HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-12-18ctf?' I-- RESIDENT. COI,IBINATION/APPLICATION PEFfiT SPRINGFIELD CEI O? SPRITIC?IELD 225 ilC'TII STII ST?EET iPRI;ICFIELD, 1RECON 97477 tsuil&.t'4 Dtvisiot ?28-37 53 ,Coult 5J0 A.dezt Job Locetion: gtbdiu'ision: fe Lot #!.ssessors lla? #310 \ Atpt PLorc #ttAddtese Deecttbe Votk Ga raqe dro ".\, u, ll - -o// d Q),aaLu.t (etuE: soo* tdCition 'R x^oa"t Be-o ue fiep/are Li sciCo?.tmcco"s ll@ne Addtese GenetaL gleeda,L Coutmtction Lerdet ?age ! ot 2 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsibiuty of the peFnit holder to see th3t all irspections are nade at the proPer tise' that each addness is readable frem the streei, and tha: tha perrnit card is located at the front of th€ proPerty * .{lI nanholes and cf""nouts are tc be ldjusted at no cost to thg Clty SITE I}ISPECTICN:;fca-ffi'ffi To bc made aften prlor to set uP of FIREPLACE: Prior to Plaeingil-Eii and before franing tion. facing !iOOD TOVEq: After j.nstallation rF-pietea forns. ulrDEP.sLAE PLUUErllG, ELECIRIqAL E HECEA,\ICAL: To bs nade beforc anY nork is covered. I?.{MMG: Must be requested after E!-po-"af of rough plurnbing, eleetri- cal 6 mechanical. All roofing' bracing E chinneys, etc. must be cdrpleted. No !.ork is to be con- cealed until this insPection has be€n rEde and aPProved. @,are erected but Prior concrete. After forns to pcuring FOOTIIIG s F0UIIDAtIoN: To be rnde Effictres are e:tcavated and fonus are erected, but Pricr to pouring canctete. SIDEHALK E DRMIIAY: For all con- crete-paving within street right- of-way, te be r:'ade after a.LI exca- vating ccnplete 6 form work 6 sub- base materiel in Place. UIIDERGROUND PLWBING, SEI,IER, WATER, BlI]jgEt To be made Prlor to fil- ling trenches. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER ITSPECTION T; be madeTfter all iusulation and required vapon barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsun board or U}TDSRTTOOR PLUI.IBING t MEIHANICAL:@or ra1l covering is aPPIied' and aDy insulation is concealed.OTHEF. INSPECTIONS: may be required i]i-iZcoi,aance ;ith tsuildins coce' to bE. indicateC in ;Iar.s or bY no- tice fron Building fnsPector.floor insulaticn on decking. POST 6 BEAH: instauaticn ?o be raade Prior to of f,lcor insulation DRWALL INSPECTION: To be made ffi?ffiis ia ptace, or Cecking.but pnion to any taPing. P.OUCH PLUMBING, ELECTP.IC.!,L 6 MECI{- ANCIAL: llo rork is to be covered Gffthese insPections have been rnade and aFProved. }{ASoNRY: Steel location, bond Effilrouting cr vertj.cals in accordance rith U.B.C. Section 2r+15. FINAL PLU}.IBING A11 p"oject conditions, such as the installation cf street trees' cosPletion of ths r"qtir"a landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING EINAL can be reguested. EINAL BUILDIilG: The Fina1 Building Inspection rmrst be requested after the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspections have been maCe aed apprcved No occupancy of the premises can be made until the Final Building Inspection has been nrade and approved, and a CERTIFICATE Of OCCUPANCY HAS EEEII ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIIG DIVI- SICN AND POSTSD ON THE PREMISES. FINAI ELECTRIC.CL FINAL HECHANICT.L ci ty des ignated job ready for before 1 00 a. next rorki day YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUI{BER IS tlecltani,cal l X T state your you will be received rnade JOB ![U}IBER.REFERENCE NIB,IBERS L-COrt .-r OCCLIPANCY CROUP TYPE/ COIISTRI]CTIOIiZONE BEDROO}1S So'-,:,ces !1o?rh South hest Lot Squcre !tg. I cf Lot Coueredi of Storieslatal Eeigh! !opogrqhg Setbacks 0ther Lct Ty2e Intetion Cornel FEE.S Fta. &.sc-te Sq. Ftg. Caqort I -5,2aTO?AL CH.qR6ES Surehczae h.artee 1.5 Thi.a perwit is granted on the eq"eas crndii-:on tlatthe said constm@tion shalL, in ali ?es:ects, confonto t_he..Mi,,t@.ees odopte4 bg the Ci=,1 o.-' Spnngfibld,incluiing the Zoning Otdinance, rcgrtlat:Jni =i,,e-bcn-etrtction *td uee of blilditga, anc 1aV bb s-tsperd.ed, or_ te.soked a! org tme upott uiolaticn bi *ri picoi- aione of saii Ctdinoeee. BIJTLD T fi G VALW,/PERU I? Plan Check ?ee il Data Pdd PLIJMBINA PWMIT Sani Serne? No petson slall coltatnot, inatell, zllct cy ehoqeql _rar ot er-ettng plunbtng or dtaznage age=an iiulole or in pet, unleee such petsoti ia :hb legal possegso? of a ualid plunbet's Lieerae, o-scezt irutta W"son nay cic plnbing urotk to p?c?et=! u?.ich ie ouned, Leased or op*ated bg i:he qilicant. 