HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1997-04-21UaBfs?R 4 PERMIT # ^(F%f-?7 INSTALL SAND FILTER SEPTIC SYSTEMREAUEST FOB I have carefully read BOTH LYNN DANCER des of this PRIAIT NA}'€ certify that all inlormation is true and correcth OATE READ CAREFULLYI Your Authorlzation ls Based On The Followlng Conditlons FEES DUE: $APPROVED BY:OATE L{ oALL FOR |NSPECTIONS (SEE BACK OF FORM FOR INSTBUCTTONS) 687-406s SEPTIC permits are good for one year. ALL other permits expire alter 180 days unless lnspectlons are current LMD 040 Rev. 6/92 s. 47TH ST., SOUTH ON S. 47TH ST., TO END OF ROAD. 18 INSTALL SAND FILTER SEPTfC SYSTEM '"*' 9r2- 9733, SA-I'{E AS THE JOB ADDRESS ABOVE +s%bzga PH.NE 8 g6-3282 0 PRreEO6E }€. OF STORESWAERNTMD CITY ffiqffiEDUIORX NA,Gruffi PHONE SAME LYNN 5 RES. FROI4 JASPER A7'.tIJ ST., SPRTNGFTELD, OREGON 97478 OIilNEBS NAilEA ADORESS SAME AS THE ABOVE TO THE OWNER AT THE JOB ADDRESS ABOVE / -' VIOLATIONS SETBACKSA},IDOTTIERCONDITIONSOFAEROVALMUSTBBSIBICILYODII8RVD. YPI"ATIONCANNE$]LTNNBVOCATIONOPTIIIIIPBRMIT. CITATIONS MAY BE ISSI,'ED T'NDER, TIIB PROVtsrcNS OF LAI{B COI'NTY'S INFR^CTTON ONDINANCB AND/OR, OTI{BN, RBMEDIBS AI.LOWED BY IJ\W. Permit number - Job address - Type of inspection required - When it will be ready Your name and phone nrmrber - Any special directions to the site DRAINFIELD 10' l0' 10' 100' A MIMMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN FOR INSPECTION REQUESTS Have the following information ready when you call: 6874M5 powERroBNrBRUpoNLAND. "*""m,!f"iTlB*i+'3Flllffilf33#&!'lffi"rffil3H.Bli,fi'*?r"-" *oprHBIRFtNcrroNs,M^y ENTER UPON ANY LAND AND MAXE EXAI\{INATIONS AND SURVEYS A},lD ll-ACB A}.ID MAINT IN THB NBCBSSARY MONT ME{TS AND MAR.ERS THERBON. REQI.'IRED INSPECTIONS FOLTNDATION INSPECTION: To be made after excavations for footings are complete and any required reinforcing steel is in place. LINDERGROLTND PIPING INSPECTION: To be made after all underground piping has been installed, pnor to any baclfill. CONCRETE SLAB OR UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTION: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building service equipment, conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is placed or floor sheathing installd, including the subfloor' ROUGH MECHANICAL INSPECTION: To be made after all ducting and gas piping has been installed and prior to being covered. ROUGH PLUMBING INSPECTION: To be made after all plumbing rough-in is in place, prior to being covered. FRAMING INSPECTION: To be made after the all framing, fte blocking, bracing and roof are in place and all pipes, chimneys and ve,lrts ue complete and the rough elecrical, plumbhg, and mechanical inspections have bee,n made and approved. INSULATION INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation and vapor barriers are in place, prior to covering. LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place but before any plastering is applied or before gypsum boardjoins and fastaner are taped and finished. ADDITIONAL INSPECTIONS MAY BE REQUIRED, such as but not limircd to; BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place but before any grout is poured The inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have beenmade and app,roved. FINAL MECHANICAL INSPECTION: To be made just prior to the stnrcture or remodeled area being