phone: E-mailr Fax: Building Owner or Owner's agent authorizing this application: Slgn here: fl This instsllation is being made on rcsidcntial or farm property owncd by me or a member of my irnmediate family, and js cxempt from liccnsing requirements_undJr ORS 701.010. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business namc: M€t Li CepsfPycrleAJ I I Rfc (b) Foundation-only permit? Total valurtiool ElYe. 2. (a)?rmit fec (usc valuation table): fee (equal to [2a]): (c) Rciaspoction ($ perhour): (number ofhours x fee per hour) (d) Enter I 2% surcharge ( .12 x {2a+2br2c}): (e) 9uj!91.1 9tfce1 rbor_e (2r ihrough 2d): 3. Plsn revlew fees (a) Plan review (!!J, x_19ry1t!3!23): (b) Fire and life safety (05% x-p_crmit fee [2a];: (c) Subrotrl offees ebove (3a end 3b): U 'J pence r 'n 4 ( Cct J:.+ I - GZy- zS \.r- 5 v"\(co @ h""^e.$<rr dN. City: $ $ $ $ 0 $ q 4. Miscellaneous fecs 'L Seismic foc, l% (.01 x permit fee [2al): (b) Tech fee,5% (,0s 1 permit fee[2a]+PR fee [3c]) IIOTAL fem rnd surctarges (2ef3ct4a+b): Nqowq?aot ,/itVoo pV6oo P9qmpSw ,fut v-oo Ad*drxs: t0 V^P fufgu SrReEl crty:-Sl/OdNE l. state,OE ' ZIP: ptrone:ftF 1B{- llt+ i r"r, .: - $ $ $ Plumbiog Last cdited 5-5-2019 BJones u$ts Urvr to(l i+flac,d."y Sesilrc ELCity: I ----t fees I -" -J 1 I I I I i OF JOBNUMBER 19-OO2245.STR SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE NAME OR COMPANY: LOCATION: MAP & TAX LOT NUMBER: DEVELOPMENT TYPE: HOMES FOR GOOD r975 5TH ST COMMERCIAL x 5% STORM DRAINAGE ADMINISTRATION SEWER ADMINISTRATION TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION LOCAL MWMC ADMINISTRATION 5. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES: BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) MWMC: LOT SIZE 220 ITEEXISTING DEVELOPED AREA (S.F.): TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE $0.00 I 00% infiltration reduction TOTAL STORM DRAINAGE x Cost VIOUS SQ. FT REIMBURSEMENT COST: IMPERVIOUS SQ. FT IMPROVEMENT COST: VIOUS SQ. FT $0.00 $0.00 x $ 0.303 PER SF $ 0.437 PER SF sF= $ 0.740 $ I 98,973.50 16. REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF DFU'S IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBEROF DFU's x $ 83.99 PER DFU s 254.49 TOTAL LOCAL WASTEWATER SDC: tt67 tl67 reverse x $ 170.50 PER DFU 96 7l .99 $0.00 $ 397.26 xx x AREA TGSF x TRIP RATE x COST PER ADT X NEW TRIP FACTOR NTF NTFx TOTAL TRANSPORTATION REIMBURSEMENT TOTAL TRANSPORTATION TOTAL TRANSPORTATION SDC x x NTF NTF $ I9.86 PER TRIP REIMBURSEMENT COST: 33.1'l x 5.44 IMPROVEMENT COST: 33 .17 x 5.44 REIMBURSEMENT COST: 0.00 x 5.44 IMPROVEMENT COST: 0.00 x 5.44 S 377.40 PER TRIP x $ 19.86 PER TRIP x S 377.40 PER TRIP l.l0I l.l0$ $41 $3,864.99 s46,087.25 $648.86 $0.00 s0.00 33.t7 33.17 33.17 SUBTOTAL ITEMS I x x x $1 I6.5I PER FEU x x x MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE TOTAL MWMC SDC: & $I,389.30 PER FEU SI9.56 PER FEU REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's COMPLIANCE COST: NUMBER OF FEU's $II6.5I PER FEU $I,389.30 PER FEU $I9.56 PER FEU REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's 0.00 IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's 0.00 COMPLIANCE COST: NUMBER OF FEU's 0.00 CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REV-EES-il TOTAL MWMC REIMBURSEMENT FEE: TOTAL MWMC IMPROVEMENT FEE: TOTAL MWMC COMPLIANCE FEE: I@ I 419,290.92 I I I 119t2020 TOTAL SDC CHARGES $ 440,255.47 DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT (DFU) CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES x TINIT EQUIVALENT = DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS (NOTE: FOR REMODELS, CALCULATE ONLY THE NET ADDITIONAL FIXTURES) #REF! FIXTURES NEW OLD 44 72 157 2 l l8 UNIT ALENT DRAINAGE FIXTURE LJNITS 177 FIXTURE ryPE BATHTUB DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR DRAIN, FLOOR SINK INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE/OIUSOLIDS/ETC, INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND/AUTO WASH/ETC. LAUNDRYTUB CLOTHES WASHER/MOP SINK CLOTHES WASHER - 3 OR MORE (EA) MOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (I PERTRAILER) RECEPTOR FOR REFRIGERATOR/WATER STATION/ETC. RECEPTOR FOR COMMERCIAL SINIO DISHWASHER/ETC. SHOWER, SINGLE STALL SHOWER, CANG (NUMBER OF HEADS) SINK: COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN SNK: COMMERCIAL BAR SINK: WASH BASIN/DOUBLE LAVATORY SINK: SINGLE LAVATORY/RESIDENTIAL BAR URINAL, STALUWALL TOILET, PUBLIC INSTALLATION TOILET, PRIVATE INSTALLATION MISCELLANEOUS: CREDIT FOR PARCEL OR LAND ONLY IF APPLICABLE IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION DATE) 665 6 0 I 3 J 6 2 3 6 12 I J 2 2 3 2 2 I 5 6 J 0 2 6 0 0 0 u4 0 0 53 ,7 159 t4 0 6 6 6 198 0 0 151 0 l2 336 0 NUMBER OF EDU'S* TOTAL DRATNAGE FTXTURE UNrTS: I t167 -fOU tEqrir"t"rt O CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED ON ASSESSED VALUE IF IMPROVEMENTS OCCURRED AFTER ANNEXATION DATE IN TABLE, CALCULATE CREDITS SEPARATELY YEAR ANNEXED RATE PER ,000 ASSESSED VALUE $1.45 $l.25 $1.09 $0.92 $0.72 $0.48 $0.28 $0.09 $0.0s $0.00 $0.00 x x RATE PER $I.OOO ASSESSED VALUE YEAR