HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2020-02-27OR.EGON Web Address: www.springfi eld-or.9ov Building Permit Commercial Sign Permit Number: 81 1-2O-OOO2O8-SIG N IVR Number; 811045741525 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54t-726-3753 Email Add ress : permitcenter@springfield-or.9ov SPRINGFIELD Permit Issued: February 27, 2O2O TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction : Commercial Submitted Job Value: $0.00 Description of Work: Sign (1) Safeway Type of Work: None Specified JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite Address 1891 PIONEER PARKWAY EAST Springfield, OR 97477 Parce! 1703262302302 Owner: Address: PIONEER PLAZA SPRINGFIELD LLC 9015 MOUNTAIN RIDGE DR STE 350 AUSTIN, rX 78759 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATIOil Business Name RAMSAY SIGNS INC - Primary License ccB License Number 63422 Phone 503-777-4555 PENDING INSPECTIONS Inspection 6999 Final Sign 6940 Sign Attachment 6950 Electrical Service - Sign Inspection Group Signs Signs Signs Inspection Status Pending Pending Pending Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work' contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project, Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon'gov callortexttheword,,schedule''to1.888-299-2E2luseIVRnumber:B|1o4574I525 ScheduleusingtheoregonePermittinglnspectionApp,search.'epermitting,,intheappstore PermitsexPireifworkisnotstartedwithinlsoDaysofissuanceorifworkissusPendedforlsoDaysorlongerdependingon the issuing agencY's Policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with wh€ther specified herein or not' Granting of a permit does not presume to give authori'ty to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction' ATTENTION: oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the oregon utility Notification centef' Those rules are set forth in oAR 9s2-oo1-oo10 through oAR 952-oo1-oo9o. you miy obtain copies of the rules by calling the center at (503) 232-L947, All gersons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless (Structural/Mechanical), ons azg'SaO (Electrical)' and oRS 693'O1O-O2O (Plumbing)' Printed ont 2l27l2l Page L ol 2 exempted by oR.s 7o1.o1o C :\myReports/reports//prcduction/01 STANDARD A- ,/ sb SCHEDULING Permit Number: 81 1-2O-OOO2Oa-SIGN Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Balance of minimum permit fees - electrical Sign or outline lighting Technology Fee Copies - > 5, up to 11x17, per each State of Oregon Surcharge - Elec (L2o/o of applicable fees) Permanent sign - 0 to 35 square feet, per sign Sign plan review, per sign Printed oil 2127/20 Quantity 11 1 1 Total Fees: Fee Amount $13.00 $89.00 $12.08 $s.s0 $t2.24 $88.00 $46.00 $26s.82 1 Page 2 of 2 C :\myReports/reports//production/01 STANDARD PERMIT FEES CITY OF SPRINGT.IHLD, OIIEGON;,ii till 0 225 FIFTH STREET r SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 o Ytl:(541)726-3753 r FAX: (541)726-368e CIty Jolr 1?z4rqN t%qq ,rd1 {iJi di 