HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1991-07-26CITY OF OREGO'V SPRII{GFIELD FENCE PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 225 F'ifth St,reet Springf ield, Oregon 97 477 I Off i ce: ION LINE: 726-3759 726-3769 Job Locati on: ?a t S lT .f ,) oP ?2v23 Assessors Map #: l?t9 32 Y)Tax Lot #: a ?za o 0wner , ,/" A o. n 7- /, -f,7*-.tr( DA 1L Addressi ?n, S'q?Phone #: 7y/^?? City:I State z s,P Zi z? 2 *zlp # ],f,o -d1)Value of Fence: Contractor/Installer: o tt t.y p-?. Fence Permjt is $5.00 Address: City:State: Construction Contractors Registrat'ion #: FOR OFFICE USE ree to cal I for an inspection once myI also state that all information on hat I was provided w'ith the Springfie'ld standards. Phone #: Li p: Ex pires: By sign'ing this permit/applicat'ion, I ag fence has been constructed (726-3769). thi s app'li cation/perm'it is correct and t Development Code requirements for fence v>?/- Pr DaE Date of Appf icat'ion: Rece'ipt #: Job #: Issued By:ft ,n ^ ^ o *- Total Amount Collected: Checked for Del inquencies: 45b Checked for Historical Status: fu^v.Mz 5'ignature 4n883{ CITY OF SPRTNGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICBS DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STRBET SPRTNGFTBLD, oREGoN 97477 PHONE: (503) 726-3759 HODIFICATION OT PROVISIONS APPLICATION W^a t) aiF' 1U1b e lIDEE3 SPRINGFIELE' LOCATION OF PROPERTY 4o Lf t/7 EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY ,(e s i/e a,'r'aL C.r rt Qot{oZE,CHFzroz Hr.(f 4I DESCRIPTION OF MODIFICATION BEING SOUGHT 7z ,32a. aa I .t/Z a ,ll.pt \O -fl--fi c pF (n U'trl(A(no Ta =ru P f, o P tllt\Is It\ zTr Err- A b,t7 il" /,t lt =tJUFIHFI,dtrltrIo tsc,C)cFC]t' zFdHHHtE Fj(,tr (fAPPLICANT NAME ADDRESS /?, ^b,"nr.f 7a rk) A2z /F-l X r.oFl I -Joc)\ rq- T I t E C)FoFrl Fl rforac /ttt.rr( PHONE: 7 'ttt-fJ12 OIJNBR NAME fa-* t- tsf, ) d,t u p, ADDRESS PHONE: THE UNDERSIGNED ACKNOI.ILEDGES THAT THE CORRECT AND ACCURATE. INFORHATION IN THI S APPLICATION IS APPLICANT SIGNATURE IF THE APPLTCANT IS OTHER THAN THE OUNER, THE OITNBR HEREBY GRANTS PERMISSION FOR THE APPLICANT TO ACT IN THEIR BEHALF. OIIINER SIGNATURE PLBASE ATTACH THE NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBBR AND SIGNATURE OF ANY ADDITIONAL PROPERTY OLINER. \ s_s { N \l- c) tqtC)cltrl trl|oH trl trl(,u t! t! F tE, C)tnHEFl ry P t$ 0fr >lu1 OVBR to / €t/ c e,u/ 8a* 6art /, a, o4 a xa e fo bor. ,e "r/ 2a-r / e xe 1/l/ ,'/ 7y'd ,Y 6 37? I Y? s/a/ 42) 5 qZ fPt2 7"v- tr?zI qq/- 2lr z t2 \ NOTICE OF DECISION irrcnrroru oF PRovlsloNSMOD F DATE OF DECISION JulY ??, 1991 JOURNAL NUMBER 91 -07-1 04 APPLICANT Robert Stocl<dall 401 South 47th Street Springfield, OR 974i8 PROPEBTY OWNER Bobert Stocl<dall 401 South 47th Street SPringfietd, OR 97 478 LOCATION OF PROPERTY 401 South 47th Street Tax Assesro,'' rvruJ fi-02-32-43; Lot 7000 The aPP lication is f or m odification of the Pr ovision establishing a maximum height of six feet for fences in reside ntial districts IRef ' S ection 16'090 (1)(a)1 of the SPringfield T E DevelcPm ent Codel. Th e applicant seeks aPP roval to construc t a fence aPProximate inches (6' 6") in helght o n the south and east boundaries of the propertY. The ProPos ed height excee ds the SPringtie ld DeveloPment C ode standard bY six i nches, or aPproxlm ately 8 percent' Th e purPose of t he proPosed fence is to screen unwant ed views associated with the horse barnyard and gr azing on the adia cent properties, and