occupied and prior to operating any equipmenr EINAL PLUMBING INSPECTION: To be made just prior to the building, stnrcEre or remodeled area being occupied. FINAL BLTILDING INSPECTION: To be mader after finish gfading and the building, structure or remodeled rea is completed urd ready for occupancy. MOBILEA,IANUFACTURED HOMES: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system, prior to covering sewer or water lines, fu setback requirements, blocking, tiedowns and plumbing connections. Footings and piers to comply with Sute foundation requirenrents for mobile homes or as recotnmended by the mmufacnrrer. Minimum finished floor elevation shall be certified when required by Floodplain Manageme,nt Tiedowns, if required, shall be installed and ready for inspection within 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns shall be installed per etrclosure. APPROYAL REQIIIRED No work shall be done on any part of the building or stnrcure beyurd the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the spprovar of rhe building official. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in tlrc construction as indicated by each o(ttre inspections required. i ' APPRovEDpr-ANSMUSTBBoNTHEJoBSTTEATAITTTMFSDURINGWoRKINGHouRS. i'" "i THIS PERMIT WII.I D(PIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WTTHIN I8O DAYS, OR IF WORK IS STPPPED OR ABANDONED FO"R'MORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCI'R IF TIIIS PERNIIT IVAS ISSUED ON TI{E BASTTOF SICOMPLETE OR ERRONdOUS IMORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING pAST.THE POINT OFREQT.,'TREDINSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWNRISK. ' .,1, Youi sigriature bn tha hont of this form verifies 0re following: I HAVE CAREFULLY E)(AMINED TItrS COI\,{PLETED APPLICAfiON md do hereby certify ttrat aH information hercon is tnre and @rrcct, and lhat I have a legal interest in the property as omer of record or authorized agent. I furttrer certify ttrat any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of Lane County and the laws of the State of Oregon per- taining !o the work described herein. I fur0rer certiff tlnt if I am not the owner of the property, my registration with the Builders Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, and that if exemp the basis for the exemption is noted hereon, srd that only zubcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on the job. SUBSURT'ACE & AI,TERNATIYE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: When subsruface constnrction is complete, the permit holder shall notify the County Land Management Division by submitting the installation record form. An inspcction will be made by a qualified sanitarian. If construction complies wi0r all rules a certificate of completion will be issued to the permit holder. If construction dees not comply with rules, the permit holder will be notified, and all corrections shall be made before a certificate of completion will be issued. Failure tp mcet satisfactory completion within the giloned drne constitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this nrle. SUBSURF'ACE STWACS DISPOSAL SETBACKS ' SEPTIC TANK From: Interior property lines 10' Edgeofroadright-of-way l0' Building foundation 5' Wells or other water sources 50' I \ .!v,-'nJAi r ala+Ef,illQ*/lffil , r rr-,t6.r Jh{tfl To Be Completed By lnstaller: PERMIT ISSUED TO: (Date received) ,dffigs Depadmenf( Eii!.iftIilfElthffhf to perfom an rnspedion of the compl6ted construclion ansr th6 oficial notie date, unless the oepartmont (or AgEnt) etects to waivs the roquestforth6pro-covorhsp€ciion. Plgasecompleteallthms6ctionsofthafommdrslumtoLaneCountvEnvironmental HEalth. 