0) ,,di IF'ii ,?r D I ax [,ot:b)\o7Asgessors Orvner: Address:5 Business Name, Firm, L Phone: 815 V\<R-( f)e.scription of hoposed Sign(s): (Please cheok and complcte all appopriate ir:formation) -X- Wa1 Freestanding Projeoting Roof -lrtlarquee X Sioo,u Fuo. Double Face Billboard -_ Other Square Footage:29.1 Total l{eight abovc Grade:20.06' Vertioal Dimcnsion of Sigr or Enolosure:5.83'Horizontal Widdr of Sigrr or Enolosure: Etectrioal lnstallation:-LYes -No 5' Dimension from Grade to Bottom of Sign Enclosure 14,23', (f yes additional eleotrical pormit required) Aluminum, vinYl Value of Sign:3500 Material Sign is Construoted of: List ALL existing signage and attnch a photograph ofeach sign: (a) Typc (o) Type Wall sq. Frg. 197'74sgft 1u) Type Wall e^ Etn 37.84soft sq. Ftg. 29sqft (a) typ" Wall sq Fts. gsqft {ll ,'tF{i H 0r &r Contraotor/lnstslltll -Bgmsav Sims - plro" Addrqs.s: 9160 SE 74th Ave . Portland Statc:OR 63422 Expires Constuotion Contraclors Registration 503-777-4555 97206Lrpi - City OFFICE USE ,,d1 SigrrDistrict: I firther agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the ptoPer tirne, that Pojeot address is readable from the street, that the Permit card is looated at the set of plans rvill remain on the site at all Date \.,7 1nm,times during thc of the front ofthe property, aud thc approved Shsed fkiydT:yBriklirel Fomre/Sien Ptrmit APplietionl {2 ds Site Addrcss: 'lRQ'l Pinnoor Parkwey tr -- -l-x CITY OF SPRINGFIEI,D, ORIXGON Electrical Permit A lication AFPI,.GFIEL6 225 Fifth Strrct. Spritrgrlcldi o[t 97417 ePfl<541)726-t?irr frA{s.tl)726-3689 This permit is issued under OAR 918-309-0000. Permits are nontranrfcrnble Pel'mlts eqrirc if workis not started n'lthln 180 rlays of issuanoe or if rvorhir surpended for 180 days. Permirno.: 2PUC2JJb Date: 2\b\ro Zoning appror,al verified? E yes fl iqo I Residential $ Cornmercial Resldenflnl, per unit, service hrcluded:I Governrrent t,@0 sq. ft. orless (4)$r51.00 $ Job site addrcss: Each additimal 500 sq- ft. or portioo thereof $ 28.00 $ City: Springfield State:Qp,'LtP: 97477 | l_-t-i,,ina eaorgy (2)$ 36.00 $ Refercnce:Taxlot.:Eacll rnarrufac(ured horns or modular dnrclling sorvice or feuJar (2)s 71.00 $ lnstall (1) sign circuit Selvlces ol feodcrc: inslqllollon, al letnll ort, re locsllqt 200 aarps or less (2)$ 91.00 $ 20I to400 arups (2)$106.00 $ Namc:401 to CSO arnps (2)${78.00 $ Address:601 to 1,000 anps (2) State:ZIP:Ovol 1,000 amps or volts (2) $230.00 $ $527.00 $ Plpne;Fax:Reconrect ooty (2)$ 71.00 $ E-mail Tempolnlv selvlccs ol fccdcls: itrslallalion, alleruti at, rclocalion This installation is being made on residential or farm property owned by me or a menrlrcr of my immediate family. l'his property is uot intended for sale, exchange, lease, or rent. OAR 47 e.540(1) and 479.560( l). 