HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1988-10-20h) C'TY OF sPlltl IELI) DEI|ELOPMENTSEFY'CES ADMINISTRATION PLANN/NG / BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS M ET ROPOLITAN WAST EWAT E R M AN AG EM EN T 225 FIFTH STBEEI SPBINGFIELD, OR 97477 (s)s) 726-37ss 0ctober 20, 1988 Mr. Brad Dodson 1975 Gilham Rd. Eugene, 0regon 97401 Subject: Authorization to occupy property at 560 S. 46th Street, Springfield, 0regon Dear Mr. Dodson This will serve to inform you that our inspectors have approved a'll corrections to irre uriiJing rhiin ne"e"iequired by the attached correspondence from this office. Tfre notice prohibiting tne building to be occupied has been removed and authority to occupy the structure is hereby granted. Thank you for your cooperation in helping t,o make our community a safer place in which to live. Si ncere'ly, 144^"-- Donal d Moore Bui I di ng Inspector cc Dave Puent, Building 0fficial .D D REAL ESTATE, INC lrs oAKwAY cENTf,R/EUGENE, OREGON 9740r/(s03) 485-1400 June 24, 1988 Dave Pent Springfield Building Dept. 225 N. 5r,h Springfieldr oregon 97477 RE: 560 S. 46t,h Streetr Springf ield Dear ivlr. Pent: There is an orange city sLicker on Lhe front doorof this property. This property has been re-possessed by Far West Federal Banki we will need a written list of items you want us to correct. Please explain which wiring you want replaced. Do we need pairs? to obtain a city permit to do these re- Thank you for your assistance. Sincerelyr Donna Turring DT: s1 H (- i 1/ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPFlINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department June 29 1988 Donna Turing Brockett Real Estater Inc. 115 Oakway Center Eugene, Oregon 9?401 Subjecil'Courtesy Inspection at 560 S. 46th Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Ms. Turring: Thank you for your recent letter informing us about the change of ownership of the subject property. Mr. Puent asked me to respond to your inquiry regarding needed repairs to the property. Enclosed is a copy of the notice we eent to the Linn's indicating the electricalr mechanical and plumbing repairs needed for the property to conform with Springfield Housing Code reguirements. I have marked thoee items which may require a permit, depending upon the method of repair that is selected. For example, the wood stove may be removed if an alternative aource of heat is provided in all habitable rooms, in which case a permit would be required for installation of the new heat source(s). AB an alternativerthe stove may continue to be ueed as the hsat eource if it is connected to an approved chimney and if the stove is located the proper distance from all combustibles. A wood stove permit and inspection approval ie required before the stove can be used. An electrical permit for Alteration or repair of two or more circuits would be appropriate for the electrical problems noted in the letter, the cost of which is would be $23.63. An electrical contractor can obtain the permit and handle all of the electrical repairs for the property. A plumbing permit will be required if the existing drains or water lines need to be replaced ae a part of the repair. Ms. Turring, I hope the above information adequately answers your questions, however, pleaae don't hesitate to call this office if further clarification is needed. Sincrrely, kry#r* Building Inspector cc. Dave Puent, Building Official 225 Fifth Street o Springfield' OR 97477 a s031726-3753 . SPRINGFTELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development November 17, 1987 Mr. & l4rs. Jim Linn 804 N. l4ain StreetBrownsville,0R 91327 SuBJECT: property located at 560 s. ffstreet, Springfield, 0R Dear Mr. & Mrs. Linn: I wanted to follow,up on our.phone conversation of November 16, l9g7 witha letter to _provide you with importini inioi*aiio'i"..Uiihi^rg'voui'pi;;;for the house located at 560 s. 46th street, springfield." -"'J The Spri ngfi e1 d Bu i I di ng Safety Code, Secti on 308 ( i ) states the fol 'l orvi ngregarding outstanding code violations. (i) TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP. or until the owner or person in charge of property shall have f urni shed to the purchaser, transfeFee, o'r' grant-ee , pri or tosuch sa1e, transfer, or grant, a true copy of the permit,notice or order, and at the same time have given adequatenotice to the Building 0fficial of his intent to se11,transfer, or grant, and supplied the Building Official withthe name and address of the person to whom the sale,transfer, or grant is proposed. A purchaser, transferee, orgrantee who has been informed of the existence of such apermit, notice, 0F order shal'l be bound thereby and shall secure a Certificate of 0ccupancy as provided in this Secti on. (1) 0UTSTANDING C0DE VI0LATI0NS. No owner of a building orpremises or person in charge of property, upon whom anypermit, notice, or order pursuant to this Code has been givenin connection with the property shall sell, transfer, orgrant such property to another until compliance with theprovisions of the permit, notice, or order has been secured; 225 North Sth Street o Springfield, Oregon97477 . 