ANNEXED 1979 l 980 I98r 1982 I 983 I 984 I 985 I 986 I 987 I 988 l 989 l 990 t99t or before $s.29 $s.19 $s.12 $4.98 $4.80 $4.63 $4.40 $4.07 $3.67 $3.22 $2.73 s2.25 $ 1.80 1992 I 993 1994 l 995 1996 1997 l 998 t999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 CREDIT TOTAL t $o.oo COMcheck Sofhrvare Vension 4.1 .1 .0 Mechan ical Compliance Gertificate Section 1: Project lnformation Energy Code: 201t0 Orcgon Energy Efflclency Speclalty Gode Projed Tifle: RAD Housing - Hayden Bridge l\ieadows Projec{ Type: New Gonstruction Envelope Compliance illethod: Prescriptive Constuclion Site: Orvner/Agent: 19755hstr€et Sara Bergeund Springfiold, OR Bergsund DeLaney Architecture & Planning 1369 Olive Sfeet Eugene, OR 97,t01 Section 2: General lnformation Designer/Contrador Micfiael Hardy, PE Black Oak Engln€ering, lnc. PO Box 13936 Salem, OR 073ff) (503) 31+5244 MHardy@BlackOakEngineering. com Building Location (for weathsr data) Climate Zone: Springfield, Or€gon 4c Section 3: Mechanical Systems List OuantitY Syrtem Tvoe I DBcLlptqO HPI-1 / HPOI (Singl6 Zone) : Split Syslem Heat Pump l'leatins Mode: Capeoly = 44 kBlrvh, Proposed Eficiency = 8.20 HSPF, Requlred Eftciency = 7.70 HSPF Coollng Mode: Capacity = 46 kBhr/tr, , No Economlzer , Economizer excaption: Lor Capacfi Rcsidenlial Propossd Efficiency = 1,1.00 SEER, Required Eficiency: 13.00 SEER Fan System: HPI-1 SF I Common Areas - Compliane (Motor nameplate HP method) : Passes Fans: SFI Supply, Constant Volume, 1600 CFM, 0.8 motor nameplate hp HPI-2 I HPo2 (Slngl€ Zon€) : Split $yetem Heat Pump l-leating Mode: Capacny - lE kBtu/h, Proposed Efficiency = 8.20 HSPF, Required Efnciency = 7.70 HSPF Coollng tilode: Capacity = 18 kBtu/h, , No Economizer , Economizer exception: Low Capa<*ty Resi{r€ntiel Proposed Effciency = 15.00 SEER, Required Eftciency: 13.00 SEER Fen Syslom: HPI-2 SF I Laundry Room - Compliance (Motor nameplate HP method) : Passes Fans: SFI Supply, Constant Volumo, 285 CFM, 0.1 motor nsmeplate hp Section 4: Requirements Checklist ln the fotbwing rcquirsments, blank checlooxes identify requirements that the aN'Eant has not ack tovdedged aE t]e.ing meL Che*marl<s identiy reguircments that the epplicant ad<nowledges are met or excepted from @nplian@. Flans G,ferwrcE pagddion' i&ntifies whe'€ in fie p,ens/*ecs the ,equi@ment an fu verified as Deing safidlod. Requirements Speciftc To: HPI-I / HPO-I : V/ 1. Equdpntent meets minimum efidency: Heat Pump: 7.70 HSPF 13.00 SEER J 2. Ettsq.y neco\rery ventilation systems. lntlivilual fan sysbms that hare both a design supply alr capacity of 5,000 cftn or greater and a- minimum outside air supply of 70 percert or grcater of lh€ d€s[n supply air quantity have an energy rccorrcry system. Plans reErcnce page/sectlon: I\f.A - Requircments Speclfic To: HP!-2 / HPO.2 : Projed TiUe: RAD Horrsing - Hayden Bridge M€adows Report dab: OIuU1S Dala 0lEname: J:\Berysund DeL:ney Ardr\18033 RAlHaydsn\Reports\18033 RAD HouBing -Hayden Brldge Meadmr Medtanical COMcfted( 2019 0G26.cd( pag6 6 of g 1 1 J/ 1. Equipmont m6€ts mlnimum efrciencil: Heat Pump: 7.70 HSPF 13.q) SEER t 2. Erwgy recovEry r€ndlalion sFtsms. lndfuilual hn sysbms thal hav8 both a detlgn supply air capacity of 5,000 cfin or greabr and a' minimurn outside ah supply of 70 percent or greater of lhe <lesign supply air quantty hare an en€rgy recovery sysEm. Plans rcfrrence pag€/s€ction: ,V/A - No ql$eas ,n Generlc Requlrementr: liust be met by all cystems to which the tsquirement ls applicablo: r// 1. Calarhtion of lrating ard cooling loads. Dreslgn loads are detetmlned in accordane with tll6 pro@dut€s described in the' ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 183. Altematlrely, deslgn loads harE been determlned by en approv€d equivalent computalion prccadure. r/ 2. Cooling equipment economizerB: Thc total capadty of all coolang equilmoril without econornlr€ts muet be leae lhan 240 kBfu/tt. Thls' proied lists 52855910000787639000UXx)0000000 kBur/h cepadty withort economizsG. That portion of the equipment seMng dwellirB units and guest rooms is not induded ln dgbrmlnim tho total capaoly of unitE wllhout €conomizers. Phm retrcnce page/section: Tdal aoaciV of equhmst w&ea nonizers is <240 kBltu/h / , ilHrffiL:Ta:::rn sizing. Heating and cooling equlpmont and sysbms capacity do not exceed trre bads caloiated in accordance Pla.ls rcftrene page/sedion:MOO1 Mxhanicel Eouiomsil Sc#edules J 1. HVAC EquiFnent Performane Requiements. Reponed efidendes ha\re bGen bstad and reEd in accordance wiur the apdicabl€ bst' produre. The e{Fciency has b€en wdfied through cerlification under an approvsd cortficalion prcgram or, il no cerlification program exids, the equipment eflicbncy ratlms arB supported by data fumlshed by tho manuradur€r. J/ 5. Therrro6tafic Confols. The auffi of heating and moling €n€rgy to eacfi zone i8 oontrolled by indiv*lual lhermodalic confiob that- respond to temperature within tte zone. Plane re(srenco pagdseciion:Miln Co'rtr?D,l Svs{am Abias 6. Hsat pump upplementsry he8t. Heat pumps having supplcmentary obcfrlc rcgHance h€at hav€ oontrols that, excel dudng