200 anrps or loss (2)$ 7r.00 $ 201 to 400 amps (2)$ 98.00 $ 401 to 6fi) anps (2)$142,00 $ Over 600 anrps or I,000 volts, see services ot'fedors soction abovo )t Branch ci lcui h : net4 il let'ut i ott, ext en s ion p e r pane I Busincss name. RamsaY Signs a. Fee for branoh oirouits with purchaso ofa service or'feeder fcc: Address: 9160 SE 74lh Ave Each brorch circuit s 7.00 $ Crty: Portland Stnte: OR 7,{P:972O6 b- Foo for bratoh cirouits rvilhout prrchasc ofa scrvicc or feoder fce: Phone: 503-777-4555 Fax:5O3-777-O220 First branc.h oirouit (2)$ 62.00 e E-mail:Each additional branch circrrit $ 7.00 $ CCB license rlo.:63422 BCDlioense no.: 2G106 CLS lliscellaneous fces: serube orleeda' nol lttcfudad licerse no.: 493SlG Each purnp or inigation circle (2)$ 71.00 $ Print name of PhiI Each sign or outline lighting (2)(1)$ 7{.00 $ Signature of signing *rp"*iro.:1 )^ at ) Signal circuit or a liuited-energy panel, alteratiol, or edension (2)$ 82.00 (. Each rdditirmd lnspectionr (1)s82.00 $ (A) Enter subtotal of abovo fees (Minlmum Pernft troe $82.00)$ @) Euter 12%o surchargc (.12 x [A])s (C) Tochnology Fee (5% of [A])$ (D) Continuing Education Fee $2.50 s2.50 TOTAL fees nnd surclrarges (A through D):$ 440 -258 4 -t ( nt nor4lcoM) City: I I TTIIGffialaaa al ----fo)o :tt E,o oJ IJJ II(9 z. E.o- ct, ,\ \, 3 IJJlJ- ln It It It rt ll It li It d)",TITLE: SITE PLAN DATE: o1-12-20 APPRovEo k l,...........R It li DATE \- 7_O JOB NO.2D z a*. ZONE OCCUPANCY ROI.'P UNIT OCCUPANCY THE CONTENTS HERE ON HAVE BEEN REVIEWED, WITH ALTERATIONS NOTED ON THE PLANS OR BY AT[ACHMENT.'-- -------rQr-srREEr- CHANGES ORALTERATIONS MADE TO THE APPROVED ;_-- DRAWINGS OR PROIECTAFTER THE DATE BELOW SHALL BE APPROVED BYTHE BUILDING OFFICIAI. L STGNABE GoNSULTTNG PERMITS / VARIANtrEs OEsrGN......... PROJ EET MANAG EM ENT SAFEWAY (, sToRE #1094 ,r9,266 G.S.F. 36' STARBUCXS flISTINGRtrAIL 24' PHARMACY 36' STARBUCKS 2' X 141 S/F CAB. TBD ,t@ c 5'DRIVE-UP SATEWAY STACKED 60' SAFEWAY ursrNC RflAIL n, other signs and to qISTING C]TY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON SITE PLAN - NTS CS SrEN CoRpoRATtoN 2I.I5 Nl,1/ 96YH STREET SEATLE, WA 9BII7 VortrE: (206) 949-'rO3O FAx: (2O6) 453-3rl1'7 m. I I rruIITffiffia a aI a o t a I C 3lr!lJ- lrl \i.lo)o +t E,o ciJ IJJ lJ-(9 z,to-a TITLE: ELEVATI D N S DATE3 E1-12-20 APPRt]VED SIGNAGE GoNSULTINC PERMITS / VARIANGEs DEsrGN..,,.,... PREJ EcT M ANAG EM ENT CS SIGN CORPtrRATION 2II5 N\r'\r' 96TH STREET SEArLE, wA 94f 17 vorcE: (206) 949"705cJ FAx: (2O6) 453-3rl1'7 South Elevation - NTS 34 Partlal west Elevatlon - Scale 3132D ='l'-OD West Elevation - NTS n , other signs and to Il I n ,t I il -l FUruRE ENANTTBOiltutb I tl EU ( ti-----------5 f n 2 14'-6',EQ Partial South Elevation - Scale 3132' =l'-OD 3811', Partlal South Elevation - Scale 3/32' =lLOt EQ 5'-0 C 3 UJII Itl n+:o)o :tt E.o ciJlU lJ-(9 z. e,o-(r, EQEQ 3'{', EQ EQEQ EQ14',-o',TITLE: ELEVATI D N S OATE: o1-12-24 APPRoVED STGNAGE EoNSULTTNG PERMITS / VARIANtrES DEsr8N......,,, PREJ EET MANAG EM ENT trS SIEN CORPORATIEN 2115 N\,rr' 96TH STREET SEATLE, wA 9E'117 vorcE: (2O6) 949-'7o54 FAx: (2O6) 453-3O1'7 a JlJa lNew5lsn I 5'-0' I ? 