503/726-3753 I hope this information wir _ ^be of help -to .you concerning your;i;3',H':'l:ii'i. )lul!;;rT.t..i. Ir i cin u.-or ru"tr,i,,-a,!i,iun..,-pl-ease Page 2 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Linn Si ncerely, Gary AndrewsElectrical Inspector CC: David J. puent #28 Y N o^^j"^-h SP]lINGFTELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development November 17, 1997 Mr. & l4rs. Jim Linn 804 N. l4ain Street Brownsville, 0R 91327 SUBJECT: property rocated at 560 s. ffisrreet, springfierd, 0R Dear Mr. & Mrs. Linn: I wanted to follow up on our phone conversation of November 16, 1gg7 witha letter to -provide' you with impoil;i i;i;;ii,uiioi""lsiuihr'ri'your plansfor the house located ac soo s. 46th Street, sprrngfield:--'-"'' The Springfield Building Safety Code, Section 308(i) states the follorvingregarding outstanding code vio'lations. (i ) TRANSFER OF OI,INERSHIP. (1) 0ursrANDING CODE vIoLATI0Ns. No owner of a building orpremises or person in charge of property, upon whom-anypermit, notice, or order pursuant to this code has been givenin connection with the property shall sel1, transfei, orgrant such property to another until compliance with theprovisions of the permit, notice, or order has been secured;or until the owner or person in charqe of prooertv shall havefurnished to the purchaser, transfeFee, oi g'aani'ee, prioi-tosuch sale, transfer, or grant, a true copy of the permit,notice or order, and at the same time have given adequatenotice to the Building 0fficial of his intent to sel1,transfer, or grant, and supplied the Building Official withthe name and address of the person to wtrom the sa1e,transfer, or grant is proposed. A purchaser, transferee, orgrantee who has been informed of the existence of such apermit, notice, or order shall be bound thereby and shallsecure a certi ficate of 0ccupancy as provided i n thi s Secti on. 225 North Sth Street o Springfield, Oregon97477 . 503/726-3753 I hope this information wil Iresponsibilities in this matter.give me a call at 126-3759. be of helo to.you concerning yourIf I can be oh furthlr-assil[ii,i., please Page 2 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Linn Si ncerely, Gary AndrewsElectrical Inspector CC: David J. puent hY fl 0^^j"^- #?8 SPFlINGFIELE, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development November 5, 1987 Pat & Jim Linn 804 N. Main Street Brownsville, 0R 97327 Dear Pat & Jim: A courtesy inspection was performed at 560 S.46th Street on November 3 as requested by the tenant, Bob Cordle. Several items were found to be inviolation of the Springfield Building Safety Codes. They are as follows: MECHAN ICAL 1 The woodstove was found to be improperly installed with several factorscontributing to a hazardous situation, i.e. the chimney is unlined, thestove and chimney are too close to combustible material, The woodstove isnot to be used until it has been corrected and approved. Please contactRalph Sharv at the Springf,ie'ld Building Safety Division for more information about this. PLUMB I NG 1. ]!,t" plumbing backs up in the house and does not provide proper drainage. The dish washer in the kitchen leaks when in use. ELECTR ICAL 1- The thermostat for the furnace is broken. Therefore, the house is without aheat source. The smoke detector in the water heater room is defective andis wired improper'ly with a cord through the wall. There are several grounded type receptacles throughout the house that haveno ground wire run to them. Please run grounded rvire or rep'lace thereceptac'le with a 2-prong ungrounded type. Several receptacles also havereverse polarity urhich shall be corrected. The dryer receptacle needs to be secured to the wall and the wire installedin the wall or protected. 225 North 5th Street r Springfield, Oregon97477 . 