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Permit Building 2020-01-30
OREGON Web Address: www.springfield-or.9ov Building Permit Residential Manufactured Dwelling Permit Number: 81 1-19-OO2544-NID IVR Number: 811090208160 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54r-726-3753 Email Address: permitcenter@springfield-or.9ov SPRINGf IELD 'b Permit Issued: January 30, 2020 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Manufactured Dwelling Type of Work: New Submitted Job Value: $0.00 Description of Work: ADU - new maunfactrured home with detached garage IOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite Address 3723 JASPER RD Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel 180206 1309500 Owner: Address: RISLOV BEN]AMIN & SCHAEFFER EVA 3727 JASPER RD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business Name HARRISON JACOBSON INC - Primary License ccB License Number 66447 Phone 541-689-7762 PENDING IilSPECTIONS Inspection 5999 Final Manufactured Dwelling 5300 MH Setup 5240 Footing LO2O Zoning/Setbacks Final Land Use 8999 Final Fire 6300 On-site Stormwater Facility 630 1 On-site Stormwater Facility-Dig Out/Pipi n g 6302 On-Site Stormwater Facility-Soil and Plantings 6303 Final On-Site Stormwater Facility Inspection Group Mfd Dwelling Mfd Dwelling Mfd Dwelling Struct Res Pla nning Fire Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Inspection Status Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending SC}IEDULING INSPECTIONS permits expire if work is not started within 180 Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy, All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied wlth whether specified herein or not. cranting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of anY other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. lTfeltiOlt: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility [otificataon Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-OO1-OO1O through OAR 952-OO1-OO9O. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (5O3) 232-L987. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempted bY ORS 701.010 (Structural/Mechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.01O-O20 (Plumbing)' printed on; 1/30/20 page 1 of 2 c:\myReports/reports//production/01 STANDARD Permit Number: 81 1-19-002544-MD Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811090208160 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Manufactured dwelling placement permit State manufactured dwelling fee Plan Review - Minor, City Address assignment - each new or change requested externally, per each SDC: Improvement - Transportation SDC SDC: Improvement Cost - Storm Drainage SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Storm Drainage SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: Improvement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: Reimbursement - Transportation SDC SDC: Total Storm Administration Fee SDC: Reimbursement Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC: