HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-27..RESIDENTIAL.. 22 s ltorth sti, s treeAE? L:c A! r0ll /PEF'I/E, Spriryfield, ?regon 97477 EULLCITW DL!1.SLON /zo-o/ot SPTIINGFIET-D ?eee:o: 4 I q Date: *p Ca "'ob loccticn: St bdilis'icn: |->tel": ci:y: Pl"one: zig: Descibe Nork: ooLT1-iate of .lpplica ticn ,"rr# .lCCiticn RaoCeL 1 Cenetcl Sani2u1 sanet capped :t prcperty Lir.e Septir totk p'"iryed ad. filleC tith graial Pinal - i',h.en cbcue ii;ens are cczoietei ard :;hen le:tclltian is cotalele br stt-;:- ttse nauei ati =re:rlses clZanei ut. Ecnes tsLocking od Set-ztg ?LttnbinX eonneciic-ns -- sa)er d. ua=zr Electr)ccl Ccntectiort - Blcckit"g, 6et-ut atd. plwnbing caanections r;st Le apptc"'ed be7'or e reques ting e! ec*-rJcal instee:ion . c.essa,V guililng ?inzl - After icrekes, ekirtitq' deels, etc. @e cayole:ad. ?=?e 1 oi 2 Conetvtctiat Lenier I! ie :he reaponsibili;y of the pertrri;. 'noZd,er b see lhat aL|,. ,Jnspectioru, @e nade at )he pz.oper ti-ne, that acch cddress is req;nii.e 1'roat tiu srreet, and:izct the ?erv.-rit cail ia Lccated at the fzrat of tle ?ro_De?ty.12ui!ii-4 )ilti:io- zpgroted plbz s7-'LL nenain on the Euil,i.ittg Stte at eLL' ehes.- P?oc11ljPl ?0R !!tSPirl!9!__B:9VtS!.'CALL726-3769 (recorCet) s+.ate you? Ciq lesigvated job nwiber, job aiitess, type of insoee2icn @eaiy;.oritlspection,cont"dcta"eo?a;,,.r"-,o,,"-,,,dpt.,"tzurlbct..".equescsteceit:edbefcr".-7:a0altiLZ be rade the sa:e Ccy, requests naie aftar 7:00 on viLL be nad,e the nest unking dag. tottr City Deeigra,ted Job rtunber ,, ' -:oL. )1( ,-l SilJ i.?5Pii:liU.' ?o 'ce nade ai'-er i | ;caila". ':"t pricr tc set up oi - fctns. - a$ilc?cu:t, ? tL?.e Jjs L_gyair_ nll:bJLtr4 vter.ekee.r i_I I ,:l ll UIDS?SL;.2 ?';::.!3IJG, !LiC?3!C,1!' iACIi:iiCAt: |o ce ncde belote cny - Lro:r( 1s calctec. ?CCT:IC , !AL'!DA!:C:I: lo be ttCe 6zffi;- a"7 a c an'- e<i ard fcras cre ereclei, but prior io POUy.rq canc?ete. UI'EP!:CC? ?L|J:B flG )' )|II?ilITCAL : !IilAL ?!,U:.191:iG C -.aAL ..!2:-iA.li,{-ai, :7.1.f =f=Mof,-.. |NSULAT:ON/VAPOP B , lo be tpCe after aLL insalaticn ed requiz'ed uqon buz.iets ee in o'la,ce but before oty lath, Wpsun baavC cr wLL coueying is cpplied, ad before o.y insulation is coneealed. DRYilA-LL i!lSPl1IC:\: ?c be raCe -.. zfler aLL crlaa!.L is in place, but prtor tu ary tapitq. laSC]!!!: Steel Locatioa, bond ffi7gmutin4 or ue"ticdls in azcor.bee vith U.ts.c. Section 2415 . ffire*,@sccliac;-on of rLoo? '.n6ui..ilan o? aecK'Lng. l-l plsi A;tD 3zA!,!: lo be ncce trlor lo J ffi;E'*" ";' fioor irsui--,.or. or &ck:-nE, P.Ct:C:J ?'.-',::2::iC. i!!fPICAL I :.!i::1- )..11'li.l: )io :crl ls ac te coiele6. -- .uratL )aes2 '.)";tecaaclaS 4cue Je€ai neie td. .:ggrciei. ..--.ifPl,lf3.' P?.:at -.o Vkctrq jzc)ng nccerials arC befate iroir4 'i-nscec- ??-4!li:lC: lhst be tectecteC cfler qprovcL c1' tctigh Tiuriing, electf:- cal I necianicai. ALt tcofirq brccirq 7 ch.Lrneus, etc. t"tsc be ccncle=ed. llo ';cr< is to le cat- - ceaied untiL this irsoecicn \ae'been ranie cni cpgrcteC. Aftet instalTation is CaFs E A?rycAq A?:9!t: Aftet fornsa". e"".tA-i"tr p6o" to poaz-:ng corD?ete. 1IDlilLLK d DRI',E{AI: Fo:. aLL ear crete paoing aiohin stteet r"tght- of-r';cg, tc be na.de a;"-at aL'!