HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-10-25! z.s North stl, s;t nffPLrcATr,N/PERl,rr SprLngfield, 1r,egon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFINGFIELD .. RESII .NTIAL.. blo s" A6r,qJob Locaticn: /8 0a 05 /Q 07300Aeseesore Map #Tc,s Iot # svbditision: L a-\A4n C-Lh,ilna/-./0,mer: Addtess: A 4 C A /l/pluz;r*Z ) phone: 1.An.13 f8 -lao.-cdz-NDCity: "fi;;bffi^./-*il Value Neu Addi,tiant- l Renodel -;Date of App Licaticn U,_0/L Date 'o- GenepaL ELeetricaL l.techar:ieaL Constmtetiot, Lendet Reoti-tarl I-t ie the responsibi_lity of the permtt hoZd.er to aee that atl inspeetiotts ate nade at the prope? time, that edch addtees is readnhie ffo,l_tJy street, and that the-p*nrit eatd ie Located at the frant of ttze property.*Buildin4 Dioicion apptoxed pLot svnll remain on tlu aul,uing site'at aLL' tikes.' PRocgDUP4Fon= IIJSPECTI2N.E1QTJES?.'CALL725-3769 (recordet) state your Citg designzted job nttnber,, job aCitess, tgpe of inspeelicnrequested a.-d uhen gou uiLL be ready fo-r, inspection, Contraetct,s oi ormers rctne Lnd ptane runbcr. Requests reeei:abd befcte- z:00 cttill be nade the sone day' ?equests mcd.e after ?:00 ot, nLLL be nade t?e nest:,ntki$ day. 85ropdIout, City Deoignated Job Mntbet fs: SITE fNSPEC?I)N: To be made after escantation, but pr"tor tc set up of forns. TNSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPECTION :DEI,IOLTTTO!] OR !.:OWi BUILDI|ICS ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELEC?RICAL & WCHAilICAL: ?o be made before angtlotk is eoueted. PO1TIN} ,4 F)ANDATICN: To be taCe @A ttencn;; a"; acauated altd forns ate ereeted" but ptiot to pou?ing ecnc?ete. UNDERGROUIID PLI]MPTNC, SSWR, W,4YER, DRAfI'IAGE: To be nade pr"tor to fil-Lirg trenches. Io be made aftet, aLL insulaticn atd required uapot, berie?s @e in p'la.ee but before aty Lath, Wpswn boa.yC or tnLL cooering is applied, and. before oty insulation is eoncealed. DRYWALL INSPECIf)N: ?c be nade@A-At@m-is in p'tace, but ptior to ang taping. MASONRU Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting or"uerticals in accordance vLth U.B.C. Section 24L5. Sanitatg serser eappted .t Wopeyw- Li.7:e Septic totk V,nped and filled tith gta;.tei Final - I{hen abctse itens ate eamleted and uhen Cetroliti,on is eonalete Zt s*at- tut,e mooeC and. prerises cLZaneC up. Mobile V unoenyrooR zLULETNI & MECIIANrGAL:tl of floor insuT.ation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade pr.Lor toffitffiof floot, insuT;tion or decking. ROUGH PLA,IBIIIG. ELEC?RICAL & I,IECH: ANfCAL: No uoyk is to be couex,ed -.- w:til these inspeetior-s ltzue beq. nade and approoeC. After installation is CURB & APPR1ACH APP)N: Aftet fonnsee etecteC but priot' to pourirq concrete. STDEWALK & DRf'|EWAY: Eor all eon-e"et;naofrffi stz,eet right-of-teq, to be made aftet aLL etea- oating conplete & fortn tmtk & sub- base rmterLal in place. ?ENCE: h4ten eonplate -- ProuiCe gate; o" nooable sections thnough P.A.E. Blocking otd, Set-up Plunbing connections -- sa)e? od. uatet Final - After pcrekes, skirting, decl<s,etc. ee eompletad. Electrical Ccnneetion - Bloektng, set-uc and. plutnbing connections m;st be apprctei before requesting eleclrLcal inspeclion Aecessory* BuilCing FRAI.IING: l4ust be tequested aftet approoal