HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1986-10-23t#.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s North rrt, ironi"trcArro*/PERttrr SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Bu1, Ldl,ng DLuLs',Lon 7 26-37 53 SPFINGFIELD Aesessors Map # Svbdittision: Asner: Addz,ess ci R.R @ 6,'v#)?c,z lot # Pl",one Descz,ibe Work: ,\ N. Qt((r tr_)4 pfl 5 so /2ll .s7 ,nI Zi.p: ?l 7 74b-J3 O f-l t-t Ned nddLticn RenoCel SI?E INSPEC?I)N: To be rrude afterelcao$hq-il| prior tc set ip of forns. UNDERSLAB PI,]JWINC, ELECTRICAL & WCHA-\|fCAL: To be made before ang tlotk i.s cotseted. F))?ING & F)UNDATICN: To be naCe @ffiffiii-6i-eccau at ed and fonns are erected, but prior to pou'ing ccncreta. AND9RGROUTD PLUMEING. SSWR, W,4TER,p84!!4gE: ?o be made prLot, to fiL- @-66nchee. AilDERFLOOR PLUI.EING & IIECITANTCAL: o7 floor insulation oz, decking. PO$l tAL !$AU: Io be nade pz.ior to frffiffii'of floot, iraulation ot' decking. ROUGH PLU.EIIIG. ELECTRICAL & IIECE: ANfCAL: No uork is to be co"-et,ed ffiiTthese inspectioris Tnnte been nade attd approueC. FLPEPLACE: PrLor to plaeirq facingmatertals and. before franing inspee- tion. P844M ltust be z,equested after @6"L of z,ough plilrbing, electri- cal & neclnnical. ALL noofing bracing 8 ehinmeys, etc. rmtst be . eonrpleted. Ilo uoy,k is to be eon- . cealed untt:L this ittspecfron hae 'been nad.e anC apptotted. FIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL t1E AT F' '"..5= Z- E-L . C- 7 R<-1, lT5 fsd axs-r Date of App Li.eaticn //)J {0 ./- o9 Date: Value GeneraL PLwnbi.ng Consjgetion_tende? It is tlo respono'ibility of tle permtt tDUe? to eee tlut aLL .inspecti.otts oe nade at the proper tine, that eaeh addrbss is reqlqhie fivn tlu at?eet, dnd that the penrtt cail ie Located at the ftottt of the property.*BuiUing biuicion appro"*ed plan slnll vemain on tlp Building Si,te at aLL- tines. PROC\DUPE FOR INSPECII)N RISUEST:CALL726-3769(recotdet) state gout, Citg Cesigrnted job ntmber,, job alitess, type of inspee=icn requested ard uhen gou uiLL be ready for inspection, Cont?acta?s or Anne?s ranne cnd. plane nutnbet. Requests receixed befcre 7:00 c:r ,,>ill be nwde the sone dag, r'equests nal.e aftet ?:00 an vi.LL be nade the nert:ntking day. Iout, Citg Desigr,ated Job Nutnber fs:3b)63 tr ryI TNSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER IilSPECTION : ?o be maCe after all insulaticn ard t,equired oapor borie?s @e in place but before oty Lath, Wpsum boavC or tnLL couering i.s applied, cnd, before oty insulation is concealed. DRIWALL INSPECIf)N: ?c be nade @AAT@fis in place, but pt'ior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel Location, bond beons, groutirrg or oerticals in accordotce tlLth U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOI/E: ;cnpGtA. After itntallation is CURB & APPROACH APPON: After fornsee erecteC but prior to pouring conc?ete. SIDEWALK & DRITWAI: For aLL eon- ctete paoirq uithin street right- of-teA, to be made after all e*ea- oatina eonplete & forn uork & sub- base material in place. - --- ALL ptoject conditiona, such as the i.nstallation of street trees" conoletion of the required Landscapirg, etc., rmtst be sattsfied before the BUILDING EIIIAL can be requested. PINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection mtst be requested after the Pi'nal Plwnbi,ng \-r/ Electnieal, ard Meclnnieal rnspections hqte been made ard. appt'otted. ,L .t( Meclunzieal lt (((r (r DE\I)LIT[A!! OR |iOWt Scnitary saser capped at properfui Line Septic totk y"nped ard filled rrtth gra;sel linal - l,then abctse itens ate eanpleted ard uhen d.enolition is cornplete or stlac- tu.re noued and. prenriaes cleaneC up. Le Hcmes Plutnbing connections -- aa))er od. uater Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking, set-up and plwnbing eonneetions m;st be qprc"*ed before requesting elee*-rical i,nspecliol Aecessory BuilCnflg pcrches, skitting, decks, Leted. Bloeking otd. Set-up Pi.ral - After etc. are cornp Pege 1 of 2*ALL \LANHCLES AND CLEAN)UTS MUST BE ACCESETBLE, ADJAST\\Eil! T0 BE LL4DE AT lt1 CCST T0 Cr?v (, I I frn f1 ,,ooorn ro " T T 71 ytnctt hrhen eomplete -- ProuiCe L) gA;; ot, nooable'sectians through P, U.E. rob rocation, Jhtr Sa qq r'l ST :/(qr2-4.4rJ QuZ-q,f sf, Paoe 2 L-co # PLan Esaniner I IIAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED the conpleted application fon perrnit, and do hereby ce"tifA that aLL information hez'eon is trae and eorrect, cnd. f furtker certifg that any ard aLL uonk perfotned slnll be done in accot- danee ,,yi,th the 1rdinances of the City of Spr"Lngfield, and the Las of the State of 2regon pertaining to the uo?k Cescribed herein, end t,nt N0 jCCU' Pr'.NCy vill be nad.e of any stz,ucture uvLthout permission of the Suilding DL- tision. I further eertifs- that only eontractors and enplcyees uho are in eazplianee uith ORS 701.055 ui.LL be used on thie proieet JOB NO. ?ataL SOLAR AL-ESS REQ.- ul,z/ f0 Zone: 1ccupancy Gr!rup:Tipe/Cor.st Bedroons: !!eat Df House Lot Faces - Lace toxe # of 9tories Total Eeight Iopography LOT TWE _ fnterior Come? Panltandle CUL-de-sac lnt Sq. Ftg. Z of Lot Cooerage -- Eees -- Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the erp"ess cond,ition tlnt the aaid.constntction slnll, in all respects, conform to the 1rdinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ctdlnance, regulating the ecnstructicn and use of buildings, and may be suspend.ed or ret;okeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of my prctsisions of said 2r,dirnnces. TOTAL VALUE Date Paid I?EM FTG x Va Si.gned S.D.C. 1.5 c Building Petmit ?otal Clnrgea State Plumbing Permit trlo person s?wl.L cqnstruct, install,, alter ot, elange anA nev ct, eristing plwnbin4 or d.z,ainage systan in ulwle or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnbet's License, escept that a pe?son nay do pltnbing uork to p?ope"tA uhieh is ormed, Leased or operated by the aPpli.- cant. Plumbing PerftLt NO.PEE CEARGE 9tate NEM Fi.stut,es Residetttial (1 bath) Seuer Electricol Permit Wete State Lan requires tltat the electrieal uork be done by an Eleettical Cont?aetor, the electri.caL portion of this permit sltall not be oalil. until the Label \ns been signed by the Electr.tcal Cont"actot'. 3a.soL Permit ?otal O Z Nau/Esterd. Circuits Sertsice ?? €e -G. Mechcrnicql Permit -;sl, (( 1",,'l lr11/r"r,)Ac.4 ;) r,Jrry -{ ^: Er., J , *tt, l*r, J-u, .- d NC FgE nu i Dra e l4 I lJ{e 6.2 Vent Ftt Echanet Hood PTUIS Mechanicel Permit PermLt -. ENCROACHMEN? -. Sec,trlty Deposit Stotage Maintenatee Perwtt Cutbcut Sida'talk ?enee Eleetrical label 29,/ r c-,,ZO Mobile llone TO?AL A],IOUTI? DUE: */ 2z-+Date Wctar ?ctal Chay,aes uate