to ensure that the horse s will not be able to enter the aPPlicant's PropertY ln addition , the aPPlicant feels that the existing "barbed-wire e lectrif ied" fence Present s a potential hazard to his grandchildren' R easons for the requested modification are as f ollows ly 78 1) 2\ the additional six inches will help screen the unwanted views; Seasonalstanding*u.u,.necessitat.'ut.n."designthatelevatestheil;;; of the .f ence six inches.above srade; in order to use th";;;;; mentioned tJnl"-i.tign, and standard six-f oot fencing material, tht it;; will need t;be appr-oximatelv 78 inches in Art At \ ltt- tu rLL !)vL Lh 3) height NOTICE OF DECTSTON JO. NO. 91-O7-1A4 Page 2 DECISION The requested t\4odification of Provisions is found to be consistent rryith t-re criteria cf Section 11.030('l) of the Springfield Developrrent Code and is hereby aporoi,ed w,ith conditions (see belovy under "Conditions of Approval"). OTHER USES THAT MAY BE AUTHORIZED BY THE DECISIOI{ None SITE INFORI\4ATICN The property is located at the intersection of Souti'r 47th Street anc Bluebell \',,/ay (401 South 47th Street - Tax Assessor's Map 17-02-32-43; Lot 7000). The prop.":y is located within the boundaries of the East I'lain Refinernent PIan. The Zoning, ltletro :ran designation, and Refinement Plan designation are Low Density Residential. lhe property is developed with a single-family residence. The terrain is flat, and soils are poorly drained with seasonal standing water. The property is bordered on the south and north by single- family residences, on the east by vacant land owned by Weyerhaeuser, and on the west by 47th Street. Surrounding properties are all zoned and designated Low Density Residential. The back portion of the adjacent property to the south, as vyell as the Weyerhaeuser property to the east, are used for horse pastures and barnyard. CRITERIA OF APPROVAL (Ref . Section 1 1.030 of the Springfield Development Code). (1)MODIFICATION OF PROVISIONS. THE DIRECTOR MAY ADJUST ANY OUANTITATIVE STANDARD OF THIS CODE INVOLVING UP TO A 20 PERCENT REDUCTION OR INCREASE PROVIDED THAT: (a) (b) (c) (d) LOCATIONAL OR DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED; AND THE PROPOSED ADJUSTMENT IS THE MINIMUM/MAXIMUM NECESSARY TO ALLEVIATE THE IDENTIFIED DIMENS]ONAL OR LOCATIONAL PROBLEM; AND THERE ARE NO ADVERSE AFFECTS ON NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES. PUBLIC SAFETY WILL NOT BE COMPROMISED. This decision is base on findings in response to these criteria as follows: (a) LOCATIONAL OR DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED; The purpose of the proposed fence is to screen unwanted views associated with the horse barnyard and grazing on the adjacent properties, and to ensure that the horses will not be able to enter the applicant's property. ln addition, the applicant feels that the existing "barbed-wire electrified" fence presents a potential hazard to his grandchildren. The presence of seasonal standing water necessitates a fence design that elevates the bottom of the fence above grade. NOTICE OF DECISION JO. NO. 91'07-144 Page 3 (b) THE PROPOSED ADJUSTMENT IS THE MINIMUM/MAXIMUM NECESSARY TO ALLEVIATE THE IDENTIFIED DIMENSIONAL OR LOCATIONAL PROBLEM; Six inches is a reasonable minimum distance to elevate the bottom of the fence in order to prevent rotting due to the presence of seasonal standing water. ln order to use such a design, and standard six-foot fencing