1 ATTACHMETIT SECTION DETAIL . TYPICAL MS wooD OR EIFS REMOTE PLACED TRANSFORilERS IN APPROVEO, IVEAIHERPROOF A. 1/4'RivelNullns€ds inBackof Letter-Non-Corrosive Securement Using Appropriate I\,!ounling Hardware B. Blocking as Required per Location C. DisconnectSwitch atTransformerCan D. 1/4' Drain Holesas Required E. 20 amp 120 V. Circuits Required F. l\rfg. Plastic Pass-Thru with end conn€ctors G. LED Power Supply Brand Colors &ls Painted Finishes Q rounrcnsllt'cARDTNALRED'#3630-53 Vinyl Face Colors Q ru'cmotlALRED'#3630-53 ,\ \, 3IIJlJ- lt) rco)o :tt to ciJ IIJ 1r-(, z. e,o-a b E METAL BOX NoTE: coNNECTION DETAIL MUST BE coNFIRMED BYSIGN COMPANY MAmIL: 150 Mfr EPoLrcMBoNATE UTT3M "CMDINALRED' *3fi G53 LfrEB FACES! Jo +nflveU TOGGLE TYPE ELECTRICAL DISCONNECTIN mlt CAP: 3e, 4a' coB& RtD 0N DrsC. oUCX 0N LEnEES RtrAlXERS: 60' illBt& 1'auil.{frtacE) couB: RED (0NDISC) ELECIRIGAL: FILE: 'DUG STOREFRONTSIGNVERT" 29.31 sq. ft J BOX AS TITLE: SIGN SPEtrS DATE: E1-12-20 APPREVED SIGNAGE GoNSULTINE PERMrrs / VaRraNtrES DEStGN,,.,.,... PRoJEtrT M ANAE EM ENT a a3 a I aarl i{ c FETURNS: MlfBllL: 050PRE-PATNIFD Al !M SIZE 5'DEEP BACKS: MAEnlt: 3M aCM tund orEquvaleil C00F:wrE GS SIGN trERPORATION 2115 N\,r' 96TH STREET SEArLE, wa 94117 VorcE: (2o6) 949-'7O5O FAxr (2061 453-3O 1 '7 i oo \ MEB SUFPLT sEHINDWALL c & 3: 9"1 112"1/4' LAG SCREWS IN SHIELDS OR TOGGLE.BOLTS AS NEEDED TYP) (MtNTMUM FOUR(4) PER LETTEn) -- .O9O (MtN) ALUMINUM LETTER RETURN & FACE CLEAR LEXAN BACK 11',-o"IPharmac v WHITE L.E,D. EVERY 4- AND 3.I/2" ON CENTER ffi Itul)=fHl tv-+ir,<i@rl1446" TETTER THROUGH WALI PASS THROUGH CONDUIT 1 2 VOLT POWER SOURCE ATTACHED TO INTERIOR WAt! FRAME 1 10 V. PRIMABY FEED 1/4" WEEP HOI,ES AS NEEDEO WALL MCA I2 VOLT LED RMRSE ILUM]N AtrD tffiR SECM Sign must be approved by the National El€ctriel Code' UndeMitere Laboratory, CUL,and all applicable lo€lcodes. Disconnect switch in primary to be within sighi of sign (sign includes power supply enclosure) REF: NEC 'l'10-3 [Bl 600-2, 600-4 Primary elslri€l sou@ (1/2" conduit minimum) REF: NEC 6004,600-21 SCALE:1 - 1 {" SPECIFICATIONS: al SINGLE faced intemally illuminated wall mount logo disk Logo disk @binet to be 4" deep, - fabricated hom .063" aluminum, painted to match satin finish Black polyurethane. Face lo be 3/16" White acrylic. 1" Black Trimcap with square head screws retainer edging. Graohics of loqo to be 1st surface 3M TEnslucent S@tch€lvinyl. Copy to show thru White of @ ttotty creen *de30-T6 background. Logo to show thru white of Black #230-22 background lntemally illuminate logo disk with Brilite #4500 H.o. EGL White. 30 ma. neon glass grid Power with 12Ov transfomeicovered in White vinyl film. Glass housings to be E bit. Primary wire to run thru 1/2' rigid conduit to wall. Flush mount to wall with 3/8" lag bolts as required TITLE: SIGN SPEtrS DATE: o1-12-2D ,APPRoVED 36" SIGNAGE EoNSULTING 4'l20v 2.4AtilP5 PERMITS / VARIANCES DEStGN.....,... PREJECT M ANABEM ENT IIIIHTM ffiffi tIII a t:r+ O)o -:tt E,o ciJ IIJ lJ-(9 z. e.o-(t, ,\ \, 3EIlJ- tl "PHARMACY" HALO ILLUMINATED LETTERS & LOGO