defrost, preuBnt arpplemsnhry heat opcratirfl when the heet pump can me€t lho heatlng losd. Plans refuren€ pago/s€cilon:M0O1 Machanical Eouiornent Sc#adub J/ 7. Sst point oy€rlap rcsriction. lA/here used to control both tEating and cooling, zono thomostatic controls provid€ a temperatuG range- or deadbsncl of at l€asl 5'F (2.8"C) wifiin which the supply of heating and oooling energy to lhe zone is capaHe of beirq shut ofi or mduced to a minimum. Plans reftrene pago/s€dion:bl0o0 C.ontol Stsbm ftlotes- / t ?Bf#':llfflraffi;51cfi HVAC svdem has controls that vary the start-up time ortha svstem to lust me6t the temperature set Plgns rebrene pag€rsedion:Mm Coatol Svstepl\lofes / t T;H;trfi3*ffi#fj: provfied with thermoetatic selbad( @ntrols that ar€ @ntrolled by either an autorn8tic time dock or Plans rehrence page/secfl on :lldflh fnalal Qrrcloa Alalac V/ lo.Shutof damp€r @ntrols. Both outdoor air supply and exhaust are equipped wilh nol less than Class I mo,torized dampe6. Plans rEhrBnco page/seciion:imOl llta*A^ial Fatinmanl S,ahan/ltle Nt*ce t 11ft*,ze Pmtedion and Snolr mdt Syst€m contrrols, Freeze protedion sysEms, such as heat tracing of ouldoor plpino and heat- exdtang€rs, lnduding self-r€gulatlng heat trecing, indude aulomatic contols cspsble of shrntirB off the gystem8 when ouEoor air temporafur$ meet cod€ crlteria. Plans rcbren€ pagorsadion:NlA - No Systems in Prc,iad / lz.Separate alr dlstrlbulion systems. Zono6 with special proess temperature roquiroments and/or humirJity reqdrernents are senrcd by- seParate air disbibution Eystems from those serving zones Equiring only oomfurt conditions; or shall include supplementary control pmvislons so that ttle prlmary systems may be specifically conbolled for comfort purpose8 only. Plans rebrence pege/Godlon:NlA - N^ -Qrclmc in Pai*l 7 l3.Humldity control. Where a humktity control device eisb it is set to prewnt the use of bssil frrel or electricity to prcduoe relative- humidity in exoess of 30 perent. lMrere a humidity control d€vica is used for dehumidification, rt is set to prerrent the u86 o, fossil frrol or electrldty to r€duce r€lalive humidity below B0 p€rcent Plans rebrence psge/sedion: IVA - lrlo Svsfems in Pp.ieA ,/ la.Humldity conhol. lMtere a humldity conlrol dovico exists lt is cet to maintain a deadband of at least t 0% relauve humitlity wherc no- ective humklilication or dehumitlifcaton lirkes pla@. Plans rohrence pagdsection: l,t/A - No .Svdam-s in Pfritr] Prqfect Tllle RAD Horing - Hayden Brilge Meadows Repor{ dab: O7nzt,tS Data filenarn€: J:\8€Esund DeLaney AKril18033 MDHayden\Reporte\1Eo33 RAD Housing -Hayden Britfue illeadows Mechanicel COMch€d( 2019 0&26.cd( page 7 of 9 { 7 l SVentilation. Ventilation, either naural or mechanhal, ls proyided in accordance with Chapter 4 of the lnbmational Mecfianical Code.' Where mechankal ventllaflon ls provided, the syttem has thc Gapablltty to reduoe tho outdoor air eupply to the minimum required by Chapter 4 of the lntemational Mecfianical Code. Phm refierene pagdseclion:M(n I Ventiletion Scfied/re {16.Demand controlled vcntllston (DCu. OCV is requirEd br Bpaces larger than 500 lt2 fur simple systems and spaceE larger lhan 150 ll2 for multpl€ zone Eyst€ms. Plam rehr€ne pag€/seciioo:ttl/A - No Systerns in Proiect / 17.Kild1€n hood8. Kitfien makeup is provided as rcquircd by the Oregon Mecfianical Specialty Code. Plans rctrene page/seclion:N/A - No Su:stbms in Plt,ier{ J/ lS.Endosed parklng garage rr€ntllation conlrols. ln Group S-2, endooed parting garages used lor stodng or handlim automoblbs employ6' automatc carbon monoxlde Eansing d6virE8. Plans rebrene pagdsection:N/A - No Systbms in Ploieci jl 1g.D.tcl Bnd pl€num insulation and sealing. All urpply and retum air ducts and plenums ere insulated with the specified insulation. \Mren' located wilhin a building envelope assembty, he ducl or plenum is separated from th€ bulldiqg €xlerior or unconditioned or excmpt opaces by a minimum of R-8 lnsulation. All dud8, air handlers ard filter boxes are E€aled. Joinb and seams comply wlth Sedlon 603.9 of the lntematlonsl Mecfianlcal Code. rrl 2o.Low+r€ssurg duct sydems. All longiludinat and trarEverEe joinB, s6ams and connocdons of low-pressue supply en<l rctum duds are' GeoJ]ely fa6ter]ed end ssal€d with welds, gaekeb, mastics (adhesives), masUc-plus-€mbedd€d-fabric systems or tapes insta$ed in accordan@ wilh th€ manufadure/s installation instrudions, Phns rchrcnce pagolsecton:illlfll, GMeat Nr+ea ;/ 2l.Mediurn-pcssurc duci syEtems. All ducts and plenums <teslgne<l to op€rate medium-presure are insulabd and saaled in accordane' with Sedion 503.2.7. Pressue da*sifrcetions $pecificto the ducl system arc dearly indicated on th€ construcrion docilm€nb. Plans ebrene pag€/s€cilon: Mr\: No Sfc&aas-in irorea I 22Hig}}oriesEur€ dud 6ysbms. Duds designed to operate at high-pressure are insulat€d and sealod h accordance with Section 503.2.7.' ln additon, ducb and plenums arc leak-tesbd in accordan€ with the SMACI.IA HVAC Air Duct Leekage TeEl Manual. Plans r€brene page/sedon:MA - No Svsbrns in Prcied- J/ 23Af system balancing. Eadr supply air outht and zone terminal device iB equipped with means for air balancang ln eccorda.