HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-07-17QJ 7*Job Location: Tar Lot llAssessors Map ll oo Subdioision: -*S/.",raJ€ Phone/LOtmer Addtess zip: DescrLbe h'ork: Oz+r/qGe 2FXSJ .d7oq:- DC Value L Date of App Licaticn Additian Rcce"-tlt..RESIDPNTIAL z.s North sth s;treeAPPLrcATl' ''/PERI',rr Springfiald, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFIINGFIELD llll0o\ I:elloarort:Lr General Plumbing icalI.1e El,ec tr j-ca l-> a /Q €* € l^L€ a /<-) Sup erv i-si1rg Electric ian DEI,IOLITIO!: OR i.iOVXi BUILDI|'|CS Sanitoty seser capped at property Lite Septic tank p;t:,rped and filled uith gra;sel Final - hrlten abcue itens are ccrnpleted and ahen Ce:nclition is conplete ot' stvuc- ture moued and premises cleaneC up- e |lcmes Blocking and Set-uP Plunbing connectians -- saner and uater Electrical Ccnnectton - Blocking' set-up and plwnbing cannections nust be apprct;ed beforc requesting eleclrical inspectio;t Accessors- BuiLCTn4 pcrehes, skirting, decks, 1 ^+^) Fi.nal - After el;e, are c.cmp Pege 1 of 2 It ie the responaibility of the permit hol-der to aee that aLL inspections are nade at the from the street, and that the permtt cat'd is Located at the front of the ,property.iAuilding Ditsision appro,*ed plan,shall renain on l:he Building Siie at aLL times. PRoc]:pl&E Fol? IrygeE!!19!.89!!S!:C,ALL726-3769(recordet') st:ate 17our City designa-ted iob @eadyfot,inspection,Cotttt,actarsora'snersncmecndp1ane*-iLL be made the sone day, "equests mcde aftet, T:00 an aiLL be nade the ncat aorking day. p"ope? tine, that ecch cddtees is nenCabie ' number, iob aCi;ress, type of inspecttch nunbcr,. Requesis receited befcre 7:00 ott Eqoo SITE INSPEC?ION: ?o be made after e-."u;ilon,-iE prior tc set up of forms. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECH.T.IIICAL: To be nade before any ffit'liZZoered. )1 FOOTING'& F)UNDATICN: To be rnaCe ;fret-l;encnes are etcauated and forms at,e erected, but prior to pouring ccncrete. UND\RGROUI]D PT,UMEINC. S,WR. il.4T8& Diat!! lgE: To be made prior to fil- Tfr-trenches. LIIIDERFLOOR PLIJI,IBING & I4ECHANICAL : T;-6;ffi; Wior-to-fielalt atlan o 7 floor insulation or decktng. POST AND BEAM: To be nade Pri.ot' to TGTiTffili{of floor insulation ot' decktng. ROIIGH PLA\IBIIIG, ELECTNICAL & MECH- ffi6;-;oL'e're,l GtiT-these inspections hats e- been made and approued. FIP.EPLACE: Prior to plccirq facitlgmaterials and before framing inspec- tion. FRAL|INC: l'tust be requested aftet approoal of rough plwnbing, electtt- cal & nechanical. AL! r'oofing braeittg E chinmeys, ete. tntel: be eonrpleted, llo ucrk is l;o be con- eecled until this inspection hns 'been made anC approoed. Iour City Desigrrzted Job Nutnber fs INSI]T,ATION/VAPOR FTRRTER I,\SPNCTION : ro be. iade after aLL insulcticn ard z,equired oapor baniers ote in place but before any Lath, gypsu]ll boarC or uaLL eooeringl is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTI)N: Tc be nade ;F"" "V'$ruaTT'is in place, but prior to ang taping. I"\ASINRI: Steel Location, bond 66&ilgrouting or uerticals in accordcnce Lttth A,B.C, Section 2415. W))DSTOVE: After installation is cctnpleted. CURB & APPRCACH AP\QN: After fomns at,e er.ectA bui prioi to pouring eoncrete. SIDEWALK & DRIYEWAI: