HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-08-07.. RESIDETT ilA1.. APPLICATION/PERIII! 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diuiston 726-37 53 Job Loeaticn:/ a*7 Aosessors Map fl /1703 a SPFtI,\lGFIEL.D acceiot r O< Sttbdiuision: Asner: Addtess: ci.ty: ?as Lot il h'otk: VaLue ft ,fu&/*rc n Additicn 7 a"nrant l1 ,,ouorn ,,^"o? Datc of Appl Phone:2ze, Aotiress Li-S C. ?riotc GeneraL PLunbing l.!eciw:ie,zL Consttaettcn Leruie-t ?eouire.7 i.' i8 ti"e' responsibility of the pemit ttoll.en to see that aLL insoeetions ate rad.e dt the prope" time , that ecch ddtess is ?ea;n'^',ryol_tle atveet, anc thct the permit card is Located at the fuoni of th,e oropet,tya3u!!ci:u Hui:io- aoppou-ed cl'an sic.LL ).ena;-n on the itiar"b- ji"t o" aLL tines. ::!c:]!';?g Fon. ilsPzcmil.E-?-C!.IEST;CALL 726-3769 (rceotder) state uout, Citg Jesigr-txed. job nu:.:ber, job aiitess, tr=e oj itcsoec=icn '3.ou3s;ea a-a u.4enlou uiLL be reaciy fot' insocction, cont?aetcr" c, o-meys twne Lt;i t7one nmber.' .1"qu."=" z,eLeiljei b'e;'cre' z:cg c1:iLL be matie xhe sane dcg, requests-mctie cfxer ?:00 an tiLL be ^"an t."e-)"ri,;;"ii;;-;rr. ttdos(KIcur City Designated Job Number fs:l S::! I:l3a!:::3:l: Io oe macie afterffiic";A, pr.iar tc set ip of fotme. I i : S L' L A? I O II / VAPO 3 B,A P,R I i R I !] SPf, C T I C ! J :lo be naie after aLL insulaticn e.l. ?equiz,ed uaoor baviers @e in plaee but before ory lath, Wpsum bcarC ortnLL eouerino is eplied, and. beforeoty insulation is : ,..:ealed. .F.-r ipRyw[iL iltsi?crrolr,1c be nade aj'xer aLL CryuaLL is in place, but prior to anA taping. MAS1NI?!: Steel Loeation, bond beons, groutino or oertieals in aceor<iance uLth U.B.C. Section ..r,1r ir?.rr j-, !,.T,=- =-:jjD:::is Sanitary seaer eqped. ct ptooertE Lire Septic totk ptrceti and ,'illed ttth gr*el PincL - L1ten &cue itens aye ecrsleted. anti uhen canclition is eorple:e bn st:--r- tuye naued anz prerrises eleanei up. -1 ullD!.?SLAB ptu:BrilG. ZLEC?pIC,"|, I)"v ,/ro?k 7.s eou3z,ed. -taI F?orIilG ! FCU:tD,1TrcN: IdbZ niCi ) ajte:. xyenches are ezeauated. and. fotms ane erected., but ptio? topou?tfig ccneret€. - ultDiRcpoulD pLutiznlc. ssvtp. tl.4rEe.) DIAIIIAG:: To be nnie prior xo ftl-Lirq xrenehes. I VaoFnrr,ocn ptu:srr,tc a t:tcsavcn, -) ?o be narje oricr xo inscallation of floor insutction on decking. 1 posr ar:o aent: To be nad.c ptiot, to) 7;st;tG;G;-of flooz, insutation oy decking. .a ilo0DST1tttE:@;;;a.After installation is Buildittg Inspection mtst be requested cften the Pinal Plunbing ftcaaaslato hnrt- \^^- --)^ -si -^ -^,t.5 nade arui apDtouei. 1 rtpwr,ncti wion to plccir4 faeingI mc.terials arul before froning inspei-tion. 1 FRAMilC: tlust be requested afterI approval of rough plwr,bing, electri-cal & nech,tnical. ALI roofing braeing A chinmcys, ete. trust be . eotnpleted. llo ucrk is to be con-. cecled until this inspection las-' 'been nad.e anC apptotsed. l l fll Ail-LLAL: tiO urtil these inspeetiors lnue been FruAL PLUEBIIIG FINAL I,{ECHANICAL FII]AL ELEC?RICAL PINAL BUILDTNG: The Final Electrieal, od. Neeiurical CURB & APPROACI| APP)N: After fonnsue ereeteC but prtor to pour.ing corlc?ete. SfDEWALK & DRTIWAY: For aLL con- c?ete pauirlg