COLOB & MATERIAL SCHEDULE LETTERS & LOGO 3" DEEP FABRICATED ALUMINUM REVEBSE CHANNEL LETTERS PAINTED POLISHED BLACK. FACES & RETURNS: .090 ALUMINUM BACKS: CLEAR LD(AN ILLUMINATION: WHITE L.E.D. HALO ILLUMINATION. L.E.D. MOUNTED EVERY 4" AND 3.1/2" ON CENTEB. ATTACHMENT: MOUNTED TO FASCIA USING 1 1/2" STAND-OFFS. SCALE:'ll2" ='l -0" End View Er^ht \/iq,! GS siIEN EERPORATION ZIIS N\/!, 96TH STREET SEATLE, WA gElll7 vorcE: (2O61 949-7OAo FAx: {2O6) 453'3cJ1'7 SAF.12.CMPCT-LED 6',-7" 5'-s 3/4" 5L0" SAFEWAVT" s',-9'12" .SAFEWAY" HAO ILLUMINATED LETTERS & 'S" MARK DIRECT ILLUMINATED CABINET SCALE:3/8" = 1 -0" EL 6" ALUMINUM WAI UNE ilTRUSION r/4" FXTRUSION LIP WTBANSLUCENT BED VINYLOVEBUY "S" TO BEWHIIE SHOW.THRU PLEXIGUS LOW VOLTAGE 2O$12D L,E,D, TRANSFOBMER WHITE LEO ryERY 4" ANO31/2 0N CONTINUOUS SILICONE 1/4" LAG SCREWS IN SHIELDS OR TOGGLE-BOLTS AS NEEDED TTYP) MINI[4UM FOUR PER LETTER .O9O (MIN) ALUMINUIU LETTER RETURN & FACE CLEAR LEXAN BACK WHITE L.E.D. EVERY 4A6" ON CENTER 2. 14 GA. WRES PER LETTER THROUGH WALL PASS THROUGH CONDUIT 12 VOLT POWER SOURCE ATTACHED TO INTERIOR WALL FRAME 110 V PRIMARY FEED 1/4'WEEP HOLES AS NEEDED t *Hfi}.:iirF:k 1/4" UG SCBEWS IN SHIELDS OB+ ToGGLE-BoLTS As NEEoED (ryP) MINIMUM FOUF PER LffEB TITLE: SIGN 5PEtrS DATE: B1-1z-ZE A.PPROVEO BEAD SIGNAGE GoNSULTtNE COUNTEB.SUNK SIDE MEW WPICAL LED ILLUMINATED LOGO SECNON E;;;;;;;;*',] Iur !,^!rs,f,!tulnor I PERMITS / VARIANCES DEStGN..,,..,,. PtoJ EET M ANAG EM ENT WEEP SCNMS GS SIGN EORPORATION ZI15 NW 96TH STREET SEATLE, WA 9BTT7 vortrE; (286) 949-'7O5O FAx: (2O6) 453-3017 rls CDo :tt to ciJ sg lJ-(j, z. e.o- C" t\ \, 3 ]J.JlJ- Lt) Vr l +r fl ryPICAL 12 VOLT LEO REVERSE ILLUMINATEO EreB SECTION SCALE:1 = 1"0'' SAF-6O.LOCK -LED EL6" ALUMINUM EXTRUSION ll4t ExIBllslo[LlP WHtrE PLAIGUS WHITE LED ryERY 4' ANO 3 1/2- WEEP 29'-10'U4"7'-3114" -SAFE 197.74 so. Fr. 6'-8" SCALE:1/4" = 1'-0" "SAFEWAY" HAL O ILLUI"4INATED LEITERS & "S" MARK DTRECI ILLUMINATED CABINET 1 1t2"1/4" LAG SCREWS lN SHIEI-DS OR TOGGLE.BOLTS AS NEEDED GYP) MINIMUM FOUR PER LETTEF WTBANSLUCENT BED UNYLOVEBUY .S-TO BEMtrE SHOW.IHAU PEIGS LOW VOLIAGE 2O'1 2D L E D, MNSFORMER ,O9O (MIN) ALUMINUM LETTER RETURN & FACE CLEAR LEXAN BACK WHITE L.E.D. EVERY 4".6" ON CENTER 2 - 14 GA. WRES PER LETTER THROUGH WALI PASS THROUGH CONDUIT 12 VOLT POWER SOURCE AITACHED TO INTEBIOR WALL FRAME 1 1O V PNIMARY FEED 1/4" WEEP HOLES AS NEEDED I ut lclx4EqL dun WALL UNE TITLE: SIGN SPECS DATE: o1-'t 2-20 APPROVEO COMNUOUS SILICONE- BAO 1/4'UG SCBEWS IN SHIELDS OR TOGGLE BOLTS AS NEEDED (ryP) MINIMTIM FOUF PEF LENER FUT.HM C@NTEB.SUNK SCRM SIENAGE CoNSULTIN6 slDE vlEw TYPICAL LED ILLUMINATED LOGO SECIION r-:-:;=:'l llUl l^-8,..,fu, I tvgqNry4.drl PERMtrs / vaRtaNcEs E)ESt8N......... PROJ EET M ANAG EM ENT CS SIGN CORPORATION 2I'I5 N\|l/ 9 6TH STREET SEArLE, WA 9BTT7 vorcE: (206) 949-'7dscJ FA\t (2061 453-30 1 '7 c 3 IJJlJ- a il$o)o +t d,o ciJul u-(, z. Eo-a T ') i -]- ryPICAL 12 VOLT ED BEWASE ILLUMINAreD GTEB SECTION SC&E:1"= 1'{' l" lfi