|@ wilh the' requlrements of IMC 603.17. Dlsch€rge damp€rs inlended to modulate airllolu are prohibibd on @nstant volum€ tans and verieble yolume fans wlth molors 10 horsepower. Plans relerenc€ pagels€c{lor :M(Xn General Ndes / z'lfianuEls. The onsfructlon documonE Bquire that an operallng and mairtenence marual be poviled to the bulldlng owner by the' mechanical contrador. See long descriptlon for $eclfcstions. Pl€ns ,eftrence page/sedion: MNO Geneta/ / **Sm?#i# fr"ffiltrS.?ll" r.*, havins a total fan system motor nameplate hp €xG€dins 5 hp meeb the provisions Plans rebrence p€ge/Eedion:i*rn Cntnl -Srclrrm llJzrfcn I 26Albilable fan lloor horseporuor. Eacfi HVAC sysbm at fan systern design conditions does not exc€od the ellowabl€ fan Eyslem molor' namedate hp (Option 1) or fan system bhp (Option 2) a6 sholn and calulated in requirement d6tails. Plans rebtence page/section:Mffil Mdnnical Eduibmenl Schedules I 27Nol6/t narreplat€ horsepotrEr. For eacfi fan, lhe selecbd fan motor k no larger lhsn the first available motor Bize grcabr than the brak€- horsepoyver(bhp). Plans rahronce page,bocilon: MNl ^/prr'tan,kd &uipnwrt Scrtedlttles / 28.Larye Volume Fan Systoms. Fan systems o\rer 8,000 (7 m?s) cfn wilhout direct expansion cooling coils thal son o single zones redue' airflow based on space thsrmosl,at heating and coollng demand. A two-speed motor or variabb tequ€ncy drive r€dtrceo airflor to a maximum 60 percent of peak airflow or minimum v€ntilatron air requirement as required by Chapter 4 of the lntemational iltedtanical Code, whlcfiewr is grester. Plans reference page/secilon:NIA - llo Svsfem.q in Pmixt I 2S,4Jl air+onditioning equipm€nl and air-handllng unhs with dired expansion cooling and e cooling capacity at ARI conditions greater lhan' or equal to 1 10,000 Btu/h that s€rve single zones ha\c their supply fan operation controll€d according lo code specific r6qulEmenb. Plans refu rence peg€y'ssdlon:NlA - Na -Qwlroas in tr.mia.+ Section 5: Compliance Statement Projec{ Title: RAD Hanshg - Flayden Bdttge MearlowE Report dalo: OtMAlg Data filenarne: J:\8€rFund DeLaney Antr\18033 RA[).Hayden\Reports\18033 RAD Housing -Hayden Brldge ireadolrys Medtanical @Mdted( 2019 06-26.cck page I of 9 &nplien@ Stebrneaf: The propG€d mechanical design epresented in lhis docirment is consisbnt with the bullding plans, sp€aficaliong and olher c€hulations submitEd with this permit applbaton. The proposed modrsnlcal sy'st€ins have been d€signed to rneet th€ 2014 Oregon Ercrgy Eficio'ncy Specialty Code requirernonts ln COMcfieck Version 4.1.1 .0 and to comply with th€ mendatory r€quireflr€nts in lhe Requirernents Checklist, Mictla€{ L. Hardy, PE O2. ,"LL|L?€o,jfinn019 Nsme - Title Signd,rr€Date Section 6: Post Construction Compliance Statement D I-IVAC rocord drawings of th€ aclual installation, system capaciti€s, calibratlon inbrmalion, and performance data ior each equiprnenl provided to $€ orn€r. tr I-IVAC O&M documents br all mecfranical equipment and system provlded to the owner by the mecftanical contrador. tr l/l/ritten HVAC belancing and operations report provided to the orvner. The above post condruction requirern€nts haw been completed, Prlnclpal lt,edmnlcal Ooslgnor-tlame Signature Date Prorect Titl€: RAD Housing - Hayden Bridge }leadows Report date: O7n2nS Data filenarne: J:\Bergsund Delaney Adrt18033 RAD-Hayden\ReportEU8033 RAD Housing -Hayden Bridge tlbadou,s Mechanicat COMcfieck 2019 O6-26.ock Page g of 9 Generated by COMcheck-Web Software Envelope Gompl iance Gertificate Section 1: Proiect lnformation Energy Code: 2014 Oregon Energy Efflclency Speclalty Code Project Title: Hayden Bridge Meadows Project Type: New Consfuction Envelope Compliance Method: Simplified Trade-Off Construction Site: gwnsr/Agent: 1975 5th Street Steve Ochs Springfield, Oregon Homes For Good Housing Agency 177 Day lsland Road Eugene, Oregon 97401 541 682-2s30 Designer/Confactor: Sara Berysund, AIA Bergsund DeLaney Anfi itecrture 1369 Ollve Steet Eugene, Orogon 97401 811€38€661xl berysund@bdarcfi.net Bullding Location (for weather data): Climate Zone: Vertcal Glazing /Wall Arca Pct.: Bulldlng Uso: Arca Type 1 {ommunity Building (ffice) : Nonresidential Springfield, Oregon 4c golo FloorArea 3405 Section 2: Envelope Assemblies and Requirements Checklist Envelope PASSES: Design 5% better than code Envelope Assemblies: Componont t{ame/Dercrlpdon Grocs Arca or Perlmeter Cavlty R-Value Cont R- Propoeed BudgetU- Valuo Ufaetor Fac'tor(a) Rooft Attic Roof, Wood Joists, [Bldg. Use 1 - Community Building] Ext. Wall: Wood-Framed,24ln. o.c., [Bldg. Use I - Community Buildingl Windour Viny' Frame, Perf. Specs.: Prcduct lD Prcduci lD, SHGC 0.35, [Bldg. Use 1 - Communlty Building] (b) Doon , Perf. Type: Energy code default Double Pane with Lorv-E, Clear, SHGC 0.70, [Bldg. Use 1 - Community Building] Door lnsulabd Metal, SwinginS, [BldS. Use 1 - Community Building] Floon Unheated Slab€n-Grade, Vertical 2 ft., [Bldg. Use 'l - Community Buildingl 3405 23@. 