503/726-3753 Several other items were improperly wired and present a potential'ly hazardoussituation. They are as follows: The kitchen 'light fixture wiring is exposed. The back deck receptacle is ungrounded.The exterior wiring to backyard and car port lights is improper because of wrong wf rf ng methods and materi al s used. Al 1 wi ri ng used outside shall be approved for exterior use... Any .wiring which_ would require new installations or circuits will requirepermits and shal'l be done by a Iicensed electrical contractor. This incl'udesnew circuits run to the kitchen, (if needed), rewiring of the carport and backdeck lighting, rewiring of the smoke detector in the waler heater room. 0ther items stated in this letter would be considered repair work and could bedone by the owner. The heat source in the house needs to be operational as soon as possible. Al'lother items shall be corrected within 60 days. If I may be of further he1p, please contact me at 126-3159. Si ncere'ly, 1 2 3 !-t \ Gary A. Andrews Electrical Inspector #0067 1t\ 1i I Il*;-- R.tal*t(\? n'Rt^ lO: jqA)cn.s ##+; COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD *8ru8t? BUILDING DIVISION DATE OI{NER ADDRESS 16'?7-{1 \(a-\ t ADDRESS OF INSPECTION Sbc S, 4bru &t \t'tr-jtrs(-\ rl1 I \ I cr.hS U PHONE NO 73: PHONE NO.)zu - Llcl?(-RENTER SIGNATURE 0F OCCUPANT (RENTER) /''' FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NIJMBER g-a-u,vt-e TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX MULTIPLEEtr -n wrb tr BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS:(0 c.v{* 't \^-J t1)----r-A-upJ a 04*- t ro it* tG"l r / C.or ,ffi FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and 0rder Issued To 0wner Date For Comp liance liance 0btained - Date tolaq Nq ro/ao Nh Comp C",Q-l.J No [... J * , '.. t^,,'. ", "j* oL*,"t"-J,*), $fi-to^*L-/^F\(/"J \,r$ .-e N.(Nv<, ,4<k)^^ J** L-- G rw-* *"t'fu ALttrtat<_ Aj*-c.t<- yA J)*W*L ;*-;,1- ,bt ilr^ ,'$,A "ar-[ t-tA;b". 0- * !r-t rw ^""4- L &f"b* SPRINGFIELE, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development November 5, 1987 Pat & Jim Linn 804 N. Main Street Brownsville, 0R 97327 Dear Pat & Jim: A courtesy inspection was performed at 560 S. 46th Street on November 3 as requested by the tenant, Bob Cordle. Several items were found to be inviolation of the Springfie'ld Building Safety Codes. They are as follows: MECHAN ICAL The woodstove was found to be improperly installed wfth several factorscontributing to a hazardous situation, i.e. the chimney is unlined, thestove and chimney are too close to combustible material, The woodstove isnot to be used until it has been corrected and approved. Please contactRalph Shalv at the Springf.ield Building Safety Division for more information about this. PLUMB I NG 1. f|t. .plumbing backs up in the house and does not provide proper drainage. The dish washer in the kitchen leaks when in use. ELECTR ICAL 1. The thermostat for the furnace is broken. Therefore, the house is without aheat source. The smoke detector in the water heater room is defectfve and f s rvired improper'ly with a cord through the wal'l . There are several grounded type receptac'les throughout the house that haveno ground wire run to them. Please run grounded rvire or replace thereceptacle- with a 2-prong ungrounded type. Several receptacles also havereverse polarity which shall be corrected. Ihe dryel receptacle needs to be secured to the wall and the wire installedin the wall or protected. I 225 North 5th Street o Springfield, oregon97477 . 503/726-37s3 Several other items were improperly wired and present a potentially hazardoussi tuati on. They are as follows: 1. The kitchen light fixture wiring is exposed.2. The back deck receptacle is ungiounded.3. The exteri or wi ri ng to bacliyard and car port 1 i ghts ibecause of wrong wiring methods and materials uied.used outside shall be approved for exterior use... si Alr mproper wi ri ng ui re udes back Any .wiring which- would require new installations or circuits will reqpermits and shall be done by a licensed electrical contractor. This inclnew circuits run to the kitchen, (if needed), rewiring of the carport anddeck lighting, rewiring of the smoke detector in the waler heater room. 0ther items stated in this letter would be considered repair work and could bedone by the owner. The heat source in the house ngeds to be operational as soon as possible. Allother items shall be corrected within 60 days. If I may be of further help, please contact me at lz6-37sg. Si ncerely, lt \ Gary A. Andrews Electrical Inspector #0067 A II i^\ -#Tm?t? COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION DATE 16-?7-f1 ADDRESS OF INSPECTIONtrd sbc S. 4bru S-hqbb-3t2s+(fOWNER ADDRESS RENTER r"V1 \\o dns PHONE NO. PHONE NO. 73r a )zta -q SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NTIMBER g-a-yr,t-q ) TYPE OF DWELLING: BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS: SINGLE FAMILY X DUPLEX tr MULTIPLE tr ^bi alc t \^-, 44b b FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspec tion Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order Issued To 0wner Date For Compliance Comp liance Obtained - Date r