material, the fence will need to be approximately 78 inches in height. The applicant proposes to build the fence only on the south and east boundaries, r,vhere the un"vanted viertls occur. (c) THERE ARE NO ADVEBSE AFFECTS ON NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES The back portion of the adjacent property to the south is currently used as a horse pasture ancj barnyard. The acjclitional six inches of fence height rruill not adversely affect this use. The front portion is landscaped front yard, r.vith several tall shrubs and trees along the property line. The additional six inches vvould not exceed the height of this vegetation; nevertheless, this approval includes the condition that the portion of the fence abutting this front yard be limited to the standard six feet. The adjacent property to the east is vacant, and is separated from the proposed fence by an open drainage ditch lined with riparian vegetation; the proposed fence, including the additional six inches will be screened by the existing vegetation. No fence is proposed f or the other property lines. (d) PUBLIC SAFETY WILL NOT BE COMPROMISED. The proposed fence is not in any vision clearance area, and presents no public safety hazard. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The portion of fence on the south boundary, from a point flush with the front (or west) wall of the existing "shop" building to a point 10 feet east of the front (or west) property line (see revised site plan), will be a maximum of six feet in height. Within the front yard setback (ten feet from the front property line) the maximum fence height will be three feet if a sight obscuring fence is used, or four feet if an unslatted cyclone fence is used (Ref. Section 16.090(1)(a)2 of the Springfield Development Code). Applicant will obtain a fence construction permit consistent with Section 16.090(2)(a) of the Springf ield Development Code. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and the applicable criteria are available for a free inspection, and copies will be available at a cost of $0.75 f or the f irst page and $0.25 f or each additional page, at the Development Services Departmenl, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. 2 J NOTTCE OF DECtSTON JO, NO.91-07-104 Page 4 APPEAL lf you wish to appeal this Type Il Site Pi:n Review decision, you must do so wi'.'rin 1O davs of the date of this letter. Your appeal must be in accordance w,ith Springf eld Development Code, Article 15, APPEALS. OUESTIONS Please call the Development Services Department at726-3759 if you have any ques:icns regardirrg this process. PREPARED BY Greg Hyde Assistant Planner Copy to: Applicant Property OvvnersiResidents within 300 feet of the subject property I -J VIE IN ITY MAP MODIFICATION OT PROVISIONS RoBtRT STOCKDAI-L GJO. NO. 9'1 -A7-1C4 *o-E* Fa IFq:l oz Fa IF z TAST MAIN ST SU BJ tCT P ROPTRTY TBELL ou Jf, I u. af, I U IJ BF -.ts l'.{ IA F Ul CAMELLIA ST Y DAISY UNI AVE .-.1--++ :-: -:-J ..'.-_t_:-i-- -:t-:-r It -L-f I lt !titlt III I I I i I I ittitNil li'-T-1- I I ll IIt|lI I I i I I r i 1.1 i I I titirLiIIril !lll! I r l,llll i I rll llill III I I -t I I I I I l _l{lili I I I I trtttlltII I I I I I II I rlllllll -+D--A-ri ar/ I !l ry 1T'. I --1 l I I I I I IIlI I I I tltittl I lilllll! I I I I I I I I Iil I-t-j-.1- 1":i+-i-r-.t--il-i-t-i- -I A .4 pl :,+A:,t//,o I i-;llr-i-1-iT- i I I I I I' /(: I !ilI HT .0Iz{ FIo 2 Fo {: -r I'-1-"r-