5Usldl.4L State Sutchatge T1TAL CHARGES ELENRTCAL PSRbIfi l{lete State La^r reEtitea tha+. the elee*icai uotk bedq" bg ut.Elaetrical Cflttte.cto", the elecL*Jcal por-tton cf thia pernrtt eltall not be ualid LntiL the'La-bel lue been sig:ned by tlw ilecttical Ccnttc:toy. The EZectt'icaL Safetg la,t does ttot rcquire c ?elsonto obtain a Lieetse aa @t alect?tcist ard,/cr elea-tricaZ a,tttecrc? b nake ot electtiq,L )ns;:Llctionot pto?e"ty uhich is cwed bg hineeii on a -atbet ofkis impdk-"e fo,rilV whLeh is not ir-tenaed ;':r eale-, Lease cr tent. SUBTEAL L CIIARGES MECEAilTC.4L PAMIT Hoo<! Vent Fot ilood L f EAW C.4REFULLY EXAMII,IED tle conpleted qpLication fon penrit, ad, do \.lefu cettify tlat aLL infonatioh heteon- is trae otd cirteet,'*ra t fattet cettify thdt @tg otrl aLL wtk petforned slull be Cone ia a.on-darce utih tle rNinorcry of th4 City of Springfield, end. the La,)B of thcState of )regon pe?tatning to the L,o?k deocribed herein, @d, tllat ilO OC- CWANCY vill be tmde of @al structure tttl.tout permiasica of the BuildingDi,sieion._ I f,ttthet oie"tiTy that onlg conttae'tore *.A ",WiogiZu-itt or"in canrpliattce vilh ORS ?01.-055 LrilL ba used on *.his ptoieet.' alectrtedl hbel qprolted pla,t slall tatwtn on the BuildingN4OUIIT DUE te at aLL Seeur) 3ui tines/s,& E:tcR2AcHi.tE!t7 Deposit ilainenance Peanrtt iLda^,aLR Ct:,beut aunnil'l nnF Lot Faces:or liouse ')g,ra.Oa A.CCeS; ELLer liru s 1+b-s 3 b1 gss.lTY 5, 4A s? 13 flaoo I i s/ f ? a a cYl \ Etal, ftl*Sl#zo tlts) Itl'92- !-bntrrrbo, N \S$ 'r:gd+ihd*"q*.:f *?"t:r,+:r)^::r,i;aii'-.;,;,.*.-1,' 4tto I4.08 HOME OCCUPATIONS It is the intent of this Section to allow home occupations as long as theyare not in violation of the terms of this Section and do not altei theresidential character of the neighborhood nor infringe upon the right ofneighboring residents to the peaceful enjoyment of their'homes A. One non-illuminated wall sign wi'lI be allowed not more than I% squarefeet in area. B. There shall be no display other than a sign that indicates from theexterior that the building is used in whole or in part for any purposeother than a dwelling. C. The building shall retain the characteristics of a residence D. There shall be no outside storage of materials. E. No mechanlcal equipment shall be permitted except such as is compatiblewith residential purposes. F. There slrgll be no emp'loyees other than family members who reside atthe dwel I ing. G. The use shall not be a nursery or child care facility as defined bythis 0rdinance. H. No commodities shall be sold on the premises in a wholesale or retail manner. I. Temporary Sales/Display Stand ,- Temporary Sales of produce is permitted provided: l. The greater share of the produce for sale shall have been grown on the premises from which it is being sold. ?. The sales area shall be located entirely on private property. 3. The operation shall not create hazardous traffic conditions or unreasonably 'increase traffic conditions in residential areas for on-street or off-street parking. If any of the terms of this section are violated, produce sales shall immediately cease. e e I I C ORDINANCE NO. 5256 AN ORDINAI{CE CONCER.NING THE REGULATIOI.I OF HOME OCCUPATIOI{S, A},IEI.IDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING CODE OF THE CITY OF SPRII{GFIELD L982. THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Article 14 "SPECIAL PROVISIONS" Section 14.08 HOME OCCUPATIONS, is amended to include the following language: 14.08 HOME OCCUPATIONS If the proposed use requires building modification(to the residence or accessory building) of a naturethat is not typically found in residential districts, the proposed use shall be considered inappropriate and therefore ineligible as a home occupation. Cou'nnercial automotive repair, to include but not be limited to tune-ups, alignments, body-fender work,painting and detailing, and upholstering shall not be permitted. ADOPTED by a vote of 5 for and 0 _ against this Znd 'day of July J K APPROVED by the l,layor this Znd day of , L984. u eco r Jul y , 1984. _)oU"G L;,^p-Q", Mayor J ATTEST: ( ( t ORDII,RIVG IT3. AMRDIIIAIIG CO]iGt\irNG TriE REGUTJTTCNI Op HO,E CCCUPASTONS, AI,BTDTNG TTIE @MPREXJENSTVE ZONING CODE OP TTTE CTTY OF SPRTNG'TFT,N . L982. I}IE CITY OF SPREIG-TtrIN DOES ORDAN,I A.S FOLT.CX./S: Section 1. A.rtj-cle 14 "SPECIAL PRO\.IISIoNS" -Section 14.08 HO,E CCCIJPAI:roNS,is arnended to include the follo+ri:ag 1ang:age: 14.08 HOI,E €CI]PATIONS fJ. If the ploposed use reqLlires building ncdification (to t.he residenceor accessory building) of a nErture that is not tlpica_I1y for:nd ilresidential d.istricts, tlre propnsed use shall be- consid.&ea in- appr.opriate arc therefore ineligible as a hcme occr.rpaLion. K. Autcnr:tive repair, to incluCe but not be tin-ited to tun+ups;aligrnrents, body-fenCer uDrk, paintilg and Cet-ailiJq., and.upholstering shall not be perrritted. AmryD by a vote"la. for anC. against tlr.is day of APPRO\E by t|te l4ayor thris _ day of r 1984. I{ayor aTrrErcrrt. Crtlz Recorder tf t