125E.8thAve..Euoen6.Oreoon.97401. SECTION 1: BASIG INFORMATION Permit #9rnt -?-05, /.ffiMap/T ax Lot # J 6 Name:iling Property ress: TOTAL #: Beciroom Living Units Basement: Yes_ No WATER SUPPLY: Public Il lndividual o Community o Other (Name) Depth Rock Beneath Drain Line Cr in.; Depth Rock r Drai SECTION 2: Materials List (ldentify and list all materials used in system;: SEPTIC TANK: I Concrete o Poly o Metal .C Manufacturer I ltt'linw,toTfi-.6n*r4Tor. Total L-iqUid C-apacity ,/(oo g dl.- ,-i& n'" Distance from Dwelling l4 ft.; Effluent Sewer ASTM Distance from well f** ft. DRAINFIELD: Total LinearfeetJg- -; Drainfield Pipe (ASTM#),M-eaderPipe(ASrM flW aiL n Linejlin def that a I No.p and Mercury Float and No.)Of nmaa 3 l have been installed with this sewage installati Cycle {5 gal. on (Complete as Applicable): Working Capacity of Chamber o l. Gallons per "Working Ca remain alarm has dd Distance of WELL from Closest Portion of DRAINF D Mfg./Type/Size of Rock Filter M PUMP SYSTEM: (Mfg.) Switch (Mfg sig 4.c- OTHER: (Materials not listed above t. L-ll-fz FOR SANITARIAN'S USE ONLY: I ;(Vstem Approved o System Disapproved o Needs Correction o System Gorrected; Date: sig INSTALLATION RECORD & Capacity OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION. \Men signed by the County Sanitarian, this certificate is 454.665 of satisfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location. ? (over) evidenceJs per ORS g6g -77Permit # SECTION 3: AS-BUILT PLAN OF THE CONSTRUCTED SYSTEM. Show the following: North arrow, septic system referenced to a flxed point, such as, building foundation or property corner, property lines, wells and water lines within 200 ft., drive orwalk-ways, all buildings, property dimensions, streams, ponds, cuts, escarpments (>50% slopes). lnclude final grade shots of ends of trenches, distribution box, and septic tank outlet elevation. ( IA ,ao l$t, ,I o I TY .t r)f, {. la' .1,"7 *!, ^n r!*'I Itt oI , 0t! {. L 0*, I I \'+J k, j Itc r(?ff .t L .t- tt ra 4o' L ---r( I P:-\4 J \-r*'- 4a q{ L.--* ,' __ 01 \ ytct Kf\r)\ NITY MAP I certify the informdtion provided in this notice is correct, and that the construction of this system was in accordance with the permit and the rules regulating the construction of an on-site sewage disposal system. I have tested the septic tank for water tightness per OAR EL 340-73-025(3) lnstaller (Ptease and fo it '{L?\\ ht$l r\ ,tJ Telephone License Bonding E /-Q (Title as shown on DEQ license) 54t ^ ?rt- 3a sL ! Il -) ,\ I ******************************************************************************************************* H,00 :"r0 0$r rs . 6 rtrgt "" I @91,ag 200.m 30 osr l0 .5 3t.gc I.-t I,- Htt ,lEo|. o lr, U E z oJ h t-. 150.00 100.00 a0.00 Refer to Pricc Litt Pege 5 X lltV or Ii0V t 0.00 30.00?0.00 30.m NET DISCHARGE, GPM .1o.00 1r5/230voLT PctS \. { stltc30 osl07 \ r-i -\ " 2 rtege'{0 osl05 0,m 10,00 )l7t -f@F'f AZ1€N.. DjU fit4ny /p[.dBP >., C,^7? goa 5Nt. I<tr,'k Y{t''gO: eO LE '1A '7C' ... r,' ]1.+..'.].lgi..| I -r-,, L,r,d,r,r.