- e*ea- uating cotrplete ,3 fo*':t ,,nrk 3 zub- base ncterial in PLtce. !!lfC!: ;,lhen conplate -- fuouiie fi5i or norsable sectians through P. U. E. ALL cro;ect coniitions, ;uci cs tize i-tstal\acicn of slreec:rees, :cqletion.cf cie required. 7.anzscqir.g, ctc., twst be satisJ'ied befcre tLe SUI\D|:;C ?IIIAL :cn be reqtested- iIttAL SUfLDllC: fne Final Buildlrq lnsoection ntsx be rearcstei.i:er the liral 71*r5r* ilectrieal, qtl. :teci,ar.icci inspect'.cns 'naue been neCe ari z:prcoac. 'ALL !.lAiiIiCiJS AilD Cizi.ilCars:MS? 38.:C:ES1:3|J, .40;1',57:S::!:0 2::.'."r,Ds !.! !10::s:72 cI:y Ll01< Sr,, -LhL, Yl tt I nnn rsses'ar: rr"P f A) Daa 4 t r"r$t*M ra&ass.. (O1ln U r Ahr-Pc\. Qn fncl o eo, UJccC S\ort-q-[-t ?'ze 2 JOB NO 7 8 soLARYCcESS REQ.- e/Ccr.sc: L-CO G+ 2e<itcons: tot Sq. Ft€. 7 cf !o2 Ccoeraga i! of Sior)es lotcZ lleighc rogogqhy Plunbing Perrit L Total Petri! issuztce l4eci:cnzcc.L ?etr-t Ccrt=crcu Srrt=: _ ir-xett!.cr _ Cormer _ Panhanile CUL-de-scc ?ire #: bLolee Plumbing Permit |12 petscn sie.ll conshact, inalall-, alter ot ciunqe dng rea cr e=istincql,n2inq ct drainage syste-n in uiole or in patt, -utless such person is- ti.e Le-gal.gossessot of a ualid plwrber's License, a-.ce?t th.at a pe:sot aaX Cophnbing uork to p"ope?t:! uhich is otm.ed, Leased or ogercied bg the appLi.- cdttt. Electricol Permif I'lhere stcte Lat requiz,es tlnt the electr|cal uork be done by an lleetr|cal Contt:actar, the electni.eal potliot of this 2etnit shall rot be ualiC untilthe LabeL ius been signed by the Eleca.ical- Contrdctor. Mechonicol Permit lai ?sces - Cclace ;lo".i1 I itc-, -h l iaocisco:;e 'ies'"l -- laes -- Building Volue & Permit This penit is gnanted on the efrress condiiicn tha.t the sai-d conetrtc;ionshell, in til riseec=s, eonfcrn-lo the )r&inan'tce adopteC s:y the Cz;7 oi Spr,.r-gf)eli, inclwi.ing :h.e 3ot.ing Crdinance, z.egulctirtg !h-e ccns;:.te;')cn cti use oi'auiliiings, cnd. n=y bz ;usce-nieC cz, reuckei a*. cr! tiae t:ct: t;.c- La'-ian c7' ny trcoisicns cf sa")C C,rdirances. ::::t ?'aLue Li'^.1t t/-,O: ?o+.al Cl,ctges K Cheek LUTL.A tucS.D.C. I.5 s !t}t.":tes Res'r,.dznti^a.L ( 1 bdth) Se.itar,1 Seaez, ',lcte:. :io ?es- So. ftc. llau/Ezterd. Circuits latacrey Set-lice Leat?.-e t-l: t aa?r?3.\! ?tt'r.:ce 3!U'S *lw:st lcod. Vent ?at Vcodsto:;e I / ta') /<.ao ,1n0 15. /o0 -- i:!c?.cAC:::|tY3 -- / LA1 v.e?;."qt4- ; :,tobile itane r HAw cA-RsiuLu lxAilrilED ifu eotwleted ctplicexicn ior pernic, cni d.cItereby cefiify- thct aLL ir,fo:nalion hetecn- is h."ue a)1. cZ*ecz, a,,i, tfur:her .cer!iJ''g 2hat any crL aLL aork >eriotned shall, be done .:, tcccr-ddnce 'rtch ;h.e ArCincnces oi- the City of 'Springfield, anC --he ia;a o!- theSr.ate cf )regcn pertainino to the Dot.?. Cesc:ibLl hereJn, .rtC :hc, lO 1CC!j-?!JC'I tilt o_a rade or'dty iiruct.t?e trtlh.o-"tt penr|aaion oi the iuiliixa )t-uision. i iut,ther :erzir'! ths.t o:zly ccrt o"ior." and eno-lcyees xi".c ,t-z incaoiiance u'Jth CRS ?01 .0SS aiLL be- used cn this .trcjecc -/r, Sec"*i;u De:csii i,ta'Jnf.ercr-: a CutiqtJ 5L,7A),a !.1 ilec:rtcal Lciel :97.1L ;.!au:E DLt,:./5,b o L. Date dt-