HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1990-10-25t.. RESIDET'TIAL... APP LI C AT I 2lu'rr'E Rl'|[ T 225 North |th Street Springfield' )negon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26- 37 53 .tob Locaticn:G,C SPHINGFIEI.D J Assesso?2 llaP il --7 L lc.r Lot il t fudiviaion: Asner: Addtess:1 ni ci Additicn Rcnoi!.eL c{ilnb{i fu^ CI+ h o- =-"- Describe h'ork: Value N k Date: Datc of r. rac Seneral P lurnb i ilec 1 \ Phone:2L-/ 19/o/ Li.l,ecEri.i:a I S rr o e Pvr:ru:411-ti1ec E,: i c ia n It ie the responsibility ol tle penrit hoden to aee that all inspections are nade at lhe pyoper ttme, that ecch cddress is readabi.e fnon the etreet, anC that the permit card ie Lxated at the frcnt of the propetty.r9uilding D.luiciot appro"'ed plan sfu:Ll nemain on the Building Sitc at all tines. P?OCIDUPE FOR INSPE1IIQ!-!EQUE!!:rCAIU 726-3769(reconder) Btate yout City Cesigrated job ntmber,, job aCdnees, type of incpeclior eadyforinspection,Contlactol,so"lolmera.ncmeindpno7enumbcn..-P.equestareLet:;7Z,ttL7cre,?:00c:ttiLL be tpde the sone dcy, ?equests ncde after ?:00 on vill be nnde the ncxt':,nrking- day. |I!L I\|SPEC?ION: ?o be nade afterer"av;ni;6; priar tc set up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLUI'EINC, ELEC"IRICAL & lrECHnllICAL: ?o be made before any ttork is eovered. FCOTINC & POUNDATICN:To be maCe FTilAL PLUMBIIIC PIIIAL I4ECIIAilICAT, FII,IAL ELECTRICAL Iottr City Desigrttted Job Nwnber Is: IIISULATION/VAPOR BARRIE] IIISPEC?ION : To be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn atd required oapot baw,ie?s ane tn place'but before any Lath, Wpstnn boatd or tnLL cooet ing is applied, and beforeay inculation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPEtrIjN: ?c be made;fr;;-7tl@,raIfis in ptaee, but prior to anA taping. MASOI,IRY: Steel loeation, bond beanc, grouting or uerticals in accondanrce ttth U.B,c. Section 947 < WOODSTO|/E: After tnstallation ieanpleted. after ttenches are etcaoated and. forns ane erected, but ption topouring ccncrete. UND|RCP1OUIID PLUM?INC, S,ITER, I,I.4TEI?. DRAIilACE: To be naCe prior to fil-Lirg trenches, uilp?PFL))! pLatl9lllc E t|EcgAilICAL: ?o be made prior to installatioi offloor ineulction o? decking. POS? AND BEAU: To be nade priot toiis-c a L-Titl6{ o f f L oot, i ns ulL t i on on decking. Ro'-'cil Pr,u!!BI!tC, E.,E2R|CAL ,e MECil-AnbnWurtil thcse inspections haue beer nade and approued.. FMtPITAQE: Pt top to plceir4 facingnccerlals and before froning inspec- tLOn. PRA ltC: ttust be requested aftetapptoual of rough pltnbing, eleetni_cal E neclanieal. ALI roofing braci-tug C- ehinm2ya, etc. nyss- ga conpleted. llo ucrk is to be con-cecled until thie inspeetton l:r;,s been nade anC approued. CURB e APPBOAAI APP)!: Aftet fornsane ez,ecteC but ptiot' to pouning concrete. WEILALi ,$ lRltEHAy: por all con- c" e t enau@nf-til; I t? e et ri ghl: -of-rxy, to be maCe after al| erca- uating canplete & form r,:ot'k & eub- base n'oteytal in place. ?ENCE: hhen conplete -- ProuiCe gates or nouable sectians thnougli P,A.E. fI AIL proiect conditions, suc!': as the i.nstallation of stt,eet treea, conplction of therequined tancsocpins' cto-' ,m*t be satisfied tufll"iiil-su;L;iie Fr!,teL can be nequested. FrNAL BUTLDTNC: The Final Buitding rnapection naat be requested alter ilv final plwnbingElccttical, anC,echanical rnspectio";1;;; been nade atd approueC. DEtt1Lltrcil oR Sanitary seser cappdd at propert.; lir,e _ ,' rtAI.r,,rllrta hY/I'li.',,,h1 1..', j1.,.. ,i Septi.c tank ptu;ped and ftlled vith gra:tel Final - l{hen abcue itens are caqteted and uhen Catalition is conplete bt sttue-tu*e nooed and, premtses cleaneC up. e Blocking ald set-up Plwnbtng connections -- aaltet qnd. uaten Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, se.u-ul and plwnbing connections rrust bb apptcried befone requeeting eleclrical inspec-lio:: Accessory DuitCdng pcre-h,es, ekirting, decks, leted. Pirlal - Afte"etc. ate conp, Px!':e ! of 2 .AT,T, ilANilCT,ES AND CLEANOU?: I|IET RII ACCESSIBLE,AD,IItS?r/si\l? TO BE tt.4t)E tT tt7 CCST fO Cl?y OK' tr l ll P llouee Lot Sq. Ptg. / of Lct Coteraqe I of Storiea TopograPhY TNT TYPE _ Interior Cornet Panltand.Le Cul-de'eac Xsc t TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x Building Permit Total Clangea State NO. Pirtures Resilential (1 bath) Seuer Ptwbing Pernit State ITEI'I Nea/ktend Circutts Sertice NC.FgE khant, Hood Vent F@r l,lcods , Mechonicol Permit lleelanica I Pentit Permlt Issuance Pcrnit Cvtbclt! Sideualk tlobite llone e ? L-COG* JOB NO Total SO LAR ESS REQ.. BeCtoans: Iat Facea ' f, #f tr l Buitd'ing Volue & Permit Thi.s permi,t ia grantei on the expreas co'd.ition that the said'eonsttuction etnll, in atl reapeeti'"';t:;;Z;i;'^ti,'.-o"1.i"ce adopted 6v the citv of Springfie?d, includtng lhe 2oning Crdinanc-e' regulct-ittg the ccnstructlcn ' and uce of buildin'1]s, ;;;;;';""eiiiended or rbuokec dt cnv t;'me upon utc- labion of ony prooieione of eaid ordinances' I t Pard: ReceiPt ll: I Plumbing Perrnit No percon aln-ll.eonstntct, instal!' a|ter on clange 'Gny ned'cr esisttng olwnbitts op dralnage ;Zi;,;;;i;in'Z-n- i" p""'i' L*tesi such penson is the iesal poseeesor of " ;1;;e"p;:';;'nn''i tl'".nn"Z' *""pt ttnt a pb:'son nn'g do plmbing do"k to p"pJiii""'ni;;"1'"-';;e' iZl""a-i:' operated bv the appli- cant. Electricol Permit l,theteStatelaslequireatlnttheele-ctricalworkbedoneby.anElectrical contrdctor' the electriZoi'1o't'ion- o1 *i' -pii'ii tt-tt *i b" oalid until ii;;;b;1'k"-Li" a;'s")i av tne ElecLrical contractor' /4*zf-*o.__,. Ddte a TOTAL ANOUN? DUE:I 3/.6f , Sign*l * +zr/* 3,bb vo?th trnc f. gouth t a;,n Cafade Carrtot,t Acea-ssoPu CEARGEFEE llelon /*-c ,/.ce -2f Pos- So. fta. fanporarY T Stc,te fwclarge Total Clan-gee ,4