--. -'-i,' a r ..'.",-...'...',..'...'.-....'; I .rt05 \ \ 1t o fRo Pcrsr o U^J oF f,, S Q,o, e fr NDsLl?e €hs€m6Nr 8ot LonG .\s r '1 ,-1'I )l) ED oRoPos€D- I No,14dlr / 45L il1, a oF5 pcmit * DATE BY SCFf t-E l"= jO' flrof ltc2a€tl l"ffffi.; B tlL fvtnRTnt fi fflrt*Ttri,' I $gP S6 ^?7 Lca"a7,in, , ?g3 S, ,ftV sfftb t *' L1n' -A\,+, N+rc.A t\ \t DISPOS t'>e {"\ 3 iL (- K '2" \ rttri -?\- f1 € nNUFndruRED' '. I t'tl( E t.3c.'. ,,l "|(' 'rgl'l ,tt h PBaPoss O uu gr eG Ooul,D 6t',sctr. l(1ag Ltl'JG ).?t P.0,[, nND7' 5Lo?E -EnSEn€Nf sn N G Az-WRI ---I .tsa' uo.* frr,. ",, ,3 PauE .( "Al e"iti 6rr? 6X ts sH6 S,qoPareO s.AND ft L reR CUd r(6 15 ' P, gl,E. CNI tdV{. fi.rgO: gO z-E 'TA '?Cl I Ir t I nQ lH- ?0P vrBl, A{D'D*'Mllrr*,I&.r tlfii&) lttlam0tDn**l '17/W: $,U- fi4*trtt ert' BP €{.t^r 7 \.'lsf S tlt uNm -fD I rE o^vfrlr € t*.atllT',gl,d frCtt alFE 'IJg,,. )C lll4llualgl9EAt/ I ' .v^ryt tox 'tLiGF lllnE (aaMYIuAD3" ,nar ta' 8^ { I i hrc loor LVIDil ..arl. t!!trEtll0 fiirc uraoclotAltr PPI {nfilr rd ll.al niollPaxmEllt SOE VIEUI' r"n' ?0' x 1B' SANO FILTEB w./ GBAVITI DIIICHARGE , mFlgc g/a' l*/ I rratr)tvc nr!rrtlll'ltl 'O,LPYB il! tllr.tto Ptc tFr md. arra t.1 /l' drD a a' !.d.1 Frd$tBd, FUIrnp t^tvr lxo agtr,lc't4/1.^R T ilftrD l.Lr. tm rlrx|rrnl E.IB strlll 3.t u I haEr,lfitAarg,t*rlo ,tffi,, dl 3/rreA*R tt/rb r/a' E' fia i*laanfil dda*ttli ur. ,/,4*(t ',ilBtd4 lr? Dt* tzOd ,rc-l OFFTCE HOURS t4'ffe.r.l; BILL yvltl *,-tt ,n/*f^DeAi APPLICATION* BP E6E.97 LOCAflON:783 S. '071h 8t. 541 6Ee 3732 PHONE Pny*/cl--s- HOLD SLIP I.iNG couifi(il !- -tu\en' *in, Lynn Dancar , 783 s. 47th, Springfleld, OR.97478 LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH IS HOLOING YOUR PERMIT APPLICATION FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: Your rite requlrea a sand frltrr sewage disposrl aystem, Plcase submit dctailad cnglneored plana to your sand AE!:1L199I DATE IF NO RESPONEE HAS BEEN RECEMEO REGARDINO THI8 MATTER WTHIN 30 DAY8 THE IANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Court House / Public Servlca Building 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene Oregon 974a1 I Od 3Nl ldV'* ,/\Irf gO: eO *6 'lA '?O W: 3 ' - NE CoUNTY DEPT ENV MGT REC--PT # e6897 DATE O4OL97 APPLICANT DANCER, LYNN ADDR 783 S. 47"r._ ST., SPRINGFIELD, OREGONrL# L8O205l_l_00500 suBDrv 600 LoT BLK NEW BLDG TYPE USE R BDRMS O UNITS OO]- STORIES #BLDGS OO1 PHONE 912 8733 owNER NME DANCER, LYNN ADDR 783 S. 47TH ST., SPRTNGFIELD, OREGONcoDE APPL NO ACTTON DESCRTPTTON SQ FT UNrT COST VALUATION FEE DAYS BP BP BP BP BP PL #FIXIBATH: MECH SUR PCK SDS SDEQ ADM TECH LC 86897 SDSF FEE SDSF FEE FEE RA SWR: FT. WTR: MECHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE PLAN CHECK FEE FT. RATN: sz 2sz / sr oTR DEPOSIT ** FT 535. OO 30.00 95.25 5. 00 765.25 CK CATG: PLN SEQU: TAKEN BY RLH SDS t EST. ELE PCK COMPLETION DATE ISS 2 31- HOLD SLIP LANE CflJNTYtr APPLICATION# BP 868.97 LOCATION: 783 S. 47th St. Lynn Dancer 783 S. 47th. Springfield, OR. 97478 LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH IS HOLDING YOUR PERMIT APPLIGATION FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: your site requires a sand firter sewage disposar system. prease submit detaired engineered plans to your sand filter.. SIGNATURE Aoril 14. 1997 DATE \ \ Mondavfridav 8:00 to 9:00 OFFICE HOURS 541 682 3752 .