HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2020-02-24CitY of SPringfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street SPringfield' OR 97477 54t-726-3753 SPRINGFIELD # OREGON web Address: www springfield-or'gov Building Permit Commercial Mechanical Permit Number: 81 1-19-0O2245-MECH-O 1 IVR Number: 811088226253 Email Address: permitcenter@springfield-or'gov Permit Issued: February 24' 2O2O Category of Construction: Residential Submitted Job Value: $128,000'00 Description of Work: 70 unit multi-fam Type of Work: New Homes for Good- 5 SFD's demo'dily project Parcel 1703262404700 Owner: Address: CMC DEVELOPMENT LLC PO BOX 117 WALTERVILLE, OR 97489 Worksite Address 1975 5TH sT Springfield, OR 97477 FORMATIONAL INPROFESSIONLICENSED None SPecified Inspection 2999 Final Mechanical 2300 Rough Mechanical 2250 Gas PiPing/Pressure Test Inspection GrouP Mech Com Mech Com Mech Com Inspection Status Pending Pending Pending Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work' Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project' Scheduleortrackinspectionsatwww.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-282L use IVR number: 811088226253 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Atl pereons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be ,icensed unless exempted by oRs Tol.oro(structurat/Mechanicat), oRs 47g.540 (erectricari,-and oRs 693.olo -o20 (prumbing), Printed on: 2/24/20 permits expire lf wod( is not started within 180 Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Days or longer dependlng on the Issulng agency's policy. Atl provlslons of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. Granting of a permit does not presume to gave authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. ATTENTION3 Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopt€d by the Oregon Utilaty Notlflcatlon Center. Thos€ rules are set ro,+h in oAR 9s2-oo7-oo7o Lhrouoh oaR 952-oo7-oo9o. You may obf,in coples ol the rules by catling the Center at (503) 232-r.9A7. Page 1 of 2 c : lmy Rep otts/ re ports/ / p rod u ction/ o lsTA NDARD / PENDING II{SPECTIONS SCH EDULING INSPECTIONS Commercial mechanical permit (based on mechanical job value) State of Oregon Surcharge - Mech (l2o/o ofapplicable fees) Permit Number: gtt_tg-OlL24S_MECH-O l Fee Description Technology Fee Printed on: 2/24120 Quantity Page 2 of 2 Fee Amount 9s6.46 $ 1,129.18 $13s.s0 $7,32t.L4Total Feesl C:\myReports/rePorts//produdion/o1 STANDARD Page 2 of 2 PERMTT FEES SPRINGTIELD ni OREGON www.springfield-or.gov Worksite address: 1975 sTH ST, Springfield , OR 97477 Parcel 1703262404700 Transaction Receipt 81 1 -1 9 -002245-M E C H -0 1 IVR Number: 81 1088226253 Receipt Number:473906 Receipt Dale:2124120 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54r-726-3753 permitcenter@spri n gfi eld-or. gov Transaction Units date 2124120 1.00 Ea 2124t20 2t24t20 'r .00 Ea 1.00 Automatic Technology Fee Description Commercial mechanical permit (based on mechanical job value) State of Oregon Surcharge - Mech (12o/o of applicable fees) 224 -00000-425604-1 03 1 821 -00000-2 1 5004-0000 204-00000- 42s605-0000 Fees Paid Account code Fee amount $1,129.18 $135.50 $56.46 Paid amount $1,129 18 $135.50 $56.46 Payment Method: Check number: 0457318 Payer: Cascade Escrow RAD 2 LLC Payment Amount:$1.321 .14 Cashier: Katrina Anderson Receipt Total:$1,321.14 Ptinted: 2124120 1.25 pm Page 1 of 1 Fl N_Tra nsactionReceipt_pr Mechanical Pemit Zf, Fit& StB . SrriEgfcld, Oi yr4n . ?H(541r/,6-3753 . FA)(5'tlln6"r68s IJ t+ Thir perolt ir letucd undcr OAR 9lt {404050. Pcrmis erpirc if worh ls oot ctartcd witbfu 180 drys of lrsrrocc or lf worf, le ruspcndcd for lS drp. DEPARTHENT USE ONLY .OOZZ no.: Datc: CATEGORY OF GONSTRUCTION tq!fi#4l EGowrnmcnt VoommcrcialE Rcsidcntial JOE SITE INFORMANO'{ AI{D LOCATION Jobsitcaddrcss: t4.If N Eg rl Sue AF1 uP:771T1ciry:5*{NbFtZtD Taxlot.: +boRefcrsrcc: l1-$-?b-LY bEsdRrPflox or rronx lcol r)u Namcl PROPMTY OWNER 6@ Addrcss:lT1 Dtit lSLrlrr,ro ?49 Statsoil zrPflv*bloty: E0 bElJg Fax:rironc:5{J -btb?1tV E-mail: orme ainstallationThis liccnsingofmcmbcrmy oRsundcrreguiremcnts Buircss namq Sunset Heating & Air 5729 Main StreetAddrcss: Statc: oR I zF, szozaCityt SPringlield Phonc: (slt)988-3101 E-mail: sunsetheating@holmail.com Fax: Print namc: CCB liccnse no.;/ Sigiuturc: FEE SCHEDULE Resldoatlal Qty.CoEt ct- Total cort First Aonliancc 'l r 102.00 s 102 [ulrccrbrracr lodrdiae ducr rrd wnls Un to l00k BTU/hr.r23.00 $ Ovcr l00k BTU/k.i26.00 $ Heilers/[tor,C[/tenl! Unit hcater r23.00 s Woodpella/gas stovc/fl uc i3{.00 $ Evaponlcd coola r19.00 s Vcnt frn with onc ducUappliucc 114 ir3.00 s 1,482 Hood with crhaust ard dua $ IOoe to four outlas Additiond outlas (caci)ts.00 s Uplo 10,(XX)CFM s r 5.00 $ Orcr 10,000CFM i16.00 $ Comorcssor/rbsor otlon t r'rteni reel ouma Up ro 3 hp/10& BTU i23.00 $ iat.00 s th to 30 hp/1.000 161.00 s UD ro 50 hdl.?50 BTU !7&00 s Ora 50 hp/t,?50 BTU ;132.00 $ Domcsric inciagrator r?6.00 $ Gommerclal Fltcrtotal vdurtion of mehrnical systenr basod on valualion ofmcchanical qtc.Enler and installatioa coss S Mlsoellaneous fues Cort c& Totel coat Rcrnspcction ,t0r.00 s Spocirlly rtqucstcd inspcctions 1pc ,t02.00 s Rcgulatod c.tuipnrnt (mclassed)it9.00 S Erch ddidoad lnrpcction: (l );t 02.00 $ DEPARTTTIENT USE (A) Entcr subtohl of rbow 6cs (or cntcr sct minimum &eof t toz.oo)s s (C) Enter 12% surcharyp (.12 x [A+B]]s (D) Scismic fca l% (.01 x [Al)I (E) Technotogr Fcc (5% of [A])s TOTAL fcer and surcharges (A tlrough E):s lrsr .dLd 7/t/20t9 BJonts arffi-!al a rnade )q >a E