Improvement Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC: Compliance Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC: Administrative Fee - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee SDC: Total Transportation Administration Fee SDC: Total MWMC Administration Fee - Local Fire SDC - New Res Construction Sq Ft fee - enter sq ftg Willamalane fees - Accessory Dwelling Unit, per unit State of Oregon Surcharge - MFD (l2o/o of applicable fees) Printed on: 1/30/20 Page 2 of 2 Quantity 1 1 1 1 36L1.72 274.44 189.03 3239.5 1 595.8 1 190.06 23.L7 1 16,51 1389.3 19.56 10 24t.77 190.09 76.77 720 1 Total Fees: Fee Amount $9.7s $5s3.00 $30.00 $ 141.00 $s4.00 $3,5LL.72 $274.44 $189.03 $3,239.50 $1,595.81 $190.06 $23.17 $ 116.51 $ 1,389.30 $ 19.s6 $ 10.00 $24L.77 $ 190.09 $76.77 $43.20 $1,902.50 $66,36 $t3,967 .54 C:\myReports/reports//production/01 STANDARD PERMIT FEES SPRINGTIELD €i OREGON www.springfield-or. gov Worksite address: 3723 JASPER RD, Springfleld, OR 97478 Parcel:'t 802061 309500 Transaction Receipt 81 1 -19-002544-MD IVR Number: 81 1090208160 Receipt Number: 473681 Receipt Date: 1/30/20 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54L-726-3753 perm itcenter@spri ngfiel d-or. gov Fees Paid Account codeTransaction Units date 1t30t20 1.00 Ea 1t30t20 1.00 Ea 1t30120 1.00 Ea 1t30t20 1.00 Ea 1t30t20 720.00 SqFt 1t30t20 1t30t20 1t30t20 1.00 Qty Description Manufactured dwelling placement permit State manufactured dwelling fee State of Oregon Surcharge - MFD (12o/o ol applicable fees) Address assignment - each new or change requested externally, per each Plan Review - Minor, City 224-00000- 425602- 1 030 821 -00000-21 5009-0000 821 -00000-21 5004-0000 224 -00000 - 425602-0000 1 00-00000-424005-1 091 1 00-00000-42s002-1 039 204-00000-425605-0000 821 -00000-21 5023-0000 1.00 Ea 1.00 Automatic Technology Fee Fee amount $553.00 $30.00 $66.36 $54.00 $43.20 $141 .00 $9.75 $1,902.50 Paid amount $s53.00 $30.00 $66.36 $54.00 $43.20 $141.00 $9.75 $1,902.50\Mllamalane fees - Accessory Dwelling Unit, per unit Payment Method: Credit card authorization: 31 0362 Payer: HARRISON JACOBSON INC Payment Amount:$2,799.81 Cashier: Katrina Anderson Receipt Total $2,799.8r Printed: 1/30/20 11:27 am Page 1 of I F I N_Tra nsactionReceipt_pr p"". c Fire SDC - New Res Construction Sq Ft fee - enter sq ftg rnD APEINCFIELO Man u factu red Dwelling/Recreational-Park Trailer Placement Permit Application h, This permit is issued under OARs 918-500-0105 and 918-525-0370. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or ifwork is suspended for 180 days. LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVALS Zoning approval verifi ed !ves DNo Property is within flood plain: I Ves f] No Sanitation approval verified: E yes E uo CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION I Residential I Government E Commercial JOB SITE INFORMATIO N AND LOCATION City: SAl,-.1. l& I State: ' OIL zrP:Q7L/7A Subdivision:Space/lot no. Reference l$oawl3 Taxlot:@f$tOO DESCRIPTION OF WORK Alta Year