1U 30 72 256 60.0 23.O 0.017 0.057 0.290 0.550 0.500 0.027 0.064 0.350 0.350 0.700 0.0 0.0 15.0 V (a) Budget U-factors ars us€d for softrare baseline calculations ONLY, and ale not code requirsments. (b) Fenestration product perbrmance must be ceffied ln accodance with NFRC and requiros supporting documentation. ln the follovdng requlremerrts, dank c,,eclooxes identily requinments tiaf ttre appliant has not aclaowledged as iE,ing nl€,t. Ched<marlcs identify rcquircments thatthe appliant acknowledges are met or exoepbd from cr,mpliancr.. 'Plans rcfercnce pgel*clion' identtfies wlpre in the plandspecs the le,quiament can be wrtfred as bing wtlsfied. Feneetnation Product Ratlng: 1. U-factors of fanestration prcducts (windows, doors and s$flights) are determinod in accordance with NFRC 100 by an accredlted, lndependent laboratory, and labeled and ceilfied by the manufac'turer or arB debrmined uslng the commerciel size category values listed ln Chapter l5 of the 2009 ASHR E Handbook of Fundamentals, Table No.4 and shall indude the effects of the wlndortr frame. The temporary label afixed to ths ftnesbatlon products must not be rcmoved prbr to inspection. Etoopdon(s): tr Site-bullt tunesfation prcducts shall have a single certificate spedfiing glazing type, special coatngs, spaosrs, gas fills, cenbr-of- glass and overall U-factor, end cenbr-of-glass SHGC br svery typ€ of slte built glass used. Thes€ csrfificabs shall be mainhined on the jobeite and made avallable b the inspector. Prolec* Tite: Hayden Bridge Meadows Data llleneme: Rsport dab: OOnSl1.g Page I of 3 Specifications Section 085313 Vinyl Windows Plans rebrenco pagey'seclion: ftz Solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of glazed feneetration products (windora, glazed doors and slqylights) shall be debrmined in accordance with NFRC 200 by an accredibd, independent laboratory, and labeled and certified by the manufac'turer or be determined using the Solar Heat Gain Coeficients (SHGC) in Chapter '15 of the 2009 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundarnentrals, Table No.10. The overall values must consider type of fame material and operator br the SHGC at normal incidence. Exception(s): tr Site-built fenestration products shall have a single certlficate speciffing glazing type, special coatings, spacers, gas fills, center-of- glass and overall U-fac{or, and cenbr-of4less SHGC br every type of site built glass used. These certificabs shall be maintained on the jobsite and made available b the inspector. Plans reference pagey'seclion:Specifications Section 085313 Vinyl Windows Air Leakage, lnsulation, and Component Certiftcation:-)5f, Sealing of the building envelope. Openings and penebations in the building envelope are soeled with caulking materials or cloeed with' gasketing sllstems compatible with the construc'tion materlals and location. Joints and s@lnsi are eealed in the same manner or taped or covered with a moistur€ vapor-permeable wrapping mabdal. Sealing materials spanning joints between construc'tion materials allour for expansion and conbaction of he comtuction materials. Plans returence page/sectbn: -Drawing Sheet 4613 v 4. Window and door assemblies. The aii iaakaga of ."-indow a;d siiding oi srvinging door assemblies that are pail of the building envelope er€ dotorminod in accordance with AAMAMDMA/CSA 101/1.S.2M40, or NFRC 400 by an accredited, independent laborabry, and labeled and cedified by the manufac'turer. Exooptton(s): tr Siteonstsucted wlndora and doors that ale weatherstrlpped or sealed in accordenca with Sec'tion 502.4.3. Plans reference pagey'section :Specifications Section 085313 Vinyl Windows g 5. Curtain wall, sbrefront glazing anci comrnerciai entrance rioom. Curiain waii, storeiront giazing anc! commercialglazed swinging enbance doors and revolving doors are tested for air leakage in accodance with ASTM E 283. For curtain walls and storefront glazing, the maximum air leakage rate is 0.3 cubic bot per mlnute p€r square foot of fenestratlon area. For commercial glazed swinging enbance doors and revolving doors, the maximum air leakage rate is 1.00 c'frn/fl2 of door area. Exceptton(s): .{,Requirement is not applicable. Plans refiercnce page/sec{ion : F 6. Building thermal envelop€ insulation. An R-value identification mark is applied (by manufacturer) b each piece of insulation 12 inches or greater in width. Altemately, the insulation instiallers have provided a signed, dated and posted certification listing the type, manufac{urer and R-value of insulation installed. Refer to code seclion for blown or sprayed insulation installation/seftling depths and marter requiremenb. g 7. lnsulation mark installation. lnsulating materials are installed such that the menufacture/s R-value mark is readily observable upon rnSp€ctron. Al 8. lnsulation product rating. The thermal resistance (R-value) of insulation has been determined ln accordance with the U.S. FTC R-value' ru|e. Vl 9. lnstallation. All material, systems and equipment are installed in accordance with the manufacture/s installation insbuc'tions end the ' lntemational Building