HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2020-02-21SPRINGFIELD OREGON Web Address: www.springfield-or.gov CitY of SPringfield DeveloPment and Public Works 225 Fifth Street SPringfreld, 0R 97477 541-726-3753Building Permit Commercial Structural Permit Numberi A1t-2O-OOO2IO-STR IVR Number: 81 1076634652 Email Add ress : permitcenter@springfield-or. gov TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Commercial Submitted Job Value: $5,203.00 Descriptaon of Work: Awnings (3) non_illu minating for Dutch Bros Type of Work: New JOB SITE INFORII|A.TIONWorksite Address 1503 MOHAWK BLVD Springfield, OR 97477 Owner: Address: MOHAWK PARTNERS LLC PO BOX 7283 SPRINGFIELD , OR 97475 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL Business Name ES&ASIGNCORP-primary Inspectaon 1999 Final Building 1260 Framing License ccB License Number t63470 Phone 541-485-5546 Inspectaon Group Struct Com Struct Com fnspection Status pending Pending Various inspections are minima lly required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contactthe issuing jurisdiction i ndicated on the permit to determ ine required inspections for this project.Schedule or track inspections at www.buil,dingpermits.oregon. govCall or text the word ,,schedule,, to 1_g88_2 gg_2g2L use IVR number: 8LL076634652Scheduleusing the Oregon epermitting Inspection App,search "epermitting,, in the app store Permits expire if work is nttre issulne-;gl;";;'il#'started within 180 Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Days or ronger depending on All provisions of laws and rGrantin.c "';,:;;;;;:;::ffffi:ilT,1'i:"T:,yJ:""Hij[:],j;"TTf:,:, with whetherspeciried herein or not.regulatins construction o. ttre perrormancl'.i"T"",1ro,... ,rovisions .r "";;a-n;:;";e or rocal rawATTET{TroN! oregon taw re-quires you to follow rutes adopted by the oregon utirity.Notification center. Those rures are set$:r#i. es2-oor-ooro *rrousi ;;";-;;;il;eo. you -;;;;;:;-.,;;,1" .,n. rures by ""rriig ir,".ilnter at (so3)All persons or entities performing work under this oer(structurar/Me,ranicai), ons .r;.;;;i;;;;$,'"'Jil:#il#l'r"-'r::?;,xffi;i:."ss exempted bv oRs 701.o1o Printed ot 2/27/20 Page 1 of 2 C: \myReports/repo fts/ /prcduc.ion/Ot STANDARD -*L # Permit Issued: February 2t, 2O2O Parcel L70325340440t PENDING INSPECTIOI{S SCHEDULING Permit Number: 81 1-20-000210-STR Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Copies - > 5, uP to 11x17, Per each Structural building Permit fee Structural Plan review fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (!2o/o of applicable fees) Printed on: 2l27l2o QuantitY Total Fees: Fee Amount $12.99 $s.00 $154.40 $100.36 $18.s3 $29L.28 10 c:\myReports/reports//prcduction/o 1 STAN DARD Page 2 of 2 PERMIT FEES C't t t'or Strtttxt il:il.t t). ol{t.