Manufactured: 24 fi # Bedrooms: t Sq. Ftg: 7e7 Value: \QOgQ PROPERry OW Name:$pr'rar^nl, P;'t ,l /err. S.bo-{Irt Address: fl Z-t To, lq {Q .!.Stlte: 6,[nry)v)b Phone: '66wrlt Stlq 0 Fax: E-mail This installation is being made on residential or farm property owned by me or a member of my immediate family. and is exempt from licensing requirements under OAR 9 I 8-5 I 5-00 10. Signature CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business name:'a,ntilc,r, (^-s, Address: l?qt t/clV qqN City: e qqrzr-State: g r/'r-ztp:f )V<z vhonq;fu-tE? TZUu ra*Sv/ -(fi 27a3 E-mail: lL-d, @- G.-!"r - Hqn;,r,r . G n CCB license ""1, bbWT MDI license no.: 3 ] u Prinr name: 1214, Drt^ziuon 225Fifth Street o Sorinefield. OR97477 . PH(541\'726-3753 . FAx(541)726-3689 FEE SCHEDULE Description Qty Cost each Total (l ) Manufactured dwelling (a) Placement (includes placement, electrical feeder, water/sewer connection):($553.00 $ (b) Reinspection (no. ofhrs. x fee per hr.):$ 102.00 $ Placement permit can only be obtained by lromeowner or Oregon- licensed manufactured dwelling installer. (2) Recreational-park trailer (a) Installation (includes stand and lot preparation; support blocking; anchoring; temporary steps; plumbing, mechanical, and electrical): $553.00 $ (b) Reinspection (no. ofhrs. x fee per hr.):$102.00 $ (c) Each additional inspection: (l)$1 02.00 $ Electrical semice permit to be obtained only by homeowner performing work or signing supemisor of Oregon-licensed electrical conlroctor performingwork. FEE SCHEDULE (3) Surcharge, 12%(.12 x total, equal to I or 2)$ (4) State administrative fee for manufactured dwelling (item l) only, OAR 9 I 8-500-0105(5): $30.00 I $30.00 (5) Technology Fee,5Yo s, TOTAL fees and surcharges (3 + 4+5):S Ft.,'..^rr)Etz bL DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit no Date: last edited 7/1/2019 BJones Crrv oF SPRTNGFTELD, OREcoN Jobsiteaddress: 37lZ aa.cl.t RQ County: City: Signature: SPRINGFIELD OREGON www. sprin gfi eld-or. gov Worksite address: 3723 JASPER RD, Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel: 1802061309500 Transaction Receipt 811-19-002544-MD IVR Number: 8l I 0902081 60 Receipt Number: 473642 Receipt Date= 1127120 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 54t-726-3753 permitcenter@spri ngfi eld-or. gov h Transaction Units date 1127120 3,239.50 Amoun 1t27120 1t27t20 1t27 t20 1t27 t20 1t27t20 1t27t20 1t27 t20 1t27t20 Description SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater 1,595.81 Amoun SDC: lmprovement Cost - Local Wastewater '190.06 Amount SDC: Reimbursement - Transportation SDC 3,611.72 Amoun SDC: lmprovement - Transportation SDC 190.09 Amount SDC: Total Transportation Administration Fee SDC: lmprovement Cost - Storm Drainage 241 .77 Amounl SDC: Total SewerAdministration Fee 719-00000-426604-8800 Fees Paid Account code Fee amount $3,239.50 $1 ,595.81 $190.06 $3,61 1.72 $241 .77 $190.09 s274.44 $23.17 $189.03 Paid amount $3,239.50 $1,595.81 $190.06 $3,611.72 $241.77 $190.09 $274.44 $23.17 $189.03 61 1 -00000-448024-8800 61 1 -00000-448025-8800 434-00000-448026-8800 434-00000-448027-8800 71 9-00000-426604-8800 274.44 Amounl 61 7-00000448028-8800 23.17 Amount SDC: Total Storm Administration Fee 719-00000-426604-8800 189.03 Amounl SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Storm Drainage 6 1 7-00000-448029-8800 Payment Method: Fee Waiver Payer: City of Springfield Transaction Comment: Fee waived per city council action on SDC's for ADU's Fee Waived Amount:$9,5s5.59 Cashier: Katrina Anderson Receipt Total $9,555.59 Ptinted. 1127120 3:4O pm Page 1 of 1 F I N_Transaction Receipt_pr h,r- SPRINGF!ELD th OREGON www. springfield-or. gov Worksite address: 3723 JASPER RD, Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel:'l 802061309500 Transaction Receipt 811-19-002544-MD IVR Number: 81 1090208160 Receipt Number: 473643 Receipt Date:1127120 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 541-726-3753 permitcenter@springfi eld-or. gov Transaction Units date 1127120 116.5't Amount 1t27t20 1127 t20 1t27t20 1t27 t20 SDC: Reimbursement Cost - M\ JMC Regional Wastewater SDC 1,389.30 Amoun SDC: lmprovement Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC '19.56 Amount SDC: Compliance Cost - M\ /[4C Regional Wastewater SDC 10.00 Amount SDC: Administrative Fee - M!\AIC Regional Wastewater SDC 76.77 Amount SDC: Total MWMC Administration Fee - Local Description Fees Paid Account code Fee amount $116.51 $1,389.30 $19.56 $10.00 $76.77 Paid amount $116.51 $1,389.30 $19.56 $10.00 $76.77 433-00000-448024-881 0 433-00000448025-881 0 433-00000-426607-88 1 0 61 1 -00000-426604-8800 7 1 9-00000-426604-8800 Payment Method: lnternal transfer from: Payer: MWMC 61 2-07500- 1 0566501 5 2 Transaction Comment: MWMC fees paid for as approved by commission for ADU's Payment Amount:$1 ,612.14 Cashier: Katrina Anderson Receipt Total:$1,612.14 Ptinled. 1l27l2O 3.46 pm Page 1 of 1 F I N_Transactron Receipt_pr \\d\'" JOURNALORJOB NUMBER: NAME OR COMPANY: T.OCATION: TAX I,OT NUMBER: DEVEI,OPMENT TYPE: NEW DWELLING UN]TS IMPERVIOUS AREA DIRECT RUNOFF TO CITY STORM SYSTEM A. REIMBURSEMENT COST IMPERVIOUS S.F. 1256.00 B. IMPROVEMENT COST ITEM I TOTAL - STORM DRAINAGE SDC 2. SANITARY SEWER. CITY A. RE]MBURSEMENT COST: NUMBEROFDFU'S l9 B. IMPROVEMENTCOST: NUMBEROFDFU'S l9 COST PER S.F. $0.301 COST PER S.F. $0.437 COST PER DFU s I 70.50 COST PER DFU $83.99 NUMBER OF UNITS I NUMBER OF UNITS I COST PER FEU $l16.51 COST PER FEU s 1,389.30 ADM. FEE RATE 5o/o AREA DRAINING TO DRYWELL 1256 I lJb $463.46 $4,8353r COST PER TRIP I 9.86 COST PER TRIP $377.40 $3,E01.78 CHARGE $53 l .80 CHARGE $189.03 CIIARGE $274.44 NEW TRIP FACTOR 1.00 NEW TRIP FACTOR 1.00 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET l9-0025,14-MD BENJAMIN RISI-OW AND EVA SCT{AEFFER 3727 JASPER RD 1802061309500 Residence ITEM 2 TOTAL. CITY SANITARY SEWER SDC A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: ADT TRIP RATE 9.57 x x x x B. IMPROVEMENT COST: ADT TRIP RATE 9.57 xx xx ITEM 3 TOTAL - TRANSPORTATION SDC A. REIMBI]RSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's I B. IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's I x x x C. COMPLL{NCE COST: NUMBER OF FEU's I MWMC CREDIT IF APPUCABLE (SEE MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE ITEM 4 TOTAL - MWMC SANITARY SEWf,R SDC SUBToTAL (ADD rTEMS 1,2,3, & 4\ 5. ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: SUBTOTAL $ l 0,635.92 TOTAL STORM ADMINISTRATION FEE TOTAL SEWER ADMIMSTRATION FEE: TOTAL TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION FEE: TOTAL MWMC ADMINISTRATION FEE - I,OCAL COST PER FEU $19.s6 SIZE I.0T SVEI $189.03 s274.44 $r90.05 1.72 $19.56 $23.t 241.77 $11,167.72 I 070 t09l 1092 1093 1094 I 056 079 077 078 (hg: ! O* E)F U) g.l 535.37 635.92 PREPARED BY Steven Petersen t/27t2020 TOTAL SDC CHARGES x l-llp-ERvlous s-F. I 1256.00 x x DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES X UNIT EQUIVALENT = DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS FOR CAI'UT-ATE ONLY THE NET ADDITIONAL OF FIXTURES LTNIT FIXTURE TYPE NEW OLD ALENT MISCELLANEOUS DFU ryPE NUMBER OF EDU'S TOTAL DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS lsa toa unit set at 167 MWMC CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED ON COUNTY ASSESSED VALUE DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS 0 0 1979 *EDTJ $5.29 $5.19 $5.12 $4.98 $4.80 $4.63 $4.40 $4.07 $3.67 $3.22 $2.73 $2.25 $1.80 IS LAND ELGIBLE FOR ANNEXATION CREDIT? (Enter I for Yes, 2 for No) IS IMPROVEMENT ELGIBLE FOR ANNEX. CREDIT? (Enter I for Yes, 2 for No) BASE YEAR CREDIT FOR LAND (IF APPLICABLE) 0 VALUE / lOOO $0.00 CREDITRATE $5.29x CREDIT FOR IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION) VALUE / IOOO CREDIT RATE $0.00 x $5.29 TOTAL MWMC CREDIT$1.59 $1.45 $1.25 $1.0e $0.92 $0.72 $0.48 $0.28 $0.09 $0.05 0003BATHTUB 0001DRINKING FOLINTAIN 0 3 0FLOOR DRAIN 0 0 0 3 0INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE / OIL / SOLIDS / ETC. 6 0INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND / AUTO WASH i ETC.0 0 0 0 2 0LAI.INDRY TUB 1 0 3 3CLOTHESWASHER / MOP SINK 6 0CLOTHESWASHER - 3 OR MORE (EA)0 0 0 0 12 0MOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (1 PER TRAILER) RECEPTOR FOR REFzuG / WATER STATION / ETC.0 0 1 0 0 3 3RECEPTOR FOR COM. SINK / DISHWASHER / ETC.1 1 0 2 2SHOWER, SINGLE STALL 0SHOWER. GANG (NUMBER OF HEADS)0 0 2 0 3 3SINK: COMM ERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN 1 0 0 2 0STNK:COMMERCIAL BAR 0SINK: WASH BASIN/DOUBLE LAVATORY 0 0 2 2 0 1 2SINK: SINGLE LAVATORY/RESIDENTIAL BAR 0 0 5 0URINAL, STALL / WALL 0TOILET, PUBLIC INSTALLATION 0 0 6 0 3 6TOI LET, PRIVATE INSTALLATION 2 YEAR ANNEXED CREDIT RA 1,000 ASSESSED VALUE BFFORE I979 1979 1980 l98l 1982 I 983 1984 l 985 l 986 1987 l 988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 l 998 1999 2000 200 I r 20 POAGE ENGINEERNG & SURWYING INC. INFILTRATION TRENCH CALCULATIONS FOR GOODEN.HARzuSON New Residence & Garage@ 3723 JASPER ROAD Springfield, Oregon Date: December 21.2019 CTUIL/ENWONM&{?ALET,IGNEERNG ' STIRWYNG ELGB{a OR 91N24152 990 oBIE ST. 541/485-4505 FAX v1/485-5624 \1'lilW.pOAGENEr Y zg. -ri:, P.O. BOX 2527 @ INFILTRATION TEST RESULTS An infiltration test was conducted for this property in accordance with the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. The results obtained from the testing are as follows: Desisn Testins An infiltration test that included both a standing head test and a falling head test. The standing head test rvas done over aperiod of 4 hours to saturate the test area; the infiltration rate was greater than 60"/hr. A follow-up falling head test showed a rate of greater than 16 inches/trr. The utilized design infiltration rate of 8"/hr gives a safety factor of greater than 2 (with respect to both tests tests). The testing was done at a depth of 42". The soil profile. to a depth of 54". is roughly representative ofthe "soil Survey of Lane County" mapped Chapman soils profile. There is no evidence of high ground water to a depth of less than 5 feet. Based on this information, it was confirmed that the site meets the DEQ standard for an infiltration trench. in that the high groundwater table will be belorv the bottom of the proposed infiltration trench (designed/proposed at a depth of48"). Conclusions The stormwater runofffrom the new residence can be retained on the site through the use of a soakage trench; there are no site constraints except for the necessary setbacks. The infiltration facility should be constructed more than 5 feet from a property line (unless an easement of some sort prevents adjacent structures on the adjacent property), and more than 10 feet from any signifi cant building foundation. The infiltration trench was sized using the attached SBUH methodology. A design infiltration rate of 8 inches per hour gives a safety factor of more than2; The soakage trench is sized at 28' x 3' x 30" deep for the 2400 s.f. (design) of impervious area. Note that, since only the bottom of the soakage trench is included for the design infiltration, the footprint dimensions may be changed as long as the total area is still at least 84 s.f.. AWL/EI,IWRONMEAITALEAGINEERNG " SARWYNG EL:GE\q OR 974&4152 990 OBIE ST. 5{t/48$4505 FA/y yU48t5O4 lwv1v.?oAcEl{EIP.O. 30X !527 (D trs= ioEl 8er = PqF-iAuE arca ' impcrious arcr - 000 lO O.4O1i tL10% :0 04f/; 080?. 30 0.4ce4 1.2cf.!o 40 0.{f/o 1.@/. 50 0.1tri Lwa 60 04cP4 2.t@.4?0 0.4tt','. 2.8070 t0 0.toa,n 3.209r 90 0.409t 3.609/0 tN o.4ff/o 4.Wo 1r0 0.50% J 5eio f 20 0 5tr1 s.Atr/. ,-10 0.5CP4 5.5070 140 0.to?6 6.0tr/.I50 0i0.,/. 650r. 160 0 509i, 7.0tr/o 170 0.60?i 7.@/" r80 0,50./. s.2f./. 190 0.6tr/c s.804/. :c0 0.6f4 9.4S/o ?t0 0 60% to.m'la 3?0 0.60;i l0.f/J./o :30 0.70t,o l:.30?t 240 o.iv/. 12.wn 230 0.1V,L 12.10% 260 0.70P,-i 13.409/. 2io o.?cP/. t1.1fP/i ?80 0.70% t4.80,t 294 O.E2% $.e4./. 300 0.8?9/s 16.447. ito 0.s2.,4 17.26% 320 0.819'0 'S.08%!t0 0 E2ti tE.90rl. 340 0.32an 19720/" 350 09i%:0.67% 360 095,''. ?1.62% 370 0.9s% 22,57% 380 0.9596 2J.53?'o 390 0.9591 24{79l. 400 0.95?i 35.i:tro.lr0 I i4% :6.76% 420 I 349/. :s.toroz 4io -L9'. t9..14% 440 1,809.0 il.:49.;.