Code. g 10.Ou6oor air intakes and exhaust openings. Stair and elevabr shaft vents and other outdoor air intakes and exhaust openings integral to the building envelope shall be equipped with not less than a Class I motorized, leakage'rated damper with a rnaximum leakage rate of 4 cfrn per square foot 8t 1.0 inch water gauge when tested in accordance with AMCA 500D. Stair and shaft vent dampers shall be capable of being automatically cloaed during normal building operation and interlocked to open as required by fire and smoke deteclion sy6bms. Exception(s): F Requirement is not applicable. Plans rebrence page/sec'tion: g 1 1 . Loading dock weatherseals. Cargo doors and loading dock dd)rs ane equlpp€d with weather seals to restric,t infiltration when vehicles arc paked in the doorway. Sceplion(s): Et Requiremont is not applknble..\J Plans rebrence pagey'section: O 12.Rocossod lightng. Recossod luminairee installed ln the building thermal envelope are sealed to llmit air leakage between conditioned and unconditioned spacas. All recessed lumlnaires arc lC-rated and labeled as m€otlng ASTM E 283. All rec€ss€d lumlnaires ere sealed wlth a gasket or caulk betureen the houslng and interlor wall or celllng coverlng. Projeci Tite: Hayden Bridge Meadows Data filename: Reporl date: 0625/19 Page 2 of 3 Exeptbn(s): X Requircment b not appllcable. Plans refierene page/eecton: F l3.Vesdbule. tloors ttl8t sepsreb condl0oned spre fom the er(Erlor arB probcbd wllh an endced wsdbule, wlth all doort of the vesdbule equlp@ wlth self+loolng d€vlces. V€sdbulos ele d€slgnd so lnbrior and cxbdor dmrt b not op€ratB Blmrlbn€ot sly. Exapdut(s): O Dooc not ltrbnded b b€ uEed as a bulElng enhancs dor, sudr as doors b modrenlcal or electical oqulpmont tmms. O Dooc openlrq dlocfy ftom a shaplry unlt a drellkp unit O Doors thet open dhecily ftom a rpeoe less thsn 3fiD aq. fL ln se. O Rerolvlng doon. tr Doots tlsed pdmrdly b lbdlltab vohlcular rpvsmont or mdorbl iundllng and dlecant Fmonnel doors. A Requlmrrent b rct appllcable. Plans ]lblBnco pege/secoon: g 1a.O0rd componenE lurc supportry dumenffion brpmpoesd U+a&rs. @ur(s): tr Requlremant b notappllcabb. Plam rtrpnce peoBhodm: Section 3: Compliance Statement @ntplfuicp s,,lenF/nt The poposed enrolope dosEn tlptDsonbd ln thls document b conslsbnt wlth the bulldlng planc, spcdfcatlom and o0pr calcubtons stsmltbd wlh thle pemlt appllcaUon. The propced cnvslopo sldorn hG boon deslg?Ed b meot $o 20f 'l Ottgon Endgy Etrdency S@alty Code nlqulrprpntc ln COMdpck-t{/e0 aM b comply ldth the mandabry roqullerilonb ln the Requlrtrnentr Ch€cldhil Sara Bergsund, AIA Principal b'L5-t Name - Tite Slgnature Date Prc.lect TIte: tbyden Bridge Msadow8 Data filename: Repoil date:062ry19 Page 3 of 3 COMcheck Sofhrare Version 4.0.0 lnterior Lighting ComPliance Certificate Section 1: Proiect lnformation Energy Code: 2014 Oregon Energy Efflclency Speclalty Code Project Title: Hayden Bridge Meadows Apartments Project Type: New Construction Construction Site: 1975 Sth Street Springfield, OR Owner/Agent: Sara Bergsund Bergsund DeLaney 1369 Olive Street Eugene, OR 97401 Designer/Contractor: James Krumsick Paradigm Engineering 85193 Appletree Drive Eugene, OR 97405 541 285 1680 jkrumsick@outlook.com Section 2: lnterior Lighting and Power Calculation A Area Category B Floor Area (fi2) c Allowed Watts / ft2 D Allowed Watls (BxC) Restroom (Common Spae Types:Restrooms) (Ceiling Height I fl.) Office (Common Space Types:Office - Endosed) (Ceiling Height 8 fl.) Entry (Common Space Types:Lobby) (Ceiling HeQht I fi.) Meeting Room (Common Space Types:Lounge/Recreation) (Ceiling Height 8 fi.) Storage (Common Space Types:Ac{ive Storage) (Ceiling Height 8 fl.) Electrical / Mechanical (Common Space Types:Electrical/tu'ledlanicaUData Center) (Ceiling Height 8 ft.) Laundry (Common Space Types:Workshop) (Ceiling Height 8 ft') 0.82 0.97 0.9 0.73 0.63 0.95 66 170 81 752 709 148 Kilctren (Common Space Types:Food Preparation) (Ceiling Height I fr.) 1.64 0.99 266 129 Section 3: lnterior Lighting Fixture Schedule Total Allo'a/ed Watts = 2320 BCDE Lamp.g/ f of Flxture (C X D) Flxture Fixfures WatL A Fixturo lD : Description, Lamp, Wattage Per Lamp I Balllst LED 15: B: Surface LED: Othen 2 24 48 68LED 16: C: Wall Mounted LEB Other: LED 12: F: LED Troffer: Other: LED 18: D: Surface LED: Othen Meeting Room ( Common Space Types:Lounge/Recreation 1030 sq.fr.) LED 10: M: Pendant Hoop: Other: LED I 1: G: Surface LED: Other: 2 u 240 80 24 10 48't 40 LED 8: F: LED Troffer: Other: LED 13: S: LED Strip Light: Other: Electrical / Mecfianical ( Common Space Types:ElectricaUMechanicaUData LED 6: S: LED Strip Light: Other: Laundry ( Common Space Types:Workshop 162 sq.fr.) LED 4: G: LED Surface: Other: Center 156 sq.ft.) 132781 1 5 40 135 80 40 27 'l 2 40 Projec{ Title: Hayden Bridge Meadows Apartments Data filename: C:\UsersUim\OneDrive\Documents\Projects\Taney Street Apts\Comcheck.cck Report date: 0626/19 Page 1 of5 80 175 90 1030 1125 156 ,162 130 1 1 1 48 480 40I 1Other: 1 Kitchen ( Common Space Types:Food Preparation 130 sq.fi.) 2: F: Recessed LED Trof{en Othen 1 40 40 Total Proposed Watts = 1200 Section 4: Requiremenb Checkllst tn he following nqulremants, btank checkboxcs identify requtnmenb trat the appliant has nd acknowledged as baing.fidl th,r!