For aLL con- creti pat;ing ut)thin street right- of-vcA, to be made after aLL exca- t)ating conplete & fona tnrk & aub- base material in Place. D II T V 1ENCE: h4rcn conPl;Le -- ProuiCe. dat6i or nouable secLLons through ALL projecb condi.tions, suc|t as the installation of street trees, conpleLlon-of the ,nquirnh Landsccping, Ltc,, mrst be satisfied before the BUTLDTNG FrllAL ean be requested' EINAL BUILDING: The Final Build;t-ng fnspectiott mtst be requested after the linal Plunbing Electrical, and Mechanic,zl Inspections inua been made and approtsed' FIIIAL PLUMBING EINAL MECHANICAL EINAL ELECTRICAL V *AT,L MANHCLES AND CLDANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST\iE1IT TO BE I.IADE AT NO CCST TO CI?Y # L-CO #SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO, Sout ees lteaSetbac ltt.ruse Aacess,t)t t Iat Sq. Etg. % cf Lct Ccuerage # of Stor'[es lotal Height lopography LCT TYPE _ Interior Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac Lot Faces - BeCroonsCroL -- I'ees -- . F?C x VaLueITEM L) Acces / oo aTOTAL VALUE s.D.c. 1.5 x Fee:,50 Date Pa"Jd3,73 Reeeipt #: 2 l3 ,23 S'tgned Building Volue & Permit This pemnlt is g?anted on the ecpress cond-ition that the said consttuction slnll" in atl respecti,- i"ifii \to the otdinance adoptetl biy the lifu 9fip,iigyi"ti, inclLd"-ng'the Zoning Crdinanc-e, r,egulating the ccnsttucticn oirrl ,r'i"" of Luild1ngs,'and mty be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation oJ: any prcuis'Lons of said Otdinances. *- ) * Building Pennit Total llnrgea State Surcharge I',[;t)CIL\II(}LNO Pittut,es Residential (1 L,ath) SeuerSani Wctet, No peycott sLwLL constrtrct, install,, alter ot clnnge cnA neD cr existing plrirt tig or drainage systen in uhol.e or in part, unless s.uch person is the i"gal p"osses*on ofo rLlid. plu^aur,s Lic.ense, except that a pevson nag Qo ptl*rA'f.irg uotk to p,ope*ty uhich is ouned' Leased ot' ope,ated by the appLi- cant. Plumbing Plunbing Pemit State P errn it NO IITEII Na,t/Ertend Cit'cuits Set"uice Electricol Permit Vlet,e State Lau requ.ites tlut the electtical uot'k be done by,an Electrical Cionty,actor, the el)ct?ical portion of this permit shfr.Ll not be oali.C until the Label hns been signed by the Electt'ical ContPactor" * State Tol;al NC T JL CllARCE BTU, S Eshanst HooC Vent Fan llcodstoite Mechonicol Permit PermLt fssuance l'leehan'ical Penrit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seeuz-L t Pevmit Cvrbcut Sideualk Electrical Label Mobile llcne r HAVE CAREFULLy EXAMINED the conpleted appltcation fo? pernit, and do tnieAy cettify that aLL f,nformation heneoi is ttae and co*ect, crud f furth"et' ce,tiiy l:hat any ard aLL aork perfotrned slnll be done in accor'' dan"e ,,rith thZ" Odinancbs of the City of Spz'ingfield, and the Las of the state of oregcn pertai-ning to the uonk cescribed herein, end tttat No occu- pliCy ":ttt b"e ralde of any structtne uithout perwtssi-on of the Building Di' uision, r further c-et,ti-fu that only contractoys and enplcyees ulrc are in eonplicmce ?nith oRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proiect 2-,/?-82 uaLe TotaL %b TOTAL AI,IOUNT DI.IT: *AtV.73 Si Date lkti,n 9,oo-, Cd?ool.t t7'EM Storaqe Md;-ntennnce Fense