uithln stt,eet right- of-txq, to be maCe after aLL esca- oating canplete & fotn uork & sub- base nc.ter.ial in place. ?ENCE: I{hen conplete -- ProviCegate; o? mouable sectians thtough P.U.E. ALL projeet conditions, such ae the installation of s+-reet trees, cotolction oi t?e required Ldnd.scqing, ctc., iust be satisfied befone the BUfLDfilC FII\AL can be requestei. l llcbile ticnes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing conneetio'ns -- a.l)e/ ad, uc?er Eleetrical Connection - Blocking, set-u. and plutnbing eonneetions m;st be aoprcu-ei beforc requesting el,ee)rieal inspee:iot Aeeessory BuiLCing pcrekes, skirting, decl<-s, Le',ed. Pinal - Aftcr etc. ate c.cmp PaSe 1 of 2.ALL I.|ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCES1TBLE, ADJUS?IIZ:E TO 9E ttlD? r'.? ilO C?SA rO CEy aze d #tL tr tr JOB ""m;qq SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ lortc OecltDancu /Cor.st Seatoons [ot Sq. Ftg. i of Lct Cateraqe ! of Stories lotal lteight lopogrcphy |na rywc _ Inte?io" Cor.ne? _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac :ieat LACC -- Fees -- Lot Faces -Enerau Setbaekq P.L House Ca?aae Access l,lo"tn South to u-e hlest :?r:.r {ceess Build ing Vo Iue & Perm if This permtt is qranted on the ezpress cond.ition tlat the said constraetions-lwll, |n _a,ll respeets, confcrm to the Orditance tdopteC by the Citit ofspringfie|d, inctuding the zoning crdinanee, reguleiing thL ccnsttweticnod .use o-f building_s,. otd mty be suspended ot, rleuokec Lt "-y t,me upon Dic-l.a.tion of any ptcuisions of said Ordinances. s.D.c. 7.5 z I TO?AL VALUE Euildtng PelTrit IoteT- Changea Cheek Fee: Date Paid: Reeeipt #: Sigted x l'aLuc r LL I Crr-L:.t: lesiientiaL (i bath) -cr.itatq Seuer Pluzbtr:t Perq-it Tctcl Ct-- es/Ezter/i Citcztits Tota! Plumbing Permit No_ person shall eonstntct, install, alter oz, ehange anu neu cr e:istittgplunbittg cr drainage slstefl in;,thole or in par,t,, unlesi such ievson is theLegal possessor of a oaliti plunbet,,s Licens-e, ereeDt tha.t a D'e?scn may dcolunbing uork to p?oDert! uiticiz is ouneci, Leased o'r ope,ateti by the iptii-cant. Electricol Permit Itrnere state Lan reouit,es ticat the eleetrical uoyk be d.ote bu cn llectyicci ti contracxar, the elecxrl.caL oov,xion of tizis oernit shc.Ll not be ucltc utz=ii itite 'tabel ins been signec cy xhe EleexricaZ' a:on=?cctc!. i I I .ffiI.I I l.5.bo tO /q ,Lo G-I\4echonicol Permit,c :itast Hool. qnt Fot )oasta)e PemtrLt Issuanee Me=iu.nictZ Pernit -- E;,ICRCACHI4E!1? -. :it o?aae 'tmit Total Cnaracs Ceualk L bile Hane I EAW CAREFULLy IXLUINED the conoleted aoolieation for permit, cnd dchereby certif.y that aLL irfo:nction hez,eon' is ttue arui ebrree;i cnC. ffut ther eertifg that any ard aLL uork perforned slull be dote ';.n n""ot,_ <ianee tttlt the 2rdinences of the city of bpz,ingfield, and thc L*-s of thestate of o"egon pertaininc to the uork ceseribed herein, cnd tis.t iJo ccc,-:-Pr'Jtcr uiLL be nade of anu struetut,e uithout permissio:t of the siita;nc pi-vision. f further eertif;; thet only cont?ae'to"s ad enplcyee"-;i;-;Z;;eonpliance Dith )RS Z01.0Ss uiLL be used on this projec't TAL A,'IOU}IT DUE:'l€,too Signed ? Da - l'Lan Ltanlne?