(i()\ Structural Permit Application 225 FinL SEe€{ . SpringfieB,ARg7477 t PH(541Y26-!753. FAX(541 )726-3689 This permlt is issued under OAR 9lt-d60-0030.Permlts explre lf work ls not started within 1E0 days of lcsuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. rUt^.1 >t-r^A 2D*OOA 35 -S're ru "+a,l4,ai DEPARTMENT USE ONLY rcrmitno.:J0 -Ma@-'. tl Dats \541rc LOCAL GOVERNI'ENT APPROVAL FEE SCHEDULE l. Valuation informationThis project has final laod-use approval. Date:(a) Job description: 0ccupancy This project has DEQ appmval Date: CoostnrctiouNoverified: E Yo feet:Prcpcrty is within flood plaia: ! Yes E] No Cost per foot:CATEGORY OF CO}ISTRUCTIOITI Residential Govemmeut Comrnercial Other information: JOB SITE INFORTATION AND of Heet: Job site address:Ener$r P.th: State:new ftalteration fl addition Lot no.:(b)lYes Euo Refere,nce:Iaxlot:Total valuation:$ PROPERTY OWNER ,fees Name:Pcmnit fee (use valuation table):s Address:fee to s State:ZIP:(c) Reinspection ($ per hour): (number ofhours x fee per hour)$ Fax: Enter l2Yo l2x $E-mail: Subtotgl of fees rbove (2a tbrough 2d):$ 3. Plen revlew feer PIan review x fee s Building Ouner or agent authorizing this application: Slgn here:Fire and life safety (40% x fee $ Subtotd of fecc ehove (3e end 3b):$ 4. Miscellaneous fees on residential or farm property owned by me or a member of my immcdiate fimiln ad is exempt from liceruing requirements under ORS 701.010. Eru.ts $Seismic fee, lolo x fee CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION fee,5o/o x s and Co.Business name: ES&A (c) Coatinuing Education Fee $2.50 $25l) Address: 89975 Prairie Road TOTAL fees and surcharges (2e+3c+4a+4br4c):sState:ZIP: Phone:S418682381 rex5414855813 E-mail:.com CCB license no.: 163470 Print name: Sigrature: SUBCONTRACTOR INFORMATION Nane CCB License #Phone Number Electricrl ES&A Sign and Awning #L63470 541-868-2381 Plumbing Mcchrnicel \f ?eP SUMiiARY DRAWNG 8urmil - FREEtTrf,oiltG St0t8 & rcltut cIIk uml il$ - 0st9 ll0t mumruIt nflefD,or mn mrryrffi nml$ TO TEEflI Eil.rt m ilutuft$llrBiluBmrllrllrqtFnllD ml mHlll] Dm (It@uuB [lr.t,rtsEEmHl t0EtflUrSil.rllltfil$m iIlmrui&IIIu. gut reL rn E*mE, loclJl DATE RECEIVED I. 41.20 lOBNO.Zo.rnr-;)l o ZONE OCCUPANCY GROUP UNIT OCCUPANCY IOAD THE CONTENTS HERE ON HAVE BEEN REVIEWED, WITH ALTERATIONS NOTED ON THE PI-{NS OR BYAITACHMENT. CHANGES ORALTERATIONS MADE TO THE APPROVED DRAWINGS OR PROIECTAFTER THE DATE BELOW SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. CITYOF fr yl tl, -cI + rl I c ,fr iJ 4', <t S]IE PI.AN \,, l3^rr,tr ,Vl 3 BY OREGON REVIEWED FOR I I( li r t +"! TYPICAL DRAWING , tat..ga t tat.Irl 00108 ct)08 8C0PC 0F WORrc mtUFlCnnE & SlllP (2) rEnL GilmEs GllTYfNOXTYIET tGll,El llf- 1'4 arGC---- !lr 144 e Aunll c-Glllrll€. FRoir t s, wml RrxGt PoilIrF (llJ[' "x r alrlt Ec. nfE lI uo( rcrxPY tn alru aEt txff srmED NrE G'OllxE. & mrf, 6E AJTIB Ol rE Stm rcumE rIDm' rulfltcrIs, s? zrac n B SIEL Rm $rFmrs UIIH t2 Ar nlIE SIE CT[us r rt AInO€,m F Xt X Ut AUru n trE/88rD(Er Arml. rufr tlnc Grl(P( nmcrs, spnoFfs lf ct sT(n sEt rEar.ffitryqc. Es& WlrmAlrE s]?lE ronG 65 PnmE Ufllnq u'IcH flE $ffim ADqr'fi N ererS/trAl- ?LrJ (r)5/slillDflrE([IS ctf.Ptlsl[€rEI 3916' 1;fr t'f .mAL$Eraf TUESItPL{1t/E urdlznc+tIIE)SILm rr +r_Lr_ t4- lfr &sonE xrAl- OUTat:L Fr?f REC.IIIC tAtt-lsmu q0nff* 30239G qlrL DI'IO T6. 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