\ PHONE IF NO RESPONSE HAS BEEN RECEMED REGARDING THIS.IVIATTER WITHIN 30 DAYS THE APPLICATION MAY BE DENIED LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Court House / Public Service Building 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene Oregon 97401 $/0u? nt |@i@o tuata@sLlfrw.raB'sulsuo$fieig ylweilM FCI 3C)4, zt, 9? o8: o8A,\lr rAPI INC a tx g t fl ! I IB @ $ * i!{{i iil lffii','rt flI { 't lll ili liiiilI F',j tEr igi;l&l!( IrB ir tI lilr I t,t!tt IrtiIJ ti i UI,I r ,tl g I {! I ! gr I E I I*'I _i_t-rt ! b 6 ;t ilf i{isIi ! _i_ il Il, I ii tll lli rlt 'x ! I! I I I IultrIIi;UI!i I 3!!g $ JI Is I t ? N S. I so.9 0o 4-q0 H -JA.qq ( t:q. T \ d tI!t-Lt h lx 0 M Js f,I i I iiii iIIiK L t ii ,'! II ft ii Ti iii D L t vl n !l B EI Hu olilrtri9 IH }H iH L Nt Ti b T I h iI $!l trll FI 6.1g EII * 1 B $it8II II IIt, Iti ll' i' I I, L"ri-rtr{l sl- lri. J T l €I a hIit!9c ET I I I I i I t I !t ! B !i I t .!i.i;' I SYSTI}I IIYD{IAULIC CAI-OJIAIIOI.{ SINftC T{EAD (ve.rtical e.Ievat-ion differerre frcm tlre p.-unp base to ttre pressrrre di-stililtion laterals) SYSIEI.I AI.:ICftANCE (ircludes di-strilrution pipirg lcses ard a 5 foot residual head -disdrarge at ttre distrjlrrtiqr latoaJ.s) FRtCftON HEAD (transport pipe friction Ioss as result of flcrr.r rate) 6, { r*, 3 2. 4- L F (see over) fYiction tiead in feet lDH lo't feet feet t (a) Calorlate Flcrr Rate Diarreter of orifices Nuber of orifices oriJice disdrargre rateNXR x ,'{ I (R) (b) Cal.culate FticLion rrrss Iergrth of b:arrsport pipe : Friction loss coe.fficient : LXF : :h^ : R (see oirer): EIcru Rate in gallons per nirurte: i%,vk ----1 .t Ft- x ,q7 a(vloo fr)(F) TCIAL D}}RMIC HEAD (stra of static head, systen allcruarce &fri-ction head) 5. HYDRATJLTCSPETFICSfiOhIS EUMP ELIIY:@M€ BRAND I4ODEL:IIORSEFCI^IER CAPACf,IY IDH E GFM E /c, b fqrlui GFM, & IDTI Foobrotes *rn abserrce of specific head ross carcuratiorrs, use 1o ft- factor ( Please complete all lines lnslde white boxes, it possible ,tZtl St Yorr Addros 4ii,u*1,"))eiil-7-J Owner of Parcel (if not same as above) (if not same as above) CCB Licens€ # Your mrzL zip Phone zip Phone 7f?.q ?79 Sbedl- stl:stis tu&dng&.il&rytqh* porerneaGs ondr nopcrly - House - Bam Garage - Mobile Home X sn"o SEPTIC INSTALLED?-^ '1,"j q?/{0 rWaterDisrict IfrAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Fourd on lrilnrpa ln lh. Ar...rllnrn t T.nuon tEffip l.ns. -EAon -iUEah- Town ni- ffi- -SAIm- -iAEAIo.r-T.r Lot 0s. /./ S.ctlon lraSocrlm tE 2Eun.ffi- Ere. Dlrcctlons to sfte lrom nearest maln lntercectlon AlLd s. 47d sf: Srrrl). o,' S- 17rl s+, L eLd e{ RonJ Sffe Address 'f),, Mail Permit Tot 7 ZP For Moblle Home stans with X) Pla Only x- Brand Year Size No. ol Bedrms Ucense* (No. Home Water LilD staff can llOT be held responslble for evaluatlons or recommendatlons based on talse, lnaccurate or lncom- plete lnformatlon. ) LCPW 149 y'tr ^t N l)a *rnf 1T,'- ct 4; FBo,n (.,fe< Di llama fl, t1- -'...,.-..-..,_-,1 -?, 1t 7' ?'0, E n NDSL)P€ € hse me n T 8o' Lott GIt \t \ -opooo(, ,fJ .ti\.\ , (,,u,e 1\s lt\ ,iC \\\-t ]* Y[n 'e :z. )5,( m D RoPoSa6''.fR o Pos6D UnrgFRGRourrO WNTER LINE A^IU FNC'TUR€D Hor4 e P Pgo eosr D uu oE R GQ'ortt:D ELt:ci q!cFL LrN€ l-t' P.o,€, nNDE t' 5Lc? E E /t3EI -_--I zo' t-oN 6 Etl s71 1r1 6 pg_w9R -t.5o' Pos6D .S,ND trttteR AX ISl: sH6.o 15, P,U,E, IL ExtsTrNG SCFttE l"= jO' \a t-() --c) o J' I