of rough plurbing, eleetyi-cal & mechanical. AIL noofing btacing & ehinmeys, etc. rntst be . eotnpleted. lto ucrk is to be con- ' cealed unti.L this insoeetton hae'been nade anC approrted. ETPEPLACE:nA;i;G tton. FTilAL PLU!4BIIIG FINAL I,TTCHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL PrLor to plccirq faeing and. before frafing inspee- ALL project condLtions, such as the installation of street trees, cotloLetion of the required Landsecping, ete., mtst be satisfied befote the BUfLDIN? FMAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDING: The Einal Building Inapection mtst be t,equested cfter the Final Plwnbing \-./ Electrical, ard Mechar.ieal fnspeetions hatse been made and approved. Pege 1 of 2 rI *ALL IdANHCLES AND CLEAN)UTS I\US? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIqE\E TO 9E L'IADE /r.T ilo C1ST T0 Crly 4 Co l W u tr tr tr SOLAR A(-tr-SS REQ.-L-co c0PJOB NO Lot Faces - DT ilousei of Stortes iotal lteight ?opography LCT TWE _ fnteriot _ Cor.raer _ Panhandle CUL-de-sae Iot Sq. Ftg. 7, cf Lct Couerage I?EI . T iU x VaLue t A TCTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Bedroons !to- -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permir This pertrr"t is granted on the ecp"ess eondition tt-at the said consttactionshall, in all nespeets, conform to the Crdinance edopted 6:y the City ofSpringfield, ineT-uding the Zoning Crdinanee, regulath.rg thb ecnsttabticn otd.use of buildings, cnd mey be suspended or reuokeC at "*y time upon vic- T.ation of any pncuisions of said Oz,dinances. ro FEE CHARGE Fistt:tes Residential (7 bath) Saziitarg Seuer ilatez, CiIARGEJ0.FEE Res. Sq. ftq. Na,t/Ectend Circ-uits Iarocney Seruice Lect?Lea Pen CAARCE LWqES f4?t NC FtrT ?utnzce EIU'S bha.lst Hood. Vent Fqt Vcodstoite /5-*.bo 15. GD TTELI BuiJiing Pet:nrit State ?otal Clnrges Plunbing Perrrit PLan Date Paid: Reeeipt #: Sigxed: Electricol Permit I'lhet,e State Las requires th.at the electyical uork be done bg an Electrieal Cont?acto?, the eleetrical portion of this permit slnll not be oali.C. untilthe Label has been signed by the Eleetrical Conttactor. Plumbing Permit No, pereon stnll consttttet" instaL'L, al,ter or ehantge anA neu cr e*istingqlmlirq or dtainage sAstql in ulwle or in pott, inless such person is- the Legal -possesson of a ualid plunber,s Li.eensb, eccept that a pZrson nay doplznbing uork to propertg uhich is otsned, Leased ot operated ty the qpli-cant. ?otal 7 Mechonicql Permit Permit fssuanee Mechanical Perrmt TotaL PLan Sideualk f ilAW CAREFULLy EXAI,IINED the conrpleted appli.cation for permit, qrd dahereby cettify that aLL infornation hereoi is true and cbw,ect, anC ffurthet certify that any ard aLL uork perforned elull be done in aeoor- dance ,.rith the Ordinanees of the City of SpringfieLd, and the La,;s of theState of O"egon pertaining to the uork Cesct'ibcd herein, cnd tlnt NO OCCU- Pl.NCy trtTl b-e nade of any stl,uetu"e uithout pertnission of the Buitding N-uision. f further eertify thet only conttaolors a;id anplcyees uho arb in eonpliance uith CRS 707.05s uiLL be used on thie projeet y1-- uate L : Mobile Hone l -- ENCROACHMENT -- 9ec"u.itA Deposit Stotage liaintenance Penrtt Cutbcut TOIAL ATAOUII? DUE: *(s.bc Signed 'l Date f State SuteLa?qe rrEil-