*rf" lden8fy rcguinments that he appllant ad<nowledgBs arc met or e.xe,ptad ftom amplianoo. 'Plans referenee pagp/section' ldentifres whare in thc plans/specs the nquircment en be verified as bcing satisficd. Lightlng Waftage: y' 1- Tolal proposed watts must be less than or equal to tolal allowed watts. Allo^,ed Wattage:2320 Proposed Wattage: 1200 Complies: YES Mandatory Requlremente: y 2. Exitsigns. lntemallylllumlnatedexitsignsshall notexceedSwattsperside. Plans reference page/section y 3. Daylight zone control. All daylighl zones are provided with individual conlrols that control the lights independent of general area lighting in lhe non-daylight zone. ln all individual daylight zones larger lhan 350 sq.fl., automatic daylight controls is provided. Automalic daylight sensing controls reduce the light output of the controlled luminaires at least 50 percent, and provide an aulomatic OFF control, while maintaining a unlform level of illumination. Contiguous daylight zones adjacent to vertical fenestration may be conkolled by a single controlling device provided that they do not include zones facing more than two adjacent cardinal orientations (i.e., north, east, south, west). Daylight zones under skylights shall be conlrolled separately fom daylight zones adjacent to vertical fenestration. Plans reference page/section:Not Aooliceble yz 4. lnterior lighting controls. At least one local ehutoff lighting control has been provided for every 2,000 square Eet of lit f,oor area and- eacfr area endosed by wells or froor-to-ceillng partitions. The required controls are located within the area served by the controls or are a remote switdr that identilies lhe llghts sen ed and indicates their status. Plans referencE oage/Bection: y 5. Sleeping unit controls. Master switch at entry to hoteymotel guest room. Plans reference page/section:Nat Aoolicable y 6. Egress lighting. Egress illumination is controlled by a combinalion of listed emeryency relay and occupancy sensors to shut off during- periods that ihe building spaoe served by the means of egress is unocanpied. Plans reference page/section: y 7. Mdllional controls. Eadr area that is required to harc a manual conlrol shall have additional conlrols that meet the requircments of Sections 505.2.2.1 and 505.2.2.2. Plans neference pagelaection: y' 8. LEht reducffon controls. Eacfi spaca requlred to have a manual control also allows for reducing the connected lighting load by al least 50 percent by either 1) controlling (dimming or multi{evel switching) all luminaires; or 2) dual switching of sltemate rows of luminaires, altemate luminaires, or allemate lamps; or 3) awitching the middle lamp luminaires independently of other lamps; or 4) sdtching each luminaire oreadt lamp. Plans reference page/seclion: y 9. Buildings larger than 2,000 square bet are equipped with an automatic contml device to shut off lighting in those areas. This aulomatic conhol device shall function on either: l) a sdreduled basis, using timeof4ay, wilh an independent program schedule that controls the interior lighting in areas that do not exceed 10,000 square feet and ere not more than one flool; or 2) an occupant sensor that shall lum lighting off within 30 minutes of an occupant leaving a space; or 3) a signal ftom another control or alarm system that indicates lhe area is unoccupied. Plans reference page/section: y $,acrrlpansy s€nsora in rooms that indude daylight zones are required to have Manual ON adivation. Plans reference page/section: y l|An ocq$ant sensor @ntrol device is installed lhat automatically turns lighting off within 30 minutes of all occupants leaving a space. Plans reference page/section: Project Title: Hayden Bridge Meado,trs Apartments Data filename: C:\UsersUim\OneDrive\Documents\Projecls\Taney Street Apts\Comcheck.cck Repo( date: 06X26/19 Page 2 of 5 -.-.2 l2Additional controls. An occr.rpant sensor control device thst sutomatically tums lighting off within 30 minutes of all occl,PanB leavlng a ''--;;;;;.fooffyrair.ted's$ritdtthatautomaticallytumslightingoffw{thin30minutesofbeingadivatedisinstallodinallst'orageand sirppty rooms up to 1000 square feet. ./ .l3.OcaDant ovenide. Automatic lighting shutofioperating on a timeofday scfieduled basis incorporates an ownlde switdtlng devicet '-' th;it[ Lal1y "ccessible, 2)-is bLted so that a person using the device can see he lights or the area controlled by that switdt' or so lhat the area being iit is annunciated, 3) is manually operated, 4) allours the lighting to rcmain on for no more lhan 2 hous when an ovenide is initiated, and 5) controls an sfea not exceeding 2,000 square feet. .z l4.Holiday scheduling. Automatic lighting shutoff operating on a timeof.day scheduled basis has an automatic holiday scheduling feature- that tums off all loads for at least 24 hours, then resumes the normally scheduled operation. Plans reference page'/seclion:Nal Annliaahle .z ls.Exterior lighting controls. Lighting not designated for dusk-toiawn operation shall be controlled by either a combination of att - pnoto."nior "-nd a 6me stdt*r, or an astronomical time switch. Ughting designated fordusk-todawn operation shall be controlled by an astronomical time switctt or photosensor. Plans rcference Page/seclion: ./ l6Jandem wiring. The following luminaires located within the same area shall be tandem wired:v i. Fluoresce-nt luminaires equipped with one, three or odd-numbered lamp configurations, thal are r€cess'{nounted withln 10 feet canter-totenter of each other. 