{50 1.809t :3.04'/. 1@ 3.40% 3031% 4i0 5.19yr 41.84% 180 2.70% 11.51% 490 I Se,t 46.i49l. 5@ t.349i 47.689n ,10 t-349i 49!:?; 5:0 r.-14e; 50.36% 510 0.689i 51:4% 5.{0 0 8E9'. 5: l?9/o 550 0.689'. 53 0091 560 0_s89t 53.889'0 5?0 0 881'0 54.76r'! 580 0.8se.i, 55 6196 5q0 0 8E9n 56 5:to 600 088% 5?4096 6r0 0.$99,; t8.23i/. 620 0.8S96 J9.1696 630 0.s89,6 60.0i9t 610 0.889;609t?.i 6ic 07?% 6t 64?.; :?2f JASPER ROi\D. SPRT\GTIELD Ncu Singl. Esmity Reidcncc & CARAGE (3.3CO : f ) (DESIGN) 4.3E5? o2041 0.2S = 0.?s = 0 E57l 0 040E CN- CX= tqkl dcprh rqin Pr= i6 (inchcs) rit = l0 (nin) Tc= 40 24-Hour SCS T1p: 1.4. Design Srom - 5 Ycr (5-\r 2.1 hr srm) la00 (s.{-) 9.0551 tacrls) 0 0.0551 Filc No drli02-Cq)DE:-H.{RRISO\ (3?x? IASPER ROAD; SPfD)-5YR-SCS.qpw i?-21-19: DB!\'l rf,.liur€d infiltralion = 14 tnhl rrcord dau infrltralion 'Ni.{ p.ak d6ign intensit) = 5 4 iBtnl lcngl't = \\idrh. dePth * infihntior uca (s.f.1= dtsigl infiltRrion rate (in'hr) ' iofiltration rate (foscc) = ma\ infilration trtc (cfs')= :l 2.5 6{ 0.00019 0.016 8 (Sf .3)?0 \{AX FLO\ll Mer llou frm sitc. 0.031 cfs rF 0llll tul rsaitable $o.age(c$ = ?3.5 (NJ 3j9/. VOIDS) eccumaulated rcquircd rtoragc (ruimum sha*r; (clbic fccl) Rainfall lncre. Rainfall Accum. Ac.um. lrcrcm'lime distr Rainrirll lncrerent Rlinfall Ruaoff Runoff (nin) MPERVIOUS .q.ccum. lscr.m Toul ln$ur Design Ruooff RulolT Rlioft {lorvralc fio\ntc rnfilrration {cG) disr (irch6) (inrh6) (in!hes) (iuch6) (incher) (inch$) (ir.h$) (c{!) (c6) 00 0.0t.1 0.0i4 0.013 0.029 0.014 0.0i3 0"014 0.058 0.014 0.0i2 0.014 0.0E6 0.014 0.10r oolt 0.115 0.0t4 0.130 0.0td 0144 0.01s 0.t62 0_018 0 r80 0.0ts 0.198 0.016 0.215 0.o18 02il 0.0r8 0.:5? 0.01? 0.274 o.ot2 0 29s 0.02: 0.3t? 0.0?3 0,3iE 0.022 0.3e4 0.022 0.38: 0.015 0.401 0.025 0.432 0.025 0.;157 0,025 0.483 0.025 0,508 0025 0.513 0.030 0.562 0030 0.59: 0.030 . 0.621 0.030 0.5J1 0.030 0.6so 0.030 0.'t10 0.03.1 0.714 0.034 0.77E 0.034 0.8t3 0.034 0.s47 0.014 0.881 0.034 0.9t5 0.048 0.963 0.048 I 0t? 0.0.+8 t.060 0.065 '.t350.055 ,.1E9 0 122 Lil2 0.194 I 5C6 0.097 1.603 0.065 t.668 0.048 t.716 0.048 t.765 0048 1.8r3 0032 l.E{s 0 03? 1.E76 0.032 r 908 0_032 r.940 0.012 1.9710.0]2 :.003 o03? 2 03J 0.032 3 066 0 0i2 2 09S 0.032 :.r30 0.032 :.161 0 0l! 2. 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W)AL'vt24+2 !iJ2442 31455 UP-I 0/w I I D*l@IE [il-li -E B: w3642 wJ642 SHELT (5)l 6" Shlvs 30 30 MAS]ER BEDROOM 157.06 SQ.FT. S&R E. dd U) $t/2 KITCHEN doo-=DINING 98.07 SQ.FT. LIVING ROOM 201.19 SQ.FT. ffi Palm Harbor Homes coPYRrcHT@ 2019 Palm Harbor Homss, lnc. AllRlghts Ros€Ned Millersburg Rislov GJA 5/30/1 9 400 20x40 Rsv. Eyt - R!*lon: - Approvals P.E. 3rd Psrt,4 Shlo: o o 32'-5 3/8'21'-5 7/8'17'-7 7/4' 5/8' .t 0.0 PtEI€IEN Bto(ruc PE1IIEIB &rcr{N0 2t'-8 1/8' F'OIINDATION TEGEND cflt lltt\,/t_ runin t- ffiii BA I =ffiH l-38'-0 r/cI El5'-5ttWASTE WASTEDnoPOJ DRoPO--J @o\\N6 2:i-11 tF t7'-s 3/4" t-21'-9 1/2' msrdDRopG--Ta26'-6 3/4' *std I0R0P+ PIER tso Fo F 3/t 14'-1 1/8' 17'-r 3/8' 1 3/8' 8'-7 1/8'15'-9 J/8' 39'-4' 7 /8' 1/8' Note: -Foundotion Supplement- 1) This poge only reflects the Column, Sheorwoll, Piumbing Drop ond Key Perimeter Point Lood Locotions. lt does not cover the Pier blocking, Perimeter blocking or Column loods thot is required to complete the set*up of the home, 2) Reference the Engineered floor plon for Column loods ond Sheorwoll informotion. 3) Blocking requirements for the home is covered in the Polm Horbor Homes Set-up Monuol (or per plons CA-F7 for the Stote of Colifornio). 4) The Foundotion must be designed by o Professionol Engineer. 5) The Home should be instolled by o Licensed Controctor quolified to set-up monufoctured housing. Palm Harbor Homes coPYRTGHT@ 2019 Palm Hsrbor Homgs, lnc. All Rlghts RsEerved m;, Min-eE6ursHP- Ri.ro, GJABE 5/30/19 400 il*i'"" 20x40 Pago Oosl0Blio6: Rov. By: - RovbLo: - ApprovalsFE:- 3d Parly: Slotol 10'-4 r0'-B't/2'1/8' 10'-0'1/+'1 /s- 5/8'50l.t 7/8'1/4 :lt J/8' t7'-3 w442 tn442 n45d o o OPI D/W c z w3542 w3642 OQ SHELF tr5uz2 (3)16' Shlw o€ N a S&R a 6 S ts R 30 JO MASIER BEDROOM r57.06 SO.FT.l?'-J J/8' XIlCHEN aaUOdDou s/8' 30 t/8' 3/8' ! DINING 98.07 SO.FT. UVING ROOM 20r.19 SO.FT. 8'-r0 Jl' 1/-s th' I @o yi-t t/+ A Column Reouirementsa- srud Longrh: 106 - 2x3 @ .16 O,iC. #2 SPF Mordago Wall Holghl 108 Votslon: 1.0 Wind Zon6: 1 Erpcsuro: C Fl@r Ooad Load: 15 R@lOosd L@d: 1t R@l Uvo Load: 30 FLOOR PLAN ?88.60 sq.ft. wdth: t18 No.Addl Joist 31 GA. Strap Tab Span Max. Stretch Stud # Type l& Size I etoct Column Load 1 T N/A 1 t 6!9'0''1 1.46 N 1823 ,| 1 5!9'1 1-2x6 N 1823 2 T I 16!9'2 3-2x3 N 1823 2 B N/A I I 6!9'0'$213 N ,823 3 T 1 2 ,|.2r3 N 571 4 T N/A 'I t1L'10'0'2 2-2t3 N 1727 4 s N/A I t'1!10'0'2 2.b3 N 1327 5 T t t1rr0'0'I 1-2xG N 1321 1 11!'t 0'1 1.2x6 N '1327 C)Shear Wall Requiremonts (HSWC) \J-_-R@f Pltch: 3.61/12 wlnd LoEd: 15 PSFSTO Jol$r 2i6 Sldowsll Helghl @ 15 O,/C, #2 SPF 108'- = Uso Slnglo Jolstwit| Elock(s)L No. Avail Length osv PLF Min. Length #of Tab Span Max. Stretch AVE Span Cant. Span Total Freo Fnrl 1A 34 150 4 314'1 21rT 0'0''t,0 0.0 't8 41.0 150 5 4 3t4'1 21\T 0'0'r.0 0.0 70 290 5r 6 21D'3 10'..0'0'0't.0 0.0 3 112 100 75'2 7 1t4'1 18'-5'0''1.0 0.0 ffi Palm Harbor Homes 201 I Palm Harbor Homos, lnc. All Rlghts Roserved Millersburg Rislov GJABv: 5/30/1 I sodo3:400 20x40Numhr Pa9o Do!lgno!oh: Rov. Bla - RoYLrls: - Approvals P.E. 3d Portyi StsIO: /:v Palm Harbor Homes COPYRIGHT 2019 Palm Harbor Homos, lnc. All Rlghts R€s€ned Millersburg Rislov GJA 5/30/1 I 400 20x40 Rdsioo: - Approvals th Listed Truss Ulo#1v1895501 Elown Insulotioo Roof Oeckino ond Shingles 123.61;7 '2x per 0APIA PA-20-RB-2 Foscio L\t Ridge Beom open spon locotions lxO Roil 0.A.orc 2x top plol,e @ I-r.r)o ogo-a windovs Ccment siding 2x6 erterior woll Eott lnsulotion 21 8ot plote 2x Perimetcr Roils EloHn lnsulotion 2x Floor Joisls lnsuloted oucl System -l -z/ l--rr- 2x top plote Morrioge tlolls 2xl 2x lnterior \Yolls 2x 8ot plote l/2'Gypsum 2x top plote 1/2"Gi2sum 'l/2'Gypsum 2x Bot plote T/G floor decking Floor