2. Fluorescent luminaires equipped with one, three or any odd+umbered lamp confguration, that are pendant- or surface'mounted within 1 foot edge- tredge of each other. Plans reference page/section:N6l Annli.ehla y' 17 .Medic;/l task lighting or arUhistory display lighting claimed to be exempt from compliance has a control device independent of the control' of the nonexempt lighting. Plans reference page/section: Not Aoplicable y' 18.Each dwelling unit in a building is metered separately. Plans reference page/section: Section 5: Compliance Statement lnterior Lightin PASSE$: Design,4896 better than code ,).-G-2/.'Za n Name - Title Date Projed Title: Hayden Bridge MEadorrs Aparlrnents Data filename: C:\Use6uim\OneDrive\Documents\ProJects\Taney Stneet Apts\Comcheck.cck Report date: 0626/19 Page 3 of 5 Checklist. COMcheck Sofhtrrare Version 4.0.0 Exterior Lighting Gompliance Gertificate Section 1: Project lnformation Energy Code: 2014 Oregon Energy Efficlency Specialty Code Projed Title: Hayden Bridge Meadows Apartments Project Type: New Construction Exterior Lighting Zone: 2 (Neighborhood business district) Construction Site: Owner/Agent: 1975 sth Street Sara Bergsund Springfield, OR Bergsund DeLaney 1369 Oli\re Street Eugene, OR 97401 A Exterlor Aroa/Surface Quantlty Section 2: Exterior Lighting Area/Surface Power Calculation c Allowed Watts I Unlt Designer/Contraclor: James Krumsick Paradigm Engineering 85193 Appletree Drive Eugene, OR 97405 541 285 1680 jkrumsick@outlook. com D Tradablo 'tyattago EF Allowed PropoeedWetts Watts (BxC) B Parking Lot (Parking area) Walkway (Walkway < 1 0 feet wide) Front Entry (Entry canopy) Side Entries (Other door (not main entry)) 32368 ff2 820 ft of walhrvay lenglh 265 t2 90 fl of doorwidth 0.06 0.7 0.25 20 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1942 574 66 1 800 637 1424 76 50 Total Tradable Watts' = 4382 2187 Total Allowed Watta = 4382 Total Allowed Supplemental Watls* = 600 'Wattage tadeoffs are only allovrnd betumen tradable areas/surfaces.* A supplernental allowance egual to 600 watls may be applbd to,rard omplianca of both non-tradable and tradable areas/suriaceg. Section 3: Exterior Llghting Fixture Schedule Flxture !D : Descriptlon I f-rril I Wattage Per Lamp, Ballast BCDE Lamps/ # of Flxture (C X D) Fixture Fixturos WatL LED 1: T1, T3: Pole Mounted LED: Oher: LED 2: P: Post top Fixture: other: LED E: W: LED Bollard: Oher: Frcnt Entry ( Entry canopy 265 fl2): Tradable Watlage LED 5: N: LED Area Light Other: 12 100 28 't 13 49 637 1200 2248 6 't1 10 66 10LED 9: R: LED Well 1 51 10 50LED 6: R: LED Wall Mounted Fixture: Other: Total Tradable Proposed Watts = 2187 Section 4: Requirements Checklist ln thc foltowing reguirements, blank chackboxes idenb'fy raquire ments that the appliant has not acknowladged as being mci Checkmarks identify requinnanls hat tha applicant acknowledges are met or exapted from ampllano. 'Plans refercncc page/section' identifles where in he plans/qecs the raqulrenent an ba vcrified as being satisfiad. Controle, Switching, and Wlring: Projed Title: Hayden Bridge Meadoltn Apartments Data filename: C:\UsersUim\OneDrive\Documents\Projeds\Taney Street Apts\Comcheck.cck Report date: 06/26119 Page 4 of 5 1 ,.t 1. Lightins designated to operate more than 2000 hours per year for Uncovered Parking Areas shall be equipped with motion sensor$ that ' *it rejrcu tie luminaire power by thirty-lhree percent or tum off one-third the luminaires when no activity is det€cted. Exterlor Llghting Restrictions and ExceptionE: g 2. Meranry vapor and incandescent lighting is not permitted for use as exterior lighting. ]7 a. exempt tighting fixtures are equipped with a control device independent of the control of the nonexempt lighting and are identified in- Section 3 table above. Plans referenca Pagelsection:N.,l Annlieehle SEction 5: ComPliance Statement Comptianc€ S ,tement: The proposed exterior lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specificalions and other calanlations submitted with this permit application. The proposed lighting system hae been deeigned to meet the 2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Gode requirements in CoMcheckVersion 4.0.0 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in lhe Requirements Checklist. J-*{ frr.*,*pa G-%-za t1 Name - Title Date Projed Title: Hayden Bridge Meadows Apartments Data filename: C:\Users\Jim\OneDrive\Documents\Projects\Taney Slreet Apts\Comcheck.cck Report date: 06126/19 Page 5 of 5